Summer 2023 Inside La Marque Volume 23

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INSIDE LA MARQUE Summer 2023 Community news from the City of La Marque and the La Marque Economic Development Corporation Stay Busy This Summer Activities for Teens EDC Develops Innovative Grant Program Introducing James Ross District D Councilmember
La Marque EDC 1130 1st Street La Marque, Tx 77568 FOLLOW US TO STAY UPDATED ON IMPORTANT LA MARQUE NEWS CONTENTS View our Shine On video series on Youtube by scanning this QR Code 2 8 Summer Activities 5 Introducing Councilmember James Ross District D 10 EDC Grant Program GENE SMITH Chairman La Marque EDC Board ALEX GETTY Executive Director La Marque EDC 409-938-9258 MANDY WOODBURN Public Relations Specialist La Marque EDC 409-938-9255 4 Home Buyer Seminar 6 Hurricane Preparedness 7 Council's Corner 11 Parks Month 12 Lock, Take, Hide 13 Car Fire Safety 14 Employee Spotlight 15 La Marque Eateries Swimming Safety 16


Hello Friends,

Summer in La Marque is a wonderful time. Backyard barbecues, summer fun at the library, or one of our fabulous parks make summer in La Marque a fantastic time! This year we celebrated our first Life and Liberty celebration marking Independence Day. What a time! If you missed it, we look forward to seeing you next year! This summer is also budget season for our great city. The city council has several budget workshops this summer as we prepare a budget for the 2023/24 fiscal year. This is your time to share your thoughts and opinions about the budget and priorities for your tax dollars for the upcoming year. Please attend and let your voices be heard. I look forward to hearing from you!!

Forward Together

Mayor Keith Bell
3 Inside La Marque Summer 2023
5 Inside La Marque Summer 2023
7 Inside La Marque Summer 2023
9 Inside La Marque Summer 2023


La Marque EDC Develops Innovative Grant Program

Over the past couple of months, the La Marque Economic Development Corporation (EDC) has developed and started to roll out an innovative grant program designed to promote La Marque businesses. As the initial plan development discussions started, it became apparent that nobody had seen or heard of a similar program. The purpose of this particular grant program is to promote small businesses in La Marque by providing funds to assist with joining the Texas City - La Marque Chamber of Commerce for one (1) year. After consulting with the Chamber regarding fee structure, it was determined that the one-time grant would be capped at $500. It is the belief of the La Marque EDC that the positive exposure and training opportunities provided by the Chamber can only help La Marque businesses, which could lead to higher profitability and additional job opportunities in La Marque. “This is an amazing idea, never in my 30 years of Chamber experience have I ever seen such a program,” says Tim Culp, President of the Texas City-La Marque Chamber of Commerce. “Mr. Getty and the La Marque EDC Board are to be commended for their forward thinking.”

La Marque businesses can be eligible a couple of different ways:

1. The business must be a new (less than 1 year) for-profit business operating within the city limits of La Marque, Texas.

2. An existing for-profit La Marque business may qualify if they have not previously joined the Texas City-La Marque Chamber of Commerce and have ten (10) employees or less.

“This grant is awesome. The EDC has done so much for us already,” says Amanda Johnson, owner of Mandi’s Closet. “I think people should reach out and ask questions about how the EDC can help businesses and business owners be recognized in La Marque. There are a lot of resources out there and the EDC is ready to help!” Requests for the Chamber Membership Grant must be approved by the EDC Board of Directors. Approved businesses will qualify for the payment of up to $500 that will be made directly to the Texas City–La Marque Chamber of Commerce on the business’s behalf. Chamber membership pricing is determined by the number of employees the business has. “The Texas City–La Marque Chamber of Commerce is committed to assuring our business members are equipped with the resources they need to be successful,” says Culp. “We are humbled by the confidence shown to us by the La Marque EDC in creating this program.”

Funds are still available! If you qualify for this opportunity, please reach out for additional details at your earliest convenience. Come grow with us!

“This is an amazing idea, never in my 30 years of Chamber experience have I ever seen such a program.
Scan this QR Code for Chamber Grant Application
-Tim Texas City-La Marque Chamber of Commerce 10
An article written by EDC Director, Alex Getty
11 Inside La Marque Summer 2023
13 Inside La Marque Summer 2023



• What is your favorite part about working for the City of La Marque?

My favorite part of working at La Marque is the endless kindness I have received from all of my coworkers. I feel like I have made lifelong connections here at the city.

• What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?

One thing people may be surprised to know about me, from what people have told me, is my knowledge of old music. I really enjoy '70s, '80s, and '90s music and most seemed surprised at my age in relation to my music taste.

• What do you do in your free time?

In my free time, I crochet and cook. I have a habit of feeding my friends and I try to incorporate my love of food into some of the programs at the library, if possible.

• Where do you see yourself in 5 years?





In 5 years, I hopefully see myself thriving in this city, using my abilities to make my community happy in one way or another.

• How do you define success?

I believe success is giving your all and doing your best, no matter what your best is.

Princess manages the accounts and books that enter and leave the library. She helps the public with various needs from finding books to copying and sending faxes. She also creates displays and runs programs like Anime Club at the library.

1111 Bayou Road La Marque, TX 77568 1111 Bayou Road La Marque, TX 77568

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