What an amazing time of year! The holiday season brings so much of what we enjoy; family, generosity, kindness, selflessness, hope, and joy. It brings many things we need for a vibrant, functional, satisfying community.
As we direct our focus toward 2023, let us remember those necessary things for the community in which we live to prosper. We have much to be excited about. In January 2023, we expect to begin the process of expanding our wastewater treatment plant, upgrading many of our lift stations and replacing sewer lines in all areas of our city. We will continue to see improvements to our streets as we repair and construct new sidewalks in neighborhoods and on major thoroughfares. The rehabilitation of the dog track property into a state-of-theart event venue rivaling the best in our region promises jobs, sales tax, hotel-motel tax, and other sources of revenue. La Marque is on the move in 2023.
We look forward to the bright future ahead!
Replace existing 14” waterline with new 18” waterline to improve flow and pressure reliability.
Project Location – 1-45 –12th Street
Replace existing 2” waterlines with new 6” and 8” waterlines, including additional fire hydrants, providing better fire protection; this is phase 1 & 2 of a multi-phased improvement project estimated at $25 million.
Project Location – east of Highway 3, south of Texas Avenue, north of Shady Lane (Shady Lane is included)
Construct new 12” waterline along Texas Avenue to improve flow and pressure reliability in the northern section of the city. This waterline will connect to the west side City water system.
Project Location - Stonewall Water Storage site to Texas Avenue & I-45 via Patricia – Utility Easement –McKinney Extension- Newman 2022-2023 Street
Multiple streets are being overlayed (rehabilitated) during 2022 in a joint effort by Galveston County and the City. Approximately 5.5 miles (29,000 feet) are included in the Project.
Project Location – Various locations throughout the city.
Scope includes 1500 linear feet of curb and gutter to be replaced. Construct 10,650 sq.ft. of 6ft wide sidewalks, including ADA ramps, bike lanes and various pavement markings such as a crosswalk.
Project Location - Main StreetHWY 3 - I-45 Street
The City has undertaken a longterm effort to replace existing streetlights with LED fixtures, to provide cleaner, brighter lighting throughout the area. There are 1084 streetlights in the City.
Phase 1 of the Streetlighting (STL) Improvement Project is the conversion process – upgrading to LED. Phase 2 will add additional STL on main corridors in the city. Phase 3 will add additional STL in residential areas underserved by lighting. The total Project is anticipated to take 3-5 years.
Project Location - Various locations throughout the city.
The City obtained a grant to add 3 playground units at various parks in La Marque. The playground equipment will add enjoyment and safe play for younger children –ages 5-12 at these Parks.
Project Location - Various parks throughout the city.
La Marque has never been “just a job” to me, for I have made this my career. Of course, La Marque has its good days and bad, but I welcome the challenges that each new day brings. I’ve had the pleasure of working with some extremely exceptional individuals throughout the years who I have learned so much from and owe much of my knowledge and success to.
Reading: some people may think of it as a hobby, but it is my passion. Since 2019, I have read more than 800 books. Reading brings me a level of fulfillment and is a way for me to rejuvenate myself after a long and stressful day.
Amanda began working for the City of La Marque in 2006 as a Meter Technician. She has been promoted many times throughout the years, working her way up the ranks due to her strong work ethic and commitment to excellence. She is an extremely dedicated employee who takes pride in every aspect of her position. She works with some of the most passionate and hard-working team members, who motivate her to be a better leader.
Family is the most important and valuable gift in life. Being a wife and mother of three boys, I spend most of my time entertaining my family outside of reading. We are a wild bunch, but we love hard and play even harder.
I am actively working on my writing career in order to fulfill my dream of being a published author within the next five years.
Success is not only about fulfilling my personal goals in life but making sure that I help others reach their goals along the way. One cannot truly be successful if they do not elevate the individuals that they surround themselves with.
In many ways, downtowns represent a more authentic experience tied to the uniqueness of individual communities and histories. The 2017 Imagine La Marque Revitalization Plan, as part of a broader strategy of reinvestment in the City, provides a vision for a vibrant downtown corridor called the Renaissance District. After receiving a wide variety of community input, the Texas Coastal Watershed Program (TCWP) through Texas A&M University helped the City of La Marque devise a Revitalization Plan to transform the Renaissance District into a strong, vibrant, pedestrian-friendly downtown. Since the adoption of the plan in 2017, there have been many upgrades at the intersection of Laurel & 1st Street, including bulb-outs, new and expanded sidewalks, ADA-compliant crosswalks, an exterior remodel of 401 Laurel Street, and newly added onstreet parking spaces bringing the total to 68, including five handicapped spaces. Landscaping of the new bulb-out areas and green spaces are to come this spring.
Kim's Performing Arts Centre has been in business for 15 years. KPAC offers dance and gym classes, gymnastics along with private lessons.
Several dancers have moved on from my classes to own and/or operate their competitive dance and gymnastics programs. I have also had several gymnasts be awarded collegiate scholarships.
Overcoming the pandemic, economic hardships and increased rates of operations. The girls keep me going every day. The motivation and excitement of these dancers and gymnasts put smiles on my face and my coaches.
KPAC has so many new things coming every month! We offer Bungee classes for adults which is a low impact workout and cardio class and we will soon have youth bungee classes available. At KPAC we also offer dance and gymnastics birthday parties, room rental for private events, and so much more. We always have parent’s night out for the kids as well. You can get involved by sending us a message on our website at KPACDANCEANDGYM.NET.
Recommended by Amy Miller
After receiving an urgent call from his mother and learning that his estranged father has disappeared, Tang Yitian travels from his California home back to the rural Chinese village of his youth. The setting alternates between the cultural revolution of 1970’s China and modern day. A subtle and beautiful generational story with universal themes of love, loss, family, history, and identity.
K. O’Neill
Recommended by Princess Baldwin
This graphic novel has a beautiful look and a wonderful story of starting over and gaining new memories and perspective. It also depicts characters using sign language as a natural form of communication, which I absolutely love. It’s a fantastic read and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys tea and rediscovering self-worth.
by Natasha Anastasia Tarpley and Regis & Kahran Bethencourt
Recommended by Colleen Ragsdale
This book is an uplifting lyrical text with photos that send a message of positivity. You, or the child in your life, will enjoy imaginative photos that are out of this world! It reminds each of us of how special we are.
Matt Haig
Recommended by Tom Hansen
Nora Seed awakens and finds herself inside of the Midnight Library filled with countless books. This library, however, contains only books filled with all the different lives she could have lived if she had just made the “right” decisions. Nora opens book after book and is transported into alternate lives in search of happiness and contentment. The countless lives she ends up living, however, prove unfulfilling and empty. Ultimately, Nora must discover what makes life worth living in the first place. A very uplifting read.
• New security cameras were installed in October 2022.
• Six new public computers available in the library.
• If you are a beginner and need help getting started on a computer, call and schedule an appointment at 409938-9270.
• Books by Mail program available to any homebound Galveston County resident. To learn more, contact the Extension & Outreach office at Rosenberg Library at 409-763-8854 ext. 136
• In 2022, La Marque Public Library customers saved over $104,000 using the library instead of purchasing books & DVDs.
• Schedule a school or daycare visit to have a library employee come read to kids.
• Anime Club meets Thursdays at 4:30 pm.
For more information, visit www.cityoflamarque.org/216/La-Marque-Public-Library
Do you know someone in our community that has a beautiful yard?
The Keep La Marque Beautiful Commission would like to recognize homeowners and businesses that go the extra mile to make their property shine. To nominate someone in our community, cut out this door hanger and place it on the doorknob of that homeowner or business.
1111 Bayou Road
La Marque, TX 77568
1111 Bayou Road
La Marque, TX 77568