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Strategic Priority 3 – We are a Progressive Leader
10-Year Goal:
To ensure decisions are made in a transparent and accountable way, that effectively meet our statutory obligations, support quality services, and underpin the long-term sustainability of our organisation.
What will success look like?
Our decision-making and actions are evidence-based, strategic, transparent and considered. We are ethical, fair and impartial in complying with and enforcing the law.
1. To provide for the health, safety and welfare of the community.
2. To fairly and equitably discharge our statutory and governance obligations.
3. To ensure decisions are made on the basis of accurate and relevant information.
4. To continually improve our service delivery via a continuous improvement mindset, pursuing efficiency gains, and adopting technological and other process innovations.
5. To maintain a financially sustainable organisation.
Key Actions and Projects
COVID-19 Pandemic Care and Recovery Package
The Council adopted and rolled out an $10 million package to support Launceston’s commercial section, which was impacted heavily by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
The package included a range of support and recovery measures, including:
• A six-month rates remission for eligible businesses
• 0% rate rise for the 2020-21 financial year
• Accelerated $40 million capital works programme
• 0% Cityprom business levy for 2020-21 financial year
• Rental relief on Council-owned facilities
• $700,000 business grants package
• A new Rates Hardship Policy
• $465,000 in fee relief for business
• Events and sponsorship relief
• Community assistance initiatives, including for the vulnerable
UTAS Stadium Future Direction Plan
Council endorsed its $208 million UTAS Future Direction Plan. The plan aims to create a sustainable model for a fit-for-purpose sporting stadium in Launceston.
The plan contains a number of proposals that would see the most significant expansion of Launceston’s sporting infrastructure since the 1960s by increasing the stadium’s seating capacity to 27,500, the construction of a high-performance sports centre, as well as the development of an adjoining 5000 seat, multi-use indoor sports facility capable of hosting national-level sporting competitions and events.
Development of a Four Year Delivery Plan
The City of Launceston’s inaugural Four Year Delivery Plan was developed in consultation with City of Launceston leaders, employees and Councillors and was first adopted by the Council on 29 October 2020.
The City of Launceston Four Year Delivery Plan is a key element of the Council’s Integrated Corporate Planning Framework as it outlines the key services, annual plan actions as well as key projects for advocacy, which will be focussed on by the Council over a four year period. The Plan enables the Council to work towards delivering on the Community Vision as outlined in the Greater Launceston Plan and our Organisational vision and purpose as articulated in our Corporate Strategic Plan 2014 - 2024: 2019 Review.
While the Plan is established over a four year period it is reviewed annually to ensure that it remains agile and can respond to changing community needs over the period. At the conclusion of the four year period, a new four year delivery plan will be considered by the newly elected Council.