Graves Mill Road Corridor Improvement Study

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Gr av es Mi ll R o ad Co r r ido r Imp ro vem ent S tudy

Through this iterative process, list of alternative concepts and ideas were screened down to a short list of potential improvements at each intersection based on safety, operations, ease of implementation, and feedback from the community. However, the number of projects needed to help improve operations and safety along the corridor is still more than could reasonably be funded, considering other local and regional project needs. Therefore, a phasing plan was developed that allocated projects by priority. The priorities include:

Reconfigure eastbound approach to a single thru lane and dual, controlled rights. Convert the existing right turn lane to a travel lane by extending back to Creekside Drive. Widen the southbound on-ramp to accommodate two lanes that will merge to a single lane, before merging on to US 501. Provide a channelized southbound right, free flow lane. The lane will end as a dedicated right turn lane at Creekside Drive. Priority II Projects Multiple Intersections Provide an additional eastbound thru lane beginning ~500’ west of Old Graves Mill Road and terminating at the new lane provided as part of the Priority I projects at US 501 southbound ramp intersection. Creekside Drive Widen the connector at Creekside Drive to accommodate dual northbound right turn lanes and maintain overlap phasing. Install pedestrian crossings and countdown pedestrian signal heads to improve multimodal conditions. McConville Road Install a single lane roundabout to replace the four-way stop. Consider an eastbound right slip lane. Priority III Projects 501 Interchange Construct a diverging diamond interchange to improve safety and better manage traffic flow for the northbound and southbound 501 ramps and Graves Mill Road. The new interchange will support – and expand upon priority I and II projects. Millrace Drive Provide an eastbound right turn lane (warranted via traffic existing and future demand). Modify future access and bring two access points along the north side into the traffic signal. Old Graves Mill Road Widen Graves Mill Road to accommodate dual westbound left turn lanes. This will require an additional receiving lane on Old Graves Mill Road. Install pedestrian crossings and countdowns. Development Driven Projects Complete sidewalks along Graves Mill Road as part of the Rosedale mixed use development. As an alternative to sidewalks, consider a multiuse path that could be extended to each end of Graves Mill Road (decision between sidewalks and multiuse paths should be based on public input, and other plans that may have developed by the time implementation is imminent). Improve roadway lighting between Millside Drive and McConville Road. An initial effort could be accomplished through incorporating these elements as part of the frontage improvements resulting from the Rosedale mixed use development. Prioritize transit stops for better accommodations as part of the next GLTC Transit Development Plan. Rosedale site entrance at Graves Mill Road should consist of dual eastbound left turn lanes and dual southbound left turn lanes, in addition to a single westbound right turn lane and single southbound right turn lane. The potential roundabout at McConville Road could be programmed as additional development occurs along Nationwide Drive.

Short-Term Recommendations: These recommendations reflect short-term improvements uncovered through the study efforts that can be completed and funded directly by the City, or funded through a grant opportunity such as Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds. These recommendations can be implemented in less than five (5) years and typically cost less than $1 million. Priority I Projects: These recommended projects are the primary improvements determined through this study’s efforts. They exhibit existing safety and operational challenges that are only exacerbated with future growth. These locations were also a focal point during the public meetings. The Priority I projects will be considered for the VDOT Six-Year Improvement Plan, and other regional and local transportation plans. Priority II Projects: These recommendations are secondary improvements that were determined as part of the future conditions analysis and offer support to Priority 1 projects. Typically, existing conditions don’t warrant them – at least not on a consistent basis; however, as growth occurs and Priority I projects are implemented, Priority II projects should be revisited. Priority III Projects: Building on Priority II Projects, these recommended improvements will be needed if a maximum buildout and growth scenario occurs along the corridor. Priority III projects should be monitored over time as conditions dictate. Based on the screening results, a final set of projects was selected to share with the public at the second community meeting. More detailed design, cost estimates, and schedule estimates were then developed for these selected “final” improvement projects. Table 10 summarizes the draft project list shared with the public during community meeting #2. Table 10 – Draft Project Summary (Pre Final Public Meeting)

Summary of Projects for Public Review

Short-Term Recommendations Restripe northbound approach on Gristmill Drive to shared left/right and right. Convert the protected westbound left from Graves Mill Road to Old Graves Mill Road to a protected-permissive left using a flashing yellow arrow (a critical gap analysis would need to be completed prior to implementation). Implement coordinated and adaptive control measures at all signalized intersections from Gristmill Drive through the interchange (adaptive control HSIP grant application in progress per date of this report). Extend eastbound and westbound left turn lanes for the two 501 ramp intersections by approximately 75’ each. Priority I Projects Gristmill Drive Widen Graves Mill Road to accommodate a single westbound left turn lane (with protected-permissive left using a flashing yellow arrow). Widen Gristmill Drive to accommodate dual northbound right turn lanes and implement overlap signal phasing. Provide a pedestrian crossing and countdown signal across Gristmill Drive. If sidewalks are implemented along the north side of Graves Mill Road (which would likely require additional right of way), then pedestrian crossings across Graves Mill Road could be installed at that time. 501 Southbound Ramps


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