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Create a resilient utility through excellent planning and preparedness.

A resilient utility is essential to a thriving community. We face a growing number of threats and risks that need to be mitigated and addressed. It is crucial that we work with external partners to identify the full range of risks and develop robust strategies to improve and protect our processes, staff, and community as a whole. Adequate planning and preparation is the key to business continuity and resiliency.

R-1: Proactively identify, assess, and take steps to effectively manage and mitigate risks.


1. Conduct a risk assessment and update our Emergency Response Plan in accordance with the America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA). 2. Implement the long-range needs identified in the AWIA risk assessment. 3. Ensure operational staffing/power redundancy for maintaining departmental operations during significant environmental events. 4. Develop policies and procedures for departmental response during significant environmental events. 5. Evaluate the impacts that climate change may have on utility operations and emergency preparedness. 6. Foster partnerships with other City departments (collaborative) and agencies (CVPDC,

VDEM, LEPC) on local and regional planning initiatives. 7. Collaborate with the Information Technology Department to enhance our cyber security programs to protect our data, systems, and digital assets. 8. Develop and implement an Emergency Communications Plan for scalable and integrated communications during emergencies.

R-2: Adequately train and prepare our workforce for emergency response, continuity of operations, and to protect against workplace hazards. Initiatives:

1. Evaluate and update operational practices to reflect new or changing safety regulations. 2. Conduct annual training and exercises on our Emergency Response Plans and Dam

Safety Emergency Action Plans. 3. Develop a continuity of operations plan (COOP) for maintaining operations should a facility or system be compromised.

525 Taylor Street Lynchburg, VA 24501 434-455-4250 www.lynchburgva.gov/waterresources

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