Sotc2016 report

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Mayor Ras J. Baraka

State City March 2016

of the

2016 Report


Table of Contents

Message from the Mayor



Safety, Crime Prevention, and Prisoner Re-entry A MORE PROSPEROUS CITY

Newark Jobs Plan, Finance, and Budget A LEADING CITY

President Obama’s Visit, Model Neighborhoods, and Technology A DESTINATION CITY

Economic Development, Arts, Cultural Development and Tourism A COMMUNITY-FOCUSED CITY

Education, Public Health, and Recreation A CITY WE CAN ALL BELIEVE IN

Philanthropy, Clergy, and Centers of Hope



As we celebrate the 350th anniversary of Newark’s founding and focus on our past growth from the Colonial Years to the Industrial Revolution to the Civil Rights Era and beyond, we look back upon a history marked by continuous progress and change. This celebration comes at a turning point for Newark as we see ahead of us a prosperous future built not solely by the vision of outstanding individuals but also by the collective action and struggle of all Newarkers together. We are Newark. We are all Newark. Today Newark is undergoing a transformation fueled by the collective mobilization and empowerment of all of our people, community organizations, businesses large and small, parents, students, labor unions, immigrants, the philanthropic sector, schools, colleges and universities, world-class medical institutions and more. Working collectively, we are empowering each other, taking responsibility for our families, our neighborhoods, our city and charting our new direction. Newark’s groundbreaking initiatives in public safety, economic development, housing, education and health are not my achievement as an individual mayor, but rather the product of a diverse and increasingly activated and empowered people. Together we are accomplishing far more than any one mayor could achieve individually. This new intensely democratic model for governing a city is one that adds collective power, energy, and vision to adapting America’s older cities to 21st Century challenges. This report only begins to scratch the surface of our continuing accomplishments, the agenda that we, the people of Newark, have set for the future as we continue to unite, ­mobilize ourselves, and build a prosperous future for all of us.


CITY OF NEWARK Ras J. Baraka, Mayor

All the best!

MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Mildred C. Crump, Council President/Council Member-at-Large Augusto Amador, Council Member, East Ward Carlos M. Gonzalez, Council Member-at-Large John Sharpe James, Council Member, South Ward Gayle Chaneyfield Jenkins, Council Member, Central Ward Joseph A. McCallum, Jr., Council Member, West Ward Eddie Osborne, Council Member-at-Large Luis A. Quintana, Council Member-at-Large Anibal Ramos, Jr., Council Member, North Ward

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City of Newark • March 2016

Ras J. Baraka Mayor

March 2016 • State of the City Report

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­­Increasing Newark’s Public ­Safety Through ­Collaboration

SAFER NEWARK COUNCIL REDUCES CRIME THROUGH COMMUNITY INPUT The Safer Newark Council is: •• Comprised of members of Newark’s universities, ­corporations, communities, and criminologists •• Committed to reducing violent crime 20% by 2020 •• Targeting public safety issues in Model Neighborhood areas with the formation of Newark community street teams

Anthony Ambrose (Center), former Newark Police Director and Chief of Police, and most recently the Chief of Investigators for the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office, is now the Public Safety Director for the City of Newark.

CONTINUOUSLY HIRING OFFICERS For the first time in nearly five (5) years, the Newark Police Department has been increasing the police force by hiring and graduating new recruits from the Essex County Police Academy and the Passaic County Police Academy consistently.

•• Hold weekly community Comstat meetings to better inform citizens about reducing crime and violence in their neighborhoods.

Recruits Pending Graduation

Police Officers Graduated

Police Officers Graduated

•• In 2015, the Newark Police Department ­recovered 496 illegal firearms from the streets. •• The TIDE/TAG partnership with the New Jersey State Police, the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office, the Essex County Sheriff’s Department, and the Newark Police Department: »»effected 74 arrests »»seized15 illegal firearms




Robberies down 7% (1,439 v 1,545)

Everyone in Newark is a criminal

Only a small percentage of residents commit crimes in Newark. ­Police data shows that only 1% of the Newark population ­commits the majority of the crime in the city.

You will likely get shot in Newark

It is very rare that innocent people are the victims of gun ­violence in Newark. Police data shows that 99% of the people shot in Newark have a p ­ revious criminal record.

Newark is a war zone

The majority of Newark is populated with thriving businesses and communities that never see crime. Police data shows that crime only takes place in 1/5 of the city. Eighty percent (80%) of Newark does not experience crime.

Source: Newark Police Department, 2016

23 Special Police ­Officers Sworn In

•• Since 2014, 72% of all police personnel have been re-deployed to the street from administrative and quasi-investigative positions for proactive patrol duties.

Burglaries down 9% (1,260 v 1,380) Theft down 14% (2,774 v 3,237) Auto Theft down 8% (2,093 v 2,265)

Dec 31, 2014 to Dec 31, 2015

City of Newark • March 2016



Sep 2014 Oct 2015 Mar 2016 May 2016

•• More than 2,000 students graduated from the Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) Program run by the Newark Police Department Community Affairs Unit.



Jul 2014

•• Through the Gun Buy-Back Program, one hundred sixty eight firearms were turned in and $22,100 was disbursed to the civilians that surrendered them.

•• The Office of Re-entry is in partnership with local universities and community organizations to provide vocational training to the re-entry population.


•• Create a Public Safety Academy to train residents on how to get involved in making their neighborhoods safer.

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•• The Office of Re-entry is in partnership with NewarkWORKS, local union offices, and local employers to provide living-wage employment to prior offenders.


•• Conduct citizen surveys on police performance to improve effectiveness.

SOCIAL WORKERS JOIN POLICE TASK FORCE The Rapid Robbery Task Force will hire one social worker for every 25 new police officers to provide robbers with couseling to deter them from repeating offenses.


•• Municipal IDs have been issued to 182 formerly incarcerated residents. The Newark ID card solely displays their basic identifying information without mentioning their prior record.

Recruits Pending Graduation

•• Target high-crime areas for coordinated response by public safety, health, sanitation, code enforcement, and other city agencies.

CIVILIAN JOINS INTERNAL AFFAIRS Following the practice established in such citites as Seattle and Oakland to maintain impartial police oversight, Mayor Baraka will appoint a civilian female lawyer to serve as Director of the Interal Affairs Department.

Recruits Pending Graduation


ecognizing the need to address the city’s safety issues more drastically, the Mayor announced a plan to create a Department of Public Safety in December. In response to the numerous recent violent incidents in the city, Mayor Baraka and new Public Safety Director Anthony Ambrose introduced Operation Forge Ahead, a 45-day nine-point plan to reduce crime and violence. Highlights of Operation Forge Ahead: •• Unify the administrative and command staffs of police, fire, and emergency management.

OFFICE OF RE-ENTRY UPDATES •• The City of Newark has increased the supportive services to the Re-entry and ex-offender population to provide positive alternatives to committing crimes again. In the last two years more than 1,500 clients have been assisted with IDs, notary, expungements, housing, and transitional paid work experience.

CRACKING DOWN ON SHOOTINGS •• The Newark Police Department has made a concentrated effort to study and reduce the number of homicides and shootings committed in the City of Newark since 2014. The department has narrowed down the primary assailants and causes of these crimes by using various methods such as:

OVERALL 8% Reduction in Crime

Jul 2016

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­Implementing Programs for Jobs, Fair ­Wages, and a Solvent City Government


he Newark Jobs Plan, created by the Baraka administration to produce 17,000 new permanent living wage jobs for Newark residents—has gained support from President Barack Obama, Senator Cory Booker and Congressman Donald Payne. The specific proposal under review will: 1. Reduce Newark’s unemployment rate to below the overall New Jersey rate

•• Notify Newark residents of opportunities through ­various outreach efforts, including NewarkWORKS •• Monitor legislation impacting the quality of life of Newark residents •• Increase local participation in Port-related activities RECORD-BREAKING REVENUE GENERATION •• The Finance Department was successful in collecting an all time record amount of revenues for 2015. •• The Electronic Accelerated Tax Sale, implemented in December of 2015, allowed individuals and investors to bid on properties online throughout the United States. The sale generated approximately $6 ­million. •• The City of Newark increased its tax collection rate to 97%; the highest rate in several years. Mayor Baraka announces the details of his plan to maximize the City’s lease with the Port Authority of New York/New Jersey, including a $15 minimum wage for airport workers.

•• The ADEPT Fund - The NWIB created the All Driven by Employers Partnerships Training (ADEPT) Fund. The ADEPT Fund provides customized training and career pathways in construction trades and advanced manufacturing for 200 long-term, unemployed ­residents who have significant barriers to employment. The program will be funded by the NJ Department of Labor.

2. Transition chronically unemployed and traditionally unrepresented Newark residents into the labor pool 3. Provide literacy training, workforce development, and grants and loans for entrepreneurs 4. Provide additional vocational training and resources to those returning from prison seeking employment WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT UPDATES As per the requirements of the new Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) that President Obama signed into law last summer, the Newark Workforce Investment Board will become the Newark Workforce Development Board. In 2015, the board embarked on the following: •• Newark Education Training Fund (NETF) Through a $200,000 donation from L&M Development Partners, the NWIB, in partnership with NewarkWORKS, has established a program that provides GED and basic skills training, along with vocational and occupational training through Essex County College’s Training, Inc. Participants are paid a stipend, provided supportive services, and assisted with job placement at the end of their ­respective training.

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City of Newark • March 2016

NEWARKWORKS AT A GLANCE NewarkWORKS has streamlined the process by which clients enter vocational training and job placement assistance. These efforts have increased the number of ­clients that have enrolled in vocational training and ­literacy by 20%.



in vocational and literacy training


in math and reading literacy


in math and reading refreshers courses prior to taking the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE)


in job readiness and life skills at the career training center

JOB PLACEMENT UPDATES •• Shop Rite, which opened in September of 2015, has hired more than 125 Newark residents who are still employed. •• The Workforce Development Office is currently in discussions with two major hotels to provide hospitality training and prepare Newark residents for employment once the hotels are opened in the next year. •• The Mayor’s Career Training Center, located at 1008 Broad Street, has held over 35 employer-positive recruitments. Employers such as Mimeo, Wake Fern, and OTG have interviewed clients on site. •• Over 1,000 clients have received job readiness and life skills training at the career training center. •• 700 have been placed in jobs to date.

•• The City received past due funds of $2.5 million in December 2015 for the Demolition Loan Receivable owed to the City by the State of New Jersey. •• By increasing field visits to and monitoring the activities of local Newark businesses, the City has generated $7 million in additional revenues in payroll taxes and an additional $2 million in parking taxes over 2014 revenues. •• The Newark Fire Department was authorized to apply for and receive over $7.3 million in grant funds from the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response program.

OPENING A LAUNDROMAT CO-OP The Newark Commercial Laundry Cooperative is being formed as a partnership with the Economic and Housing Development Department and the Office of Re-entry to provide a worker-owner opportunity to Newark residents. Priority will be given to re-entry candidates. The 16-week boot camp training will start in March 2016 and the laundromat will be built by the end of 2016. MANAGING PORT AUTHORITY ACTIVITIES The Office of Port Activities and Sustainability (OPAS) was formed to maximize employment opportunities in logistics, transportation and distribution services with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ), its tenants and off-port employers. The role of OPAS is to:

Mayor Baraka will sign an executive order to create the City of Newark Office of Port Authority Oversight, which will examine all capital projects affecting Newark.

•• Identify existing career opportunities, support specific career training, and seek funding to meet Port-related demands

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President Obama Visits Newark for Criminal J ­ ustice Reform

Mayor Baraka, members of the Newark Municipal Council, Deputy Mayor for Economic and Housing Development Baye Adofo-Wilson, and Director of Health and Community Wellness Dr. Hanaa Hamdi broke ground for the City of Newark’s first stand-alone women’s health center in the South Ward. As part of his commitment to criminal justice reform, President Barack Obama came to Newark to highlight the work the city is doing to help ex-offenders put their lives back on track and earn a second chance at future success.


n November 2015, Mayor Ras J. Baraka and the City of Newark welcomed President Barack Obama to the City to address alternatives to incarceration and issues facing prisoners as they re-enter society. During his visit, President Obama visited Integrity House, a nationally recognized substance addiction treatment center, and made remarks at Rutgers University Center for Law & Justice prior to attending a roundtable discussion on reducing violence. President Obama announced a series of criminal justice initiatives put forth by his administration that will benefit Newark residents, including: •• Department of Education grants totaling $8 million to provide education and other help to former prisoners returning to society. •• Rules preventing more federal agencies from asking job applicants about their criminal histories until later in the hiring process. •• Efforts to ensure that records are kept up-to-date, including and especially when convictions are erased. •• An $8.7 million grant from the Justice Department and the Department of Housing and Urban Development for programs designed to reduce homelessness among released prisoners.

Model Block Project, a place-based community revitalization effort that targets Seymour Avenue, between Clinton Avenue and West Runyon Street. In addition to rehabilitating vacant properties, the Seymour Model Block Project also includes the development of community gardens; façade improvement grants for occupied housing; the restoration and reactivation of Mildred Helms Park; neighborhood cleanups; public safety; public arts initiatives, resident engagement, and leadership training. Additional projects in the MNI: •• Three City-owned vacant lots were sold to Proud Living LLC for the new construction of two-family homes. •• The agency partnered with the nonprofit Strong Healthy Communities Initiative to conduct three housing fairs in the South Ward. •• Construction was begun on the Artisan House at 505 Clinton Avenue, which will contain 27 ­artist-focused, affordable housing units, a cafe, gallery/performance space, and communal workspaces. •• The West Ward redevelopment plan was initiated after the blight study was approved in January.

•• Justice Department funding of approximately $1.75 million to help public housing residents under age 25 seal or erase convictions when able to do so under state law.



•• New Women’s Health Center and WIC Office – In January 2016, city officials held a groundbreaking for the first stand-alone women’s health center at 276-300 Clinton Avenue in the South Ward.

During the past year, Mayor Baraka’s administration has made some updates and additions to the City’s community facilities. Updates include:

As part of the Model Neighborhood Initiative, the administration announced in May 2015 the Seymour

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City of Newark • March 2016

•• New Health Center at Bradley Court Public Housing Complex – The City held a groundbreaking for the Mary Eliza Mahoney Health Center at Bradley Court Housing Complex, which will open in August. •• South Ward Community Center - The City ­solicited bids for the construction of a new community ­center in the South Ward at 504 Clinton Avenue. A ­groundbreaking is planned for Summer 2016. •• Ironbound Stadium Remediation – Field A of the Ironbound Stadium is being prepared for the construction of several new playing fields.

NEWARK 3.0 UPDATES •• The $50 million Newark Venture Partners investment fund for high-growth technology has begun. The first round of companies will be moving into the accelerator workspace at 1 Washington Park in 2016. •• Audible is expanding into a new technology center, which will include the Second Presbyterian Church on Washington Street and two adjacent buildings on James Street. •• Firebolt Newark Wi-Fi, the fastest free outdoor Internet in the US, now boasts more than 4,000 users a day. Residents can connect their devices up and down Broad Street, Halsey Street, Military Park, Washington Park, and on large parts of the Rutgers Newark Campus. •• Job training in coding has been offered to 12 Newark residents. This is a free program with the Workforce Department, NJIT, and the White House’s TechHire program. Plans are underway to offer the program to all residents interested in coding as a career. •• Three free coding classes a week are being offered to 26 Newark youth. There are plans to offer the classes to more than 70 youth in 2016. •• Neighbors continue to connect on the social media exchange Nextdoor, with over 2,500 residents signed up on the site. Three hundred members are from the Vailsburg section alone.

NEWARK CONTINUES TO GO GREEN The City of Newark and Honeywell International have entered into an Energy Savings Services Contract for 17 public buildings. This construction will include the implementation of energy conservation measures that will: •• Improve the efficiency of the City of Newark’s municipal operations •• Achieve significant long-term energy savings •• Reduce greenhouse gas emissions The City breaks ground on its first green infrastructure traffic triangle at the intersection of Clinton Avenue and Badger Avenue in Newark’s South Ward. This project will: •• Manage stormwater runoff from impervious areas in the community •• Reduce the impact on Newark’s combined sewer system •• Promote groundwater recharge •• Improve aesthetics with various shrubs and trees

Newark is experiencing a tech boom. Firebolt, the world’s fastest, large-scale contiguous public outdoor Wi-Fi network, is already in use and Audible plans to convert the former Second Presbyterian Church into office space.

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HOUSING ON TAP FOR 2016 •• Project name: NJPAC/One Theatre Square, 34-40 Park Place

Making Newark a Place to Visit, Stay, and Open a Business

EXPANDING PARKING OPTIONS The continued expansion of services, retailers, and attractions for Newark’s residents and visitors means that the administration must also meet the demands of parking. In 2015, the administration worked closely with the Parking Authority of the City to add parking spaces, as well as improve travel conveniences for residents and visitors. Projects include: •• Designing the Green Street Parking Deck with an anticipated groundbreaking by first quarter of 2017. The parking deck will serve City Hall guests and the entertainment district in the downtown area.

Mayor Baraka with (l-r) Tehsuan Glover, Jeff Friday and Kenneth Gifford while announcing Newark’s first international film festival. The three-day festival is scheduled for September 2016.


ne of the administration’s focuses is to implement programs that attract visitors and businesses to Newark. During the past year, the Mayor’s Office of Arts, Cultural Development and Tourism has worked to provide programming that appealed to a diverse audience and expanded the repertoire of activities and cultural enjoyment for residents and visitors. In addition to hosting government officials from China, Africa, Central America and South America, other highlights included: •• Blues People Festival International – Performances and events that celebrated music created by people of African descent.

•• African-American Heritage Honoring Program – A program that acknowledges and highlights African-American-owned businesses and associated ­organizations in the City.

•• Concerts in the Neighborhoods – Concerts in each of the City’s wards that highlighted Newark’s own talented residents.

NEWARK TO HOST INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL •• Newark will expand its international reach this September when it hosts the Newark International Film Festival (NIFF). The NIFF is the first international film festival hosted in the City of Newark. The three-day festival will showcase the diversity of the film industry and include outdoor screenings at a number of cultural anchor institutions. The festival will also include stunt exhibitions; pitch opportunities and auditions for TV and film; workshops in acting, ­directing, producing and crowd funding, and much more.

•• Voices of Newark Choral Educational Series – The City partnered with local professional vocal and instrumental artists to train and educate Newark students and adults. •• Online Artists Registry – A directory of artists in the greater Newark area was created, allowing artists to list their services. •• Winter Arts Festival – Crafts, performances, fashion and art showcased by local artists. •• Bring the Art to the Park – A family arts day initiative sponsoring free painting and art classes at the City’s parks. •• Newark Theatre Workshop – Training for students in theatrical character development.

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City of Newark • March 2016

•• Installing new state-of-the-art parking meters around the City. The new meters accept coins, credit cards and bills for customer convenience as well as event parking rates. •• Updating the Parking Authority’s website to include public announcements and parking suggestions for visitors. •• Partnering with Military Park to install charity meters. Residents and visitors can make secure donations at these meters that will be given to Newark Emergency Services for families in need. •• Partnering with the New Jersey Performing Arts Center and the Parking Authority to renovate the Military Park garage. Work is scheduled to begin in late 2016.



•• A main feature of the NIFF will be the Hannibal Goodwin Award for Innovation in Filmmaking. Named after Hannibal Goodwin, the Episcopal priest who invented celluloid film in Newark. This year’s award will be given to Jeff Friday. The festival expects to attract approximately 30,000 people.

New businesses started


Ribbon cuttings


New jobs


Businesses served

»»The new construction of a 22-story brick and panel structure, including a glass tower. The structure will consist of 244 housing units, 285 parking spaces, and 22,000 square feet of ground floor retail space that will include a police substation. •• Project Name: Carrino Plaza Apartments, 416-426 Broadway »»The demolition and relocation of the Boys & Girls Club and the new construction of a four-story, mixed use building consisting of 60 residential units, 6,395 square feet of commercial/retail space, and 49 parking spaces. •• Project Name: Hari Newark Urban Renewal LLC (Hotel), 1136-1166 Raymond Boulevard »»The conversion of an existing 12-story building (formerly the Catholic Charities office building) into a full-service Homewood Suites Hotel by Hilton, to include 110 rooms. A total of 50 permanent jobs and 105 temporary jobs will be created. •• Project Name: A Better Life, 101 14th Avenue »»A supportive housing project designed after the Safe Haven model that will target the most vulnerable residents who are chronically homeless with disabilities. Each efficiency apartment is serviced by a Drop-In Center where a series of services is provided to the residents by the New Community Corporation, the owners and developers of the project. •• Project Name: Riverside Arms Apartments, 14-14 Chester Avenue »»A three-story, multifamily apartment complex that will include 128 residential units. The project will be comprised of nine buildings, each containing between eight and 18 units. It is anticipated that 224 temporary construction jobs and six permanent jobs will be created.

technical 1,200 Business ­assistance interactions closed, generating 37 Properties nearly $1.8 million in revenue

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HEALTH AND COMMUNITY WELLNESS UPDATES Immunizations •• School Bus Express (SBX) Program was held from August 24 -- September 18, 2015. This annual program provides children with immunizations required for entry into school.

Regaining ­Local Control of ­Newark Schools and Improving Healthcare

Black Butterfly and Love mural at the corner of Shanley and Clinton Avenues.

SUPPORTING NEWARK’S ARTISTS The City of Newark is highlighting and employing local artists through its mural program. The largest mural is to be painted on McCarter Highway. Below is a list of the other murals in the city either commissioned or in progress: Mayor Baraka’s support has helped the My Very Own Library initiative expand to all of Newark’s district schools. The initiative allowed every student to select four free books to take home for the summer


ayor Baraka is leading the charge for regaining local control of Newark schools and improving the quality of schools for Newark’s children by bringing together advocates for traditional public schools and charter schools to demand increased school funding. As a result, Governor Christie’s recently announced budget includes an additional $27 million for Newark schools. Mayor Baraka will seek additional funds from the state legislature. Mayor Baraka and Governor Christie announced in June 2015 the creation of the Newark Educational Success Board. The board is expected to have a completed plan by the end of the academic year for a “clear, specific pathway with appropriate timelines and benchmarks for the return of local control to the Newark community.” Additionally, the Mayor’s Read and Believe program has worked on the following:

•• Read and Believe partnered with Newark Public Schools Office of Extended Day to launch the Lunch and Learn program. The program provided free lunch combined with free books and literacy activities at six schools.

•• The South Ward Community Schools Initiative brings together community organizations and ­institutions to improve student achievement and youth development outside of the classroom. It will do this through programs that aim to nurture the whole ­student, before and after school, on weekends, and over the summer. The pilot program is expected to launch with the 2016-2017 school year.

•• More than 200 visitors participate weekly at the recently renovated Wellness Center at the Rotunda Recreation Center.


RECREATION FACILITIES BECOME FULLY OPERATIONAL •• The state-of-the-art Sports Mini-Complex at the Boylan Recreation Center was completed in 2015. Residents are now enjoying a full basketball court, tennis court and children’s playground with new security fencing and lighting. •• The state-of-the-art Boxing Complex at Boylan Recreation Center has attracted more than 500 participants since opening last year.

•• Read and Believe partnered with the American Federation of Teachers to distribute 60,000 books to non-profits and other organizations that work with children outside of schools. The books were donated at the end of the school year and throughout the ­summer last year to encourage continued reading during the school break.

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City of Newark • March 2016



Betty Shabazz Housing Complex (Bergen Sreet & 17th Ave)nue



Raul Rubio-SueWorks

Strong families/Strong neighborhoods

Nubian Flava Wall (Springfield Avenue & Littleton Avenue)


Suliman Onque

Nubian Flava

Hodges Glass (539 Clinton Avenue)


Manuel Acevado

Peace mural

Clinton Side (522 Clinton Avenue)


Middy Murdock/ Lunar New Year

Birth of a nation

Seymour side (522 Clinton Avenue)


Greg Banks

The Vision

Shanley front (611-613 Clinton Avenue)


Kems Bruce

Black Butterfly and Love

King’s Restaurant (557 Clinton Avenue)


Fermin Mendoza

Amiri Baraka Tribute

Shanley side (611-613 Clinton Avenue)


Andrew Pisacane-Gala Street Art

Moorish Portraits/Panthers

258 Jeliff Avenue


Lenny CorreaLunar New Year

The Reflective Body

Clinton & Berger Furniture (485 Clinton Avenue)


Ivan Petrovasky – Mr. MustArt

Believe in Newark Artistic Expression

Clinton Avenue and Irvine Turner Blvd.


Jerry Gant

Black Women Life and Spirituality Tribute

Springfield Avenue and S 11th Street


Karlito Miller Espinosa-Mata Ruda

The Speed of Dreams

Greater Level Hill Baptist Church/ wall facing Irvine Turner Blvd


Sheena Robinson

Black Angel

South Orange Avenue and S 15th Street


The Future Project/Sue Works

Newark Dreams

Feinstein’s Drugs (295 16th Avenue)



The 3 Doctors Tribute

City of Newark Gas Station Wall (Broadway)


Carolyn Salinas

Puerto Rican Heroines

•• Number served this period: 621 children Vaccines administered: 1,429 •• Community-based Flu Vaccination Programs: October – December 2015 »»Adult Flu Vaccination Program Number served this period: 526 adults »»Childcare Center Flu Vaccination Program Number served this period: 77 children/178 adults Vaccines administered: 253 »»Flu vaccinations were administered at six (6) sites, including Diabetes Family Day at JFK Recreation Center, City Hall, City Hall Christmas Tree Lighting Evening, Willing Heart Community Center, Goodwill Rescue Mission Number served this period: 60 adults/20 children •• The Newark Immunization Conference was held on December 8, 2015 at Newark Club to promote age-appropriate and timely vaccination of children. Federal, state and city speakers participated. Women, Infants and Children (WIC) •• The WIC program services eligible women and children by supplementing food supply. Farmers Market vouchers issued this period: 6,887 Warming Center •• This is a city-wide collaboration to shelter the homeless during cold weather. Operational Days: 28 Persons served: 2,901

The City’s Warming Centers provide the homeless with ­shelter from frigid temperatures, and provides sleeping cots, and medical and social services. The Department of Health and Community Wellness provides transportation to and from the Warming Centers from pick-up points throughout the City. March 2016 • State of the City Report

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Creating Strong ­Communities Through ­Philanthropy, ­Clergy, and ­Centers of Hope Mayor Baraka and Office of Clergy Affairs aide Rev. Louise Scott-Rountree hosted the second annual Interfaith Alliance Prayer Breakfast. Dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant was the event’s guest speaker. Newark clergy leaders from across the City came together to address a wide array of issues.


uilding upon the mission of the administration to reach residents on all levels, the Office of Clergy Affairs continues its work to bring Newark’s faithbased organizations together in the community. The Office of Clergy Affairs/Newark Interfaith Alliance meets bi-weekly and hosted a number of events that helped to cement the presence of the clergy throughout the City.

Some of the events included: •• Two spiritual engagement events, which spread messages of peace and unity, while also providing information about municipal, private, and faith-based programs and initiatives for residents. The events— held in March and June—took place in each of the five wards and also included choir performances. •• The second annual Newark Interfaith Alliance Prayer Breakfast welcomed more than 700 attendees. The featured speaker was acclaimed Pastor Dr. Jamal Bryant. •• In conjunction with Applebee’s, the Office of Clergy Affairs hosted a Thanksgiving dinner for 300 families at the Donald K. Tucker Center. •• The Mayor’s Sisters Inspiring Sisters tour began in October and will continue through the end of the school year in 2016.

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City of Newark • March 2016

CENTERS OF HOPE CONTINUE TO GROW •• Since the spring of 2015, five (5) Centers of Hope have been opened and a remaining three (3) are slated to open by the summer of 2016. •• The Centers of Hope are run by the City of Newark in partnership with various organizations and institutions. Programs for youth and adults are available, ­including after-school programs, workshops, ESL classes, healthy meals, tutoring, substance abuse support groups, athletics, arts & culture, academic leadership, job readiness, financial literacy, computer and graphic art training and peer retreats. Centers of Hope Locations: •• South Ward Youth Development Center – Opened March 2, 2015 •• Hayes West – Opened April 1, 2015 •• Vince Lombardi Center – Opened June 6, 2015 •• West Side Park – Opened June 24, 2015 •• The Clubhouse – Opened December 7, 2015 •• St. Peter’s Recreation Center – Opening Summer, 2016 •• Ironbound Recreation Center – Opening Spring, 2016 •• Marion Bolden Center – Opening Summer, 2016

Centers of Hope New Offerings •• The Centers of Hope are now partnering with All Stars Project Inc. and will organize talent shows at each of the Centers of Hope locations. The winners will participate in the popular All Stars Project annual talent show. All Stars Project will also offer financial literacy and “culturenomics,” teaching the youth at the centers about their rich culture and history, as well as money management. •• The Centers of Hope are also offering an Employment-Ready Boot Camp in partnership with Barnabas Health and other corporate partners, ­including NJ Transit, PSEG, VNA Health Group, University Hospital and Unionwear. Fifteen to 20 participants attend the boot camp every day for five weeks and finish the program with a job from one of the participating corporate partners.

PHILANTHROPY GROWS IN NEWARK The Office of the Newark Philanthropic Liaison is an innovative collaboration between the Mayor’s Office and the Council of New Jersey Grantmakers (CNJG). Its role is to attract resources to the City to improve the lives of Newark residents. During 2015-2016, the office secured nearly $4 million in private grants for Mayoral initiatives. These initiatives ranged from public safety to summer youth employment to community schools to Centers of Hope. The Mayor identified priorities and matched them with corporate and foundation funders. The Philanthropic Liaison office also organized the Detroit-Newark Learning Exchange so the two cities could share solutions to many of their similar challenges. Mayor Baraka and members of his administration joined representatives from the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, Victoria Foundation, Prudential Foundation, and Strong Healthy Communities for a two-day learning exchange in Detroit, MI in October 2015. The Mayor thanks the following for their generous investment in public-private partnerships: •• Bank of America •• Barnabas Health •• Chad School Foundation •• Cities for Financial Empowerment/Citi Foundation •• Community Foundation of New Jersey •• Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation •• Foundation for Newark’s Future •• Greater Newark LISC •• Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey •• Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield NJ •• JPMorgan Chase •• MCJ Amelior Foundation

All Stars Project of NJ Talent Show Network. Mayor Baraka, Newark Municipal Council members and community partners opened the Vince Lombardi Center of Hope at 201 Bloomfield Avenue.

March 2016 • State of the City Report

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