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Works program highlights

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Works Program for Sustainable $44m

Some of our key projects relating to Sustainable Newcastle:


Astra Street, Sandgate, remediation of historic landfill site

Fleet Replacement Program

South Mitchell Street Seawall and Dalby Oval, Stockton, buried protection structures

Stormwater and leachate management, design and review of existing pond integrity

Mitchell Street seawall, Stockton, Zone 3 repair

Street tree planting, various locations

Drainage, Mayfield East (George Street and Selwyn Channel), design, construct and clearing

For a full list of the works program, see Appendix p148.

Priority 2.1 Action on climate change

We respond to the climate emergency by committing to net zero emissions and preparing for risks from increasing temperatures, storms, coastal erosion, flooding and bushfires. Decisions we make build resilient communities, infrastructure and natural areas.

Qualitative measures based on community perceptions

Quantitative measures based

2.1.1 Towards net zero emissions


Power future Summerhill Waste Management Centre infrastructure and operations through renewable energy

Deliver priority actions from Climate Action Plan (2021–2025)

2.1.2 Know and share our climate risk

Improve our knowledge of the risks of climate change on our urban and natural environments and our community

Lead long-term Behaviour Change Program to improve diversion of waste from landfill

2.1.3 Resilient urban and natural areas

Deliver coastal management program for Newcastle LGA

Deliver flood risk management program for Newcastle LGA

Integrate climate-resilient species and successional planting into urban forest improvement program

& Sustainability


& Sustainability

BAU: business as usual

Strategy: actions that deliver against CN's strategies

Priority 2.2 Nature-based solutions

We manage and enhance our blue, green and natural spaces for biodiversity, recreational amenity and human wellbeing through education and engagement of our local community. We strengthen our blue and green grid through sustainable, integrated management that is adaptable to current and future risks. We regenerate our natural systems and work towards zero pollution through collaboration with our community and industry partners.

Qualitative measures based on community perceptions

Quantitative measures based on data

2.2.1 Regenerate natural systems

Review and update natural asset registers to support improved strategic and operational planning

Deliver projects that improve the health and condition of our natural assets and protect and enhance the natural environment

Deliver environmental education and volunteering programs to enhance community stewardship of our natural environment

2.2.2 Expand the urban forest

Deliver street and park tree replacement program to expand the city's urban forest

Commence development of blue and green grid mapping for Newcastle

2.2.3 Achieve a water-sensitive city

Partner with external stakeholders to implement stormwater management and water quality improvements across the city

Priority 2.3 Circular economy

Through our transition to a circular economy, we design out waste, creating new opportunities and technologies in our local economy, promoting renewable products and sustainable infrastructure, and rethinking our use of resources as a circular flow.


Qualitative measures based on community perceptions

Level of community satisfaction with green waste collection

Level of community satisfaction with greening and tree preservation

Quantitative measures based

Tonnes of waste material recovered

2.3.1 Design out waste

Regularly measure our community's impact and identify opportunities for improvement

Mitigate environmental impacts of managing all material waste streams received

2.3.2 Localised supply chain and sustainable procurement

Create and develop secure long-term local resource recovery options

Collaborate with other Hunter Councils, State and Federal Governments, industry experts and universities to explore and promote circular innovation

Ensure works program will incorporate local suppliers and sustainable procurement where financially responsible

Showcase local suppliers and support circular economy with 85% of menu items from within the catchment of the Hunter Joint Organisation

Provide a unique retail space that showcases local artists and producers

Waste Services

Waste Services

Finance, Property & Performance

Civic Services

Media, Engagement, Economy & Corporate Affairs

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