1 minute read

From local to global

Andy Jones

Throughout his career, Andy Jones has always worked towards creating positive change. He strives to develop sustainable approaches and innovative thinking with organisations that benefit the environment, the community and those living in more vulnerable communities.


As a representative of the Hunter Region Sustainable Development Goals Taskforce, it’s his role to facilitate bringing together community, not-for-profit, government and private sector organisations to collaborate and progress the goals within the region.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are 17 international goals developed as a blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. The goals include some of the most significant challenges for humans: ending poverty and hunger, providing quality education, clean water and energy, responsible consumption and building sustainable cities, just to name a few.

‘In the Hunter, it’s important that we all come together to progress the Sustainable Development Goals because none of us can achieve them all on our own. We need to work together to progress them as a region,’ says Andy.

He hopes that in the future, we’ll all be closer to achieving the goals and living harmoniously with each other and the environment around the region.

As for himself, Andy can’t picture living anywhere else but Newcastle. Being so close to the ocean, among friendly people, and with a good music scene – what more could he ask for?

Service indicators

The high-level impact of CN’s service delivery on our city and community. CN uses these indicators to track progress and performance against our service delivery and to guide our decision-making.

Operating performance ratio Own source operating revenue ratio Unrestricted current ratio Debt service cover ratio Rates and annual charges outstanding percentage Cash expense cover ratio (Source: CN Financial Statements) Long-term planning and vision for the city (Source: CN Satisfaction Survey) Trust in CN (Source: CN Liveability and Wellbeing Survey)

Response to community needs (Source: CN Satisfaction Survey)

Value of community grants Value of inward grants (Source: CN data)

Number of advisory committees and groups Number of organisations represented Number of meetings held (Source: CN data)

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