1 minute read
O'Fallon Justice Center Now Housing Municipal Court for Lake Saint Louis and Weldon Spring
Near the end of 2022, the process of moving the municipal court of Lake Saint Louis, and municipal court of Weldon Spring was completed. Beginning on January 1st, the O'Fallon Justice Center officially became the home of all three municipal courts.
Grants and assistance programs can help eligible residents with home maintenance, transportation and other needs
For low-income residents and others who qualify for help, the City of O’Fallon offers a variety of programs such as zero-interest loans for home maintenance, down payment support for new homeowners, emergency homeless prevention programs and transportation to essential living destinations. All programs are subject to funding availability.
Check your eligibility and learn more about available programs at www.ofallon.mo.us/grants
Utility Tax Rebate Program
The 2023 application for utility tax rebates will be accepted at City Hall beginning May 1, 2023 and ending May 31, 2023. Applications received after this date cannot be accepted. You provide in proof of age, a completed income tax return for 2022 and a copy of your utility bills from January 1, 2022-December 31, 2022. The rebate covers gas, electric, and phone bills. If you are a disabled resident, you must also bring an official document showing that you are determined to be totally disabled by the Social Security Administration. The income limitations for this year are $53,150 for single households and $60,750 for married households.
Have a question or concern for City of O’Fallon staff? If so, visit the Citizens First Center at www.ofallon.mo.us
Remember to drive safely around O'Fallon work crews
In 2023, O'Fallon road crews will be working on projects all across town to improve and maintain our City's infrastructure. While they're busy improving our City's roads, motorists can do their part by driving safely through road construction zones. When entering a work zone:
• Slow down: Over a third of work zone accidents occur because the driver was traveling too fast. Even when workers aren't visible, obey the posted speed limit.
• Stay focused: Keep your full attention on the road. Never multitask when passing through a work area.
• Be prepared: Traffic could unexpectedly slow or stop, traffic lanes can merge and workers or equipment could enter the roadway.
• Obey signs and flaggers: Flags and warning signs are there to help you move safely through work zones and detours.
• Keep back: Maintaining a safe distance from the car ahead of you can help keep you safe. Rear-end collisions account for 30% of work zone accidents.
Look for this symbol throughout the O’Fallon Update and Parks & Rec Guide to find events that need your help! Join our volunteer team by calling 636-3795417 or email volunteer@ofallon.mo.us