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Keep Gardens Beautiful
1. PLACEMENT FOR COLLECTION: We take pride in our appearance! Garbage, vegetation, bulk items and recycling in bins may be placed at the curbside no earlier than noon on the day before scheduled collection. Outside of these time periods maintain a clear curbside. Questions? Call Waste Management (800) 824-8472 or Public Works (561) 804-7000. (Sec. 54-58)
2. ACCUMULATION OF TRASH & DEBRIS: Garbage should be placed in proper containers and stored to the rear or side of the property in a neat manner until placed for scheduled collection. This includes landscape debris, appliances, furniture and other bulk type items. Dumpsters, compactors and enclosures are to be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, free of debris, storage, and discoloration. Enclosure gates must remain closed when not in active use. (Sec. 54-58, Sec. 78-378)
3. POOL FENCES & ENCLOSURES: A fence of at least 4 feet in height or a screen enclosure is required around pools and to include a self-closing and self-latching device installed 54 inches above the bottom of the gate or door. If pools become exposed because of hurricanes or other required maintenance, temporary fencing may be used until permanent replacement is completed. For permit requirements, contact the building department at (561) 799-4201. (IPMC 303.2 Enclosures)
4. RECREATION VEHICLE, WATERCRAFT & TRAILERS: In residential areas, recreation vehicles, watercraft, and trailers must be parked and screened in accordance with City Code section 78-395. Only (1) watercraft and (1) RV are allowed per property. Questions? Contact Planning and Zoning at (561) 799-4243. (Sec. 78-395)
5. COMMERCIAL VEHICLES: Commercial vehicles are prohibited from being parked or stored on residential property unless engaged in specific business activities such as deliveries, service, or emergencies. Questions? Contact Planning and Zoning at (561) 799-4243. (Sec. 78-393, Sec. 78-394)
6. INOPERABLE MOTOR VEHICLES & VEHICLE PARKING: Vehicles outside of a garage or carport are to have current state license plate displayed and maintained in operable condition. Vehicles, boats, RVs and trailers must be parked on an approved surface such as paved concrete, asphalt or other surface material approved by the City Engineer. Parking in the swale is not allowed. (Sec. 34-181)
7. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE: Deteriorated wood, siding, roof covering, fence panels, walls, driveways, etc. should be maintained in good repair with applicable surfaces kept painted and free of peeling paint and/or discoloration. Maintain landscaping with regular mowing, edging, pruning, weeding, watering, and exotic vegetation removal. In commercial districts, please maintain parking facilities and curbing in a good state of repair, restripe and reseal as needed, permits may be required. (Sec.79-5)
8. OUTDOOR STORAGE: Outdoor storage of merchandise is prohibited in commercial districts unless approved by the City. Outdoor storage in residential areas should be limited to rear or side yards and be maintained in a clean, neat, and presentable manner. (Sec. 79-5)
9. PROHIBITED SIGNS: Prior to sign installation, contact the City Planning & Zoning Department at (561) 799-4243 for additional information regarding permitted and prohibited signage. If signs are placed within the City right-of-way, they are subject to removal and/ or discarded. (Sec. 78-284)
10. WORK W/O PERMIT: Various repairs, alterations and installations require a building permit. For permit requirements, contact the building department at (561) 799-4201. (Sec. 86-27.105*)
*Reference Sec. 105/1 below.
Sec. 105.1 Required. Contractors, owners, or agents authorized in accordance with Chapter 489, Florida Statutes who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any impact-resistant coverings, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection system, or accessible or flood-resistant site element, the installation of which is regulated by this Code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the building official and obtain the required permit.