2016 2017 community information directory

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Discover Salisbury

Community Information Directory 2016 - 2017




Mayor’s Message

Mayor, Gillian Aldridge I am extremely pleased to present the 2016/17 Salisbury Community Information Directory, which provides information about community services including local clubs, sporting groups, activities, and general information to assist in everyday life. The City of Salisbury is committed to providing our residents with free, up-to-date, local and state-wide information to keep them informed of what opportunities are available. We want to ensure residents have easy access to vital information such as who to contact in an emergency, or where to direct your health, law or justice related enquiries. The Directory is also an opportunity to highlight the vast range of services provided by Council. The most valuable assets in the City of Salisbury are our people, and each day we are dedicated to meeting the needs of our community through the provision of services made available to all ages and to meet all needs including libraries, and centres for the community, youth, business and recreation. The City of Salisbury is a vibrant and exciting place to live, work and visit, so it is imperative that our residents and the wider community are provided with an extensive range of services and activities. So, if you want to know more about what is available to you in Salisbury, just turn the page! Yours sincerely, Gillian Aldridge JP Mayor of Salisbury


Elected Members City of Salisbury’s Councillors The role of a Councillor is to represent the interests of residents and ratepayers, to provide community leadership and guidance, and to facilitate communication between the community and the council.

MAYOR Mayor Gillian Aldridge JP galdridge@salisbury.sa.gov.au Mobile 0411 703 706

The City of Salisbury Council is comprised of the Mayor and 16 Councillors who represent eight wards across the City.


NORTH WARD Betty Gill JP bgill@salisbury.sa.gov.au Mobile 0417 868 283

Graham Reynolds greynolds@salisbury.sa.gov.au Mobile 0413 966 500

David Balaza - Deputy Mayor dbalaza@salisbury.sa.gov.au Mobile 0431 111 264

Linda Caruso lcaruso@salisbury.sa.gov.au Mobile 0412 961 690


PARA WARD Guiseppe (Joe) Caruso jcaruso@salisbury.sa.gov.au Mobile 0418 848 295

Robyn Cook rcook@salisbury.sa.gov.au Phone 8406 8222

Damien Pilkington dpilkington@salisbury.sa.gov.au Mobile 0411 690 805

Riccardo Zahra rzahra@salisbury.sa.gov.au Mobile 0416 191 697


SOUTH WARD David Bryant dbryant@salisbury.sa.gov.au Mobile 0414 457 419

Sean Bedford sbedford@salisbury.sa.gov.au Mobile 0422 019 079

Shiralee Reardon JP sreardon@salisbury.sa.gov.au Mobile 0427 095 556

Julie Woodman JP jwoodman@salisbury.sa.gov.au Mobile 0431 188 788



WEST WARD Steve White swhite@salisbury.sa.gov.au Mobile 0498 490 346

Chad Buchanan JP cbuchanan@salisbury.sa.gov.au Mobile 0403 677 807

Brad Vermeer bvermeer@salisbury.sa.gov.au Mobile 0404 327 672

Donna Proleta dproleta@salisbury.sa.gov.au Phone 8406 8222

Salisbury Council and Rates Information How to contact your Council The City of Salisbury Customer Centre is open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5pm to assist with a wide range of enquiries and payments.

By mail

Enquiries by phone

PO Box 8, Salisbury SA 5108

8406 8222 (TTY for hearing impaired 8406 8596)


Payments by phone


1300 401 578

Business Hours

By email

Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5pm


After Hours

In person

Phone, email or visit our website

12 James St, Salisbury Phones are monitored outside of business hours for emergency calls only. Our website www.salisbury.sa.gov.au contains a wealth of information and online forms for notifications such as change of address, as well as online payments. You can also stay in touch with the latest council news via Facebook and Twitter.





Rates Information Pay online

Pre-Payment of Rates


Having difficulty paying your rates?

www.salisbury.sa.gov.au for online payments (min. $20)

Contact your bank, credit union or building society using the details from your notice.

Customers can start pre-paying rates ($20 or more) at any time throughout the year.

Note: AMEX and Diners Club cards are not accepted by the City of Salisbury.

If you are experiencing difficulties paying your rates, please contact our Customer Centre on 8406 8222 to discuss payment options. These enquiries are treated confidentially.

Pay by phone

Rating Policy Summary

Phone payments on 1300 401 578 Follow the prompts.

Council Customer Centre Present your account in person. Salisbury Council offices 12 James St, Salisbury (8.30am to 5pm weekdays)

Payment of rates can be made in quarterly instalments due in September, December, March and June of each year. Rate notices will be issued prior to each quarterly instalment due date.

Receive and Manage your Rates Bill Online with BPAY View®

You can change the way you manage your rates bills, BPAY View® sends your quartley rates notice straight to the same online bank you use to pay them. Simply log onto your online or mobile bank to register for BPAY View® and receive, pay and store your quarterly rates notice in your online banking. All payments options are details on the back of the rates notice.


Disability Access Information The following list of Council buildings are listed under the purpose of the building. All of these buildings are at least partly accessible and some fully accessible for members of the public. In 2000 accredited access consultants audited each building and council has been upgrading them since then.


Municipal Offices 12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8222 TTY 8406 8596 Key access features: Main building includes: Customer Centre: accessible counters, Counter Hearing Systems; John Harvey Gallery: accessible toilet (left hand); Lift to first floor; First Floor: accessible toilet and committee rooms.

Neighbourhood/ Community Centres Bagster Road Community Centre 17 Bagster Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8250 4167

Key access features: Disability parking zone, accessible auto sliding door entry, power and light switches, internal doorways and toilets. Counter hearing system.

Burton Community Centre

55 John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8283

Public Toilets

386 Waterloo Corner Rd, Burton 5110 Phone 8280 8843

Key access features: 19 inch high definition screens with large print for viewing Internet, Desktop Publishing and the full library catalogue. Big Keys keyboard, TracBall with Smartie pad or Super size mouse available for use on any PC. Service and public use PC desks are at wheelchair user friendly height and there are higher and lower desk options for using the on line catalogue. Accessible entry. Accessible toilet. Counter hearing system.

Location: Eastern side of the Women’s Rest Centre in front of the Municipal Office building.

Key access features: Accessible automatic sliding door entry and reception area. Accessible toilet. Counter hearing system.

Len Beadell Library

Mawson Lakes Library

2-8 Main St, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8302 5555 Key access features: Accessible entry. Accessible toilet. Disability Parking Zone in car park. Counter hearing system.

Para Hills Library

Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills 5095 Phone 8406 8530

12 James St, Salisbury 5108

Fully accessible public toilet open 7.30am-4.30pm weekdays.

Morella Community Centre

90 Kings Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8406 8484 Key access features: Accessible toilet, emergency exit ramps. Disability Parking Zones in car park. Accessible auto sliding door entry. Wider internal and external doors. Counter hearing system.

Paddocks Centre, The Cnr Kester and Bridge Rds, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8258 8099

Key access features: Accessible toilet, emergency exit ramps, disability parking zones in car park. Accessible entry. Wider internal and external doors. Counter hearing system.

Key access features: Accessible entry. Accessible toilet. Disability Parking Zone in car park, Counter hearing system.

Pooraka Farm Community Centre

Salisbury West library

Key access features: Accessible toilet, emergency exit ramps, disability parking zones in car park. Accessible entry. Wider internal and external doors. Counter hearing system.

Hollywood Blvd, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8406 8489 Key access features: Accessible entry. Accessible toilet. Disability Parking Zone in car park, Counter hearing system.


126 Henderson Ave, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8406 8488

Disability Access Information Salisbury East Neighbourhood Centre

28 Smith Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8285 2055 Key access features: Disability parking zone, 2 accessible auto sliding door entries, accessible power and light switches, internal doorways and toilets. Counter hearing system.

Twelve 25 Salisbury Youth Enterprise Centre

17-19 Wiltshire St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8555 Key access features: This building is accessible except for the front door where some people will require assistance. There are 2 access car parks and an access toilet. Counter hearing system.

Community Health and Wellbeing Jack Young Centre

Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8525 Key access features: Access car parking, accessible auto door sliding entry, reception area, accessible toilet, gopher park. Counter hearing system.

Para Hills Centre

Library Complex, Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8406 8544 Key access features: Accessible doorways, toilets, power and light switches.

Recreation Centres Ingle Farm Recreation Centre Beovich Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8406 8585

Key access features: Accessible entry. Accessible toilet. Counter hearing system.

Parafield Gardens Recreation Centre

Kings Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8406 8565 Key access features: Automatic sliding access doors to main entrance. Widened ramp to court one for use by wheelchair basketballers. Accessible toilet. Handrails to stadium areas. Emergency exit ramps. Disability Parking Zones in car park. Counter hearing system.

Salisbury Recreation Precinct (Including the Salisbury Swimming Centre) Happy Home Reserve, Waterloo Corner Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8506

Key access features: Tennis facility: wheelchair accessible courts. Swimming Centre: Male and female change rooms which have accessible toilet/shower facilities; and unisex accessible change, shower and toilet facility. Counter hearing system. Hi/lo bed/adult change table. Access ramp to 25m pool and aquatic wheelchairs for entering and leaving this pool.


Emergency Numbers

Emergency Numbers

Emergency – Ambulance, Police, Fire


Police Department (not an emergency)

13 14 44

Crisis Care Helpline

13 16 11

A free telephone service offering information and counselling for people with difficulties needing help


13 11 14

A free telephone service offering information and counselling for people with difficulties needing help

Electricity Emergency (24 hour)

13 13 66

Gas Emergency (24 hour)

1800 808 526

Poisons Information Service

13 11 26

1300 883 121

Water/Sewer Emergency (24 hour)

SA Dental Service (After Hours Emergency)

8232 1034 or 8232 2651

Health Direct Australia

1800 022 222

For free advice if you are feeling sick and not sure what to do

6 welcome to salisbury.indd 4

25/10/2011 5:10:03 PM

Table of Contents Accommodation..................................................... 9 Aboriginal People..............................................9 Aged Care..........................................................9 Caravan Parks..................................................10 Emergency and Short Term............................10 Information......................................................10 People with Disabilities..................................11 Retirement Housing........................................11 Supported Accommodation............................12 Youth Accommodation....................................12 Animal Care and Control...................................... 13 Animal Care and Control....................................13 Animal Welfare..................................................13 Birds....................................................................13 Cats.....................................................................13 Dogs....................................................................13 Insects................................................................14 Native Animals..................................................14 Snakes................................................................14 Veterinary Services............................................14 Business and Finance........................................... 15 Business Advice.................................................15 Business and Professional Groups....................15 Financial Concessions........................................15 Financial Counselling and Budget Advice.........16 Grants and Fundraising......................................16 Pensions and Benefits.......................................17 Tax Help..............................................................17 Communication and Information......................... 18 Community Publications....................................18 Community Radio..............................................18 Information and Referral...................................18 Internet..............................................................19 Post Offices.........................................................20 Public Libraries...................................................20 Tourist Information............................................20 Toy Libraries.......................................................20 Community Organisations and Facilities.............. 21 Cemeteries.........................................................21 Community Centres...........................................21 Community Centres – Seniors...........................22 Fund Raising.......................................................22 Halls and Venues for Hire..................................22 Historical Societies.............................................24 Markets..............................................................25 Museums and Galleries.....................................25 Resident Action Groups.....................................25 Service Clubs......................................................26 Education............................................................. 27 Adult Education..................................................27 Child Care...........................................................27 Literacy and Numeracy......................................28 Migrant Education..............................................28

Outside School Hours Care................................28 Pre-School Education.........................................29 Primary Schools.................................................30 Schools – R-12 Schools.......................................31 Secondary Schools.............................................32 Special Education...............................................32 Tertiary and Vocational Education.....................32

Employment......................................................... 33 Employment Services........................................33 Supported Employment.....................................34 Training and Support.........................................34 Volunteering.......................................................35 Environment and Conservation............................ 36 Environment and Conservation.........................36 Environmental Groups.......................................37 Parks and Reserves............................................37 Recycling and Waste Services...........................38 Government......................................................... 40 Government Information Services....................40 Local Government..............................................40 State Government..............................................40 Members of Parliament - Federal.....................41 Members of Parliament - State........................41 Health.................................................................. 42 Aboriginal Health Services................................42 Aged Health Services.........................................42 Ambulance Services...........................................42 Cancer.................................................................42 Community Health Services..............................42 Dental Services..................................................42 Diseases and Disabilities...................................43 Doctors...............................................................44 Drug and Alcohol Services.................................45 General Health...................................................46 Health Education................................................46 Hearing Services................................................46 Hospitals.............................................................47 Immunisation.....................................................47 Intellectual Disability.........................................47 Mental Health Services......................................47 Palliative Care....................................................48 Pregnancy..........................................................48 Rehabilitation Services......................................48 Sexual Health.....................................................48 Vision Services...................................................49 Weight Control...................................................49 Youth Health Services........................................49 Law and Justice.................................................... 50 Consumer and Ombudsman Services...............50 Courts and Court Services..................................51 Crime Prevention...............................................52 Justices of the Peace..........................................52 Legal Services....................................................53


Table of Contents Material and Practical Assistance......................... 54 Food and Clothing Assistance...........................54 Home Delivered Meals......................................54 Home Maintenance...........................................55 Opportunity Shops.............................................55 Personal and Family Support............................... 56 Assistance General.............................................56 Carers..................................................................56 Children..............................................................57 Counselling.........................................................57 Domestic Violence Support...............................58 Gambling Counselling........................................58 Grief Support......................................................58 Multicultural Welfare Services...........................59 Parenting............................................................60 People with Disabilities.....................................61 Playgroups..........................................................61 Respite Care.......................................................63 Seniors................................................................63 Youth Support Services......................................64 Public Safety and Emergency Services................. 65 Emergency and Disaster Services.....................65 Recreation and Leisure......................................... 66 Archery...............................................................66 Art and Craft.......................................................66 Athletics.............................................................66 Badminton.........................................................66 Baseball/T Ball..................................................67 Basketball..........................................................67 Birds....................................................................67 Boating, Canoeing, Rowing, Sailing.................67 Bowling – Ten Pin..............................................67 Bowls – Carpet...................................................67 Bowls - Lawn.....................................................68 Boxing................................................................68 Calisthenics........................................................68 Car and 4WD Clubs............................................68 Chess..................................................................68 Community Sheds..............................................68 Cricket.................................................................68 Croquet...............................................................69 Cycling................................................................69 Dance..................................................................70 Darts...................................................................70 Disability Groups................................................70 Eight Ball............................................................71 Football Australian Rules...................................72 Gardening...........................................................72 Gem and Minerals.............................................72 Golf.....................................................................72 Gun / Shooting Clubs........................................72 Gymnastics.........................................................72 Hockey................................................................73 Horse Riding and Equestrian.............................73 Lacrosse..............................................................73


Martial Arts / Self Defence...............................73 Meditation..........................................................74 Men’s Sheds.......................................................74 Model Clubs........................................................74 Movies................................................................74 Music – Bands....................................................74 Music - Singing / Choirs....................................74 Netball................................................................74 Photography.......................................................75 Public Speaking..................................................75 Recreation Centres.............................................75 Rollerskating......................................................76 Scouts, Guides, Cadets.......................................76 Seniors Fitness...................................................76 Soccer.................................................................76 Social Groups Ex Services..................................77 Social Groups – General.....................................78 Social Groups - Migrants....................................78 Social Groups - Seniors......................................78 Softball...............................................................79 Stamp Collecting................................................79 Swimming..........................................................79 Table Tennis.......................................................79 Tai-chi.................................................................79 Tennis.................................................................80 Theatre and Drama............................................80 Travel / Day Trips...............................................80 Triathlon.............................................................80 Walking..............................................................80 Woodworking.....................................................81 Writing................................................................81 Youth..................................................................81 Religions and Philosophies.................................. 82 Anglican.............................................................82 Baptist................................................................82 Buddhist.............................................................82 Catholic...............................................................82 Christian Churches.............................................82 Church of Christ..................................................82 Islam...................................................................82 Greek Orthodox..................................................83 Lutheran.............................................................83 Other Churches / Beliefs...................................83 Pentecostal.........................................................83 Presbyterian.......................................................83 Salvation Army...................................................84 Seventh Day Adventist......................................84 Uniting Church....................................................84 Transport.............................................................. 85 Community Transport........................................85 Public Transport.................................................85 Special Needs Transport....................................85

Accommodation Aboriginal People Aboriginal Hostels

2 Clements St, Dudley Park 5008 Phone 8952 6544 Email adelaide@ahl.gov.au www.ahl.gov.au

Aged Care ACH Group

22 Henley Beach Rd, Mile End 5031 Phone 8159 3600 Email ach@ach.org.au www.ach.org.au Residential aged care, Retirement accommodation, Community services in-home care, help for veterans, Wyatt Holidays, home modification support, Respite care and short-term transition services.

Domus Operosa

367-379 Waterloo Corner Rd, Burton 5110 Phone 8280 2800 Fax 8280 2880 Email admissions@ibf.org.au www.ibf.org.au Residential aged care facility (low level care and high level care) including secure premises for people with dementia. Ageing in place - low care residents can remain in a low care service when their dependency increases.

Dunbar Homes Inc.

11 Mawson Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8282 3444 Fax 8282 3453 Email jh.dunbarhomes@senet.com.au Residential aged care facility (low level care). Ageing in place - low care residents can remain in a low care service when their dependency increases. Independent living units for the aged - at Elizabeth. Respite care.

Edenfield Senior Citizens Residence

20-36 Gardenia Dr, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8281 6966 Fax 8281 8766 Email edenfield@ibispl.com.au Residential aged care facility (low level care) - including secure premises for people with dementia. Ageing in place - low care residents can remain in a low care service when their dependency increases. Independent living units for the aged. Respite care.

Estia Health Salisbury East

8 Oakmont Ct, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8285 4600 Phone 1300 682 833 - Info Line Fax 8182 5987 www.estiahealth.com.au/locations/ salisbury-east Residential aged care facility (high and low level care) - including secure premises with outdoor area for people with dementia. Respite care.

Gloucester Residential Care Inc.

25 Roopena Street, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8396 5999 Fax 8396 3060 Email gacf@bigpond.com www.gloucesterresidentialcare.com Residential aged care facility (high level care). Respite care.

Hawksbury Gardens Aged Care Facility

8 Elmgrove Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8281 6259 Fax 8283 2465 Email hawksbury@ucwpa.org.au www.ucwpa.org.au Residential aged care facilities (high and low level care). Ageing in place low care residents can remain in a low care service when their dependency increases. Independent living units for the aged. Respite Care.

Helping Hand

184 Glynburn Rd, Tranmere 5073 Phone 1300 653 600 Fax 08 8366 5447 Email info@helpinghand.org.au www.helpinghand.org.au Community Aged Care Packages – home care services as an alternative to residential care for people living in the council areas of Salisbury and Tea Tree Gully. Community Transit Program – rehabilitation and home support to enable continuing independence, for people living in the council areas of Gawler, Playford, Salisbury and Tea Tree Gully.

Helping Hand Ingle Farm

7-31 Shackleton Ave, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 1300 653 600 Fax 8396 2707 Email info@helpinghand.org.au www.helpinghand.org.au Residential aged care facilities (low level care and high level care) including secure premises for people with dementia. Ageing in place - low care residents can remain in a low care service when their dependency increases. Respite care.

Helping Hand Mawson Lakes 2 The Strand, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 1300 653 600 Email info@helpinghand.org.au www.helpinghand.org.au

Residential aged care facilities (low level care and high level care) including secure premises for people with dementia. Ageing in place - low care residents can remain in a low care service when their dependency increases. Respite care.

Helping Hand Parafield Gardens 437 Salisbury Highway, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 1300 653 600 Email info@helpinghand.org.au www.helpinghand.org.au

Residential aged care facilities (low level care and high level care) including secure premises for people with dementia. Ageing in place - low care residents can remain in a low care service when their dependency increases. Respite care.


Accommodation Homestead at Walkley Heights 29 Homestead Ave, Walkley Heights 5098 Phone 8222 1222 Fax 8162 9711 Email dbeecroft@whelancare.com.au www.acsagroup.com.au

Valley View Residential Care Facility

66 Nelson Rd, Valley View 5093 Phone 8265 2755 Fax 8396 7144 Email cscw@valleyviewagedcare.com.au www.bennetthealthcare.com.au

Residential aged care facilities (low level care and high level care)including secure premises for people with dementia. Ageing in place - low care residents can remain in a low care service when their dependency increases.

Residential aged care facility (high level care). Respite care.

Marron Nursing Home

Highway 1 Caravan and Tourist Park

67 Porter St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 2008 Fax 8281 4709 Email marron@adam.com.au Residential aged care facility (high level care) including secure premises for people with dementia.

Para Hills Residential Care 50 Kesters Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8282 5400 Fax 8285 9399 Email admin@phrc.com.au www.phrc.com.au

Residential aged care facility (high level care) including secure premises for people with dementia. Respite care.

Salisbury Gardens Aged Care

7 Salisbury Hwy, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8182 6477 Fax 8182 4792 Email admin@salisburygardens.com Residential aged care facilities (low level care and high level care). Ageing in place - low care residents can remain in a low care service when their dependency increases.

Salisbury Private

147 Frost Rd, Salisbury South 5106 Phone 8250 0900 Fax 8250 9333 Email info@salisburyhome.com.au www.salisburyhome.com.au Residential aged care facility (high level care) - including secure premises for people with dementia and male specific dementia unit.


Caravan Parks

925-963 Port Wakefield Rd, Bolivar 5110 Phone 8250 3747 Fax 8281 5423 Email info@highway1touristpark.com www.highway1touristpark.com

Emergency and Short Term Catherine House Inc.

Phone 8232 2282 Fax 8223 7548 Email reception@catherinehouse.org.au www.catherinehouse.org.au

Migrant Women’s Support Service Inc.

Phone 8346 9417 Fax 8340 0978 Email admin@mwss.org.au www.migrantwomensservices.com.au Crisis intervention and case management for migrant and refugee women and children in domestic violence crisis. Assistance with accommodation placement.

Northern Domestic Violence Service Inc. 12 Chivell St, Elizabeth South 5112 Phone 8255 3622 Fax 8287 0323 Email info@ndvs.asn.au www.ndvs.asn.au

Outer North Generic Homelessness Service

91 Elizabeth Way, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8209 5460 Email outhip@anglicare-sa.org.au

Vincentian Centre

28 Whitmore Sq, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8231 2250 Fax 8231 3370 www.vinnies.org.au

Information Consumer and Business Services - Residential Tenancies Customer Service Centre, 91 Grenfell St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 13 1882 Fax 8204 9570 www.cbs.sa.gov.au/wcm/rentingletting Advice and information about rental properties including residential parks. Enforcment of rights and obligations of landlords and tenants where negotiation has not succeeded. Bond lodgement and refund.

Housing SA

Phone 13 1299 Phone 8207 0211 - Adm TTY 13 3677 quote 1800 640 873 Fax 8207 0799 Email DCSIhousing@dcsi.sa.gov.au dcsi.sa.gov.au/services/housing-sa Brances Elizabeth 1st Floor, Raleigh Chambers, Raleigh Walk,Elizabeth City Centre, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 13 1299 Fax 8252 1747 Salisbury 1 Ann St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 13 1299 Fax 8259 1402

Residential Tenancies Tribunal 4th Floor 100 Pirie St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 13 1882 Fax 8226 8985 Email tribunal@agd.sa.gov.au www.sa.gov.au/tenancy/tribunal

An independent judicial body that provides a prompt and low cost way of determining disputes between landlords, park operators, tenants and residents.

Accommodation Seniors Information Service Inc. 149 Currie St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8168 8776 Phone 1800 636 368 - SA country callers Fax 8221 5697 Email information@seniors.asn.au www.seniors.asn.au

Information and referral on general issues concerning older people, their families and carers.

Shelter SA Inc.

Unit 44, 81 Carrington St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8223 4077 Fax 8223 4099 Email sheltersa@sheltersa.asn.au www.sheltersa.asn.au The peak body on housing issues in South Australia, representing the views of people, especially those on a low to moderate Income, who live in a wide variety of housing tenures.

Tenants Information and Advocacy Service Phone 8305 9459 Phone 1800 060 462 Fax 8118 2650 Email tias@anglicaresa.com.au www.tias.org.au Branch Elizabeth 91-93 Elizabeth Way, Elizabeth

Assist with issues relating to tenancy such as leases, bond disputes, maintenance, RTT processes, appeal processes, negotiations with housing providers regarding rent arrears and Housing SA relocations and transfers. Advice and general information for residents of boarding houses or rooming houses, caravan parks or residential parks. Advice and general information for landlords, agencies, home owners and those living in private rental whose income exceeds $45,000.

Trust Tenants Information Centre Inc. Units 5 and 6, Peachey Rd, Davoren Park 5113 Phone 8287 1005 Fax 8287 3592

All matters relating to SA Housing Trust (eg maintenance, rental application forms, disputes and policies).

People with Disabilities Accessible Housing Association Inc.

247 Henley Beach Rd, Torrensville 5033 Phone 8351 8466 Fax 8234 2616 Email reception@accessiblehousing.org.au www.accessiblehousing.org.au

Community Living for the Disabled Inc.

315 Payneham Rd, Royston Park 5070 Phone 8362 0684 Fax 8362 0680 Email clftd@bigpond.com Accommodation for people with intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities or acquired brain injury.

Leveda Inc.

Long term, secure tenure, affordable accommodation. Housing management services for housing organisations with a disability focus.

1001 Park Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8256 9800 Fax 8256 9899 Email leveda@leveda.org.au www.leveda.org.au

Alexam Place

Metro Community Living

Supported Residential Care. Respite Care (subject to availability) - including emergency respite.

Brokerage and support to individuals in finding and accessing suitable independent housing. Accommodation support to enable clients to live in the community - living skills, help with finance, community linkage and recreation.

24 Hazel Road, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8258 1135 Fax 8258 5117 Email jbradley@sorentocare.com.au www.sorentocare.com.au

Barkuma Community Support 191-193 Philip Highway, Elizabeth South 5112 Phone 8252 8666 Fax 8252 8677 Email bi@barkuma.com.au www.barkuma.com.au

Cara - Community Accommodation and Respite Agency Inc.

Unit 2, 98 Woodville Rd, Woodville 5011 Phone 8347 4588 Fax 8347 4508 Email cara@cara.org.au www.cara.org.au Branches Elizabeth Grove Phone 8252 5859 Ingle Farm Phone 8349 5399 For people with severe and/or multiple disabilities. Some services require referral from Disability SA. Phone 8366 7300.

Level 1, 64 Dale St, Port Adelaide 5015 Phone 8440 2222 www.ucwpa.org.au

Skill Teaching and Resources Inc.

48 Hampstead Rd, Broadview 5083 Phone 8269 2199 Fax 8269 4546 Email admin@starinc.com.au www.starinc.com.au Teaches people with disabilities the skills needed to live independently.

Retirement Housing Aged Pensioners Independent Homes Inc. 15 Ridgeway Rd, Elizabeth West 5113 Phone 8209 6612 Fax 8209 6636

Independent living units for the aged.

AVEO - Manor Gardens Retirement Estate 12 Melville Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 13 2836 Fax 8281 1344 www.aveo.com.au


Accommodation AVEO – Riverview Retirement Estate 43 Jarvis Rd, Elizabeth Vale 5112 Phone 8258 2098 www.aveo.com.au

Burton Lifestyle Retirement Village

215 Bolivar Rd, Burton 5110 Phone 1300 880 748 Mobile 0405 612 707 Email jad@resultsthinking.net www.burtonvillage.com.au

Elms Lifestyle Village, The

4 Homestead Ave,Walkley Heights 5098 Phone 8125 4100 www.lifestylesa.com.au/retirementvillages/walkley-heights

Harwin Estate Retirement Village

133 Frost Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8367 7595 Email harwininfo@retireaustralia.com.au

Trinity Green Lakes Retirement Village

1-3 Trinity Cct, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8359 0237 Phone 1800 550 550 www.retirementbylendlease.com.au/ retirement-villages/south-australia/ trinity-green

Village Life - Salisbury

11-15 Hollywood Blvd, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8283 2866 Fax 8283 4017 Email salisbury@villagemanager.com.au

WC Rigby Cottage Homes Inc. Aged Pensioners c/- Scarce Real Estate Agents, 457 Greenhill Rd, Tusmore 5065 Phone 8332 1488 Fax 8364 1560 Email bnankivell@scarce.com.au

Independent living units for the aged - located in Fulham Gardens and Ingle Farm.

Winzor Retirement Estate

85 Winzor St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8285 6496 Fax 8285 6496 Email info@keyinvest.com.au www.keyinvest.com.au/ retirementliving/lodges/winzor


Supported Accommodation Housing Support for Frail, Older People

12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8227 - Housing Support Officer Email vharacic@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au The service assists financially disadvantaged older people who are in insecure accommodation or who are homeless. The program is especially designed to assist aged people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds.

Salisbury Guest House

2 Websiteb St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 08 8258 1302 Family operated boarding house for full board for males 40yrs+, home cooked meals, and secure accommodation.

Youth Accommodation Centacare Youth Services Elizabeth

34 Yorktown Rd, Elizabeth Park 5113 Phone 8258 2311 Phone 13 1611 – after hours Fax 8255 6625 Email Elizabeth@centacare.org.au www.centacare.org.au


135-139 Currie St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8405 8580 www.hypa.net.au A youth accommodation and support service that assists independent young people to secure appropriate accommodation.

Ingle Farm Youth Accommodation Service Burlendi

Postal Address: PO Box 144, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8281 0163 Phone 1300 306 046 Fax 8281 6641 Email youth.shelter.burlendi@hotmail.com www.salvationarmy.org.au/sa

Ingle Farm Youth Accommodation Service/ Outreach Service

Cnr Bridge and Maxwell Rds, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8397 9333 Fax 8397 5170 Email corps.inglefarm@aus.salvationarmy.org www.salvationarmy.org.au/inglefarm Short and medium term supported accommodation. Outreach support services.

Louise Place

5 Randolph Ave, Fullarton 5063 Phone 8272 6811 - all hours Fax 8272 9327 Email louiseplace@centacare.org.au www.louiseplace.org Short, medium and long term supported accommodation and Outreach services - ongoing support to young pregnant women, young mothers and their children.

Paralowie Youth Service

94 Waterloo Corner Road, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8281 4137 Fax 8281 9683 Email adeconno@ucwpa.org.au www.ucwpa.org.au Assisting young people to develop goals and achieve outcomes related to education and training, finance, accommodation, health, family and peers. Independent living skills program for people under 25 years of age aimed at increasing skills in budgeting, food/ cooking, housing, communication, health and well-being. Reconnect – early intervention for young people at risk of homelessness and their families, provided by Uniting Care Wesley Adelaide. Phone 8285 3780.


135-139 Currie St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 1300 306 046 Phone 1800 807 364 – freecall Phone 1800 003 308 - after hours Website www.hypa.net.au Assessment, referral and case management service for young people who are homeless in Adelaide.

Animal Care and Control Animal Care and Control Urban Animal Management Solutions

2 Log Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Mobile 0401 761 839 www.uams.com.au Hours: 24 hr emergency pet ambulance service (pensioner discounts apply) Emergency pet ambulance service, pet courier and taxi, pet exercise programs in home pet minding.

Birds Bird Care and Conservation Society Inc.

Phone 8390 3254 Mobile 0409 984 910 Email contactbirdcare@birdcare.asn.au www.birdcare.asn.au Advice on caring for sick, injured and orphaned wild birds. Some volunteers may accept sick, injured and orphaned wild birds for care.

South Australian Poultry Association Inc.

Animal Welfare

6 Acrylon Rd, Salisbury South 5106 Phone 8264 1889 www.sapoultryassoc.org.au

Animal Welfare League of Inc.

Information and advice on poultry breeding and keeping.

1-19 Cormack Rd, Wingfield 5013 Phone 8348 1300 Fax 8268 9545 Email wecare@awlsa.com.au www.animalwelfare.com.au Hours: Pet Adoption: 6 days Tues – Sun 10am - 3pm Reclaiming animals: Mon - Fri 10am 4.30pm; Sat, Sun, public holidays 10am - 3.30pm Office: Mon - Fri 8.30am - 4.30pm The AWL is a not-for-profit organisation with the core focus of re homing and re-uniting lost and surrendered cats and dogs. Services include dog and cat adoptions, dog and cat boarding, pet cremations, dog training and behaviour advice, dog grooming, thrift and retail shops, fundraising and events.

Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SA) Inc. (RSPCA) 16 Nelson St, Stepney 5069 Phone 1300 477 722 / 8205 8000 Fax 08 8231 6201 Email info@rspcasa.org.au www.rspcasa.org.au Hours: Mon - Fri 10am - 5pm, Sat, Sun, public holidays 10am - 2pm Closed Good Friday and Christmas Day Boarding and refuge facilities are provided for animals at RSPCA Animal Shelter, 25 Meyer Rd, Lonsdale. Phone 8382 0888 (dogs), Phone 8382 9962 (cats).


Dogs Dogs

12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8222 The City of Salisbury allows residents to keep 1 dog per unit/flat and 2 dogs per house. An exemption licence is required to keep more than two dogs. All dogs three months of age and over are required to be registered with Council. Registration expires on the 30th June each year and must be renewed by 31st August each year.

Lost Dogs

If you find a dog wandering at large contact the Council’s Inspectorial Services at the City of Salisbury on Phone 8406 8355. If your dog is found wandering at large, it will be taken to the Research Rd Pound. A fine is involved if your dog has been captured by Council Inspectors.

Dogs in the Community Cats

12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8222 The City of Salisbury does not currently have a licensing program for domestic cats. However, if the cast is a nuisance, you have three options: If you know where the cat lives then you can lodge a formal complaint with Council. You will be required to fill out a 7-day diary similar to that of a barking dog along with your written complaint. Once the complaint has been received by Council, Council’s Inspectorial Services Section can investigate. Without a formal compliant and investigation, no action can be taken on private property. The City of Salisbury can offer tips on how to deter cats on your property. If you do not know where the cat is coming from then you can hire a cage for seizure from: Animal Welfare League of Inc. 1-19 Cormack Rd, Wingfield 5013 Phone 8268 4188 Or City of Salisbury 12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8222 Or Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SA) Inc. (RSPCA) 25 Meyer Rd, Lonsdale 5160 Phone 8382 9962

Look out for the Blue Dog! The City of Salisbury permits unleashed dogs in certain public parks and reserves between the hours of 6:30pm and 8am. Outside of these hours, dog owners will be required to keep their dogs on a sturdy leash of no more than 2 metres in public areas. Signs with a “Blue Dog” will identify that a park or reserve is available for restricted unleashed dog exercise, so look out for these before letting your dog off its leash. Unleashed activity in undesignated areas will be penalised. For more information about this or other matters relating to your dogs direct your enquiry to the Inspectorate by email city@salisbury.sa.gov.au, or Phone 8406 8355 or come into the Council office at 12 James St, Salisbury.

Dogs SA

SACA Park Cromwell Rd, Kilburn 5084 Phone 8349 4797 Email info@dogssa.com.au www.dogssa.com.au Information on shows, dog breeds and breeders. Information on dog training and obedience clubs.

Klever Kanine Dog Obedience School Ridgehaven Branch 10 Ashley Ave, Ridgehaven 5097 Mobile 0409 840 726 Email kleverkanine.dog@gmail.com www.kleverkanine.com


Animal Care and Control Para District Obedience Dog Club Inc.

Jenkins Reserve, Saints Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 7849 - club hours only Phone 8251 3274 – after hours Email info@paradogtraining.com.au www.paradogtraining.com.au Dog obedience club, Agility classes, Flyball classes, Dances with Dogs.

Insects Bee Control

12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8222 Residents wishing to report bee hives on council property should contact the Customer Centre at the City of Salisbury on Phone 8406 8222. Council are unable to remove bees from private properties, contact Customer Centre for a list of private bee collectors.

Bee and European Wasp Removals

116 Fendon Rd, Salisbury Park 5109 Phone 8255 4767 Mobile 0408 087 007 Fax 8285 2303 Email tkruger@senet.com.au Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week Removal and extermination of bees and European wasps, including chimneys and house walls - 24 hour emergency service.

Beekeepers Society of SA (BSSA) Phone 8381 3664 Mob 0407 971 427 Email office@bees.org.au www.bees.org.au Contact for swarm collection: Phone 8381 3661 - all areas Mobile 0407 971 427 - all areas Para Hills Area: Phone 8264 8123

Native Animals Fauna Rescue of Inc.

PO Box 241, Modbury North 5092 Phone 8289 0896 Fax 8395 8769 Email info@faunarescue.org.au www.faunarescue.org.au Hours: 7 days per week


Rescues, rehabilitates and releases (where possible) injured or orphaned native birds, animals and reptiles. Advice on native wildlife care including telephone advisory service.

Native Animal Network Inc.

PO Box 380, Balhannah 5242 Nairne: Phone 8388 6944 or Mobile 0412 095 444 Littlehampton: Phone 8398 3117 or Mobile 0411 102 763 Balhannah: Phone 8398 0147 Hours: 24 hours, 7 days per week Rescues and cares for injured native animals. Advice on care and handling of injured native animals.

Snakes Adelaide Snake Catchers

PO Box 3288, Norwood 5067 Mobile 0413 635 373 Email taipan01@live.com.au Hours: 24 hours, 7 days per week Removal of snakes, lizards and spiders. Advice to property owners on managing snakes.

Snake Away Services

(Northern/Western/Eastern and CBD) Mobile 0413 511 335 Email snakeaway@adam.com.au www.snakeaaaaaaway.com.au www.facebook.com/SnakeAwayServices Hours: Mon - Sun 11am - 8.30pm Advice on snakebite prevention, snake deterrent treatments, Advice on making your home more snake unfriendly to prevent snakes living and breeding around your home, venomous snake removal and catcher service available, 24hr emergency service available.

Veterinary Services Adelaide Mobile Veterinary Service

322 Prospect Rd, Prospect 5082 Phone 8342 9311 Email adelmobvet@optusnet.com.au

Adelaide Vets on Wheels

39 McIntyre Rd, Para Hills West 5096 Phone 8281 6400 Email mrvc@bigpond.net.au www.vetonwheels.com.au Hours: Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm, Sat 9am-12pm

Dr Ken’s Vet Clinic

39 McIntyre Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8281 6400 mvol.com.au/mcintyreroadvet

Northfield Veterinary Clinic

56 Briens Rd, Northfield 5085 Phone 8262 6325 Fax 8262 5237 Email admin@northfieldvetclinic.com.au

Para Hills Veterinary Clinic 523 Bridge Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8258 4838 Fax 8281 1273 www.parahillsvetclinic.com.au

Paralowie Veterinary Surgery

136 Waterloo Corner Rd, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8258 4818 Phone 8005 447 521 - Toll free Fax 8258 2220 Email paralowievetrecp@chariot.net.au www.paralowievet.com

Salisbury Highway Veterinary Surgery

130 Salisbury Hwy, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 7978 Email info@shvs.com.au www.shvs.com.au

Salisbury Veterinary Clinic

(Adelaide Northern Veterinary Group) 177 Park Tce, Salisbury 5109 Phone 8281 2733 Fax 8258 3508 Email anvg_salis@internode.on.net www.localvet.com.au/AdelaideNorthernVetGroup

Vets4Pets Mawson Lakes

31 Main St, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8349 8955 Email mawsonlakes@vets4pets.com.au www.vets4pets.com.au

Vets4Pets Salisbury Park Veterinary Hospital 1914 Main North Rd, Salisbury Park 5109 Phone 8258 0168 www.vets4pets.com.au

Business and Finance Business Advice Financial Ombudsman Service GPO Box 3, Melbourne Victoria 3001 Phone 1300 780 808 Fax 03 9613 6399 Email info@fos.org.au www.fos.org.au

Resolution of disputes between consumers, including some small businesses, and participating financial services providers - including banking, credit, loans, general insurance, life insurance, financial planning, investments, stock broking, managed funds and pooled superannuation trusts.

Polaris Centre C/- Polaris Centre, Innovation House East Park Way, Technology Park, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8260 8205 Fax 8260 8206 Email sbec@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisburybec.com.au The services provided by the Polaris Centre are funded by the Australian Government and is an association between the City of Salisbury which share an overall vision to encourage and facilitate the sustainable growth of local businesses within the Northern region. The centre offers access to training and educational programs and qualified Business Advisors which provide business information and advice. Advice and support on starting a business. Business development advice and information including business planning, cluster development, marketing and strategic planning Information on assistance programs and funding available through the Commonwealth, State and Local Governments. Mentoring support and advice. Promote and facilitate networking opportunities which link small business to local services and organisations involved in business, economic development and job creation. Co-ordinate small business workshops, seminars and networking functions. Regular newsletters, brochures and promotion of small business initiatives.

Business and Professional Groups Salisbury Town Centre Association

20A John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 3202 - Executive Officer Mobile 0414 813 202 Fax 8283 3802 Email salisbu@bigpond.net.au Professional association for Businesses and Services operating in John Street and the Salisbury Town Centre. Coordinates the Annual Christmas parade. Information on businesses in the association. Licences for markets and special events held in John St mall. Promote and market town centre. Operate Volunteer Information Office at Salisbury Interchange, 2 Gawler St, Mon - Fri, 9am - 2.30pm.

Financial Concessions Commonwealth Seniors Health Card Phone 13 2300 www.centrelink.gov.au

Families SA

Central Assessment and Support Office, 219 Morphett St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8304 0120 Fax 8304 155 www.families.sa.gov.au Branches Elizabeth – Northern Assessment and Support Office 18 Langord Dr, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8207 9000 Fax 8207 9030 Salisbury – Northern Guardianship Office 16-18 Ann St, Salisbury Phone 8209 4910 Fax 8209 4999

SA Government Concessions Hotline Phone 1800 307 758 - free call Email concessions@dfc.sa.gov.au www.sa.gov.au/concessions

Service that enables people to ascertain which state and local government concessions and benefits they are entitled to as holders of both Commonwealth and State Governmentissued cards.

SA Water - Pensioner Concessions

250 Victoria Sq, Adelaide 5000 Phone 1300 650 951 Fax 7003 1118 Email cc@sawater.com.au www.sawater.com.au

South Australian Spectacles Scheme

Phone 1300 762 577 – Hotline TTY 8226 6789 Fax 8226 7047 Email dcsispectacles@dcsi.sa.gov.au www.sa.gov.au/concessions


Business and Finance Financial Counselling and Budget Advice Centrelink

Phone 13 2468 - Recorded information Fax 1300 786 102 www.humanservices.gov.au Branches Elizabeth 4 Langford Dr,Elizabeth 5112 Salisbury 32 Gawler St, Salisbury 5108 Financial information and advice.

Energy Partners Program

Level 8, 11 Waymouth St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8204 1888 Email dmitre.energyadvice@sa.gov.au www.sa.gov.au/energypartners Resources and information about online energy efficiency tools, energy smart materials. Interactive energy efficiency display materials for talks/events Home energy auditing toolkit - loan or purchase.

Families SA

Central Assessment and Support Office, 219 Morphett St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8304 0120 Fax 8304 155 www.families.sa.gov.au Branches Elizabeth – Northern Assessment and Support Office 18 Langord Dr, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8207 9000 Fax 8207 9030 Salisbury – Northern Guardianship Office 16-18 Ann St, Salisbury Phone 8209 4910 Fax 8209 4999

Northern Community Legal Service Inc. 26 John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 6911 Phone 1300 558 555 - Toll Free Fax 8281 6605 Email ncls@adam.com.au


Old Rectory, Salisbury

9 Mary St, Salisbury 5109 Phone 8256 2170 Phone 1800 773 277 - Emergency assistance Fax 8285 8678 www.anglicare-sa.org.au Budget advice, emergency assistance, financial assistance, gambling counselling (Gambling Help Services SA).

Uniting Communities

10 Pitt St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8202 5111 Fax 8211 8041 Email enquiries@unitingcommunities.org www.unitingcommunities.org Financial counselling, Phone 8202 5180 - assistance with court debt matters, managed budgets, negotiating with creditors, pre-bankruptcy counselling, support through bankruptcy, investment referrals and simple budgets.

Grants and Fundraising Community Grants 12 James St, Salisbury Phone 8406 8222 Fax 8281 5466 Email bhatswell@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au Community group, voluntary associations, youth, health and religious organisations are invited to apply for City of Salisbury Community Grants. Project categories include Health, Establishment of new group, Education and Training, Sport/ Recreation, Environment, Culture/Arts, Disability, Youth, Crime Prevention, Aged. The grants are offered twice a year and applications open in February and August/September. For further information contact the Customer Centre on Phone 8406 8222.

Multicultural SA

Level 6, Chesser House 91-97 Grenfell St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8207 0751 Fax 8413 9002 Email dcsimulticulturalsa@sa.gov.au www.multicultural.sa.gov.au Administers funding grants – Multicultural Grants Scheme.

Office for Youth

Level 8 Riverside Centre, North Tce, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8207 0452 Fax 8413 9002 Email officeforyouth@dsci.sa.gov.au www.officeforyouth.sa.gov.au

Youth Sponsorship Program 12 James St, Salisbury Phone 8406 8222 Email mpotter@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au The aim of the Youth Sponsorship Program is to provide sponsorship for State and/or Australian representation in sporting and cultural events. This program is directed at people who are 25 years or younger, and who are residents of the City of Salisbury. Applications remain open all year and are available from the Customer Centre Reception Desk. The Grants Committee assesses applications on a monthly basis.

Business and Finance Pensions and Benefits Centrelink

Phone 13 2468 - Recorded information Fax 1300 786 102 www.humanservices.gov.au Branches Elizabeth 4 Langford Dr, Elizabeth 5112 Salisbury 32 Gawler St, Salisbury 5108 Income support - pensions and benefits, concession cards.

Veterans Affairs, Australian Government Department of

199 Grenfell St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 13 3254 Phone 1800 555 254 - Non metropolitan callers Email generalenquiries@dva.gov.au www.dva.gov.au

Tax Help Australian Retired Persons Association (SA) Inc. (ARPA)

Level 5, 25 Leigh St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8211 9711 Fax 8211 9244 Email info@arpasa.asn.au www.arpasa.asn.au Tax help July - October.

Australian Taxation Office (ATO)

26 Franklin St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 13 2861 – Personal tax enquires Phone 13 2866 – Business tax enquires www.ato.gov.au Telephone assistance: 8am – 6pm Office: Mon – Fri, 8:30am – 4:45pm

Burton Community Centre

Pensions and benefits – including bereavement, disability, service and war widows/widowers pensions.

386 Waterloo Corner Rd, Burton 5110 Phone 8280 8843 Fax 8280 5746 Email burtoncomcentre@gmail.com

Welfare Rights Centre (SA) Inc.

Tax Help - July to October.

Level 5, 97 Pirie St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8223 1338 Fax 8232 5835 Email volunteer@wrcsa.org.au www.wrcsa.org.au

Provides free and independent advocacy services to Centrelink customers – including telephone information and advice, negotiation with Centrelink on behalf of clients.

Ingle Farm Library Beovich Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8406 8595 Email library@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisburylibrary.sa.gov.au Tax Help - July to October.

Jack Young Centre Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8525 Fax 8406 8524 Email city@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au Tax Help - July to October.

Para Hills Library

Pooraka Farm Community Centre 126 Henderson Ave, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8406 8488 Fax 8262 1811 Email office1@amnet.net.au pfcc.salisburysa.com Tax Help - July to October.

Public Trustee

211 Victoria Sq, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8226 9200 Phone 1800 673 119 Fax 8226 9350 Email pt.enquiries@saugov.sa.gov.au www.publictrustee.sa.gov.au Preparation of tax returns.

Salisbury East Neighbourhood Centre 28 Smith Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8285 2055 Fax 8285 7682 Email salisburyeastnh@amnet.net.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au Tax Help - July to October.

Seniors Information Service Inc.

149 Currie St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8168 8776 Phone 1800 636 368 - country callers Fax 8221 5697 Email information@seniors.asn.au www.seniors.asn.au Tax Help - trained volunteers can assist members of the public to complete simple tax returns at no charge. Available July - October, by appointment.

Women’s Information Service 91-97 Grenfell St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8303 0590 Phone 1800 188 158 - free call for country callers Mobile 0401 989 860 - SMS Fax 8303 0576 Email wis@sa.gov.au www.wis.sa.gov.au

Tax help July - October, rural Phone link up service for country women.

Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8406 8530 Email library@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisburylibrary.sa.gov.au Tax Help - July to October.


Communication and Information Community Publications

Information and Referral

Mawson Lakes Living

Australian Retired Persons Association (SA) Inc. (ARPA)

Phone 8260 7077 Email office@mawsonlakesliving.info www.mawsonlakesliving.info Community magazine and for people who work, live, study and play in Mawson Lakes.

Messenger Community News Review Level 1, 107 Salisbury Highway, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8347 5722 Fax 8250 9844 www.adelaidenow.com.au

Community Radio 5PBA-FM

Level 5, 25 Leigh St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8211 9711 Fax 8211 9244 Email info@arpasa.asn.au www.arpasa.asn.au Hours: Tues - Fri 10am - 4pm Opportunities for participation in a wide range of social, educational, cultural, physical and recreational activities.

City of Salisbury 12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8222 TTY 8406 8596 Fax 8281 5466 Email city @salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

17-19 Wiltshire Street, Salisbury, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8250 3735 Fax 8281 7495 Email pbafm@nospam.pbafm.org.au www.pbafm.org.au

The City of Salisbury is one of the largest local government authorities in South Australia. The Council services a vibrant multicultural community of approximately 130,000 residents as at the latest census (2010).

Transmits on 89.7fm to the northern and north eastern suburbs of Adelaide, Broadcasting community information and views, Non-English language programs and a wide range of music.

In order to meet the needs of residents, the City of Salisbury provides a wide variety of recreation and sporting facilities. If you have any questions, contact on Phone 8406 8222. Residents may access translating and interpreting services free of charge on Council matters through the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS). The Customer Centre will be happy to assist with any enquiries or you visit the Website on www.salisbury.sa.gov.au.

Connecting Up Inc.

Level 1 25 Leigh St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 1300 731 844 Fax 8212 2788 Email info@connectingup.org www.connectingup.org Hours: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm Works to strengthen the non-profit and community sector in Australia by providing a variety of information, products, resources and programs.


Cultural Development 12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8222 Fax 8281 5466 Email nkapitza@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au Implements the Cultural Strategy for the City in conjunction with key stakeholders and to increase the opportunities for residents to participate in a range of cultural activities throughout the City. This will be achieved by: ensuring the continued support and operation of the City of Salisbury’s Cultural Advisory Sub Committee, providing formal responses to Council on issues relating to cultural development, cultural events and visual art within the community, organising and coordinating a program of cultural events and activities throughout the City, organising exhibitions in the John Harvey Gallery, maintaining links with the Creative Communities network and other appropriate agencies and maintaining of a Salisbury artist register for both performing and visual artists.

Immigration and Border Protection, Australian Government Department of

State Office: 70 Franklin St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 13 1881 Phone 13 1880 - Citizenship enquiries www.citizenship.gov.au Hours: Mon - Fri 9am - 4pm Management of migration, humanitarian and citizenship policy and programs. Border management and facilitation of travellers crossing the border. Ensuring compliance with Australia’s immigration laws Assistance to become an Australian citizen.

Seniors Information Service Inc.

149 Currie St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8168 8776 Phone 1800 636 368 - country callers Fax 8221 5697 Email information@seniors.asn.au www.seniors.asn.au Information and referral on general issues concerning older people, their families and carers.

Communication and Information Service SA

Phone 13 2324 Fax 8226 7556 Email Reginfo@sa.gov.au www.service.sa.gov.au Branch Elizabeth Shop 42, North Mall, Elizabeth Shopping Centre, Elizabeth 5112 Service is the State Government’s one stop contact point for government information and services. Information about State Government services, Government publications sales and information available from Service Government Legislation+ Outlet Payment of bills, fees, fines and taxes including Land Tax, Water and Emergency Services Levy (Customer Service Centres only), council rates, utilities and services. Application forms - for registration, licences and permits. Registration of motor vehicles and boats.

Women’s Information Service 91-97 Grenfell St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8303 0590 Phone 1800 188 158 - Free call for country callers Mobile 0401 989 860 - SMS Fax 8303 0576 Email wis@sa.gov.au www.wis.sa.gov.au

Information service for women in South Australia. Referral to appropriate services, agencies and organisations relevant to women. Court Support Program - support for women attending the Family Court or Federal Magistrates Court in Adelaide.

Youth Development City of Salisbury 12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8557 Fax 8281 5466 Email prowe@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au Offering a range of youth development opportunities including the Salisbury Youth Council, youth forums, youth arts and work experience that allow young people to actively participate in the community.

Internet Bagster Road Community Centre 17 Bagster Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8250 4167 Fax 8250 7638 Email bagsterch@amnet.net.au Internet access - free during non-class times; computer classes, computer budget course.

Burton Community Centre 386 Waterloo Corner Rd, Burton 5110 Phone 8280 8843 Fax 8280 5746 Email burtoncomcentre@gmail.com Free internet and computer access.

Morella Community Centre 90 Kings Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8406 8484 Fax 8285 7760 Email morellach@amnet.net.au

Paddocks Centre, The Cnr Bridge Rd and Kesters Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8258 8099 Fax 8258 8099 Email thepaddocks@amnet.net.au

Pooraka Farm Community Centre

Salisbury Library Service Phone 8406 8311 Fax 8406 8259 Email library@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisburylibrary.sa.gov.au

Ingle Farm Library

Beovich Rd, Ingle Farm Phone 8406 8595

Len Beadell Library 55 John St, Salisbury Phone 8406 8283

Mawson Lakes Library 2-8 Main St, Mawson Lakes Phone 8302 5555

Para Hills Library

Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills Phone 8406 8530

Salisbury West Library

Hollywood Blvd, Salisbury Downs Phone 8406 8489

Twelve25 Salisbury Youth Enterprise Centre 17-19 Wiltshire St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8555 Fax 8281 5466 Email: rhenke@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.twelve25.com.au Provide spaces and programs where young people can develop skills, look at opportunities, access information and use technology. It includes free computer suite (some conditions apply).

126 Henderson Ave, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8406 8488 Fax 8262 1811 Email office1@amnet.net.au Computer and Internet classes, Internet access.

Salisbury East Neighbourhood Centre 28 Smith Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8285 2055 Fax 8285 7682 Email salisburyeastnh@amnet.net.au


Communication and Information Post Offices www.auspost.com.au

Salisbury South Post Business Centre

80 Rundle Rd, Salisbury South 5106 Phone 13 1318 Fax 8281 7440

Brahma Lodge Post Office Shop 2, 86 Dorothy St, Brahma Lodge 5109 Phone 8258 1690 Fax 8285 7199

Dry Creek Post Office

100 Churchill Rd North, Dry Creek 5094 Phone 8260 4392 Fax 8260 4392

Ingle Farm Post Shop

Shop 2016, Ingle Farm Shopping Centre 219 Montague Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 13 1318 Fax 8263 9998

Para Hills Post Office

Shop Q, Para Hills Shopping Centre, 2 Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8264 3141 Fax 8264 3141

Parafield Gardens Post Office 482 Salisbury Hwy, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8258 2662 Fax 8285 7172

Paralowie Post Office

Public Libraries Salisbury Library Service Phone 8406 8311 Fax 8406 8259 Email library@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisburylibrary.com.au

Ingle Farm Library

Beovich Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8406 8595

Len Beadell Library

55 John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8283

Mawson Lakes Library

2-8 Main St, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8302 5555

Para Hills Library

Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8406 8530

Shop 8, 3-9 Liberator Dr, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8280 3150 Fax 8280 3163

Salisbury West Library

Salisbury Downs Post Office

State Library of SA

Shop T56, 132-140 Winzor St, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8283 0635 Fax 8182 6563

Salisbury East Northbri Avenue Post Office Shop 4, 51 Northbri Ave, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8258 3633 Fax 8258 3633

Salisbury North Whites Road Post Office

141 Whites Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8258 2438 Fax 8258 2438

Salisbury Post Shop

Shop 63, 68-84 Parabanks Shopping Centre John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 13 1318 Fax 8250 9635


Hollywood Blvd, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8406 8489

North Tce, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8207 7250 Phone 1800 182 013 - country callers TTY 8207 7251 Fax 8207 7307 Email info@slsa.sa.gov.au www.slsa.sa.gov.au

Tourist Information Salisbury Information Booth 2 Gawler St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8182 5167 Fax 8283 3802 Email salisbu@bigpond.net.au Hours: Mon - Fri, 9am - 2.30pm

Providing information to the public regarding the local area such as brochures, maps and information. The Booth provides bus timetables. Supplies booklets on holiday spots for tourists, locals, families and much more.

Toy Libraries Para Hills Library Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8406 8530 Email library@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisburylibrary.sa.gov.au

Toy Libraries Association of Inc. 101 Goodwood Rd, Goodwood 5034 Mobile 0410 590 047

Community Organisations and Facilities Cemeteries Chapel of the Holy Family

6 Spains Rd, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8182 5000 Fax 8182 4500 Email info@familychapel.com.au

Friends of Burton

Phone 8251 1417 Email wrightdb@adam.com.au The Friends of Burton is a nonincorporated body which has a watching brief on the Burton Pioneer Cemetery. Group members are keen to see that the cemetery is suitably maintained as a memorial to some of the early pioneer settlers in the district. The Friends of Burton organises a bi-annual gathering that is held on site. The gatherings provide an opportunity for an exchange of historical information and a renewal of friendships.

Salisbury Catholic Parish Pioneer Cemetery

Ponton St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 2314 - Parish office Fax 8281 8287 Email salcath@tpg.com.au salcath.freehostia.com

Community Centres Community Centres 12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8374 Email bseifert@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au The City of Salisbury has a strong commitment to the establishment and provision of Community Centres for its local communities. There are currently seven Community Centres and a Youth Centre operating within the City and they are:

Bagster Road Community Centre 17 Bagster Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8250 4167

Burton Community Centre

386 Waterloo Corner Rd, Burton 5110 Phone 8280 8843

Mawson Centre, The

2-8 Main St, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8302 5449

Morella Community Centre

90 Kings Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8406 8484

Paddocks Centre, The Salisbury Memorial Park Spains Rd, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8406 8317 Fax 8281 5466 Email cemetery@salisbury.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au/Services/ Salisbury_Memorial_Park Incorporating the Mausoleum of the Holy Family located at the corner of Spains Rd and York Tce, Salisbury Downs opposite Chidda Railway Station.

Cnr Bridge Rd and Kesters Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8258 8099

Pooraka Farm Community Centre

126 Henderson Ave, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8406 8488

Salisbury East Neighbourhood Centre

28 Smith Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8285 2055

Twelve25 Salisbury Youth Enterprise Centre

17-19 Wiltshire St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8555 Our Community Centres are as diverse and vibrant as the communities they serve. They are friendly and welcoming places, that play a vital role in supporting and developing the social and educational life within our city. They do this by delivering lifelong learning opportunities that support social wellbeing, foster intellectual and personal growth, and provide pathways into further education, training and employment. At any given time, the Centres may be delivering computing and technology tutoring; resume writing and job seeking advice; enterprise and business skills development; one-on-one language and literacy tutoring; a low cost, healthy community lunch or budget cooking class; health information; cultural support services; fitness programs; homework help; crafts and other leisure activities, or just providing a space for a community group to meet. Programs are designed to appeal to learners of all ages and abilities. Diversity of content, flexibility of times and locations, a variety of delivery methods, and affordability, mean that you can always learn or experience something new.

Paralowie R-12 Community Centre

Whites Rd, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8182 7222 Fax 8281 5859 Email dl.1099.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.paralowie.sa.edu.au The Centre has a range of adult community education courses including computing and personal development classes. Courses can link to Vocational Education Courses in Community Services, Health Support Services, Business Administration and Sport and Recreation.


Community Organisations and Facilities Community Centres – Seniors Jack Young Centre 1 Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8525 Fax 8406 8524 Email city@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Para Hills Centre Para Hills Library Complex, Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8406 8544 Phone 8406 8525 – Jack Young Centre Mobile 0403 090 437 Fax 8406 8524 Email kmacnab@salisbury.sa.gov.au Email mstroeh@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Pine Lakes Centre 16 Homestead Pl, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8406 8857 Phone 8406 8525 – Jack Young Centre Fax 8406 8524 Email vharacic@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Youth Sponsorship Program 12 James St, Salisbury Phone 8406 8222 Email mpotter@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au The aim of the Youth Sponsorship Program is to provide sponsorship for State and/or Australian representation in sporting and cultural events. This program is directed at people who are 25 years or younger, and who are residents of the City of Salisbury. Applications remain open all year and are available from the Customer Centre Reception Desk. The Grants Committee assesses applications on a monthly basis.

Australian Red Cross Ingle Farm

Phone 8260 2925 Postal 32 Tenya Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Fundraising to support Australian Red Cross humanitarian work within Australia and overseas.

Halls and Venues for Hire Adelaide Planetarium

Fund Raising Community Grants 12 James St, Salisbury Phone 8406 8222 Fax 8281 5466 Email bhatswell@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au Community group, voluntary associations, youth, health and religious organisations are invited to apply for City of Salisbury Community Grants. Project categories include Health, Establishment of new group, Education and Training, Sport/ Recreation, Environment, Culture/Arts, Disability, Youth, Crime Prevention, Aged. The grants are offered twice a year and applications open in February and August/September. For further information contact the Customer Centre on Phone 8406 8222.


UniSA, Mawson Lakes Blvd, Building P, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8302 3138 Fax 8302 5082 Email adelaide.planetarium@unisa.edu.au www.unisa.edu.au/planetarium The Planetarium can be booked for special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries.

Anglican Church - St John’s, Salisbury

Church St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 2496 Email stjohnsalisbury@bigpond.com The auditorium with a seating capacity for 200 people, 300 if more chairs are hired. Other small meeting rooms are available for hire for community use, eg conferences, seminars, meetings. Contact David McAvaney on Mobile 0419 807 282.

Bagster Road Community Centre 17 Bagster Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8250 4167 Fax 8250 7638 Email bagsterch@amnet.net.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Burton Community Centre 386 Waterloo Corner Rd, Burton 5110 Phone 8280 8843 Fax 8280 5746 Email burtoncomcentre@gmail.com

Dutch Social and Welfare Club

21 Greenfields Drive, Green Fields 5107 Phone 8281 1441 Email info@dutchclub.com.au www.dutchclub.com.au Contact Secretary, Connie Kramer Hall for hire - Hillsview Function Centre.

Greek Macedonian Social Club Florina 20 Kylie Cres, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8396 4138

The hall is available for hire; parties, engagements, christenings. Capacity 180 seated, facilities include bar, kitchen, tables and chairs ample car parking.

Ingle Farm East Primary School 18 Halidon St, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8264 5166 Fax 8396 1862 Email dl.0925_info@schools.sa.edu.au

School hall is available for hire, capacity 80 seating.

Ingle Farm Recreation Centre Cnr Roopena St and Beovich Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8406 8585 Fax 8396 1752 Email inglefarmrec@belgravialeisure.com.au www.inglefarmrc.com.au The Sunset Room: a first class function facility featuring large dance floor, seating for 150. For any occasion such as wedding reception, birthday or engagement party, business function, social gathering or conference. Other meeting rooms, crèche, upstairs lounge are also available for hire.

Community Organisations and Facilities John Harvey Gallery 12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8222 – Functions Phone 8406 8469 - Exhibitions Email ccc@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au The Gallery is an ideal location for art displays and community meetings. Bookings can be made by contacting the Customer Centre at the City of Salisbury on Phone 8406 8222.

Licensed Club Darts Association 36 Goddard Dr, Salisbury Park 5109 Phone 8285 5199 Fax 8285 4438 Email lcdadarts@gmail.com www.lcdadarts.com.au Hall for hire with capacity of 200.

Lutheran Church - Salisbury

10 Waterloo Corner Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 2976 Fax 8285 7570 Email office@slc.lca.org.au www.slc.lca.org.au Church auditorium available for hire with seating for 200. PowerPoint facilities available (charge applicable).

Mawson Centre, The 2-8 Main St, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8302 5449 Email cspinner@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.mawsoncentre.org

Morella Community Centre 90 Kings Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8406 8484 Fax 8285 7760 Email morellach@amnet.net.au

Northern Districts Baseball Club Walkleys Park Fairfax Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8395 0266 - Club Fax 8395 0266 Email northerndistrictsbc@gmail.com www.northerndistricts.baseball.com.au

Paddocks Centre, The Cnr Bridge Rd and Kesters Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8258 8099 Fax 8258 8099 Email thepaddocks@amnet.net.au paddocks.salisburysa.com

Para Hills Bowling Club Inc.

Bridge Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8285 6744 Fax 8285 4470 Email parahillsbowls@bigpond.com www.parahillsbowlingclub.com.au The Club has a ‘Ceremonial Garden’ complex including water features, rotunda and landscaped gardens, well suited for garden wedding ceremonies followed by wedding receptions in the club rooms. The Club is licensed and able to cater for a variety of private and corporate social functions as well as a social game of bowls.

Para Hills Centre Para Hills Library Complex, Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8406 8544 Phone 8406 8525 – Jack Young Centre Mobile 0403 090 437 Fax 8406 8524 Email kmacnab@salisbury.sa.gov.au Email mstroeh@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Para Hills Community Club Inc. 360-370 Bridge Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8258 2848 Fax 8281 1997 Email admin@parahillsclub.com.au www.parahillsclub.com.au

Parafield Gardens Community Club Inc. 65 Shepherdson Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8258 4175 Fax 8281 2994 Email parafie@bigpond.net.au www.communityclub.com.au

Parafield Gardens High School

15 Shepherdson Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8258 9855 Fax 8281 5853 Email dl.1137_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.pghs.sa.edu.au The school hall is available for hire to sporting and community groups. No food or drink allowed inside the hall.

Parafield Gardens Recreation Centre Kings Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8406 8565 Fax 8250 0411 Email thegardensrc@belgravialeisure.com.au www.gardensrc.com.au

Parafield Gardens Soccer and Sports Club Inc Bradman Rd Oval, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8250 0999 - Club Mobile 0408 121 630 - Secretary Email steve46@bigpond.net.au

The Clubrooms are available for hire, capacity is 100 sitting. Facilities include kitchen, bar, chairs and tables.

Penfield Bowling Club Inc.

Building 120, Woomera Ave, Edinburgh Parks 5111 Phone 8258 1546 Fax 8258 1546 Email peffieldbowlsclubsec@gmail.com www.penfieldbc.sportingpulse.net

Pines School, The

42 Andrew Smith Dr, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8281 2199 Fax 8281 5858 Email dl.1777.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.thepines.sa.edu.au Hall for hire - sporting activities only.

Pooraka Farm Community Centre 126 Henderson Ave, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8406 8488 Fax 8262 1811 Email office1@amnet.net.au pfcc.salisburysa.com

Pooraka Memorial Hall 39 Scott St, Pooraka 5095

Phone 8262 5544 - Enquiries Mobile 0466 965 544 Email office1@amnet.net.au www.pfcc.salisburysa.com

The large air-conditioned hall has a seating capacity of 200 people, with access to a large kitchen. There is a small stage available for community use, and ample parking space.

Pooraka Sports and Social Club 19 McCarthy Crt, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8262 2146 - Club Fax 8262 8367 Email poorakaf@arcom.com.au


Community Organisations and Facilities Salisbury Bowling Club

Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 1551 - Club Fax 8281 1995 Email salsbcsa@chariot.net.au

Salisbury Centre 17-19 Wiltshire St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8555 Fax 8281 5466 Email twelve25@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.twelve25.com.au Including the Salisbury Institute and the Twelve25 Salisbury Youth Enterprise Centre, the Salisbury Centre is available for hire. Capacity is 200 sitting, facilities include kitchen and tables. Rooms suitable for workshops, community functions, birthdays, meetings or training activities available.

Salisbury East Neighbourhood Centre 28 Smith Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8285 2055 Fax 8285 7682 Email salisburyeastnh@amnet.net.au

Salisbury Football Club Inc

Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 4738 - Club Mobile 0414 733 883 - Secretary Email judysfc@gmail.com

Salisbury Green Par 3 Golf Course and Driving Range

Martins Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8285 7677 Fax 8285 9177 Email salisburygreen@btmgolf.com.au www.btmgolf.com.au

Salisbury North Football Club Inc.

Thomas More College

The club has rooms suitable for small weddings, conventions, parties etc. available for hire.

School facilities are available for hire

Bagster Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8258 8153 - Manager Fax 8281 9615 Email salisnthfootballclub@bigpond.com www.snfc.com.au

Salisbury Park Primary School

66 Goddard Dr, Salisbury Park 5109 Phone 8281 6422 Fax 8281 5864 Email dl.1140_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.salsparkps.sa.edu.au

Salisbury Recreation Precinct Happy Home Drive, Waterloo Corner Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8406 8506 Fax 8285 5177 Email salisburyrp@belgravialeisure.com.au www.salisburyrecprecinct.com.au

Salisbury Villa Soccer Club

Cnr Martins and Kings Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8285 5377 Mobile 0412 799 588 Email salisburyvilla@hotmail.com salisburyvilla.cutorange.com

St Joesph Italian Community Centre

304 Waterloo Corner Rd, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8261 2418 / 8258 1833 Mobile 0403 273 057 Fax 8250 0078 Email grace.caruso@bigpond.com

Salisbury Guide Hall

9 Guerin St, Salisbury 5108 Mobile 0433 018 618 Email findingtashy@hotmail.com

The hall has a seating capacity for 250 people and is available for hire; parties, engagements, christenings, weddings, birthdays, meetings etc. Facilities include ,dance floor, stage, tables and chairs, kitchen, large fridge in the bar, ample car parking.

Salisbury High School

St Kilda Community Hall

14 Farley Gr, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8182 0200 Fax 8182 0201 Email dl.0892_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.salisburyhigh.sa.edu.au

Salisbury Inter Soccer Club Inc. Underdown Park, Nangari Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8250 2655 Mobile 0418 737 193 Email salisburyintersc@gmail.com www.salisburyintersc.asn.au


Beach Rd, St Kilda 5110 Phone 8280 8410

The hall has a seating capacity for 80. Completely equipped with full kitchen facilities, toilets, television, air conditioning and ample free parking. Rate negotiable.

23 Amsterdam Cres, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8182 2600 Fax 8182 2699 Email tmc@tmc.catholic.edu.au www.tmc.catholic.edu.au

Twelve25 Salisbury Youth Enterprise Centre 17-19 Wiltshire St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8555 Fax 8281 5466 Email rhenke@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.twelve25.com.au

Valley View Secondary School

240 Wright Rd, Para Vista 5093 Phone 8360 6111 Fax 8360 6112 Email dl.1184.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.valleyview.sa.edu.au

Watershed, The 665 Salisbury Highway, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8250 8070 Email watershed@redjam.com.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Historical Societies Aboriginal Family History Collection 55 John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8207

The Len Beadell Branch Library in Salisbury has copies of unique photographs and Aboriginal genealogies. This collection was compiled by the anthropologist Norman Tindale during his travels to Aboriginal communities in South Australia in 1938-39. The photographs and genealogies were collected from the following Aboriginal communities in South Australia:, Point Pearce - Yorke Peninsula, Menindee, - Point McLeay, Raukkan - Coorong Koonibba - West Coast, Swan Reach - Riverland, Port Augusta - Spencer Gulf. This collection of information will enable Aboriginal families from these communities to trace their family trees and also view photographs that may be of special significance. Access - conditions apply.

Community Organisations and Facilities Adelaide Northern Districts Family History Group Inc.

Salisbury Town Centre Markets

Salisbury TAFE Heritage Centre, 3 Ann St, Salisbury 5108 Mobile 0457 436 123 Email info@andfhg.org www.andfhg.org

Salisbury Civic Square, Salisbury 5108 Mobile 0414 813 202 Email info@salisburymarkets.org.au www.salisburymarkets.org.au Hours: Monthly 4th Saturday Oct-April 9am - 3pm

Founded in July 2006, our aims are to offer assistance with Family History research, also providing research material and to offer advice on location of resources.

Museums and Galleries

Local History Service Salisbury 55 John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8207 Fax 8250 1175 Email library@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisburylibrary.sa.gov.au This service maintains a record of the City of Salisbury from Aboriginal inhabitation until the present day. Using a wide range of media, the Local History Service can also assist people with research for school projects, genealogy and historical preservation. Contact Phone 8406 8207 for further details.

Salisbury and District Historical Society

3 Ann Street, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 3154 - President Phone 8250 0763 - Secretary Email terry.glenda@bigpond.com www.ozgenonline.com/~salisbury_hs Meetings are held bi-monthly at the Folk Museum, Ann St Salisbury. The Historical Society provides viewing and tours for the Salisbury Water Wheel Museum. Displays held at Folk Museum, Ann St, Salisbury and Salisbury Water Wheel Museum, Pioneer Park, Commercial Rd, Salisbury.

Markets Gepps X Sunday Treasure Market

588 Main North Rd, Gepps Cross 5094 Phone 8262 1873 www.wallis.com.au/gepps-x-market Hours: Sun, sellers 5am, buyers 7am

Paddy’s Market

1181 Main North Rd, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8262 8466 Email marketinvest1181@gmail.com Hours: Open every weekend 9am - 4pm

Adelaide Planetarium

UniSA, Mawson Lakes Blvd, Building P, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8302 3138 Fax 8302 5082 Email adelaide.planetarium@unisa.edu.au www.unisa.edu.au/planetarium Adelaide’s own Planetarium – discover the stars and planets.

Classic Jets Fighter Museum

Hangar 52, Anderson Dr, Parafield Airport 5106 Phone 8258 2277 Fax 8258 1090 Email cjfm@chariot.net.au www.classicjets.com Hours: 7 days a week 10am - 4pm Closed Christmas Day and Good Friday The Classic Jets Fighter Museum features an impressive display of jet aircraft built between 1950 and 1980 and flown by the RAAF and RAN. Pacific War P39 Airacobra restoration project is now completed and the current restoration project on public display is a genuine Pacific War F4U-1 Corsair fighter aircraft.

Folk Museum

Ann St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 3016 Email jayandem@adam.com.au www.ozgenonline.com/~salisbury_hs/ Hours: Folk Museum, Sun, 2pm - 4pm, except Public Holiday weekends The Folk Museum is situated in the old police station on Ann St, Salisbury and is run by the Salisbury andamp; District Historical Society.

Salisbury Water Wheel Museum

Commercial Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 4646 / 8258 3154 Hours: Open on the first and third Sunday of the month, 2pm - 4pm (except long weekends) any other time by appointment. Opened in 1986, the museum features a restored water wheel.

Tramway Museum, St Kilda, SA

St Kilda Rd, St Kilda 5110 Phone 8280 8188 Fax 8280 8528 Email aetmsainc@gmail.com www.trammuseumadelaide.com.au Hours: Sundays and public holidays (excepting Christmas Day, Good Friday and Easter Saturday), Wednesday during school holidays, (excepting December before Christmas Day). 12 noon - 5pm. Other times by appointment. The museum is run totally by volunteers and is committed to the restoration and care of Adelaide’s Electric Transport vehicles. Charter tours for groups are available by arrangement. A party tram is available for children’s parties.

Resident Action Groups Friends of Parafield Airport Incorporated Anderson Dr, Parafield 5106 Phone 8297 2399 - Secretary Fax 8297 4111 Email yinkanie@bigpond.net.au

Promoting, supporting and working in partnership for the preservation and advancement of Parafield Airport as a fully operational General Aviation Airport including the conservation of the airport’s heritage.

Mawson Lakes Progress Association

Mobile 0414 565 601 Email mlpa@mawsonlakesonline.com.au thelakesider.com.au The Mawson Lakes Progress Association represents the interests of the growing Mawson Lakes community and aims to provide information and promote events, organisations and activities of interest to the local community.

Salisbury High School Old Scholar’s Foundation

Farley Grove, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8182 0200 Fax 8182 0201 Email cheryl.bermingham969@schools.sa.edu.au www.salisburyhigh.sa.edu.au

St Kilda Progress Association St Kilda Community Hall, Beach Rd, St Kilda 5110 Phone 8280 8410 Email mlamcauley@bigpond.com


Community Organisations and Facilities Service Clubs Community Visitors Scheme Uniting in Care Salisbury Inc. 1 Brown Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 2675 Mobile 0423 123 503 Email uicscv@live.com.au

Volunteers for friendly visiting in Aged Care Facilities in the northern suburbs You can bring happiness to someone who is aged and lonely, and who would appreciate a regular visitor.

Coterie RAAF Wives

32 Tnya Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8260 2925

CWA - Para Hills

Uniting Church Hall, Liberman Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8250 1932 Meetings are held at the Uniting Church Hall, Liberman Rd, Para Hills. The group is a non-profit, non-party political and non-secretarian association of urban and rural women ‘sharing and caring through action’. All women are welcome. The group encourages involvement in the community.

CWA - Salisbury

Postal: PO Box 6041 Phone 8280 3742 www.sacwa.org.au Meetings are held at Salisbury Institute (Salisbury Centre).

Friends of the Salisbury Libraries 55 John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8283 Fax 8406 8259

A group of volunteers who assist the library by encouraging communication between the community and the library. As a community group the Friends help to support the libraries, their functions and services through the love of books and reading.

Ladies Probus Club of Pooraka Inc.

Pooraka Farm Community Centre 126 Henderson Avenue, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8262 1028 Meetings are held at the Pooraka Farm Community Centre, 126 Henderson Ave, Pooraka on the 4th Tuesday of each month (except December) at 1pm 3pm. Probus is an association of retired and semi-retired people who join together in clubs, the basic purpose of which is to provide regular opportunities for them to keep their minds active, expand their interests and to enjoy the fellowship of new friends.

Legacy Widows Club Central Districts

RSL Hall Salisbury, Salisbury 5108 www.legacy.com.au Support to members who are widows of Returned Servicemen.

Lions Club of Paralowie Inc.

Salisbury North SA Mobile 0416 452 925 Email anglevalelionsclub@gmail.com paralowie.sa.lions.org.au Meetings held twice monthly, 1st and 3rd Mon 6.30pm for 7pm, Salisbury North Football Club, Bagster Rd, Salisbury North. Angle Vale Club Branch of Paralowie Lions meetings: Monthly, 2nd Wed 6.30pm, Sports Centre, 6/79 Fradd Rd, Angle Vale.

Lions Club of Salisbury

Phone 8258 1626 - Secretary Email hurnall@chariot.net.au

Probus Club of Salisbury Inc. Salisbury Uniting Church 1 Brown Tce, Salisbury Phone 8281 5549 – President Phone 8285 9128 – Secretary Email john.mavis7@bigpond.com

Rotary Club of Mawson Lakes Inc.

Phone 8262 4874 Mobile 0413 089 596 Email info@rotaryclubmawsonlakes.org www.rotaryclubmawsonlakes.org Meetings held every Tuesday at 6.15pm at Millets Restaurant Mawson Lakes.


Rotary Club of Salisbury Inc.

Mobile 0438 251 228 - Secretary Email secretary@salisburyrotary.com.au www.salisburyrotary.com.au Meetings held weekly Mon 6pm for 6.30pm, Old Spot Hotel, 1955 Main North Rd, Salisbury Heights.

Zonta Club of Para District Area Inc.

Phone 8250 3753 Email enquiries@zontaparadistrict.org.au www.zontaparadistrict.org.au Meetings held monthly 1st Tuesday at 6.30pm for 7pm at Country Comfort Adelaide Manor, 574 Main North Rd, Gepps Cross. An International service club that aims to improve the status of woman worldwide. Local projects - financial support encouraging young women and for Zonta International Projects.

Zonta International - District 23 C/- 3 Darling St, Valley View 5093 Mobile 0411 874 881 Email zontadistrict23@yahoo.com.au www.zontadistrict23.org.au

A global organisation of executives and professionals working to advance the status of women worldwide.

Education Adult Education University of the Third Age Adelaide Inc.

59 Regent St South, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8359 3307 Email u3a.adelaide@gmail.com www.adelaideu3a.on.net Adult community education - including history, literature, languages, geography, computers, music, walks and visits.

WEA Adult Learning

223 Angas St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8223 1272 Phone 1800 638 749 – Country callers Phone 8223 1979 - Enrolment Fax 8232 3690 Email admin@wea-sa.com.au www.wea-sa.com.au Adult community education - including lectures, courses and educational tours.

Child Care Burton Road Child Care and Early Learning Centre

144 Burton Rd, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8285 1480 Fax 8285 1485 Email info@burtonroadchildcare.com.au www.burtonroadchildcare.com.au

Cheeky Monkey’s ELC Child Care 24 Keller Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8182 4200 Fax 8182 6444

Early Steps Child Care Centre

346-348 Montague Rd, Para Vista 5093 Phone 8263 3933 Fax 8263 3944 Email earlysteps@internode.on.net www.earlystepschildcare.com.au

Emaili Early Learning Centre Salisbury 60 Winzor St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 5880 Email info@emali.com.au www.emali.com.au

Family Day Care

5 Harewood Ave, Enfield 5098 Phone 1300 551 890 / 8343 6533 Fax 8343 6544 Email decdfdcbusiness@sa.gov.au www.decd.sa.gov.au/familydaycare Branch North - 20 Langford Dr, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8207 9100 Family Day Care is a child care service for babies, young children and school aged children in the homes of approved care providers. It is administered by the Department of Education and Child Development.

Goodstart Early Learning Ingle Farm - Kylie Crescent 10-18 Kylie Cres, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8265 4111 Email hcg@goodstart.org.au www.goodstart.org.au/ingle-farmkylie-crescent

Goodstart Early Learning Paralowie - Kings Road

254 Kings Rd, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8258 1752 Fax 8281 2949 Email pww@goodstart.org.au www.goodstart.org.au/paralowie-kingsroad

Goodstart Early Learning Paralowie - Yalumba Drive

21 Yalumba Dr, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8182 6230 Email hho@goodstart.org.au www.goodstart.org.au/paralowieyalumba-drive

Goodstart Early Learning Pooraka

124 Henderson Ave, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8262 4117 Email poa@goodstart.org.au www.goodstart.org.au/pooraka

Goodstart Early Learning Ingle Farm - Roopena Street

Goodstart Early Learning Salisbury North

Goodstart Early Learning Mawson Lakes - Avocet Drive

Highway Child Care and Early Learning Centre

2 Roopena St, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8395 9544 Email ing@goodstart.org.au www.goodstart.org.au/ingle-farmroopena-street

1-11 Avocet Dr, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8262 7633 Email mlk@goodstart.org.au www.goodstart.org.au/mawson-lakesavocet-drive

Goodstart Early Learning Mawson Lakes - Elder Drive

18-28 Elder Dr, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8285 4020 Email mlt@goodstart.org.au www.goodstart.org.au/mawson-lakeselder-drive

Goodstart Early Learning Parafield Gardens

121 Shepherdson Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8285 8011 Email pgd@goodstart.org.au www.goodstart.org.au/parafieldgardens

Goodstart Early Learning Paralowie - Byron Bay Drive 14 Byron Bay Dr, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8283 2900 Email pwe@goodstart.org.au www.goodstart.org.au/paralowiebyron-bay-drive

102 -112 Diment Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8283 3339 Email san@goodstart.org.au www.goodstart.org.au/salisbury-north

267 Salisbury Hwy, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8258 4170 Fax 8258 4053 Email highwayccc@adam.com.au www.childcareservicesaust.com.au/ highway.htm

Hillbank Community Children’s Centre Inc. Penarth Crt, Hillbank 5112 Phone 8252 3455 Fax 8252 5380 Email hcccc99@bigpond.com.au www.hillbankccc.com.au

Kaurna Plains Childcare Centre Inc.

83 Ridley Rd, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8255 3299 Email dl.2621.leaders@schools.sa.edu.au

Kesters Road Community Child Care Centre 67 Kesters Rd, Para Hills West 5096 Phone 8349 6007 Fax 8349 4939 Email krccc@three.com.au kesters-road-community-child-carecentre-salisbury.ch1.com.au/


Education Kindy Patch Burton

107-115 Springbank Blvd, Burton 5110 Phone 8280 5599 Email burton@kindypatch.com.au www.kindypatch.com.au

Kindy Patch Salisbury Heights

41 The Grove Way, Salisbury Heights 5109 Phone 8258 9877 Email salisburyheights@kindypatch.com.au www.kindypatch.com.au

Kindy Patch Salisbury North

1 Trinity Cres, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8287 1053 Email salisburynorth@kindypatch.com.au www.kindypatch.com.au

Mawson Lakes Child Care Centre - Garden Terrace

12-28 Garden Tce, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8359 0509 Fax 8359 0852 Email director.gardenterrace@scmlccc.org

Mawson Lakes Child Care Centre - Park Way 5 Park Way, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8260 7488 Fax 8260 7488 Email director.parkway@scmlccc.org

Multicultural Family Day Care Agency Suite 4, 6 Metro Pde, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8359 7494 Fax 8359 7380 Email admin@mfdca.com.au www.mfdca.com.au

Oasis Child Care Centre Inc. Ann Street Campus

27 Ann St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 4148 Fax 8250 9399 Email oasischildcare1@bigpond.com.au

Oasis Child Care Centre Inc. Mary Street Campus

26 Mary St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 4148 Fax 8250 9399 Email oasischildcare1@bigpond.com.au

Para Hills West Montessori Preschool

Balkara Rd, Para Hills West 5096 Phone 8281 4225 / 8281 4225 Fax 8281 5837 Email dl.1045_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.parahilwps.sa.edu.au/ montessori/preschool.htm


Pines Community Child Care Centre Inc.

Hemming St, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8250 7010 Fax 8182 4150 Email pinesccc@iprimus.com.au

Pooraka Community Child Care Centre 23-27 South Tce, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8262 1055 Fax 8262 8195 Email pcccc@bigpond.com.au

Salisbury Campus Child Care Centre

31-41 Birch Ave, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8281 5550 Fax 8281 5550 Email director.salisbury@scmlccc.org

St Francis Community Child Care Centre Inc.

306 Waterloo Corner Rd, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8258 9494 Fax 8182 5284 Email sfccc@bigpond.com

Stepping Stone Para Hills Childcare and Early Development Centre

510-516 Bridge Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8285 8869 Fax 8182 5433 Email parahills@steppingstonesa.com.au www.steppingstonesa.com.au/centres/ para_hills_centre

Walkley Heights Child Care Centre

1-5 Homestead Ave, Walkley Heights 5098 Phone 8359 6363 Fax 8359 6367 Email janet@picknowl.com.au www.walkleyheightschildcarecentre. com.au

Literacy and Numeracy Learning Together @ Home Davoren Park

Para West Adult Campus, 23 Crafter St, Davoren Park 5113 Phone 8284 2011 Fax 8254 2350 Families with pre kindy aged children who would like support to develop skills to help their children’s learning through play.

Smith Family, The - Adelaide

97 Pirie St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8224 1400 Fax 8223 4421 Email tsfmktg@thesmithfamily.com.au www.thesmithfamily.com.au Branch Elizabeth Downs Phone 8252 8908 Elizabeth Vale Phone 8252 5922 Salisbury North Phone 8252 1015

Migrant Education Centre for English Language, UniSA

Brookman Building, City East Campus, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8302 2343 Fax 8302 1557

Ethnic Schools Association of Inc. 255 Torrens Rd, West Croydon 5008 Phone 8301 4814 Fax 8346 1620 Email rumpe.inta@saugov.sa.gov.au www.esasa.asn.au

TAFE English Language Services 5th Floor, Renaissance Centre, 127 Rundle Mall, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8226 6555 Phone 8226 6866 - Home Tutor Scheme TTY 8207 8806 Fax 8226 6882 Email els@tafesa.edu.au www.els.sa.edu.au Branch Salisbury TAFE SA, Wiltshire St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8207 9855

Outside School Hours Care East Para Primary School

12 Caroona Ave, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8264 3944 Fax 8396 1916 Email dl.1134.admin@schools.sa.edu.au www.epps.sa.edu.au

Good Shepherd Lutheran School Para Vista Inc. 388 Montague Rd, Para Vista 5093 Phone 8264 7966 Fax 8396 4799 Email admin@gspv.sa.edu.au www.gspv.sa.edu.au

Education Holy Family Catholic School

71 Shepherdson Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8250 6616 Fax 8250 3043 Email info@holyfamily.catholic.edu.au www.holyfamily.catholic.edu.au

Ingle Farm Primary School

2 Belalie Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8262 4864 Fax 8349 7837 Email dl.1162_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.ifps.sa.edu.au

Keller Road Primary School

Keller Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8258 3842 Fax 8281 5836 Email DL.0632_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.kellerrdps.sa.edu.au

Madison Park School

19 Lincoln Ave, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8258 3320 Fax 8281 5852 Email dl.0649.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.madisonps.sa.edu.au

Mawson Lakes School

Garden Terrace, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8260 1681 Fax 8260 2957 Email dl.0987_admin@schools.sa.edu.au www.mawsonlakes.sa.edu.au

North Ingle School

7 Rothwell Ave, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8264 7498 Fax 8396 1778 Email dl.1183.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.northingle.sa.edu.au

Para Hills Preschool

Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8264 3242 Fax 8396 1934 Email dl.0935.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.parahillr7.sa.edu.au

Parafield Gardens R-7 School

23 Shepherdson Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8281 5104 Fax 8281 5857 Email dl.0537_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.pgardens.sa.edu.au

Pines School, The

42 Andrew Smith Dr, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8281 2199 Fax 8281 5858 Email dl.1777.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.thepines.sa.edu.au

Pooraka Primary School

11 South Tce, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8262 1010 Fax 8349 7838 Email dl.0352.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.poorakaps.sa.edu.au

Riverdale Out of Hours School Care

Riverview Dr, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8182 4916 Fax 8281 1745 Email roshcs@optusnet.com.au

Riverdale Primary School

15 DeMille St, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8281 7166 Fax 8281 7178 Email dl.1427_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.riverdaler7.sa.edu.au

Salisbury Heights Primary School

9 Ward St, Salisbury Heights 5109 Phone 8258 7299 Fax 8281 5861 Email dl.1177.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.shps.sa.edu.au

Pre-School Education Brahma Lodge Kindergarten

64 The Strand, Brahma Lodge 5109 Phone 8258 4258 Fax 8285 5132 Email dl.2604_leaders@schools.sa.edu.au www.brahmakgn.sa.edu.au

Burton Park Pre-school

30 Brookfield Ave, Burton 5110 Phone 8280 6472 Fax 8280 6254 Email dl2694_leaders@schools.sa.edu.au www.burtonpkpre.sa.edu.au

Dorothy Hughes Kindergarten

Rolleston Ave, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8258 2238 Fax 8285 5160 Email claire.evans866@schools.sa.edu.au www.dorothykgn.sa.edu.au

Highway Child Care and Early Learning Centre

66 Goddard Dr, Salisbury Park 5109 Phone 8281 6422 Fax 8281 5864 Email dl.1140_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.salsparkps.sa.edu.au

267 Salisbury Hwy, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8258 4170 Fax 8258 4053 Email highwayccc@adam.com.au www.childcareservicesaust.com.au/ highway.htm

Salisbury Primary School

Ingle Farm Childrens Centre

Salisbury Park Primary School

10 Compuda St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 1335 Fax 8281 5868 Email dl.1041_info@schools.sa.edu.au

Settlers Farm Campus R-7

23 Barassi St, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8280 6866 Fax 8280 6403 Email dl.1851_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.settlersr7.sa.edu.au

St Augustine’s Parish School 25 Commercial Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8182 7900 Fax 8182 7999 Email info@saps.catholic.edu.au www.saps.catholic.edu.au

2 Belalie Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8260 3511 Fax 8260 3533 Email dl.2630.leaders@schools.sa.edu.au

Lake Windemere B-7 School

17 Uraidla Ave, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8258 0666 Fax 8281 5850 Email dl.1908_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.lakewindemere.sa.edu.au

Lantana Kindergarten

45 Lantana Dr, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8258 3155 Fax 8285 5162 Email Dianne.Wakelin586@schools.sa.edu.au www.lantanakgn.sa.edu.au

Liberman Kindergarten

41 Liberman Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8264 1550 Fax 8395 3597 Email dl.2638.leaders@schools.sa.edu.au www.libermankgn.sa.edu.au


Education Madison Park Kindergarten

29 Piccadilly Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8258 8939 Fax 8285 5157 Email kindy.director@madisonkgn.sa.edu.au

Manor Farm Kindergarten

32 Melville Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8258 8596 Fax 8285 5158 Email Sharka.Zeman717@schools.sa.edu.au www.manorkgn.sa.edu.au

Mawson Lakes Preschool

Garden Tce, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8359 1343 Fax 8359 1254 Email dl.4163_leaders@schools.sa.edu.au www.mawsonlakespre.sa.edu.au

North Ingle Preschool

7 Rothwell Ave, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8264 7498 Fax 8396 1778 Email dl.1183.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.northingle.sa.edu.au

Para Hills Preschool

Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8264 3242 Fax 8396 1934 Email dl.0935.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.parahillr7.sa.edu.au

Para Hills West Montessori Preschool

Balkara Rd, Para Hills West 5096 Phone 8281 4225 Fax 8281 5837 Email dl.1045_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.parahilwps.sa.edu.au/ montessori/preschool.htm

Para Hills West Preschool

69 Kesters Rd, Para Hills West 5096 Phone 8349 5160 Fax 8359 4257 Email dl.2651.leaders@schools.sa.edu.au www.parahillspre.sa.edu.au

Para Vista Primary School

351 Montague Rd, Para Vista 5093 Phone 8264 9588 Fax 8396 1987 Email dl.info.1048@schools.sa.edu.au

Parafield Gardens Children’s Centre

9 Casuarina Dr, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8258 3659 Fax 8285 5163 Email dl.2654.leaders@schools.sa.edu.au


Paralowie Kindergarten

13 Yalumba Dr, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8250 2150 Fax 8285 5164 Email dl.2655.leaders@schools.sa.edu.au www.paralowiekgn.sa.edu.au

Pines School, The

42 Andrew Smith Dr, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8281 2199 Fax 8281 5858 Email dl.1777.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.thepines.sa.edu.au

Pooraka Community Kindergarten

14 McCarthy Crt, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8260 1741 Email allyson.goodale383@schools.sa.edu.au www.poorakakgn.sa.edu.au

Riverview Preschool Centre

44-48 Riverview Dr, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8281 7330 Fax 8285 5154 Email info.riverviewpre883@schools.sa.edu.au

Salisbury Downs Preschool Centre

12 Donegal St, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8258 4532 Fax 8285 5156 Email info@salisburydpre.sa.edu.au www.salisburydpre.sa.edu.au

Salisbury Heights Preschool

5-9 Stanford Rd, Salisbury Heights 5109 Phone 8281 7293 Fax 8285 5159 Email dl.2670.leaders@schools.sa.edu.au www.salisburyhkgn.sa.edu.au

Salisbury Kindergarten

12 Ann St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 2114 Fax 8285 9019 Email dl.2667.leaders@schools.sa.edu.au www.salisburykgn.sa.edu.au

Salisbury Lutheran Kindergarten 10 Waterloo Corner Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 8070 Fax 8258 8843 Email kindy@slk.lca.org.au

Salisbury Park Kindergarten

5 Wildwood Dr, Salisbury Park 5109 Phone 8250 0056 Fax 8285 5168 Email dl.2668_leaders@schools.sa.edu.au www.salisburypkcsc.sa.edu.au

Settlers Farm Campus Kindergarten

Cnr DuVillars St and Ronaldo Way, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8280 6188 Fax 8280 6283 Email dl.2693_leaders@schools.sa.edu.au www.settlerspre.sa.edu.au

Valley View Kindergarten

Geoffrey Ave, Valley View 5093 Phone 8261 8201 Fax 8266 6019 Email dl.2677.leaders@schools.sa.edu.au www.valleyviewkgn.sa.edu.au

Walkley Heights Child Care Centre

1-5 Homestead Ave, Walkley Heights 5098 Phone 8359 6363 Fax 8359 6367 Email janet@picknowl.com.au www.walkleyheightschildcarecentre.com.au

Primary Schools Bethany Christian School

37 Countess St, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8283 0000 Fax 8283 0101 Email office@bethany.sa.edu.au www.bethany.sa.edu.au

Brahma Lodge Primary School

20 Mortess St, Brahma Lodge 5109 Phone 8258 2929 Fax 8281 5849 Email dl.0983_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.brahmar7.sa.edu.au

Burton Primary School

49a Kensington Way, Burton 5110 Phone 8280 6277 Fax 8280 6311 Email dl.1844.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.burtonps.sa.edu.au

East Para Primary School

12 Caroona Ave, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8264 3944 Fax 8396 1916 Email dl.1134.admin@schools.sa.edu.au www.epps.sa.edu.au

Good Shepherd Lutheran School Para Vista Inc. 388 Montague Rd, Para Vista 5093 Phone 8264 7966 Fax 8396 4799 Email admin@gspv.sa.edu.au www.gspv.sa.edu.au

Education Gulfview Heights Primary School

39 Kiekebusch Rd, Gulfview Heights 5096 Phone 8258 9959 Fax 8281 5839 Email dl.1201.info@schools.sa.edu.au

Holy Family Catholic School

71 Shepherdson Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8250 6616 Fax 8250 3043 Email info@holyfamily.catholic.edu.au www.holyfamily.catholic.edu.au

Ingle Farm East Primary School 18 Halidon St, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8264 5166 Fax 8396 1862 Email dl.0925_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.ingleastps.sa.edu.au

Ingle Farm Primary School

2 Belalie Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8262 4864 Fax 8349 7837 Email dl.1162_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.ifps.sa.edu.au

Karrendi Primary School

15 Bradman Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8258 3612 Fax 8281 5851 Email dl.1135.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.karrendips.sa.edu.au

Keller Road Primary School

Keller Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8258 3842 Fax 8281 5836 Email DL.0632_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.kellerrdps.sa.edu.au

Lake Windemere B-7 School

17 Uraidla Ave, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8258 0666 Fax 8281 5850 Email dl.1908_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.lakewindemere.sa.edu.au

Madison Park School

19 Lincoln Ave, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8258 3320 Fax 8281 5852 Email dl.0649.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.madisonps.sa.edu.au

Mawson Lakes School

Garden Terrace, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8260 1681 Fax 8260 2957 Email dl.0987_admin@schools.sa.edu.au www.mawsonlakes.sa.edu.au

North Ingle School

7 Rothwell Ave, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8264 7498 Fax 8396 1778 Email dl.1183.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.northingle.sa.edu.au

Para Hills School

Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8264 3242 Fax 8396 1934 Email dl.0935.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.parahillr7.sa.edu.au

Para Hills West R-7 School

21 Balkara Rd, Para Hills West 5096 Phone 8258 2216 Fax 8281 5837 Email dl.1045.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.parahilwps.sa.edu.au

Para Vista Primary School

351 Montague Rd, Para Vista 5093 Phone 8264 9588 Fax 8396 1987 Email dl.info.1048@schools.sa.edu.au

Parafield Gardens R-7 School

23 Shepherdson Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8258 1816 Fax 8281 5857 Email dl.0537_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.pgardens.sa.edu.au

Pines School, The

Salisbury Downs Primary School 39 Paramount Rd, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8258 7560 Fax 8281 5860 Email dl.1194_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.sdps.sa.edu.au

Salisbury Heights Primary School

9 Ward St, Salisbury Heights 5109 Phone 8258 7299 Fax 8281 5861 Email dl.1177.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.shps.sa.edu.au

Salisbury North R-7 School

38 Bagster Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8258 1519 Fax 8281 5862 Email dl.0664.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.salisburynorth.sa.edu.au

Salisbury Park Primary School

66 Goddard Dr, Salisbury Park 5109 Phone 8281 6422 Fax 8281 5864 Email dl.1140_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.salsparkps.sa.edu.au

Salisbury Primary School

10 Compuda St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 1335 Fax 8281 5868 Email dl.1041_info@schools.sa.edu.au

42 Andrew Smith Dr, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8281 2199 Fax 8281 5858 Email dl.1777.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.thepines.sa.edu.au

Settlers Farm Campus R-7

Pooraka Primary School

St Augustine’s Parish School

11 South Tce, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8262 1010 Fax 8349 7838 Email dl.0352.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.poorakaps.sa.edu.au

Prescott Primary School Northern 354 Wright Rd, Para Vista 5093 Phone 8396 2577 Fax 8396 2017 Email info@ppn.sa.edu.au www.prescott.sa.edu.au

Riverdale Primary School

15 DeMille St, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8281 7166 Fax 8281 7178 Email dl.1427_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.riverdaler7.sa.edu.au

23 Barassi St, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8280 6866 Fax 8280 6403 Email dl.1851_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.settlersr7.sa.edu.au

25 Commercial Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8182 7900 Fax 8182 7999 Email info@saps.catholic.edu.au www.saps.catholic.edu.au

Schools – R-12 Schools Kaurna Plains School

85 Ridley Rd, Elizabeth 51128 Phone 8252 4419 Fax 8252 3482 Email dl.1792_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.kaurnaas.sa.edu.au


Education Paralowie School

Whites Rd, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8182 7222 Fax 8281 5859 Email dl.1099.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.paralowie.sa.edu.au

Tyndale Christian School

50 Fern Grove Blvd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8250 7655 Fax 8281 7951 Email tyndale@tyndale.sa.edu.au www.tyndale.sa.edu.au

Secondary Schools Endeavour College

85 Mawson Lakes Blvd, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8368 3311 Fax 8368 3399 Email admin@endeavour.sa.edu.au www.endeavour.sa.edu.au

Para Hills High School

90 Beafield Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8258 5466 Fax 8250 9527 Email dl.0574info@schools.sa.edu.au www.phhs.sa.edu.au

Parafield Gardens High School

15 Shepherdson Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8258 9855 Fax 8281 5853 Email dl.1137_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.pghs.sa.edu.au

Salisbury East High School

50 Smith Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8258 2070 Fax 8250 3733 Email dl.1011.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.sehs.sa.edu.au

Salisbury High School

14 Farley Gr, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8182 0200 Fax 8182 0201 Email dl.0892_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.salisburyhigh.sa.edu.au

Temple Christian College

17 Countess St, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8256 9600 Fax 8283 4039 Email admin-be@templecc.sa.edu.au www.templecc.sa.edu.au


Thomas More College

23 Amsterdam Cres, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8182 2600 Fax 8182 2699 Email tmc@tmc.catholic.edu.au www.tmc.catholic.edu.au

Valley View Secondary School

240 Wright Rd, Para Vista 5093 Phone 8360 6111 Fax 8360 6112 Email dl.1184.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.valleyview.sa.edu.au

Special Education Cora Barclay Centre

Elizabeth Forwood House 185 Melbourne St, North Adelaide 5006 Phone 8267 9200 Fax 8267 9222 Email reception@corabarclay.com.au www.corabarclay.com.au

Dyslexia and Reading Solutions Suite 2, 2-4 Hurtle Pde, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 7127 4938 Fax 8359 7884 Email tony@dyslexiaclinic.com.au www.dyslexiaclinic.com.au

Elizabeth Special School

24 Durrington Rd, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8255 6613 Fax 8287 0668 Email dl.0476.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.elizspecsp.sa.ed.au

Specific Learning Difficulties Association (SA) Inc. (SPELD) 298 Portrush Rd, Kensington 5068 Phone 8431 1655 Fax 8364 5751 Email info@speld-sa.org.au www.speld-sa.org.au

Counselling, advice and support - for parents who suspect their child may have a specific learning difficulty, or for adults who are concerned about their own learning.

Tertiary and Vocational Education Flinders University, Adelaide Sturt Rd, Bedford Park 5042 Phone 8201 3911 Fax 8201 3757 www.flinders.edu.au


120 Currie St, Adelaide SA Phone 1800 882 661 TTY 8207 8200 Fax 8463 6359 Email tafeinfo@.sa.gov.au www.tafesa.edu.au Branches Elizabeth Campus 2 Woodford Rd, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8207 9700 Parafield Campus Kittyhawk Lane, Parafield Airport 5106 Phone 8258 9182 Salisbury Campus 16 Wiltshire Street, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8207 9800

University of Adelaide

North Terrace, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8313 4455 Fax 8313 4401 www.adelaide.edu.au

University of South Australia

101 Currie St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 1300 301 703 Fax 8302 2466 Email study@unisa.edu.au www.unisa.edu.au Branches City East Campus - North Tce, Adelaide City West Campus - 70 North Tce, Adelaide Magill Campus - St Bernards Rd, Magill Mawson Lakes Campus - Mawson Lakes Blvd, Mawson Lakes

Employment Employment Services ASK Employment and Training Services 6 Langford Dr, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8255 4894 Fax 8255 6625 Email execmgr@centacare.org.au Email Elizabeth@centacare.org.au www.askservices.com.au Branches Salisbury 20 Gawler St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8209 6200 Email asksalisbury@centacare.org.au

Baptist Care (SA) Employment Services

Suite 5, 102 Reservoir Road, Modbury 5092 Phone 8683 4464 / 1800 045 004 Fax 8263 1482 Email enquiries@baptistcaresa.org.au www.baptistcaresa.org.au Branch Salisbury - Shop 1, 42 Commercial Rd, Salisbury 5109 Phone 8250 3812 Job Services Australia - assistance in resume preparation, training opportunities and job search.

Career and Workforce Development Centre

1B Gawler St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 1800 619 933 Fax 8182 4077 Email careercoach@northernfutures.org.au www.northernfutures.org.au A fully subsidised service available for all members of the community who need assistance with job searching, linking with training and volunteering opportunities. You do not have to be registered with Centrelink or receiving benefits.

Job Prospects

Northern Futures Inc.

Job Services Australia - assistance in resume preparation, training opportunities and job search.

Career and Workforce Development Centre - career guidance, job search assistance, information about apprenticeships and traineeships, applying to SATAC, computer and internet access for job search and applications, free vacancy listing for employers. Training courses - short courses and VET.


PVS Workfind

78 Currie St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8211 8987 Fax 8211 6654 Email adelaide@jobprospects.com.au www.jobprospects.com.au Branches Elizabeth - Shop 2, 47-49 Elizabeth Way, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8287 3566 Salisbury - Suite 2, 7-9 Gawler St, Salisbury 5108

Morshead St, Panorama 5041 Phone 1300 855 321 - All offices Fax 8357 6455 Email joblink@maxima.com.au www.maxima.com.au Branch Salisbury - 58 John St, Salisbury Job Services Australia - assistance in resume preparation, training opportunities and job search.

MEGT Australian Apprenticeships Centres

Level 4, 431-439 King William St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8424 3200 Fax 8424 3299 Email AACinfo@megt.com.au www.megt.com.au Postal PO Box 856, Unley BC 5061 Branch Elizabeth West - Suite 26, 95 Womma Rd, Elizabeth West 5112 Phone 13 6348 Email elizabeth@megt.com.au Australian Apprenticeships Centre - information and services to employers and people interested in apprenticeships.

1B Gawler St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 1800 619 933 Fax 8182 4077 Email admin@northernfutures.org.au www.northernfutures.org.au

270 Main North Rd., Prospect 5082 Phone 8465 5100 Fax 8342 6936 www.pvs.com.au Job Services Australia - assistance in resume preparation, training opportunities and job search.

Skilled - Mawson Lakes

10 Hurtle Pde, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8162 0300 Fax 8162 0390 www.skilled.com.au Employment services - job placement Apprenticeships and Traineeships.

STATUS Employment Services

Level 6 Office Tower, Westfield Shopping Town, 297 Diagonal Rd, Oaklands Park 5046 Phone 8377 0101 Fax 8377 3911 Email status@status.net.au www.status.net.au Branch Salisbury Level, 30 Gawler St, Salisbury 5000 Phone 8182 3311

Mosaic Recruitment

Level 1, 70 Hindmarsh Sq, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8215 9600 www.mosaicrecruitment.com.au


Employment Workskil Australia Inc.

Level 1, 1069 South Rd, Melrose Park 5039 Phone 8275 6100 / 1300 967 575 Fax 8374 4466 Email workskil@workskil.com.au www.workskil.com.au Branches Elizabeth - 5B Crockerton Court, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8209 0300 Salisbury - 9 John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8182 0300 Job Services Australia - assistance in resume preparation, training opportunities and job search. Disability employment services provider.

Supported Employment Disability WORKS Australia - SA

297 Brighton Road, Somerton Park 5044 Phone 8276 0900 Fax 8296 4021 Email sa@dwa.org.au www.dwa.org.au Facilitates the employment of people with disabilities by providing employers and Disability Employment Network Services with a single contact point for recruiting people with a disability.

Employment Access

Suite 2, 107 Salisbury Hwy, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8256 9400 Fax 8258 7992 Email employmentservices@ucwpa.org.au www.ucwpa.org.au Disability Employment Services support for jobseekers with a disability, particularly mental health related disabilities. Assistance with resume preparation, training and interview skills, finding jobs and maintaining employment.


91 Currie St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8212 7771 Fax 8212 7781 Email heta@heta.com.au www.heta.com.au Branch Salisbury - 28b Commercial Rd, Salisbury 5108 Disability Employment Services (DES) program - assistance for people with a disability, medical condition and/ or injury to gain open employment. Also offering specialist services to Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander people.

Level 1, 1069 South Rd, Melrose Park 5039 Phone 8275 6100 / 1300 967 575 Fax 8374 4466 Email workskil@workskil.com.au www.workskil.com.au Branches Elizabeth - 5B Crockerton Court, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8209 0300 Salisbury - 9 John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8182 0300 Job Services Australia - assistance in resume preparation, training opportunities and job search. Disability employment services provider.


Level 1, 32-56 Sir Donald Bradman Dr, Mile End 5031 Phone 8416 6500 Phone 1800 851 262 - Toll free TTY 8416 6525 Fax 8416 6530 Email info@interwork.com.au www.interwork.com.au Disability Employment Services specialist assistance to job seekers with disability.

MatchWorks - Salisbury

4/7 Gawler Street, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8250 6555 Fax 8296 8400 www.matchworks.com.au Disability Employment Services provider Access to skills training and accredited courses. Support with preparing a resume. Coaching to improve interview skills. Free use of office facilities including phone, fax, computers, internet, email and newspapers.

Multiple Solutions

31-33 Smart Road, Modbury 5092 Phone 8203 6600 Fax 8203 6699 Email emp@ms.asn.au www.multiplesolutions.com.au Branch Salisbury - 6 Johns St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8256 3700 Fax 8256 3749 Multiple Solutions is a provider of Disability Employment Services (DES) funded by the federal government. We provide assistance with job search, contact with employers, access to training, on the job support and wage subsidies where applicable.


Workskil Australia Inc.

Training and Support Access Programs

45 Wakefield St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8210 8102 Fax 8232 8920 Email enquiries@accesssa.com.au www.accesssa.com.au Branch Salisbury 33 Carey St, Salisbury 5108 Aims to address and improve the well-being of employees whose work performance may be adversely affected by work-related or personal problems. Counselling service at Salisbury by appointment.

Northern Futures Inc.

1B Gawler St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 1800 619 933 Fax 8182 4077 Email admin@northernfutures.org.au www.northernfutures.org.au Career and Workforce Development Centre - career guidance, job search assistance, information about apprenticeships and traineeships, applying to SATAC, computer and internet access for job search and applications, free vacancy listing for employers. Training courses - short courses and VET.

Employment SafeWork SA

Level 4, World Park A 33 Richmond Road, Keswick 5035 Phone 1300 365 255 Phone 1800 777 209 - Workplace incidents 24 hours Fax 8204 9200 Email help@safework.sa.gov.au www.safework.sa.gov.au

WorkCover SA

400 King William St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 13 1855 TTY 13 3677 Email info@workcover.com www.workcover.com

Working Women’s Centre Inc.

1st Floor, Station Arcade, 52 Hindley St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8410 6499 / 1800 652 697 Fax 8410 6770 Email wwc@wwc.org.au www.wwc.org.au Information, support and advocacy to women who work, or who are seeking work, on work related issues such as unfair or unlawful termination, negotiating contracts of employment, wages and working conditions, health issues at work, sexual harassment, workplace bullying and discrimination.

Volunteering Community Visitors Scheme Uniting in Care Salisbury Inc. 1 Brown Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 2675 Email uicscv@live.com.au

Coordinates volunteers for friendly visiting in Aged Care Facilities in the northern suburbs.

Volunteering SA and NT Inc.

Level 5 182 Victoria Square, Adelaide SA 5000 Phone 8221 7177 Fax 8221 7188 Email reception@volunteeringsa.org.au www.volunteeringsa.org.au The peak body representing the interests of the volunteer sector in South Australia. Provides training for people managing volunteers, including short courses.

Northern Volunteering SA Inc. 39 John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8250 1582 Fax 8281 0410 Email reception@nvsa.org.au www.nvsa.org.au

Aims to provide satisfying and worthwhile activities to the mutual benefit of volunteers and people or projects they assist. A wide variety of volunteer work is available.

Volunteer Opportunities 12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8222 Fax 8281 5466 Email volunteering@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au The Salisbury Council offers a variety of roles for people interested in volunteering in their local community. The Council engages volunteers within its five libraries, two senior centres, six community centres, youth centre, operations centre and within various programs. Roles are diverse and people can volunteer with seniors, youth, young children, new arrivals or people with disabilities. Common volunteer roles are in administration, reception, tutoring, hospitality, childcare, maintenance, graffiti removal and transport, however, roles can be tailored to your skills and abilities. If you would like more information about current volunteer vacancies, please visit the Council Website.


Environment and Conservation Environment and Conservation Greenfields Wetlands City of Salisbury Salisbury Hwy, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8258 0862 Email watershed@salisbury.sa.gov.au thewatershed.net.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au In the early 1980’s the triangle between Port Wakefield Road and Salisbury Highway was nothing more than a bare stock and paddock. Fast forward to the present, and the space, now home to Greenfields Wetlands and innovative Watershed Sustainability Centre, is a picturesque location boasting an abundance of plant life and animals. A pioneering development, Greenfields Wetlands is one of the first large, constructed urban wetlands in Australia. The objectives of the project include flood protection and retention, enhancement of the landscape, improved water quality and aquifer storage and recovery. Greenfields also features a nature trail with boardwalks and bird hides, facilitating environmental education and ecotourism. Car parking is provided at the Watershed. For more information about the Greenfields Wetlands and available tours, contact the Watershed on Phone 8258 0862.


Kaurna Park Wetlands Cnr Waterloo Corner Rd and Helps Rd, Burton 5110 Phone 8406 8222 - Customer Centre Email city@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au Tappa Wodliparri is an indigenous cultural interpretive trail developed by the City of Salisbury and the Kaurna Aboriginal Community Heritage Association and is part of the Kaurna Park Wetlands in Salisbury. Originally the site was open grassland and then degraded farming land. Kaurna Park is part of the City of Salisbury’s unique complex of urban wetlands. The wetlands act as a natural filtration and water treatment system. Tappa Wodliparri is a winding trail with board walks that lead visitors across a series of channels and through a growing array of native flora. The wetland is both a home and stopping place for an increasing number of birds, animals and other fauna.

Paddocks Wetlands Cnr Bridge Rd and Maxwell Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8406 8222 - Customer Centre Email city@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au Construction for the Paddocks Wetlands commenced in 1975. By establishing artificial wetlands, habitats are created that otherwise would be absent from an urban area. Not only waterbirds, but a whole range of plants and wildlife can exist in and benefit from these habitats. The Paddocks Wetlands feature small islands, dead trees and logs, deep and shallow water, reed and sedge beds and dense surrounding vegetation for refuge and breeding of waterbirds and other animals.

St Kilda Mangrove Trail and Interpretive Centre Mangrove St, St Kilda 5110 Phone 8406 8405 Email mpurdie@salisbury.sa.gov.au The St. Kilda Mangrove Trail was re-opened in July 2012 following completion of rectification works to a number of sections of the boardwalk. The southern loop has been permanently closed to the public due to significant deterioration of this section. The northern loop remains open and comprises a 500metre walk along the boardwalk through the mangrove forest to the lookout. Public entry to the boardwalk is free.

Urban Biodiversity Unit City of Salisbury 12 James Street, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8348 - Project Officer Mobile 0401 984 732 Email gbooth@salisbury.sa.gov.au So what is Biodiversity anyway? ‘Biodiversity or biological diversity’ simply means...’Everything!’ - plants, animals and micro-organisms, the genes they contain, and the ecosystems of which they form a part of. The Northern Metropolitan based program, hosted by City of Salisbury aims to conserve indigenous (local native) plants and animals through identifying areas for conservation and/or revegetation and providing education and information to schools, community, industry and government. Some 92% vegetation on the Adelaide Plains cleared since European settlement; thus, any remnants are of extreme importance. The unit also provides information on biodiversity, how to protect remnant vegetation, what to plant locally and how to get involved. This can also include funding projects that conserve remnants, undertaking revegetation or education programs that focus on biodiversity conservation. Visit the Urban Biodiversity Units Websites at www. backyards4wildlife.com.au or www. urbanforest.on.net and or follow the links from the City of Salisbury Website www.salisbury.sa.gov.au.

Environment and Conservation Environmental Groups Friends of Cobbler Creek

28 Smith Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8251 1088 Email dm_mitchell@bigpond.com www.communityWebsites.org/ friendsofcobblercreek Friends of Cobbler Creek Recreation Park is a community based group of volunteers dedicated to helping DEWNR to protect the natural features and habitat of the Park. They aim to educate the community about the native habitat and fauna and the parks recreational value.

Friends of Dry Creek Trail Inc. Phone 8264 3580 Email isted@westnet.com.au www.communityWebsites.org/ FriendsofDryCreekTrail

The group undertakes environmental work such as planting and weeding along Dry Creek, between Grand Junction Rd and Bridge Rd. Friends of Dry Creek Trail is expanding into Dry Creek Linear Park. If you are interested in becoming a member, contact the President.

NRM Education Salisbury 12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8289 Mobile 0401 984 743 Fax 8281 5466 Email mallery@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.nrmeducation.net.au NRM Education will work with your school community to plan and manage ongoing sustainability initiatives. They can help provide opportunities for students to take action on local environmental issues that will lead to improved educational and environmental outcomes linked to the Australian Curriculum. NRM Education staff work with schools across three key initiatives that include the Australian Sustainable Schools Initiative (AuSSI-SA), the Engaging with Nature environmental monitoring and taking action program and a range of Youth Action approaches that feed into the South Australian Youth Environment Council. Find out more about how you can get involved and how NRM Education can assist your school to become a more sustainable school at www.nrmeducation.net.au.

Parks and Reserves Carisbrooke Park Main North Rd, Salisbury Park 5109 Phone 8406 8222 - Customer Centre Email city@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au The kitchen and undercover area, along with other areas of the park, can be hired. There is a fee involved when hiring the park. Please contact the customer Centre on Phone 8406 8222 or visit our Website www.salisbury. sa.gov.au for further information, and the completion of the appropriate form.

Dry Creek Linear Park Walkleys Rd, Walkley Heights 5098 Phone 8406 8222 - Customer Centre Email city@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au Dry Creek is an ephemeral stream, meaning that it flows during winter months and usually dries up in summer, leaving only a few shallow pools. The Dry Creek catchment extends into the Mount Lofty Ranges and covers an area of over 100 square kilometres. Dry Creek travels some 28 kilometres before it flows into the Barker Inlet as Swan Alley Creek. The historical Dry Creek Linear Park forms a secluded nature corridor along Dry Creek, extending 3.5 kilometres from Walkleys Road to Bridge Road. Picturesque trails wind through the park and link with Founders Reserve on the eastern side and the Stockade Botanical Park on the western boundary. Along the creek the River Red Gums are a haven for numerous bird species and hollows in trees are home to bats and brushtail possums. Golden Wattles are scattered along the banks, complemented by the weeping branches of Willow Wattles. The pools and reed beds attract a variety of bird species, while frogs inhabit the grassy banks, reed beds and mud along the creeks. In addition, historic buildings and structures within Dry Creek Linear Park date back to the early years of the Adelaide Colony, having survived from the days when the quarries were worked by inmates of the nearby Yatala Prison. In recent years, the City of Salisbury has completed a number of restoration programs at the park, including the Yatala Powder Magazine, the Blacksmith’s Shop, several guard lookouts posts and a cottage which remains on the former RM Williams property. Car parking, toilet and picnic facilities are available, as well as electric barbecues located at the Stockade Botanical Park (which is in the City of Port Adelaide Enfield Phone 8405 6600).


Environment and Conservation Harry Bowey Reserve Riversdale Dr, Salisbury Park 5109 Phone 8406 8222 - Customer Centre Email city@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au The kitchen and undercover area, along with other areas of the park, can be hired. There is a fee involved when hiring the park. Please contact the customer Centre on Phone 8406 8222 or visit our Website www.salisbury.sa.gov.au for further information, and the completion of the appropriate form.

Little Para Trails Phone 8406 8222 - Customer Centre Email city@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au The Little Para Trails follow the Little Para River, which has many attractions for all to enjoy. Flowing from the City of Salisbury’s hilly escarpments to the plains, it meanders through many significant sites that played an important role in the early development of the City. Of great importance are the remnants of natural landscapes present along the river’s edge. Varieties of eucalyptus woodland and native golden wattle still exist and some of the earliest almond trees and orange groves are still blossoming. The richness of the area provided an immediate focus for settlement, which began in 1837. The Little Para was crucial to the development of the citrus industry, which began in the 1850s and provided extensive wealth to the area. The orange groves, lemon and almond trees were spread along the banks and pioneering growers are remembered in the several reserves and homesteads that are present along the trail. Council began acquiring land in the 1960s for the purpose of providing open space for public use and a belt of parklands surrounding the Little Para River with associated trails now exists. Points of interest along the trails include Paralowie House, Pitman Park, the Old Water Wheel, Harry Bowey Reserve, and Carisbrooke House.


Mobara Park Cnr Mawson Lakes Blvd and Garden Tce, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8406 8222 - Customer Centre Email city@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au Officially opened on 20 October 2004 and located at Mawson Lakes, Mobara Park is named in honour of the City of Salisbury’s Sister City Mobara City located in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. Mobara Park consists of the following three garden designs: Garden of Shifting Skies is a garden to accentuate the broad horizontal skies and flat topography of Salisbury. This space is composed of a plane of indigenous and mown grasses, their changing colour and growth marking the different seasons. A lone spreading eucalypt provides shade and acts as a counterpoint to this otherwise symmetrical space. Reclining lounge seats and low concrete walls invite visitors to pause and contemplate the heavens as well as viewing the channel of water as it falls into a circular sunken space. Stepping stones, a treatment often used in Japan allows the body of water to be crossed. Garden of Fields is a garden to emphasise the city of Mobara’s agricultural heritage. A diagonal field of colourful iris and cosmos, mown grass and gravel refers to the human patterning of the landscape. A timber deck traverses the field and marking the entrance to the third garden is a cluster of bright red poles, a colour often associated with Japan. A bronze figurative sculpture titled Nakayoshi, meaning close friend, generously donated by the City of Mobara, is located in this garden. Garden of Blossoms is an entrance garden with rows of ornamental pears creating a threshold space at the main park entry. The trees create a semitransparent veil that opens up as one walks further into the park. The blossom and leaf colour accentuate seasonal change. Large gently mounded circles of grass randomly punctuate the lines of trees, their whimsical forms inviting play. Circular paving of fractured and cut stone provides a gathering space with the detail of the stone work reinforcing the importance of the park. Circular seats refer to the wholeness of the circle and its use in Japanese temple landscapes, while also relating to the

wheel or cog and its role in the more recently industrialised Mobara. The sculpture, Balancing Act, by South Australian Artist Marijana Tadic heralds the entrance to the park.

Pioneer Park Recreation Area Commercial Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8222 - Customer Centre Email city@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au There is a fee involved when hiring the park. Please contact the Customer Centre on Phone 8406 8222 for further information. Bookings for Pioneer Park will require the appropriate application form to be completed.

Pitman Park Recreation Area Commercial Rd/Bridge St/Gawler St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8222 - Customer Centre Email city@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au Pitman Park is a lovely area situated alongside Parabanks Shopping Centre. It is often used for weddings. If you wish to use the area by the waterfall contact the Customer Centre on Phone 8406 8222 for further details on fees and booking requirements.

Recycling and Waste Services Amcor Recycling

Lot 1, 412-440 Hanson Rd, Dry Creek 5094 Phone 8348 9888 www.amcor.com Recycling of cardboard and paper - free public drop off.

Distribution 360 Burton Transfer Station

Lot 10 Hatcher Crt, Burton 5110 Mobile 0414 280 891 / 0488 360 360 Email daniel@d360.com.au www.distribution360.com.au Hours: Mon - Fri 8am - 4pm (5.30pm in daylight saving), Sat 8am - 5pm, Public holidays 9am - 1pm This rubbish dump is a privately-owned waste management facility. It is not a City of Salisbury facility.

Environment and Conservation E-Cycle Recovery

12-14 Baulderstone Rd, Gepps Cross 5094 Phone 8262 4074 Email info@ecyclerecovery.com.au www.ecyclerecovery.com.au Hours: Delivery/Customer drop off Mon - Fri 7.30am - 2.30pm, Office: Mon - Fri 8.30am - 4.30pm, Closed public holidays Environmental recycling of all types of electronic waste and Secure destruction.

Hazardous Household Waste Collection Phone 8204 2004

Where can I dispose of my Hazardous Household Waste? The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) offers free disposal of hazardous household wastes at the cnr Magazine Rd and Henschke St, Dry Creek on the first Tuesday of every month from 9am - 12 noon, or sometimes offer disposal on additional dates which can be obtained by ringing the EPA on Phone 8204 2004. (They are closed on public holidays). What will the EPA accept? Pesticides/insecticides/herbicides, pharmaceuticals, solvents eg. thinners, acids/alkalis, paints, varnishes and stains, photographic chemicals, motor oil, pool chemicals, batteries - nickel/ cadmium, mercury, lithium, lead/acid only, unknown wastes, fuels eg. petrol, kerosene, diesel. How to store and transport Hazardous Waste? Store chemicals in a safe, cool and dry place away from children and pets until collection day. Keep the product in the original container with the label intact and if the original container is broken, place it in a second container of like material (glass for corrosives, metal for flammables). Bring unwanted chemicals to the facility neatly arranged in sturdy boxes. Boxes should be packed with newspaper to prevent breakages. Do not transport chemicals in the passenger compartment of your vehicle, put them in the boot. No amount is too small or too large.

Kerbside Rubbish, Recycling and Garden Waste 12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8222 Email city@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au Each residential property in the City of Salisbury is entitled to waste collection services provided by the City of Salisbury through the Northern Adelaide Waste Management Authority for domestic waste and recyclables. Two bins are provided for each property (bins belong to NAWMA and stay at the property): 1) A 140-litre bin for normal household rubbish collected weekly. Option to upgrade to 240-litre if needed at extra cost per annum. Customers are billed annually on the anniversary date. Please contact the Customer Centre on Phone 8406 8222 for current fees. 2) A 240-litre yellow lid bin for recyclables (eg paper, cardboard glass bottles, aluminium cans etc, no need for sorting), collected fortnightly. Council also offers a free green waste service, provided residents purchase their own 240 litre green waste bin and register it for collection (fortnightly collection on alternate week to recycling). If you would like to register an existing green waste bin for collection or would like to order one, contact the Customer Centre on Phone 8406 8222. An order form will be mailed to you or pay direct at NAWMA by credit card over the phone on 1800 111 004 Note: For stolen/damaged NAWMA bins, either ring NAWMA direct or the Council’s Customer Centre The City of Salisbury offers two options for the disposal of hard waste: 1) A suburb by suburb kerbside pickup (fee: $10). To book this service, phone NAWMA on Phone 1800 111 004 2) A voucher entitling the resident to one free trailer load per year to be dumped at the Waste Transfer Station at Research Rd, Pooraka. Please contact NAWMA Phone 1800 111 004 for vouchers. Please contact Customer Centre on Phone 8406 8222 or NAMWA on Phone 1800 111 004 for more details. The Pooraka Waste Transfer Station can also accept electronic waste disposal free of charge from residents and small business (maximum of 15 items). Items must be complete units with no parts removed.

Pooraka Waste Transfer and Recycling Station City of Salisbury Research Rd, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8162 5348 www.salisbury.sa.gov.au Hours: 8am - 4pm, 7 days a week, Closed Christmas Day, Good Friday, Anzac Day and New Year’s Day Owned and operated by the City of Salisbury, the station provides for the disposal of hard waste and clean green waste in quantities too large to fit in the household rubbish bins. Queries regarding current fees should be directed to the transfer station Phone 8162 5348. Green waste - The transfer station also offers a reduced rate for green waste disposal to residents of Salisbury. Free trailer hire is also available to residents (deposit required) to help dispose of green waste or 100% metal loads or collection of mulch from the transfer station. Please contact the transfer station to query availability and prices. Mulch - The Pooraka Waste Transfer Station sells mulch to the public by the trailer load. Availability and prices can be obtained from the transfer station. Sort and Save - The transfer station offers a discount on all sorted loads that comprise of at least 75% recyclable materials. These materials include - All types of metal and metal products, plastic and glass beverage containers, white goods (need to have proof that they have been de-gassed), green waste (must be free from contamination, ie soils, wire, wood etc), concrete, bricks and pavers, gravel, clean soil (all materials must be free of dissimilar materials and soils must not contain grass, turf or weeds). Rags and similar materials are not considered to be recyclables.

Zero Waste SA

Lvl 8, 99 Gawler Pl, Adelaide 5001 Phone 1300 137 118 - Recycle Right Hotline Fax 8204 1911 www.zerowaste.sa.gov.au Information about recycling and waste avoidance at home, work and in industry. E-waste management.


Government Government Information Services Commonwealth Ombudsman

Level 4, 22 King William Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 1300 362 072 Mobile 0413 266 662 - SMS standard carrier rates apply Fax 02 6276 0123 Email ombudsman@ombudsman.gov.au www.ombudsman.gov.au Deals with complaints of individuals who have been unable to resolve problems with Australian, ACT and Norfolk Island departments, bodies and agencies.

Disability Access Issues City of Salisbury 12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8222/ 8406 8390 (direct) Mobile 0413 185 493 Email mtaggart@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au This service aims to support social inclusion for citizens with disability or with mental illness within Council facilities, programs and services as well as making the community as a whole more inclusive and accessible for people with disabilities, benefiting many others including parents with children in pushers and seniors.

Electoral Commission SA

Level 6, 60 Light Square, Adelaide 5000 Phone 7424 7400 Fax 7424 7444 Email ecsa.comments@sa.gov.au www.ecsa.sa.gov.au Administers all South Australian parliamentary and local government elections and encourages community participation in and awareness of electoral matters.

Ombudsman SA

50 Grenfell St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8226 8699/ 1800 182 150 outside metro SA Fax 8226 8602 Email ombudsman@ombudsman.sa.gov.au www.ombudsman.sa.gov.au Individuals and organisations with a complaint about the administrative action of a state government agency or local council.

Local Government City of Salisbury 12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8222 TTY 8406 8596 Fax 8281 5466 Email city@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au The City of Salisbury is one of the largest local government authorities in South Australia. The Council services a vibrant multicultural community of approximately 130,000 residents as at the latest census (2010). In order to meet the needs of residents, the City of Salisbury provides a wide variety of services from refuse collection to recreation and sporting facilities. The following information may assist you to make the most of your local government services. If you have any questions, contact the Customer Centre on Phone 8406 8222. Residents may access translating and interpreting services free of charge on Council matters through the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS). The Customer Centre will be happy to assist with any enquiries or you can visit the Website on www.salisbury.sa.gov.au.

Local Government Association of SA

148 Frome St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8224 2000 Fax 8232 6336 Email lgasa@lga.sa.gov.au www.lga.sa.gov.au The peak body for Local Government in South Australia.


State Government Education and Child Development, Department for 31 Flinders St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8226 1527 / 1800 088 158 Email decdcustomers@sa.gov.au www.decd.sa.gov.au

State Government Department responsible for ensuring the provision of children’s services and public education throughout South Australia.

Manufacturing, Innovation, Trade, Resources and Energy, Department for Level 9, The Conservatory 131-139 Grenfell Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8303 2400 Fax 8303 2410 Email dmitre@sa.gov.au www.southaustralia.biz

Parliament of South Australia

North Terrace, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8237 9386 - Education Officer www.parliament.sa.gov.au The public galleries of the House of Assembly and Legislative Council are open and free of charge to visitors when the Parliament is sitting.

SA Water

250 Victoria Sq, Adelaide 5000 Phone 1300 650 950 - Customer service Phone 1300 883 121 - Service problems Email customerservice@sawater.com.au www.sawater.com.au

Government Members of Parliament Federal Butler, Mark MP - Federal Member for Port Adelaide

15 Semaphore Rd, Semaphore 5019 Phone 8242 0733 Fax 8242 0744 Email Mark.Butler.MP@aph.gov.au www.aph.gov.au/M_Butler_MP The Commonwealth Electoral Division of Port Adelaide covers the area from Buckland Park in the north to Grange Road in the south. It includes Torrens Island, Garden Island and parts of Salisbury. Other suburbs in this division are Alberton, Beverley, Birkenhead, Cheltenham, Findon, Kilkenny, Largs Bay, Mansfield Park, Mawson Lakes, North Haven, Ottoway, Parafield Gardens, Paralowie, Pennington, Port Adelaide, Queenstown, Rosewater, Salisbury Downs, Seaton, Semaphore, Woodville and West Croydon.

Champion, Nick MP - Federal Member for Wakefield

Shop 89/ 600 Main North Rd, Smithfield 5114 Phone 8284 2422 / 1300 780 170 Fax 8284 2433 Email Nick.Champion.MP@aph.gov.au www.aph.gov.au/N_Champion_MP The Commonwealth Electoral Division of Wakefield covers the area from Salisbury in the northern suburbs of Adelaide to Clare, 135 km north of Adelaide. Suburbs include Elizabeth, Salisbury, Craigmore and Munno Para. The towns of Virginia, Gawler, Port Wakefield, Balaklava, Clare, Kapunda, Riverton, Mallala, Freeling and Tarlee are also included in this division.

Zappia, Tony MP - Federal Member for Makin

The State Electoral District of Port Adelaide includes part of Port Adelaide, the suburbs of Largs Bay, North Haven, Outer Harbour in the west and part of the suburbs of Parafield Gardens, Greenfields and Mawson Lakes to the east.

The Commonwealth Electoral Division of Makin covers the area from the Little Para River and Gould Creek in the north to Grand Junction Road in the south., Suburbs include Banksia Park, Fairview Park, Gepps Cross, Golden Grove, Greenwith, Gulfview Heights, Hope Valley, Ingle Farm, Modbury, Para Hills, Para Vista, Pooraka, Redwood Park, Ridgehaven, Salisbury East, Salisbury Heights, St Agnes, Surrey Downs, Tea Tree Gully, Valley View, Vista, Walkley Heights, Wynn Vale and Yatala Vale.

Odenwalder, Lee MP – State Member for Little Para

Members of Parliament - State

Rankine, Hon Jennifer MP State Member for Wright

959 North East Rd, Modbury 5092 Phone 8265 3100 Fax 8265 3900 Email Tony.Zappia.MP@aph.gov.au www.aph.gov.au/T_Zappia_MP

Bedford, Frances MP - State Member for Florey

Shop 1, 436 Montague Rd, Modbury North 5092 Phone 8263 2666 Fax 8263 2166 Email florey@parliament.sa.gov.au www.parliament.sa.gov.au The State Electoral District of Florey is situated in the north-east of Adelaide. Suburbs include Modbury, Modbury North and Modbury Heights, and part of Gilles Plains, Para Vista and Valley View.

Bettison, Zoe MP - State Member for Ramsay

40-42 Commercial Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 0480 Fax 8258 5433 Email ramsay@parliament.sa.gov.au www.parliament.sa.gov.au The State Electoral District of Ramsay, located to the north of the Adelaide area, largely residential and includes the Parafield Airport and the City of Salisbury.

Close, Susan MP - State Member for Port Adelaide Unit 1, 111 Lipson St, Port Adelaide 5015 Phone 8241 0300 Fax 8241 0400 Email ptadelaide@parliament.sa.gov.au www.parliament.sa.gov.au

Elizabeth Vale Shopping Centre, John Rice Ave, Elizabeth Vale 5112 Phone 8255 3030 Fax 8287 1349 Email littlepara@parliament.sa.gov.au www.parliament.sa.gov.au The State Electoral District of Davenport is 20km to the north-west of Adelaide and extends east to the Adelaide Hills. Suburbs include Elizabeth Grove, Golden Grove and Salisbury Heights.

Suite 1, Village Shopping Centre, cnr The Golden Way and The Grove Way, Golden Grove 5125 Phone 8289 0700 Fax 8289 1430 Email wright@parliament.sa.gov.au www.parliament.sa.gov.au The State Electoral District of Wright includes the outer north-eastern suburbs of Adelaide. Suburbs include Salisbury East, Wynn Vale, and part of Golden Grove, Greenwith and Para Hills.

Snelling, Hon Jack State Member for Playford

Unit 1, 3 Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8263 3777 Fax 8396 3435 Email playford@parliament.sa.gov.au www.parliament.sa.gov.au The State Electoral District of Playford is situated north-east of Adelaide. Suburbs include Ingle Farm, Para Hills, Pooraka and Walkley Heights.

Vlahos, Leesa MP - State Member for Taylor

Paralowie Shopping Centre, Units 1 and 2, 9 Liberator Dr, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8280 5144 Fax 8280 5526 Email taylor@parliament.sa.gov.au www.parliament.sa.gov.au The State Electoral District of Taylor is located to the north west of the city incorporating part of the District Council of Mallala, and Edinburgh, Virginia and Waterloo Corner.


Health Aboriginal Health Services Aboriginal Health Council of Inc. 9 King William Road, Unley 5061 Phone 8273 7200 Fax 8273 7299 Email ahcsa@ahcsa.org.au www.ahcsa.org.au

Muna Paiendi Primary Health Care Services Cnr Haydown Rd and Oldham Rd, Elizabeth Vale 5112 Phone 8182 9206 Fax 8182 9384 www.sahealth.sa.gov.au

Nunkuwarrin Yunti of Inc. Health Services

182-190 Wakefield Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8406 1600 Fax 8232 0949 Email nunku@nunku.org.au www.nunku.org.au Branch Elizabeth Downs 28-30 Brady St, Elizabeth Downs 5113 Phone 8254 5300 Fax 8254 9287

Ambulance Services SA Ambulance Service

216 Greenhill Rd, Eastwood 5063 Phone 1300 136 272 Fax 8271 4844 Email saasenquiries@health.sa.gov.au www.saambulance.com.au

St John Ambulance Australia Inc.

85 Edmund Avenue, Unley 5061 Phone 1300 360 455 Fax 8306 6995 Email stjohn@stjohnsa.com.au www.stjohnsa.com.au

Cancer BreastScreen SA

1 Goodwood Rd, Wayville 5034 Phone 13 2050 - Appointments Phone 8274 7100 - Administration Fax 8373 4395 Email BSSAenquiries@health.sa.gov.au www.breastscreensa.sa.gov.au Branch Elizabeth - 16 Playford Boulevard, Elizabeth 5112

Camp Quality SA

Leukaemia Foundation - SA

2/15 Liverpool Street, Port Lincoln 5606 Phone 8682 1855 Fax 8682 2366 Email info@leukaemia.org.au www.leukaemia.org.au

Community Health Services Migrant Health Service

21 Market St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8237 3900 / 1800 635 566 Fax 8237 3949 www.sahealth.sa.gov.au

Salisbury Primary Health Care Services

Hollywood Blvd, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8281 7644 Fax 8281 9326 Email andrew.craig@health.sa.gov.au www.sahealth.sa.gov.au

Shopfront Primary Health Care Services

Shop 3-4, 72 John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 1775 Fax 8285 7159 www.sahealth.sa.gov.au Provides a range of services to deal with physical, emotional and social health problems that affect young people or their families.

Aged Health Services

216 Gouger St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8410 5555 Fax 8410 6666 Email sa@campquality.org.au www.campquality.org.au

Helping Hand Aged Care, Rehabilitation Program Healthy Ageing

Cancer Council SA

64 Pennington Terrace, North Adelaide 5006 Phone 1300 882 880 / 1800 182 098 Fax 08 8239 9696 Email health.line@health.sa.gov.au www.whs.sa.gov.au

Canteen (SA/NT Division)

Dental Services

34 Commercial Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 1300 653 600 / 8285 0999 Fax 8285 1744 Email info@helpinghand.org.au www.helpinghand.org.au

Helping Hand Aged Care, Health and Wellbeing - Salisbury 1538 Main North Rd, Salisbury South 5106 Phone 8209 6969 Fax 8209 6902 Email healthandwellbeingReferralsDL@ helpinghand.org.au www.helpinghand.org.au

202 Greenhill Rd, Eastwood 5063 Phone 8291 4111 Phone 13 1120 - Helpline Fax 8291 4122 Email cc@cancersa.org.au www.cancersa.org.au

Level 1, 77 King William Road, North Adelaide 5006 Phone 8122 6492 / 1800 226 833 Fax 8161 6435 Email sa.dso@canteen.org.au www.canteen.org.au

Childhood Cancer Association Inc.

Level 1, Norwich Centre 55 King William Rd, North Adelaide 5006 Phone 8239 1444 Fax 8239 2300 Email info@childhoodcancer.asn.au www.childhoodcancer.asn.au


Women’s Health Statewide

SA Dental Service

180 Flinders St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8222 8222 Fax 8222 8234 Email sadental@health.sa.gov.au www.sadental.sa.gov.au Branch Salisbury Hollywood Blvd, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8250 9879

Health Diseases and Disabilities Alzheimer’s Australia SA

27 Conyngham St, Glenside 5065 Phone 8372 2100 - Office Phone 1800 100 500 - National Dementia Hotline Fax 8338 3390 Email sa.admin@alzheimers.org.au www.alzheimers.org.au

Arthritis Foundation of Inc.

Blind Welfare Association of Inc. 1 Cameron Avenue, Gilles Plains 5086 Phone 8367 6088 Fax 8369 0063 Email info@blindwelfare.com.au www.blindwelfare.org.au

Can:Do 4Kids

28 King George Ave, Hove 5048 Phone 8298 0900 Fax 8377 1933 Email info@cando4kids.com.au www.cando4kids.com.au

Cystic Fibrosis Inc.

118 Richmond Rd, Marleston 5033 Phone 8379 5711 / 1800 011 041 Fax 8379 5707 Email info@arthritissa.org.au www.arthritissa.org.au

143 Sturt Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8221 5595 / 1800 232 823 Fax 8221 5596 Email cfsa@cfsa.org.au www.cysticfibrosis.org.au/sa

Asbestos Victims Association (SA) Inc.

Diabetes SA

Lvl 3, 60 Waymouth Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8212 6008 Phone 1800 665 395 - Country callers Fax 8212 7008 Email info@avasa.asn.au www.avasa.asn.au

Asthma Foundation SA

159 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton 5033 Phone 8234 1977 Phone 1300 136 588 - Infoline Fax 8234 2013 Email info@diabetessa.com.au www.diabetessa.com.au

Disability Rights Advocacy Service Inc. (DRAS)

300 South Rd, Hilton 5033 Phone 8238 9300 Phone 1800 278 462 - Asthma Assist Fax 8238 9303 Email info@asthmasa.org.au www.asthmasa.org.au

Shop 4, 80 Henley Beach Rd, Mile End 5031 Phone 8351 9500 / 1800 816 720 Fax 8152 0936 Email admin@dras.com.au www.dras.com.au

Attention Disorder Association of Inc.

Aims to improve the accessibility and delivery of services and promote the rights of people with disabilities, including sensory impairment, mental illness and learning disabilities, at individual and policy levels.

302 South Rd, Hilton 5033 Phone 8152 0187 Fax 8152 0447 Email admin@adasa.com.au www.adasa.org.au

Autism SA

1/262 Marion Road, Netley 5037 Phone 8379 6976 Fax 8338 1216 Email admin@autismsa.org.au www.autismsa.org.au

Barkuma Inc.

Level 1, 260 Currie Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8414 7100 Fax 8414 7199 Email barkuma@barkuma.com.au www.barkuma.com.au

Early Childhood Intervention Australia Inc. – SA Chapter

Gouger Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8345 5019 Fax 8268 9328 Email Nici.Macadam@directions.org.au www.ecia.org.au Promotes coordination and liaison between families, service providers, government and non-government organisations; supports and promotes the rights of young children with disabilities and their families.

Epilepsy Centre

266 Port Rd, Hindmarsh 5007 Phone 1300 850 081 Phone 1300 852 853 - Epilepsy Helpline Fax 8448 5609 Email enquiries@epilepsycentre.org.au www.epilepsycentre.org.au

Guide Dogs SA.NT

251 Morphett St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8203 8333 Fax 8203 8332 Email info@guidedogs.org.au www.guidedogs.org.au

Heart Foundation - SA

155 Hutt St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 1300 362 787 / 8224 2888 Fax 8223 1416 Email sa@heartfoundation.org.au www.heartfoundation.org.au

Hepatitis Helpline Phone 1300 437 222 hepatitissa.asn.au

Hepatitis SA

3 Hackney Road, Hackney 5069 Phone 1300 437 222 / 8362 8443 Fax 8362 8559 Email admin@hepatitissa.asn.au www.hepatitissa.asn.au

ME/CFS Society Inc.

266 Port Rd, Hindmarsh 5007 Phone 8410 8929 Phone 8346 3237 - Support Line Fax 8410 8931 Email sacfs@sacfs.asn.au www.sacfs.asn.au

Multiple Sclerosis Society of SA and NT Inc. Endeavour House, Technology Park Module 6E, 11-15 Fourth Avenue, Mawson Lakes 5092 Phone 7002 6500 Fax 7002 6599 Email info@ms.asn.au www.ms.asn.au

Muscular Dystrophy Association Inc. 36-38 Henley Beach Road, Mile End 5031 Phone 8234 5266 / 1800 685 266 Fax 8234 5866 Email info@mdasa.org.au www.mdasa.org.au


Health National Disability Services SA Building 5, Daringa Street, Mile End 5031 Phone 8354 0084 Fax 8354 0028 Email ndssa@nds.org.au www.nds.org.au

Paraplegic and Quadriplegic Association of Inc.

28 Lower Portrush Road, Marden 5070 Phone 8355 3500 Fax 8355 3511 Email reception@pqasa.asn.au www.pqasa.asn.au

Parkinson’s Inc.

23a King William Rd, Unley 5061 Phone 8357 8909 / 1800 644 189 Fax 8357 8876 Email info@parkinsonssa.org.au www.parkinsonssa.org.au

Physical Disability Council of Inc.

Suite 6, 302 South Road, Hilton 5033 Phone 8152 0966 Fax 8152 0447

Polio Awareness Inc

15 Narambi Ave, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8260 6674 Email kvhudsin@esc.net.au

Positive Life South Australia Inc. 16 Malwa St, Glandore 5037 Phone 8293 3700 Fax 8293 3900 Email reception@hivsa.org.au www.hivsa.org.au

scosa - Spastic Centres of Inc. 100 Woodville Rd, Woodville 5011 Phone 8347 2664 Fax 8347 2208 Email info@scosa.com.au www.scosa.com.au Postal PO Box 49, Woodville 5011 Branch Elizabeth Park 3 Kirk St, Elizabeth Park 5113 Phone 8444 9379

Stroke Inc.

302 South Rd, Hilton 5033 Phone 8352 4644 Email info@stroke.org.au www.stroke.org.au

Technical Aid to the Disabled (SA) Inc.

c/- Royal Society for the Blind of Blacks Road, Gilles Plains 5086 Phone 8261 2922 / 1300 663 243 Fax 8369 1051 Email admin@tadsa.org.au www.tadsa.org.au


139-141 Winzor St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 1688 Fax 8281 8088 Email admin@harmoniemedical.com.au

Health Matters Medical Centre 337 Whites Rd, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8285 8888 Fax 8285 8588 Email hmmc@hmmc.com.au

Ingle Farm Medical Centre All Health Medical Centre

220 Waterloo Corner Rd, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8250 1333 Fax 8250 0500 Email ahmc@hotmail.com.au

CHG (Corporate Health Group) 55 Henley Beach Rd, Mile End 5031 Phone 8354 9800 Fax 8354 9844 www.chg.net.au

Christian Family Practice

128 Waterloo Corner Rd, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8250 6299 Mobile 0414 713 888 Fax 8281 3577 Email ksoo@iprimus.com.au

Europa Medical Centre

287 Salisbury Hwy, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8258 9103 Fax 8281 6303 Email europamedical@adam.com.au www.europamedical.com.au

Florey Health Care - Pooraka

138 Bridge Rd, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8349 8999 Email admin@floreyhealthcare.com.au

Goodwill Medical Centre

30-32 Main Street, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8260 5600 Fax 8260 3244 Email gmcml2014@gmail.com

GP Connect - Northern Clinic 51 Park Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 7077 Fax 8281 2911 Email gp@gpsolutions.com.au www.gpsolutions.com.au Hours: Mon - Fri, 6pm - 10pm Sat, 1pm - 6pm Sun, 11am - 6pm Public holidays, 11am - 6pm Walk-in service.


Harmonie Medical Clinic

23 Roopena St, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8265 2227 Fax 8265 2207 Email griches@inglefarmmedical.com.au

Martins Road Family Medical Practice

Shop 11, Martins Plaza Shopping Centre, 237 Martins Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8283 4411 Fax 8283 4499 Email reception@martinsroadmed.com.au

Mawson Lakes Healthcare

Innovation House, 50 Mawson Lakes Blvd, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8359 6266 Fax 8162 5788 Email admin@mydoctor.org.au

Mawson Lakes Medical Centre

12 The Promenade, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8359 5133 Fax 8359 7004

Montague Farm Medical Centre Shop 8, 2 Montague Rd, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8359 4222 Fax 8359 4315 Email admin@mydoctor.org.au www.mydoctor.org.au

Northwest Medical Centre Park Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 2558

Parafield Gardens Family Medical Practice 463 Salisbury Hwy, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8250 5303 Fax 8250 5245

Park Terrace Medical Centre and Skin Cancer Clinic 60 Park Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 0022 Fax 8281 8322 Email paralowie1@internode.on.net

Health Phan Medical and Dental

Drug and Alcohol Services

Pooraka Clinic

Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council (SA) Inc.

180 Burton Rd, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8281 2955 Fax 8281 2902

803 Main North Rd, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8260 2677 Fax 8359 0877 Email poorakaacc@internode.net.au

Salisbury Family Care

2/89 Stanbel Rd, Salisbury Plain 5108 Phone 8250 0555 Fax 8250 0455 Email sfcvip@internode.on.net Branch Para Hills 513 Bridge Rd, Para Hills

Salisbury Heights Surgery 1 The Grove Way, Salisbury Heights 5109 Phone 8258 2878 Fax 8258 4033

Salisbury Medical Clinic 16 John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 1732

Salisbury Superclinic

42 Amsterdam Crescent, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8281 2777 Fax 8281 2799 Email salisbury@alliedmgp.com.au www.salisburysuperclinic.com.au

Trinity Medical Centre

31 Bagster Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8258 1677 / 8258 1700 Fax 8258 0277 Email trinitymc@internode.on.net

Whites Road Medical Centre

127 Whites Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8258 8988 Fax 8281 1777 Email reception@whitesroad.com.au

155 Holbrooks Road, Underdale 5032 Phone 8351 9031 Fax 8352 4546 Email adac@adac.org.au www.adac.org.au

Aboriginal Sobriety Group Inc. 182-190 Wakefield St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8223 4204 Mobile 0411 474 368 - Mobile Assistance Patrol, 24 hours Fax 8232 6685 Email reception@asg.org.au www.aboriginalsobrietygroup.org.au

Al-Anon Family Groups

1st Floor, Harmer House 5 Leigh Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8231 2959 / 8212 6824 Email sa_alanon@hotmail.com www.saalanon.org

Alcohol and Drug Information Service

Phone 8363 8618 Phone 1300 131 340 www.dassa.sa.gov.au Hours: 24 hours, 7 days per week Information provided for the general public, concerned family and friends, students and health professionals. Telephone counselling, information and referral on alcohol and drug issues.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Central Service Office 120, 38 Gawler Place, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8227 0046 - Office Phone 8227 0334 - (24 hours) Phone 1300 222 222 - National helpline Fax 8227 0046 Email cso@aa-sa.org www.aa-sa.org

Centacare Drug and Alcohol Service

413 Grange Rd, Seaton 5023 Phone 8159 1400 Fax 8159 1499 www.centacare.org.au


249 Diagonal Rd, Warradale 5046 Phone 8296 4777 Fax 8358 2921 Email sa@drugarm.com.au www.drugarm.com.au Branch Northern 6 Bogan Road, Hillbank, 5112 Phone 8255 0233

Drug and Alcohol Services SA

161 Greenhill Rd, Parkside 5063 Phone 1300 131 340 / 8274 3333 Fax 08 8274 3399 Email dassa@health.sa.gov.au www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/dassa Branch Northern Service 22 Langford Dr, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8287 5742

Narcotics Anonymous

Phone 8231 4233 - answering service 24 hours Email info@na.org.au www.na.org.au

Quit SA

202 Greenhill Road, Eastwood 5063 Phone 13 7848 - Quitline Phone 1300 889 010 - Pregnancy Quitline Phone 8291 4141 - Administration Fax 8291 4194 Email quitsa@quitsa.org.au www.quitsa.org.au

SAVIVE’S Clean Needle Program @ Shopfront Shop 3-4, 72 John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 1775 Fax 8285 7159 Email www.sahealth.sa.gov.au

Streetlink Youth Health Service

1st Floor, 27 Gresham St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8202 5950 Fax 8231 4115 Email enquiries@unitingcommunities.org www.unitingcommunities.org

Towards Independence, Salvation Army

Level 1, 62 Whitmore Sq, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8110 8500 Fax 8110 8599 www.salvationarmy.org.au/ towardsindependence


Health General Health

Health Education

Hearing Services

Health Promotion Branch, Health

Crunch Bunch

Australian Hearing

From the Adelaide Produce Market, the Crunch Bunch are mascot characters and consists of Captain Capsicum, Bro Broccoli, Gidget Strawberry, Cobba Corn, Jose Avocado and Sonny Pineapple. They regularly appear at shopping centres, greengrocers and community events to promote healthy eating amongst children.

Bloom Hearing Specialists Salisbury

Level 4, CitiCentre, 11 Hindmarsh Sq, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8226 6329 Fax 8226 6133 Email hpb@health.sa.gov.au www.health.sa.gov.au/pehs/healthpromotion.htm Works with government departments, Regional Health Services and nongovernment agencies to bring about changes that will lead to better health for all.

Healthdirect Australia

Phone 1800 022 222 - Health information Phone 1800 332 486 - Pregnancy, birth and baby Email info@healthdirect.gov.au healthdirect.gov.au A joint initiative of Federal and State Governments that provides non-urgent health advice about illness, specific health conditions or after-hours health and related services. Callers do not have to be sick to use the service and they can call on behalf of relatives or friends.

HomeFront Falls Prevention Program

Phone 13 3254 Phone 1800 555 254 - Regional callers Email GeneralEnquiries@dva.gov.au www.dva.gov.au

Medicare Australia

Phone 13 2011 TTY 1800 552 152 Email medicare@humanservices.gov.au www.medicareaustralia.gov.au Branch Elizabeth Shop 55 Oxenham Mall, Elizabeth Shopping Centre,50 Elizabeth Way, Elizabeth 5112

Public and Environment Health 12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8222 Email city@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Starlight Children’s Foundation Phone 9460 9050 www.starlight.org.au


Burma Rd, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8349 4493 Fax 8349 6574 Email enquiry@adelaidemarkets.com.au www.adelaidemarkets.com.au All hours, 7 days a week

Salisbury Healthy Communities Initiative 12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8251 Email jbinder@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au/livingwell The City of Salisbury is committed to helping its residents lead a healthy and active lifestyle. The Living Well in the Living City project encourages healthy lifestyle choices, by supporting a range of physical activity and healthy eating programs in the Salisbury community.

OPAL (Obesity Prevention and Lifestyle) 12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8222

OPAL is a program that’s about everyone in the community working together to create all kinds of ways to enjoy healthy eating and to have fun being active. The way OPAL comes to life in Salisbury will depend on community input and enthusiasm. The OPAL team at Salisbury council will be supporting communities, by coordinating activities and making changes to local services to make sure healthy choices are easy for you and your family. Every 12 months new information about healthy eating and physical activity will be provided to help you make healthy choices in your life.

3/209 Grenfell Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 13 1797 www.hearing.com.au Branch Modbury Shop25C, Modbury Triangle Shopping Centre, 954 North East Rd, Modbury 5092 Phone 8265 8100

Shop 7-8 Spaceland Arcade 73 John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 2089 Fax 8285 5389 Email salisbury@bloomhearing.com.au www.bloomhearing.com.au

Cora Barclay Centre

Elizabeth Forwood House 185 Melbourne St, North Adelaide 5006 Phone 8267 9200 Fax 8267 9222 Email reception@corabarclay.com.au www.corabarclay.com.au

Deaf Can:Do

59-61 Grange Road, Welland 5007 Phone 8100 8200 TTY 8340 1654 Fax 8346 9625 Email info@deafcando.com.au www.deafcando.com.au

National Relay Service

Level 2, 10 Mallet St, Camperdown New South Wales 2050 Phone 1800 555 660 - Voice TTY 1800 555 630 - TTY Phone 1800 555 660 - Internet Relay Mobile 0416 001 350 - SMS Fax 1800 555 690 Email helpdesk@relayservice.gov.au www.relayservice.com.au National Relay Service: 24 hours, 7 days per week

Parents of Hearing Impaired Inc.

Phone 8353 6870 / 8268 6883 Mobile 0403 040 837 Fax 8270 6679 Email phisa@internode.on.net www.users.on.net/phisa

Health Hospitals Calvary Central Districts Hospital 25-37 Jarvis Rd, Elizabeth Vale 5112 Phone 8250 4111 Fax 8250 7900 www.calvarycentraldistricts.org.au

Lyell McEwin Hospital

Haydown Rd, Elizabeth Vale 5112 Phone 8182 9000 Fax 8182 9122 www.lmh.sa.gov.au

Intellectual Disability Brain Injury Network Inc.

70 Light Square, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8217 7600 Phone 1300 733 049 - Country callers Fax 8211 8164 Email info@binsa.org www.binsa.org

Down Syndrome Society of Inc.

41-69 Smart Rd, Modbury 5092 Phone 8161 2000 Fax 8161 2111 www.sahealth.sa.gov.au

1st Floor, 59-61 Grange Road, Welland 5007 Phone 8346 1056 Fax 8346 4521 Email info@downssa.asn.au downssa.asn.au

Repatriation General Hospital

Interchange Inc.

Modbury Hospital

Daws Rd, Daw Park 5041 Phone 8276 9666 / 1800 254 373 Fax 8277 9401 www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/rgh

Women’s and Children’s Hospital 72 King William Rd, North Adelaide 5006 Phone 8161 7000 Fax 8161 7459 www.wch.sa.gov.au

Immunisation Immunisation Services

6 George Street, Stepney 5069 Phone 8132 5300 Fax 8363 7388 Email marianne@interchangesa.org.au www.interchange.org.au

Skill Teaching and Resources Inc. 48 Hampstead Rd, Broadview 5083 Phone 8269 2199 Fax 8269 4546 Email admin@starinc.com.au www.starinc.com.au

Mental Health Services

Phone 1300 364 264 - RDNS A joint community project with the City of Salisbury and the Royal District Nursing Service (SA) Inc. (RDNS), these clinics provide a wide range of free immunisations across the City. This free immunisation service is for children from the ages of 8 weeks old through to school children up to Year 9 and is funded by the City of Salisbury and through grant funding by the Department of Health. Please call Phone 1300 364 264 for times and locations.

Carers SA

66 Greenhill Road, Wayville 5034 Phone 1800 242 636 - Carer Advisory and Counselling Service Phone 8291 5600 Fax 8271 6388 Email info@carers-sa.asn.au carers-sa.asn.au

Child Adolescent Mental Health Service

C/- Women’s and Children’s Hospital, 72 King William Rd, North Adelaide 5006 Phone 8161 6624 / 8161 7389 Fax 8161 7371 / 8161 7206 Email christine.walsh@health.sa.gov.au Email phil.brock@health.sa.gov.au www.wch.sa.gov.au Branch Northern Region Suite 11, Sidney Chambers, Elizabeth City Centre, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8252 0133 Fax 8287 0308 Email northern@wch-camhs.sa.gov.au

Grow (SA Branch)

Unit 1, 355 Brighton Rd, Hove 5048 Phone 8298 9299 Phone 1800 558 268 - free call in SA Fax 8298 9066 Email sa@grow.org.au www.grow.net.au

Lyell McEwin Hospital Mental Health Division

91 John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 7485 4300 Hours: Assessment and Crisis Intervention Services (ACIS): 24 hours, 7 days per week. Mobile Assertive Care Services (MACS): 7 days per week, extended hours. Hours for other services vary Branch Mobile Assertive Care Service (Northern MACS) Phone 8282 1446 Fax 8282 0520 Salisbury - 91 John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8282 0500 Fax 8282 0696

Mental Illness Fellowship South Australia Inc. 5 Cooke Tce, Wayville 5034 Phone 8378 4100 Fax 8378 4199 Email mifsa@mifsa.org www.mifsa.org

Metro Community Living

Level 1, 64 Dale St, Port Adelaide 5015 Phone 8440 2222 www.ucwpa.org.au

Mind Australia

210 Greenhill Rd, Eastwood 5063 Phone 8274 2700 / 1300 286 463 Email infoSA@mindaustralia.org.au www.mindaustralia.org.au


Health Neami North East Adelaide

827 Main North Rd, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8300 8900 Fax 8260 5218 Email northeastadelaide@neami.org.au www.neami.org.au

Neighbourhood Access

Unit 1b, 25 Wiltshire St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 2575 / 8283 1974 Mobile 0418 854 608 Fax 8283 1974 Email dseeley@ucwpa.org.au www.ucwpa.org.au

Northern Community Mental Health Centre 7-9 Park Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 7485 4300 www.sahealth.sa.gov.au

Older Persons Mental Health Service - Northern Team

30 Gawler St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8282 2500 Fax 8282 2501 Email terry.hernen@health.sa.gov.au

Personal Helpers and Mentors Northern Metropolitan 20 Gawler St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8378 4100 Fax 8209 6262 Email phams-innernorth@mifsa.org www.mifsa.org

Palliative Care Lyell McEwin Palliative Care Service

c/- Lyell McEwin Hospital Haydown Rd, Elizabeth Vale 5112 Phone 8182 9208 Fax 8182 9808 Email annette.cieslak@health.sa.gov.au www.lmh.sa.gov.au

North Eastern Palliative Care Service Modbury Hospice Unit, Modbury Hospital, Smart Rd, Modbury 5092 Phone 8161 2351 Fax 8161 2380

Palliative Care Council SA Inc. 202 Greenhill Rd, Eastwood 5063 Phone 1800 660 055 / 8291 4137 Fax 8291 4268 Email pallcare@pallcare.asn.au www.pallcare.asn.au


RDNS South Australia

1 Richmond Rd, Keswick 5035 Phone 1300 364 264 Email enquiries@rdns.org.au www.rdns.org.au Branches Nursing centres in Elizabeth, Modbury, Munno Para and Salisbury South

Pregnancy Australian Breastfeeding Association (SA Branch)

Trinity Gardens Children’s Centre 160 Portrush Rd (enter from Devitt Ave), Trinity Gardens 5068 Phone 8333 3276 Phone 1800 686 268 - Helpline Email santoffice@breastfeeding.asn.au www.breastfeeding.asn.au There are local groups throughout metropolitan and country areas organise a range of programs.

Birthline Pregnancy Support Services Inc.

412 Magill Rd, Kensington Gardens 5068 Phone 8331 1223 - Counselling Phone 1300 655 156 - Country callers Phone 8431 8196 - Office Fax 8431 8196 Email birthline@birthline.org.au www.birthline.org.au Phone counselling: 24 hrs, 7 days

National Pregnancy Support Helpline

Phone 1800 882 436 www.health.gov.au/pregnancyhelpline Hours: 24 hours, 7 days per week

Pregnancy Advisory Centre

21 Belmore Tce, Woodville Park 5011 Phone 8243 3999 / 1800 672 966 Fax 8243 3998 Email pregnancy.advisory@health.sa.gov.au www.pregnancyadvisorycentre.com.au

Rehabilitation Services Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre

207-255 Hampstead Rd, Northfield 5085 Phone 8222 1600 Fax 8222 1608 www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/ wcm/connect/Public+Content/ SA+Health+Internet/

Northcare - Physiotherapy, Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation Centre

192 Park Tce, Salisbury Plain 5108 Phone 8250 7557 Fax 8281 7589 Email cathyd@northcare.com.au www.northcare.com.au

RDNS South Australia

1 Richmond Rd, Keswick 5035 Phone 1300 364 264 Email enquiries@rdns.org.au www.rdns.org.au Branches Nursing centres in Elizabeth, Modbury, Munno Para and Salisbury South

Tregenza House

21 Knowles Rd, Elizabeth Vale 5112 Phone 8255 9690 Fax 8287 4865

Sexual Health SHine Inc.

Woodville GP Plus Health Care Centre 64c Woodville Rd, Woodville 5011 Phone 8300 5300 Phone 1300 883 793 – Sexual Healthline Phone 1800 188 171 – Country Callers Fax 8300 5399 Email info@shinesa.org.au Email sexualhealthhotline@health. sa.gov.au www.shinesa.org.au Branch Northern Primary Health Care Team 43 Peachey Rd, Davoren Park 5113 Phone 8256 0700 Fax 8256 0799

Health Vision Services Can:Do 4Kids

28 King George Ave, Hove 5048 Phone 8298 0900 Fax 8377 1933 Email info@cando4kids.com.au www.cando4kids.com.au

Guide Dogs SA.NT

251 Morphett St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8203 8333 Fax 8203 8332 Email info@guidedogs.org.au www.guidedogs.org.au

Royal Society for the Blind

Knapman House 230 Pirie St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8417 5599 / 1800 675 554 Fax 8232 4807 Email mail@rsb.org.au www.rsb.org.au

South Australian Association of and for Blind Citizens Inc. Phone 8289 9880 Email maureenc@bigpond.net.au

South Australian Spectacles Scheme

Phone 1300 762 577 - Hotline TTY 8226 6789 Fax 8226 7047 Email DCSISpectacles@dcsi.sa.gov.au www.sa.gov.au/concessions

Weight Control Montague Farm Medical Centre Shop 8, 2 Montague Rd, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8359 4222 Fax 8359 4315 Email admin@mydoctor.org.au www.mydoctor.org.au Weight Clinic.

Overeaters Anonymous Adelaide

Phone 8411 2814 Email admin@oaadelaide.org www.oaadelaide.org

SA Weight Watchers Association Inc.

Weight Watchers International Salisbury Groups

Shopfront Primary Health Care Services

Meetings: Parafield Gardens, Salvation Army Parafield Gardens, 86 Lavender Dr, Parafield Gardens: Mon and Thurs 6.30pm and Sat 9am Ingle Farm Primary School Hall, 18 Hallidon St, Ingle Farm: Wed 6.30pm Mawson Centre, Tutorial Rm MC121, University Blvd, Mawson lakes: Tues 5.30pm.

Young people 12-25 years living in the Cities of Salisbury, Playford and Tea Tree Gully. Provides a range of services to deal with physical, emotional and social health problems that affect young people or their families.

Phone 13 1997 www.weightwatchers.com.au

Youth Health Services Child and Family Health

295 South Tce, Adelaide 5000 Phone 1300 733 606 - Health Centres Phone 1300 364 100 - Parent Help Line Phone 8232 0233 - Youth Health Centres Phone 1300 131 719 - Youth Healthline Phone 8303 1500 - Administration Fax 8303 1656 www.cyh.com Parent Helpline - provides telephone Information and support on child health, parenting, development or behaviour concerns. For parents of children and young people 0-12 years, 24 hours, 7 days per week, Phone 1300 364 100. Child and Family Health Centres - over 120 centres state-wide offering free health checks for children 0-5 years, information on child health and development and parenting support. Offices can be located on the or by calling Phone 1300 733 606 to make an appointment.

Shop 3-4, 72 John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 1775 Fax 8285 7159 www.sahealth.sa.gov.au

Streetlink Youth Health Service

1st Floor, 27 Gresham St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8202 5950 Fax 8231 4115 Email enquiries@unitingcommunities.org www.unitingcommunities.org Health and medical services (bulk billing) – health checks, doctor appointments, medical treatment, immunizations, child development and health checks, pregnancy and neonatal support, wound care, nutrition. Nurse drop in clinic, GP by appointment.

Women’s and Children’s Health Network Level 2, 77 King William Rd, North Adelaide 5006 Phone 8161 6003 Fax 8161 6112 www.wchn.sa.gov.au

Youth Health Service

Phone 1300 131 719 - Youth Healthline www.cyh.com Branch Elizabeth 6 Gillingham Rd, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8255 3477 Fax 8255 3155

Room 711, Gawler Pl, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8232 0844 Fax 8232 3758 Email office@saweightwatchers.com.au www.saweightwatchers.com.au


Law and Justice Consumer and Ombudsman Services

Disability Rights Advocacy Service Inc. (DRAS)

Equal Opportunity Commission of SA

16 Hutt St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8232 5377 / 1800 700 600 Fax 8232 1794 Email aras@agedrights.asn.au www.sa.agedrights.asn.au

Aims to improve the accessibility and delivery of services and promote the rights of people with disabilities, including sensory impairment, mental illness and learning disabilities, at individual and policy levels.

Information on equal opportunity. Examines and responds to complaints of discrimination, harassment and victimisation. Education and training to encourage compliance with the legislation.

Information, support and representation regarding rights and entitlements of older people using community or residential aged care services.

Disability Advocacy and Complaints Service of Inc.

Fair Work Ombudsman

Aged Rights Advocacy Service Inc.

Commonwealth Ombudsman

Level 4, 22 King William St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 1300 362 072 Mob 0413 266 662 - SMS standard carrier rates apply Fax 02 6276 0123 Email ombudsman@ombudsman.gov.au www.ombudsman.gov.au The Ombudsman is independent and impartial with recommendation powers if complaints are found to be justified. All information treated with privacy and respect.

Consumer and Business Services Chesser House, 91-97 Grenfell St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 13 1882 www.cbs.sa.gov.au

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Office. Business and Occupational Services. Consumer Advice. Residential Tenancies. Product safety - enforcing of safety legislation regarding products; information and advice on unsafe and hazardous products, product recalls. Administration the Liquor Licensing Act - regulation and control of sale, supply and consumption of liquor.

Shop 4, 80 Henley Beach Rd, Mile End 5031 Phone 8351 9500 / 1800 816 720 Fax 8152 0396 Email admin@dras.com.au www.dras.com.au

470 Marion Road, Plympton Park 5038 Phone 8297 3500 / 1800 088 325 Fax 8297 1155 Email admin@dacssa.org.au www.dacssa.org.au A statewide, confidential, independent service that receives and acts on complaints from people with disabilities and their families or associates which arise as a result of disability. Advocates will meet with people out of hours and where required, including client’s place of residence or employment.

Energy and Water Ombudsman (SA)

Level 11, 50 Pirie St, Adelaide 5001 Phone 1800 665 565 - Free call Fax 1800 665 165 Email contact@ewosa.com.au www.ewosa.com.au/ Investigation and resolution of disputes between customers and energy and water companies - including billing, credit management, supply and provision of services.

Level 10, 30 Currie St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8207 1977 / 1800 188 163 TTY 8207 1911 Fax 8207 2090 Email eoc@agd.sa.gov.au www.eoc.sa.gov.au

Level 2, 148 Frome St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 13 1394 - Fair Work Infoline www.fwo.gov.au Provides single point of contact for advice and information about Australia’s workplace relations system. Education about workplace rights and obligations. Investigation of complaints or suspected contraventions of workplace laws, awards and agreements. Litigation to enforce workplace laws.

Financial Ombudsman Service GPO Box 3, Melbourne 3001 Phone 1300 780 808 Fax (03) 9613 6399 Email info@fos.org.au www.fos.org.au

Resolution of disputes between consumers, including some small businesses, and participating financial services providers - including banking, credit, loans, general insurance, life insurance, financial planning, investments, stock broking, managed funds and pooled superannuation trusts.

Office of the Employee Ombudsman

Level 10, 30 Currie Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8207 1970 Fax 8207 1937 Email oeo@sa.gov.au www.employeeombudsman.sa.gov.au Advises employees, home-based employees and outworkers on their industrial rights and obligations. Assists employees in enterprise bargaining. Investigates complaints from employees. Scrutinises proposed enterprise agreements.


Law and Justice Office of the Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner Level 4, East Wing 50 Grenfell Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8226 8666 – Enquiry Service Phone 1800 232 007 Phone 8226 8652 - Office Fax 8226 8620 www.hcscc.sa.gov.au

Assistance with resolution of complaints about public, private and nongovernment health and community services in South Australia, including child protection services.

Office of the Public Advocate

Level 7, ABC Building, 85 North East Rd, Collinswood 5081 Phone 8342 8200 Phone 1800 066 969 - Country clients Fax 8342 8250 Email opasa@opa.sa.gov.au www.opa.sa.gov.au Responsible for promoting and protecting the rights and interests of people who have mental incapacity in South Australia.

Ombudsman SA

50 Grenfell St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8226 8699 Phone 1800 182 150 - Outside metro SA Fax 8226 8602 Email ombudsman@ombudsman.sa.gov.au www.ombudsman.sa.gov.au Investigates complaints against administrative actions of state government departments, statutory authorities and local councils.

Public Trustee

211 Victoria Sq, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8226 9200 / 1800 673 119 Fax 8226 9350 Email pt.enquiries@saugov.sa.gov.au www.publictrustee.sa.gov.au Will making, estate management and trustee services. Investment services for Public Trustee clients. Preparation of tax returns. Enduring Power of Attorney and Enduring Power of Guardianship.

Residential Tenancies Tribunal 4th Floor, 100 Pirie St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8226 8989 Fax 8226 8985 Email tribunal@agd.sa.gov.au www.sa.gov.au/tenancy/tribunal

Resolution of disputes regarding residential tenancy, residential park matters and retirement village matters.

Working Women’s Centre Inc. 1st Floor, Station Arcade, 52 Hindley St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8410 6499, 1800 652 697 Fax 8410 6770 Email wwc@wwc.org.au www.wwc.org.au

Information, support and advocacy to women who work or who are seeking work on work related issues such as unfair or unlawful termination, negotiating contracts of employment, wages and working conditions, health issues at work, sexual harassment, workplace bullying and discrimination. Project work on issues such as outwork, workplace bullying, work and family, rehabilitation and return to work after injury and the impact of domestic violence on women workers and their workplaces.

Courts and Court Services Court Volunteer Service

Adelaide Magistrates Court Ground Floor, 260-280 Victoria Square, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8204 0720 Fax 8204 0721 Email volunteers@courts.sa.gov.au www.courts.sa.gov.au Information and referral - covering all matters relating to the justice system.

Family Court of Australia, Adelaide Registry

Roma Mitchell Commonwealth Law Courts Building 3 Angas St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 1300 352 000 Fax 8219 1625 www.familycourt.gov.au Family law - including divorce, residence of and contact with children, property division, maintenance and injunctions covering family disputes.

Magistrates Court of SA

260-280 Victoria Sq, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8204 2444 Fax 8204 0670 - Civil Fax 8204 0481 - Criminal Email enquiry@courts.sa.gov.au www.courts.sa.gov.au Branches Elizabeth 15 Frobisher Rd, Elizabeth 5112 Holden Hill Lyons Rd, Holden Hill 5088 The Magistrates Court deals with a wide variety of criminal and noncriminal prosecutions and applications. People are summonsed to the court in the district in which the alleged offence took place. The Court is divided into four jurisdictions: Civil (general claims), Civil (minor claims), Criminal and Civil Consumer and Business. More serious matters are referred to the District Court, the principal trial court in South Australia, or the Supreme Court of SA if they concern important civil cases and serious criminal matters.


Law and Justice Supreme Court of SA

1 Gouger St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8204 0289 Fax 8115 1357 Email supreme.registry@courts.sa.gov.au www.courts.sa.gov.au The Supreme Court of South Australia is a court of both law and equity. It deals with the more important civil cases and the most serious criminal matters. In its appellate jurisdiction, the Supreme Court reviews and determines errors which may have occurred in other courts of the State and interprets and expounds the law for the guidance of other courts.

Youth Court of SA

75 Wright St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8204 0331 Fax 8204 0333 Email youthcourt@courts.sa.gov.au www.courts.sa.gov.au Hears trials and guilty pleas in criminal cases for youths under the age of 18, child protection applications and applications for adoption of children. The Family Conference Team conducts family conferences for young offenders. The Care and Protection Unit conducts family care meetings.

Crime Prevention Neighbourhood Watch Volunteers Association Inc.

Level 2 100 Angas St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 7322 4043 Fax 7322 3289 Email contact@watchsa.com.au www.watchsa.com.au

Safer Communities Australia 78 Edmund Ave, Unley 5061 Phone 8373 0818 Fax 8373 6203 Email safetyhs@senet.com.au www.safercommunities.asn.au

A voluntary network of approved residences, offices, shops, public buildings and public transport that display the Safety Assist sign as an indication to people of all ages especially children, that reliable assistance is available if they are lost, hurt, harassed, ill or threatened or need help for any reason.

Victim Support Service Inc.

11 Halifax St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8231 5626 / 1800 842 846 Fax 8231 5458 Email info@victimsa.org www.victimsa.org

Justices of the Peace Justice of the Peace Services Attorney General’s Department Level 2, 91-97 Grenfell St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8207 1725 Fax 8204 1300 Email jpservices@agd.sa.gov.au www.agd.sa.gov.au

Royal Association of Justices of Inc. Commercial Park 300 Richmond Rd, Netley 5037 Phone 8297 4044 Fax 8297 4066 Email enquiries@rajsa.com.au www.rajsa.com.au

Salisbury Justice of the Peace Service Phone 8406 8311 Email library@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au A Justice of the Peace is available during the following times: Len Beadell Library, 55 John St, Salisbury: Mon - Fri, 10am - 4pm Thurs, 6pm - 8pm Sat, 10am – 12pm Mawson Lakes Library 2-8 Main St, Mawson Lakes: Mon, 9.30 – 12pm Tues, 5pm - 7pm Wed, 12 noon - 2pm Thurs, 9.30 - 12 noon and 5pm-7pm Fri, 12 noon - 2pm Sat, 10am – 12pm Para Hills Library Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills: Thurs, 5pm – 6.30pm Fri, 3pm - 5pm Sat, 10am – 12pm To find an individual JP in your area go to http://jp.agd.sa.gov.au/ JPPublicWebsite/ and enter either a postcode, suburb or name of a JP. JPs are volunteers who offer their time freely and may not be available at all times. Note that only the name, suburb and telephone number of JPs are available to members of the public.


Law and Justice Legal Services Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement Inc.

321-325 King William St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8113 3777, 1800 643 222 Fax 8113 3755 Email info@alrm.org.au www.alrm.org.au

Central Community Legal Service

Unit 2, 59 Main North Rd, Medindie Gardens 5081 Phone 8342 1800 / 1300 886 220 Fax 8342 0899 Email ccls@unitingcommunities.org.au www.unitingcommunities.org


16 Hutt Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8232 0422 Phone 1800 182 324 - Country callers Phone 1300 140 050 - Membership services Fax 8232 0433 Email cotasa@cotasa.org.au www.cotasa.org.au


Phone 8313 5005 Fax 8313 0223 Email info@justicenet.org.au www.justicenet.org.au Referral scheme that matches eligible individuals and charitable organisations in need of legal assistance with member law firms and barristers who are willing to act on a pro bono basis (free).

Law Society of SA

Level 10, 178 North Terrace, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8229 0200 Fax 8231 1929 Email email@lawsocietysa.asn.au www.lawsocietysa.asn.au

Legal Services Commission of SA 159 Gawler Pl, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8111 5555 TTY 8463 3691 Phone 1300 366 424 - Legal Help Line Fax 8463 3599 www.lsc.sa.gov.au Branch Elizabeth Ground Floor, Windsor Bldg, Elizabeth City Centre, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8111 5400

Women’s Legal Service Inc.

151 Franklin St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8231 8929 - Admin Phone 8221 5553 - Telephone advice TTY 1800 816 349 Fax 8221 5737 Email admin@wlssa.org.au www.wlssa.org.au Legal advice, referral and ongoing legal assistance - telephone and face-to-face (by appointment).

Free legal advice - civil, criminal and family law matters, including Legal Help Line, specialist advice in domestic violence, Centrelink and migration matters and at prisons by appointment.

Northern Community Legal Service Inc.

26 John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 6911 Phone 1300 558 555 - (Toll Free) Fax 8281 6605 Email ncls@adam.com.au

Roma Mitchell Community Legal Centre Inc. 110 The Parade, Norwood 5067 Phone 8362 1199 Fax 8362 0410 Email RomaMitchell_SA@clc.net.au rmhrvs.auspics.org.au

A volunteer-run agency offering free face-to face and telephone legal advice on Monday and Thursday evenings by pro bono solicitors.

Witness Assistance Service, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 7th Floor, 45 Pirie St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8207 1529 Fax 8207 1799 Email dpp@agd.sa.gov.au www.dpp.sa.gov.au

Provides a service to ensure that all victims of crime and their immediate family have access to information and support services, and are aware of their rights and responsibilities when dealing with the criminal justice system.


Material and Practical Assistance Food and Clothing Assistance Anglicare Inc.

18 King William Rd, North Adelaide 5006 Phone 8305 9200 Fax 8305 9211 Email admin@anglicare-sa.org.au www.anglicare-sa.org.au

Community Food Inc.

Shop 5, 580 Main North Rd, Gepps Cross 5094 Phone 8262 7345 Email ecfc@live.com.au www.communityfoodsa.org.au Provides low cost healthy meal packs in a joint programme with the Community Foodies.

Playford Community Fund Inc.

2nd Floor, Windsor Bldg, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8255 1599 Fax 8252 5077 Email PCFund@gmail.com Hours: Mon - Thurs, 9am - 12.30pm Closed all day Friday Emergency relief - food assistance, baby formula, nappies, prescription assistance. Budget advice. Household goods assistance and furniture assistance.

Salvation Army Ingle Farm Corps

Cnr Bridge and Maxwell Roads, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8397 9333 Fax 8396 5170 Email corps.inglefarm@aus.salvationarmy.org www.salvationarmy.org.au/inglefarm

Elizabeth Mission

Salvation Army Parafield Gardens

91 – 93 Elizabeth Way, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8209 5400 / 1800 061 551 Fax 8209 5433 Email swilliams@anglicare.sa.or.au www.anglicare-sa.org.au

86 Lavender Dr, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8250 1455 Fax 8250 6712 Email parafield.gardens@aus.salvationarmy.org www.salvationarmy.org.au/pgsalvos

Fred’s Van

Uniting Church - Salisbury

202 Franklin St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8112 8700 Fax 8112 8799 Email volunteering@svdpsa.org.au www.vinnies.org.au Fred’s Van 3 Elizabeth Outside Family Centre, Langford Dr, Elizabeth, Wed 6pm Salisbury - Anglican Hall, Church St, Sun 6pm Meals - provision of free food and drink to people in need in the Adelaide metropolitan area.

Old Rectory, Salisbury

9 Mary St, Salisbury 5109 Phone 8256 2170 Phone 1800 773 277 - Emergency assistance Fax 8285 8678 www.anglicare-sa.org.au Emergency assistance Tues, Fri - food.


Cnr Brown Tce and Park Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 2675 Fax 8281 6509 Email salisburyuca@adam.com.au Email minister@salisbury.unitingchurch.org.au salisbury.unitingchurch.org.au Emergency assistance and food parcels.

Home Delivered Meals Meals on Wheels (SA) Inc.

70 Greenhill Rd, Wayville 5034 Phone 8271 8700 Phone 1800 854 453 - Free Call Fax 8271 8101 Email info@mealsonwheelssa.org.au www.mealsonwheelssa.org.au Branch Salisbury 3 Brown Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 2653 People who need assistance with shopping or cooking for themselves. Home delivered meals - hot 3 course meal delivered Mon - Fri.

Material and Practical Assistance Home Maintenance

Opportunity Shops

ACH Group Inc. - Health and Community Services Northern

Animal Welfare League Thrift Shop

25 Fenden Rd, Salisbury Plain 5108 Phone 1300 224 477 Fax 8182 4122 Email ach@ach.org.au www.ach.org.au

City of Salisbury - Home Assist Scheme

Shop 1A, 482 Salisbury Hwy, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8182 4572 - Shop Phone 8348 1300 - Head Office Fax 8268 9545 www.awlsa.com.au

Goodwill - Salisbury

12 James St, Salisbury, SA 5108 Phone 8406 8225 Fax 8406 8474 Email has@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

2 Church St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8285 6166 Fax 8182 6356 Email goodwill@unitingcommunities.org www.unitingcommunities.org

Support for frail aged, younger people with disabilities and their carers living in the City of Salisbury. Services can include: Cleaning (short term), Seasonal (one off), Long Term (limited positions). Friendly visiting, gardening, home maintenance, home modifications. Shopping/Banking provided by volunteers. Supported recreation, transport personal - to medical appointments within Salisbury Council area, Lyell McEwin and Modbury Hospitals.

Peppertree Fashions (Anglicare)

Domiciliary Care

Bldgs 2 and 4, 300 Richmond Rd, Netley 5037 Phone 1300 295 673 Phone 1300 110 033 - Fees enquiries Phone 8132 6000 - Administration Fax 1300 295 679 Email domcare.feedback@dcsi.sa.gov.au www.sa.gov.au/domcare Branch Mawson Lakes Level 1, Innovation House, 1 First Ave, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8162 4000 Fax 8162 4001

Helping Hand Aged Care - In Home Support (Private)

1538 Main North Rd, Salisbury South 5108 Phone 1300 653 600 / 8209 6999 Fax 8209 6901 Email info@helpinghand.org.au www.helpinghand.org.au In Home Support offers a wide variety of services to meet individual needs. Services are provided to clients living in the community on a fee-for-service basis. No formal assessment is required.

St Vincent de Paul - Para Vista 93 Milne Rd, Para Vista 5093 Phone 8396 3627 Fax 8395 6298

St Vincent de Paul - Salisbury 37 John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 4609

Thrifty V Martins Plaza

Shop 14, Martins Plaza Shopping Centre, 257 Martins Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8250 7165 Email jill.talbot@health.sa.gov.au www.lyellmcewinvolunteers.org.au

9 Mary St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8256 2170 Fax 8285 8678 www.hopesa.com.au

Salisbury East Church of Christ Thrift Shop Cnr Yale St and Smith Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8250 6807 Email salisburyeastcoc@gmail.com

Salvation Army Thrift Shops Bill B’s Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8265 4255

Salvation Army Thrift Shops Browse n’ Buy Cnr Bridge Rd and Maxwell Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8397 9318

Salvation Army Thrift Shops Hidden Treasure Cnr Goodall Pde and Garden Tce, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8162 5210

Salvos Stores - Salisbury John Lane, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 2779

Salvos Stores - Walkley Heights Walkley Heights Shopping Centre, Cnr RM Williams Dr and Wright Rd, Walkley Heights 5098 Phone 8162 5547 Fax 8162 5547


Personal and Family Support Assistance General Aboriginal Family Support Services Inc.

134 Waymouth St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8205 1500 Fax 8212 1123 Email afss@afss.com.au www.afss.com.au

Anglicare Inc.

18 King William Rd, North Adelaide 5006 Phone 8305 9200 Fax 8305 9211 Email admin@anglicare-sa.org.au www.anglicare-sa.org.au

Australian Red Cross (SA Division)

212 Pirie St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8100 4500 Fax 8100 4501 Email sainfo@redcross.org.au www.redcross.org.au/sa

Centacare Catholic Family Services

45 Wakefield St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8210 8200 / 1800 114 010 Fax 8224 0930 Email cfs@centacare.org.au www.centacare.org.au

City of Salisbury Community Development 12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8222 Fax 8281 5466 www.salisbury.sa.gov.au In-home services, home maintenance/ modification and transport are delivered by the Council’s Home Assist Scheme. Information and referral to services available through council and other community organisations. Healthy ageing and wellness program and ongoing learning opportunities Home support services - including domestic assistance, social support, minor home maintenance, minor safety modifications, transport information and assistance, community gardening program. Social programs at Jack Young Centre, Para Hills Centre and other locations. Social programs for older people from diverse cultural background - including Arabic speaking, Bhutanese, Bosnian, Greek, Italian, Polish, South Eastern Asian, Spanish and Vietnamese.


Social programs for young people with disability. Information and support to remain living independently at home and in the community. Information about housing options and assistance to find suitable housing Volunteer program - volunteers assist in delivery of community care services.

Elizabeth Mission

91 – 93 Elizabeth Way, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8209 5400 / 1800 061 551 Fax 8209 5433 Email swilliams@anglicare.sa.or.au www.anglicare-sa.org.au

Families SA

Central Assessment and Support Office, 219 Morphett St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8304 0120 Fax 8304 155 www.families.sa.gov.au Branches Elizabeth – Northern Assessment and Support Office 18 Langord Dr, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8207 9000 Fax 8207 9030 Salisbury – Northern Guardianship Office 16-18 Ann St, Salisbury Phone 8209 4910 Fax 8209 4999

Legacy Club of Adelaide Inc.

102-104 Franklin Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8231 9812 Fax 8231 7791 Email general.manager@legacyadelaide.org.au www.legacy.com.au

Mission Australia Community Services

60 Halifax St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8218 2800 Fax 8218 2899 www.missionaustralia.com.au Branch Elizabeth G21 and G22 Regency TAFE, Woodford Rd, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8255 6874

Relationships Australia (SA)

1st Floor, 191 Flinders St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8216 5200 Phone 1300 364 277 - free call Phone 1800 182 325 - country callers Fax 8359 3599 Email mail@rasa.org.au www.rasa.org.au Branch Salisbury Shop 8a, Cinema Complex, Cnr James andamp; Gawler St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8250 6600

St Vincent de Paul Society (SA) Inc. 202 Franklin St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8112 8700 / 1300 729 202 Fax 8112 8799 Email svdp@svdpsa.org.au www.vinnies.org.au

UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide Inc.

70 Dale St, Port Adelaide 5015 Phone 8440 2200 Fax 8341 2325 Email ucwpa@ucwpa.org.au www.ucwpa.org.au

Uniting Communities

10 Pitt St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8202 5111 Fax 8211 8041 Email enquiries@unitingcommunities.org www.unitingcommunities.org

Carers Carers SA

66 Greenhill Road, Wayville 5034 Phone 1800 242 636 - Carer Advisory and Counselling Service Phone 8291 5600 Fax 8271 6388 Email info@carers-sa.asn.au carers-sa.asn.au

Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres Phone 1800 052 222 TTY 1800 555 677 Email Carelink@health.gov.au www.carelinksa.asn.au www.commcarelink.health.gov.au

Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres aim to assist older people, people with disabilities, and their carers to remain living independently in their own homes by providing information about care and support services and assistance with accessing respite care.

Northern Carers Network Inc. Shop 15 130 Peachey Rd, Davoren Park 5113 Phone 8284 0388 Fax 8284 0399 Email office@ncnw.org.au www.ncnw.org.au

Personal and Family Support Time For Kids Inc.

275 Main North Rd, Enfield 5085 Phone 8440 8500 Fax 8440 8559 Email info@timeforkids.com.au www.timeforkids.com.au Respite care – planned regular respite care in a carer’s home for one weekend per month. School holiday care- 3-4 days with carer household each school holidays between regional and metro Adelaide Grandparents respite care - regular respite care for children living full time with grandparents.

Children Child and Family Health

295 South Tce, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8161 7000 - Administration Phone 8232 0233 - Youth Health Centres Phone 1300 364 100 - Parent Helpline Phone 1300 131 719 - Youth Healthline Phone 1300 733 606 - Health Centres Fax 8303 1656 www.cyh.com

Child Support Agency

Nearest Centrelink office, SA Phone 1300 309 949 www.csa.gov.au Helps separated parents to transfer payments for the benefit of their children. The Child Support Agency does not deal with residence or contact for children (including parenting plans, property settlement or calculation of spousal maintenance).

Community Children’s Centres Inc.

Phone 8384 8273 Fax 8186 1373 Email emuccc@bigpond.com www.communitychildrencentres.com.au Public education and awareness - to promote positive aspects of centre-based care. Advocacy for and promotion of community-based child care centres.

DECD Community Mentoring Program

17 Uraidla Ave, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8258 0666 Mobile 0427 784 146 Fax 8281 5850 Email sue.denman66@schools.sa.edu.au www.decd.sa.gov.au/mentoring Mentoring on a one-to-one basis occurs at school in school time. In supporting a student, the volunteer mentor becomes a positive role model.

Families SA

Central Assessment and Support Office, 219 Morphett St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8304 0120 Fax 8304 155 www.families.sa.gov.au Branches Elizabeth – Northern Assessment and Support Office 18 Langord Dr, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8207 9000 Fax 8207 9030 Salisbury – Northern Guardianship Office 16-18 Ann St, Salisbury Phone 8209 4910 Fax 8209 4999

Kids Helpline

Phone 1800 551 800 - Counselling Fax 07 3367 1266 Email admin@kidshelp.com.au Email counsellor@kidshelp.com.au www.kidshelp.com.au Hours: Counselling: 24 hours, 7 days per week

Office of the Guardian for Children and Young People

Level 4, East, 50 Grenfell St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8226 8570 / 1800 275 664 Fax 8226 8577 Email gcyp@gcyp.sa.gov.au www.gcyp.sa.gov.au

The Smith Family - Adelaide

97 Pirie St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8224 1400 Fax 8223 4421 Email tsfmktg@thesmithfamily.com.au www.thesmithfamily.com.au Branch Elizabeth Downs Phone 8252 8908 Elizabeth Vale Phone 8252 5922 Salisbury North Phone 8252 1015

Time For Kids Inc.

275 Main North Rd, Enfield 5085 Phone 8440 8500 Fax 8440 8559 Email info@timeforkids.com.au www.timeforkids.com.au

Counselling Birthline Pregnancy Support Services Inc.

412 Magill Rd, Kensington Gardens 5068 Phone 8331 1223 - Counselling Phone 1300 655 156 - Country callers Phone 8431 8196 - Office Fax 8431 8196 Email birthline@birthline.org.au www.birthline.org.au Supports women and men with pregnancy, birth and post-natal issues.

Centacare Family Outreach Services - Salisbury

Emmaus House, 33 Carey St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8250 3694 Fax 8281 4322 Email salisbury@centacare.org.au www.centacare.org.au

Community Corrections Department for Correctional Services

Administration: 400 King William St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8226 9000 Fax 8231 2465 Email DCS.Central@saugov.sa.gov.au www.corrections.sa.gov.au Branch Elizabeth 13 Gillingham Rd, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8282 7020 Fax 8282 7060 Counselling - including support and assistance for offenders and their immediate families.

Kids Helpline

Phone 1800 551 800 - Counselling Fax 07 3367 1266 Email admin@kidshelp.com.au Email counsellor@kidshelp.com.au www.kidshelp.com.au Hours: Counselling: 24 hours, 7 days per week


Personal and Family Support Lifeline - Adelaide

10 Franklin St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 131114 Phone 8202 5820 - Office Fax 8202 5822 Email lifeline@unitingcommunities.com www.unitingcommunities.org Hours: Counselling: 24 hours, 7 days per week

Relationships Australia (SA)

1st Floor, 191 Flinders St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8216 5200 Phone 1300 364 277 - free call Phone 1800 182 325 - country callers Fax 8359 3599 Email mail@rasa.org.au www.rasa.org.au Branch Salisbury Shop 8a, Cinema Complex, Cnr James and Gawler St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8250 6600

Teen Challenge Counselling Centre

Unit 2, 76 Daphne Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8283 3255 Phone 1800 771 777 - Counselling Email counselling@teenchallengesa.com www.teenchallengesa.com

Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service - South Australia 99 Frome Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 1800 011 046 www.vvcs.gov.au

Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia Inc. Torrens Parade Ground Victoria Dr, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8232 9422 - Office Phone 7422 4500 - Counselling service Phone 1800 011 046 - AH emergency counselling Fax 8232 9899 Email vietvetsa@chariot.net.au www.vvaa-sa.asn.au

Domestic Violence Support Domestic Violence and Aboriginal Family Violence Gateway Services

Phone 1800 800 098 - free call 24 hrs Phone 1300 782 200 Fax 8211 7307 Email info@gatewayservices.org.au www.gatewayservices.org.au Postal: PO Box 6578, Halifax St, Adelaide 5000 Hours: Telephone service: 24 hours

Migrant Women’s Support Service Inc.

Phone 8346 9417 Fax 8340 0978 Email admin@mwss.org.au www.migrantwomensservices.com.au Assistance for women with or without children from non-English speaking backgrounds who are experiencing domestic violence.

Northern Domestic Violence Service Inc. 12 Chivell St, Elizabeth South 5112 Phone 8255 3622 Fax 8287 0323 Email info@ndvs.asn.au www.ndvs.asn.au

Phone 1800 858 858 www.problemgambling.sa.gov.au gamblinghelponline.org.au Hours: 24 hours, 7 days per week Gambling counselling – telephone counselling and support, referral to face to face counselling services. Crisis management and referral.

Pokies Anonymous

Thebarton Community Centre, Cnr Ashwin Pde and South Rd, Torrensville 5031 Mobile 0458 676 823 Support group for people affected by problem gambling using poker machines.

Problem Gambling Help SA

Phone 1800 858 858 - Gambling Helpline Email officeforproblemgambling@dcsi.sa.gov.au www.problemgambling.sa.gov.au Gambling Help Services are a group of health and welfare agencies that provide free, confidential counselling and assistance for people who are concerned about their gambling behaviour and the families and friends of problem gamblers.

Grief Support

A range of support services is available including assistance with legal, financial, welfare, health, education, employment and housing matters.

Bereaved Through Suicide Support Group Inc.

Gambling Counselling

Compassionate Friends (SA) Inc.

Gamblers Anonymous

Phone 8212 6933 Fax 8283 2524 Email sagamblersanonymous@yahoo.com.au www.saga.Websitesyte.com.au Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of people who help each other to recover from a gambling problem. Gam-Anon is a fellowship of people who are spouses, relatives or friends who have been affected by the actions of a person with a gambling problem.


Gambling Helpline

Phone 8332 8240 Email support@bts.org.au www.bts.org.au Hours: 8am - 8pm, 7 days per week

Phone 8351 0344 Email tcfsainc@outlook.com www.compassionatefriendssa.org.au

People who have experienced the death of a child, regardless of age or cause of death.

Loss and Grief Service, Anglicare SA

18 King William Road, North Adelaide 5006 Phone 8305 9200 Fax 8305 9211 Email admin@anglicaresa.com.au www.anglicaresa.com.au Hours: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm

Personal and Family Support National Twin Loss Support

Phone 0419 039 194 Email enquiries@nationaltwinloss.org.au www.nationaltwinloss.org.au

SIDS and Kids SA

415 Magill Road, St Morris 5068 Phone 8369 0155 Fax 8369 0411 Email adelaide@sidsandkids.org www.sidsandkids.org Hours: Office: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm. Emergency response (new deaths): 24 hours, 7 days per week

Solace Association (SA) Inc.

30 Dequetteville Tce, Kent Town 5067 Phone 8272 4334 Email junerh@internode.on.net www.solace.org.au Hours: One to one support Tues weekly 12.30 - 1.30pm Group meeting Tues weekly 1.30 3.30pm Telephone support 7 days per week 7am - 7pm

Ethnic Link Services

cnr Glebe St and Port Rd, Alberton 5014 Phone 8241 0201 / 1800 648 598 Fax 8241 0280 Email els@ucwpa.org.au www.ucwpa.org.au Information and referral - bilingual and bicultural workers provide language assistance, linkage and advocacy to help clients gain access to existing community services to assist them to remain living independently in the community.

Immigration and Border Protection, Australian Government Department of

State Office: 70 Franklin St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 13 1881 Phone 13 1880 - Citizenship enquiries www.citizenship.gov.au Hours: Mon - Fri 9am - 4pm

Migrant Health Service

Assists bereaved people to cope after the death of their partner via support groups and telephone support.

21 Market St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8237 3900 / 1800 635 566 Fax 8237 3949 www.sahealth.sa.gov.au

Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Support (SA) Inc.

Migrant Resource Centre of Inc.

Mobile 0417 681 642 Email info@sandssa.org www.sands.org.au Hours: Telephone support: 7 days per week

Multicultural Welfare Services Australian Refugee Association Inc.

59 King William St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8217 9500 Fax 8217 9556 Email admin@mrcsa.com.au www.mrcsa.com.au Branch Northern Metro Migrant Resource Centre 28 Mary St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8283 0844 Fax 8283 0455 Email northernmetro@mrcsa.com.au

Migrant Women’s Support Service Inc.

304 Henley Beach Rd, Underdale 5032 Phone 8354 2951 Fax 8354 2953 Email reception@ausref.net www.australianrefugee.org

Phone 8346 9417 Fax 8340 0978 Email admin@mwss.org.au www.migrantwomensservices.com.au

Provides long term and emergency services to help refugees become independent citizens of Australia. ARA also provides cultural training, research, speakers and volunteer opportunities for the broader community.

Multicultural Communities Council of Inc.

113 Gilbert Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8345 5266 Fax 8221 7196 Email mccsa@mccsa.org.au www.mccsa.org.au

Multicultural SA

Level 6, Chesser House 91-97 Grenfell Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8207 0751 Fax 8413 9002 Email dcsimulticulturalsa@sa.gov.au www.multicultural.sa.gov.au

Northern Area Migrant Resource Centre

28 Mary St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8283 0844 Fax 8283 0455 Email northernarea@mrcsa.com.au www.mrcsa.com.au

Serbian Community of Inc.

19 Windsor Avenue, Pennington 5013 Phone 8341 0401 Fax 8341 0775 pennagedcare.org.au/services/culture/ serbian-community

Survivors of Torture and Trauma - Assistance and Rehabilitation Service Inc. 81 Angus Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8206 8900 Fax 8223 2218 Email sttars@sttars.org.au www.sttars.org.au

Translating and Interpreting Service

Phone 13 1450 - Immediate Telephone interpreting Fax 1300 654 151 - General enquiries and feedback Email tis@immi.gov.au www.immi.gov.au/tis

Vietnamese Community in Australia, Chapter Inc. 62 Athol St, Athol Park 5012 Phone 8447 8821 Fax 8447 5527 Email admin@sa.vnca.org.au www.sa.vnca.org.au

Vietnamese Women’s Association Inc.

8b Goodall Parade, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8359 4111 Fax 8359 4112 Email vietwomensa@gmail.com


Personal and Family Support Parenting Australian Breastfeeding Association - North and North Eastern Suburbs Group

Phone 8251 4182 Phone 1800 686 268 - 24 hour Helpline Email abanortheasterngroup@gmail.com www.breastfeeding.asn.au

Centacare Family Outreach Services – Salisbury

Family Relationship Centre Salisbury/Elizabeth

Shop 8a Salisbury Cinema Complex Cnr James and Gawler St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8285 4499 – Salisbury Phone 8255 3323 – Elizabeth Phone 1800 176 900 - Toll Free Fax 8285 4494 Email salisburyfrc@rasa.org.au www.rasa.org.au/services/postseparation/family-relationship-centres Branch Elizabeth 13 Elizabeth Way, Elizabeth 5112

Ngartuitya (Northern Indigenous Parenting Support Service) Shop 8a, Salisbury Cinema Complex Cnr James and Gawler St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8250 6600 Phone 1300 364 277 Phone 1800 182 325 Fax 8285 4494 Email rasan@rasa.org.au Email r.adams@rasa.org.au www.rasa.org.au

Northern Parent Resource Program

Emmaus House, 33 Carey St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8250 3694 Fax 8281 4322 Email Salisbury@centacare.org.au www.centacare.org.au

FamilyZone Ingle Farm Hub 2 Belalie Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8349 6099 Fax 8359 5394 Email familyzone@lccare.org.au www.salisburyc4c.org.au

Emmaus House, 33 Carey St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8250 3694 Fax 8281 4322 Email nprp@centacare.org.au www.centacare.org.au

Child Support Agency

Grandparents for Grandchildren Inc.

Parents Without Partners (SA) Inc.

Nearest Centrelink office, SA Phone 1300 309 949 www.csa.gov.au

Families SA

Central Assessment and Support Office, 219 Morphett St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8304 0120 Fax 8304 155 www.families.sa.gov.au Branches Elizabeth – Northern Assessment and Support Office 18 Langord Dr, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8207 9000 Fax 8207 9030 Salisbury – Northern Guardianship Office 16-18 Ann St, Salisbury Phone 8209 4910 Fax 8209 4999

Family and Relationship Education, Anglicare Inc.

Stratfield House 347 Main South Road, Morphett Vale 5162 Phone 8186 8900 Fax 8186 8950 www.anglicare-sa.org.au

Family Relationship Advice Line

Phone 1800 050 321 www.familyrelationships.gov.au Hours: Mon - Fri 8am - 8pm; Sat 10am 4pm, except national public holidays

102-104 Wright St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8212 1937 Fax 8410 6642 Email info@gfgsa.com.au www.communityWebsites.org/ GrandparentsforGrandchildren Support for grandparents and relatives who have taken on a parenting role.

PO Box 41, Modbury North 5092 Phone 8359 1552 Email info@pwpsa.org.au www.pwpsa.org.au

Social Services, Australian Government Department of

Helping Hand Aged Care, Health and Wellbeing – Salisbury

11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8318 2100 Phone 1300 653 227 Fax 8400 2197 www.dss.gov.au

Grandparents as Parents, supporting grandparents in a full time caring role - includes individual, group support information and advocacy.

Family assistance and relationshipsfamily relationship services, parenting education programs; early intervention services to young people and families experiencing conflict; support for young adolescents and their families where the young people are at risk of destructive or self-destructive behaviours; financial assistance for families with children. Child Support Scheme.

National Council for Single Mothers and their Children Inc.

South Australian Multiple Birth Association Inc.

1538 Main North Rd, Salisbury South 5106 Phone 8209 6969 Fax 8209 6902 Email healthandwellbeingreferralsdl@ helpinghand.org.au www.helpinghand.org.au

Phone 1300 725 470 - Support Line Phone 8354 3856 - Office Fax 8223 2330 Email ncsmc@ncsmc.org.au www.ncsmc.org.au

91 Prospect Road, Prospect 5082 Phone 8364 0433 Fax 8364 0433 Email admin@multiplebirthssa.org.au www.multiplebirthsa.org.au

Spark Resource Centre Inc.

213 Gouger Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8212 3255 Fax 8212 3266 Email spark@sparkresourcecentre.org.au www.sparkresourcecentre.org.au


Personal and Family Support People with Disabilities Adelaide Access Taxis

99 Henley Beach Rd, Mile End 5031 Phone 1300 360 940 - Bookings Fax 8202 1204 Email admin@132211.com.au www.aitaxis.com.au

Barkuma Inc.

Level 1, 260 Currie Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8414 7100 Fax 8414 7199 Email barkuma@barkuma.com.au www.barkuma.com.au

Community Support Inc.

Unit 5/98 Woodville Rd, Woodville 5011 Phone 8429 1200 Email csi@csisa.org.au www.csisa.org.au Branch Salisbury 101Park Terrace, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8185 1575

Disability Parking Permit Phone 13 1084 www.sa.gov.au

Disability Rights Advocacy Service Inc. (DRAS)

Shop 4, 80 Henley Beach Rd, Mile End 5031 Phone 8351 9500 / 1800 816 720 Fax 8152 0936 Email admin@dras.com.au www.dras.com.au Aims to improve the accessibility and delivery of services and promote the rights of people with disabilities, including sensory impairment, mental illness and learning disabilities, at individual and policy levels.

Disability SA

103 Fisher St, Fullarton 5063 Phone 1300 786 117 Fax 8372 1429 Email disabilityinfo@dcsi.sa.gov.au www.sa.gov.au/disability Branch Salisbury 57 Park Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8348 6000 46 Commercial Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8182 1560

Early Childhood Intervention Australia Inc. – SA Chapter

Gouger Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8345 5019 Fax 8268 9328 Email Nici.Macadam@directions.org.au www.ecia.org.au Promotes coordination and liaison between families, service providers, government and non-government organisations; supports and promotes the rights of young children with disabilities and their families.

National Relay Service

Level 2, 10 Mallet St, Camperdown, New South Wales 2050 Phone 1800 555 660 - Voice TTY 1800 555 630 - TTY Phone 1800 555 660 - Internet Relay Mobile 0416 001 350 - SMS Fax 1800 555 690 Email helpdesk@relayservice.gov.au www.relayservice.com.au National Relay Service: 24 hours, 7 days per week National Relay Service – relays telephone calls between people who are deaf or have hearing or speech impairments and the wider community.

Novita Children’s Services

171 Days Rd, Regency Park 5010 Phone 8243 8243 Fax 8243 8377 Email enquiries@novita.org.au www.novita.org.au www.novitatech.org.au Branch Parafield Gardens Office 422 Salisbury Highway, Parafield Gardens Phone 8182 1000

Parents of Hearing Impaired Inc.

Phone 8353 6870 / 8268 6883 Mobile 0403 040 837 Fax 8270 6679 Email phisa@internode.on.net www.users.on.net/phisa

Physical Disability Council of Inc.

Suite 6, 302 South Road, Hilton 5033 Phone 8152 0966 Fax 8152 0447

scosa - Spastic Centres of Inc. 100 Woodville Rd, Woodville 5011 Phone 8347 2664 Fax 8347 2208 Email info@scosa.com.au www.scosa.com.au Postal PO Box 49, Woodville 5011 Branch Elizabeth Park 3 Kirk St, Elizabeth Park 5113 Phone 8444 9379

Playgroups Brahma Lodge Kindergarten

64 The Strand, Brahma Lodge 5109 Phone 8258 4258 Fax 8285 5132 Email dl.2604_leaders@schools.sa.edu.au www.brahmakgn.sa.edu.au

Dorothy Hughes Kindergarten

Rolleston Ave, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8258 2238 Fax 8285 5160 Email claire.evans866@schools.sa.edu.au www.dorothykgn.sa.edu.au

FamilyZone Ingle Farm Hub 2 Belalie Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8349 6099 Fax 8359 5394 Email familyzone@lccare.org.au www.salisburyc4c.org.au

Gateway International Church 22-28 Ferngrove Blvd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8250 4459 Fax 8250 2549 Email info@gatewaychurch.org.au www.gatewaychurch.org.au

Keller Road Primary School

Keller Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8258 3842 Fax 8281 5836 Email DL.0632_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.kellerrdps.sa.edu.au

Liberman Kindergarten

41 Liberman Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8264 1550 Fax 8395 3597 Email dl.2638.leaders@schools.sa.edu.au www.libermankgn.sa.edu.au

Madison Park Kindergarten

29 Piccadilly Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8258 8939 Fax 8285 5157 Email kindy.director@madisonkgn.sa.edu.au


Personal and Family Support Manor Farm Kindergarten

32 Melville Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8258 8596 Fax 8285 5158 Email Sharka.Zeman717@schools.sa.edu.au www.manorkgn.sa.edu.au

Mawson Lakes Playgroups

Mawson Lakes Boulevard/Garden Terrace, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8162 5108 Mobile 0437 081 942 Email mawsonlakesplaygroups@gmail.com

Mawson Lakes Toddler Playgroup

Garden Tce, Mawson Lakes 5095 Mobile 0422 425 967 Email mawsonlakesplaygroup@hotmail.com

North Ingle Preschool

7 Rothwell Ave, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8264 7498 Fax 8396 1778 Email dl.1183.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.northingle.sa.edu.au

Para Hills School

Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8264 3242 Fax 8396 1934 Email dl.0935.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.parahillr7.sa.edu.au

Para Hills West Montessori Preschool

Balkara Rd, Para Hills West 5096 Phone 8281 4225 / 8281 4225 Fax 8281 5837 Email dl.1045_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.parahilwps.sa.edu.au/ montessori/preschool.htm

Para Hills West Preschool

69 Kesters Rd, Para Hills West 5096 Phone 8349 5160 Fax 8359 4257 Email dl.2651.leaders@schools.sa.edu.au www.parahillspre.sa.edu.au

Para Vista Preschool

351 Montague Rd, Para Vista 5093 Phone 8264 9588 Fax 8396 1987 Email dl.info.1048@schools.sa.edu.au

Parafield Gardens Children’s Centre

9 Casuarina Dr, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8258 3659 Fax 8285 5163 Email dl.2654.leaders@schools.sa.edu.au


Paralowie Kindergarten

13 Yalumba Dr, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8250 2150 Fax 8285 5164 Email dl.2655.leaders@schools.sa.edu.au www.paralowiekgn.sa.edu.au

Pines School, The

42 Andrew Smith Dr, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8281 2199 Fax 8281 5858 Email dl.1777.info@schools.sa.edu.au www.thepines.sa.edu.au

Playgroup Inc.

91 Prospect Road, Prospect 5082 Phone 8344 2722 Phone 1800 171 882 - Free Call Fax 8344 9722 Email info@playgroupsa.com.au www.playgroupaustralia.com.au/sa Maintains a register of South Australian playgroups and can direct people to their nearest playgroup. Provides advice, information and professional educational support to new and existing groups.

Salisbury Downs Preschool Centre

12 Donegal St, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8258 4532 Fax 8285 5156 Email info@salisburydpre.sa.edu.au www.salisburydpre.sa.edu.au

Salisbury Heights Preschool

5-9 Stanford Rd, Salisbury Heights 5109 Phone 8281 7293 Fax 8285 5159 Email dl.2670.leaders@schools.sa.edu.au www.salisburyhkgn.sa.edu.au

Salisbury Kindergarten

12 Ann St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 2114 Fax 8285 9019 Email dl.2667.leaders@schools.sa.edu.au www.salisburykgn.sa.edu.au

Salisbury Lutheran Kindergarten 10 Waterloo Corner Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 8070 Fax 8258 8843 Email kindy@slk.lca.org.au

Salisbury Park Kindergarten

5 Wildwood Dr, Salisbury Park 5109 Phone 8250 0056 Fax 8285 5168 Email dl.2668_leaders@schools.sa.edu.au www.salisburypkcsc.sa.edu.au

Salvation Army Ingle Farm Corps

Cnr Bridge and Maxwell Roads, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8397 9333 Fax 8396 5170 Email corps.inglefarm@aus.salvationarmy.org www.salvationarmy.org.au/inglefarm

Settlers Farm Campus R-7

23 Barassi St, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8280 6866 Fax 8280 6403 Email dl.1851_info@schools.sa.edu.au www.settlersr7.sa.edu.au

Settlers Farm Campus Kindergarten

Cnr DuVillars St and Ronaldo Way, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8280 6188 Fax 8280 6283 Email dl.2693_leaders@schools.sa.edu.au www.settlerspre.sa.edu.au

St Augustine’s Parish School 25 Commercial Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8182 7900 Fax 8182 7999 Email info@saps.catholic.edu.au www.saps.catholic.edu.au

Uniting Church Parafield Gardens

Cnr Shepherdson Rd and Salisbury Hwy, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8285 7104 Email pguc@bigpond.com www.pguc.com.au

Uniting Church - Salisbury

Cnr Brown Tce and Park Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 2675 Fax 8281 6509 Email salisburyuca@adam.com.au Email minister@salisbury.unitingchurch.org.au www.salisbury.unitingchurch.org.au

Valley View Kindergarten

Geoffrey Ave, Valley View 5093 Phone 8261 8201 Fax 8266 6019 Email dl.2677.leaders@schools.sa.edu.au www.valleyviewkgn.sa.edu.au

Personal and Family Support Respite Care ACH Group Inc. - Health and Community Services Eastern

163 Montacute Rd, Newton SA 5074 Phone 8132 3515 / 1300 224 477 Fax 8365 7926 Email ach@ach.org.au www.ach.org.au Branch In Home Care North 20 Ann Street, Salisbury SA 5108 Phone 8349 3515 Fax 8182 4122 Respite Choices - including Wyatt Holidays, providing individual respite services for older people and their carers.

Carers SA

66 Greenhill Road, Wayville 5034 Phone 1800 242 636 - Carer Advisory and Counselling Service Phone 8291 5600 Fax 8271 6388 Email info@carers-sa.asn.au www.carers-sa.asn.au

Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres Phone 1800 052 222 TTY 1800 555 677 Email Carelink@health.gov.au www.carelinksa.asn.au www.commcarelink.health.gov.au

Interchange Inc.

6 George Street, Stepney 5069 Phone 8132 5300 Fax 8363 7388 Email marianne@interchangesa.org.au www.interchange.org.au

Time For Kids Inc.

275 Main North Rd, Enfield 5085 Phone 8440 8500 Fax 8440 8559 Email info@timeforkids.com.au www.timeforkids.com.au Respite care – planned regular respite care in a carer’s home for one weekend per month.

Seniors ACH Group Inc. - Health and Community Services Eastern

163 Montacute Rd, Newton SA 5074 Phone 8132 3515 / 1300 224 477 Fax 8365 7926 Email ach@ach.org.au www.ach.org.au Branch In Home Care North 20 Ann Street, Salisbury SA 5108 Phone 8349 3515 Fax 8182 4122 Therapy services including physiotherapy and podiatry for older people; physical rehabilitation through fitness, lifestyle planning, counselling, learning opportunities, information, volunteering, social support and linking with community activities.

Aged Rights Advocacy Service Inc. 16 Hutt St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8232 5377 / 1800 700 600 Fax 8232 1794 Email aras@agedrights.asn.au www.sa.agedrights.asn.au

Respite care for children and young adults.

Information, support and representation regarding rights and entitlements of older people using community or residential aged care services.

North and West Metropolitan Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre

Australian Retired Persons Association (SA) Inc. (ARPA)

77 Gibson St, Bowden 5007 Phone 1800 200 422 Phone 8245 7100 Fax 8346 7336 Email respite@ucwb.org.au www.ucwb.org.au

Level 5, 25 Leigh St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8211 9711 Fax 8211 9244 Email info@arpasa.asn.au www.arpasa.asn.au Hours: Tues - Fri 10am - 4pm

Pathways Respite Service

Opportunities for participation in a wide range of social, educational, cultural, physical and recreational activities.

1538 Main North Road, Salisbury South 5016 Phone 8209 6980 Fax 8209 6902 Email rcs@helpinghand.org.au www.helpinghand.org.au

Community Health and Wellbeing City of Salisbury 12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8222 Email ppindral@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au Provides information, social support and healthy ageing activities and Home Assist services in people’s homes for eligible people.

Community Visitors Scheme Uniting in Care Salisbury Inc. 1 Brown Tce, Salisbury SA 5108 Phone 8258 2675 Mobile 0423 123 503 Email uicscv@live.com.au

The scheme coordinates volunteers for friendly visiting in Aged Care Facilities in the northern suburbs. Volunteers visit at least once per fortnight for approximately 1 hour to provide company and friendship for aged residents. Support and training provided.

Domiciliary Care

Bldgs 2 and 4, 300 Richmond Rd, Netley SA 5037 Phone 1300 295 673 Phone 1300 110 033 - Fees enquiries Phone 8132 6000 - Administration Fax 1300 295 679 Email domcare.feedback@dcsi.sa.gov.au www.sa.gov.au/domcare Branch Mawson Lakes Level 1, Innovation House, 1 First Ave, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8162 4000 Fax 8162 4001 Provides home based services in metropolitan Adelaide which help older people who need assistance at home and be as independent and supported as possible.

Golden Oldies Hairdressing Para Hills Centre, Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 08 8260 5380

Golden Oldies Hairdressing is a group of volunteers who like cutting and setting hair. There is a donation of $5 to cover costs. Tea, coffee, cake or biscuits are available free.


Personal and Family Support Jack Young Centre 1 Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8525 Fax 8406 8524 Email city@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Meals on Wheels (SA) Inc.

70 Greenhill Rd, Wayville 5034 Phone 8271 8700 Phone 1800 854 453 - Free Call Fax 8271 8101 Email info@mealsonwheelssa.org.au www.mealsonwheelssa.org.au Branch Salisbury 3 Brown Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 2653

Office for the Ageing (OFTA)

CitiCentre, Hindmarsh Sq, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8204 2420 Fax 8204 2430 Email dcsioftaofficefortheageing@dcsi.sa.gov.au www.sa.gov.au/seniors

Para Hills Centre Para Hills Library Complex, Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8406 8544 Phone 8406 8525 – Jack Young Centre Mobile 0403 090 437 Fax 8406 8524 Email kmacnab@salisbury.sa.gov.au Email mstroeh@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Pine Lakes Centre 16 Homestead Pl, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8406 8857 Phone 8406 8525 – Jack Young Centre Fax 8406 8524 Email vharacic@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Seniors Information Service Inc.

149 Currie St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8168 8776 Phone 1800 636 368 - country callers Fax 8221 5697 Email information@seniors.asn.au www.seniors.asn.au


South Australian Pensioners Association Inc.

Unit 11D, 198 Greenhill Rd, Eastwood 5063 Phone 8357 2157 Fax 8357 2157 Email davidandlyn11@hotmail.com www.sapensionersassociation.com.au

Youth Support Services Centacare Youth Services Elizabeth

34 Yorktown Rd, Elizabeth Park 5113 Phone 8252 2311 Phone 13 1611 After Hours Fax 8255 6625 Email elizabeth@centacare.org.au www.centacare.org.au

Reach Out!

Email crew@reachout.com.au www.au.reachout.com A Website-based service that aims to improve the mental health and wellbeing of young people aged 14-25.

Reconnect Salisbury

Paralowie House, 94 Waterloo Corner Rd, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8202 5939 Fax 8285 7410 Email reconnect@unitingcommunities.org www.unitingcommunities.org An early intervention family reunification program that works with young people who are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness where there is family conflict.

Service to Youth Council Inc.

Phone 1800 050 321 www.familyrelationships.gov.au Hours: Mon - Fri 8am - 8pm; Sat 10am 4pm, except national public holidays

135-139 Currie St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8405 8500 Mobile 0478 404 457 Fax 8231 7551 Email ldimas@syc.net.au www.syc.net.au www.hypa.net.au

Kumangka Aboriginal Youth Service

Shopfront Primary Health Care Services

Family Relationship Advice Line

6 Mary St, Hindmarsh 5007 Phone 8340 4499 Mobile 0417 866 624 Fax 8340 1544 Email kumangka@senet.com.au www.kumangka.com.au

Northern Youth Services

Davoren Community Centre, Oldford Road, Davoren Park 5113 Phone 8252 2474 Fax 8287 3434 Email nacys@nacys.asn.au www.nacys.asn.au

Office for Youth

Level 8, Riverside Bldg, North Tce, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8207 0452 Fax 8413 9002 Email OfficeforYouth@sa.gov.au www.officeforyouth.sa.gov.au

Office of the Guardian for Children and Young People

Level 4, East, 50 Grenfell St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8226 8570 / 1800 275 664 Fax 8226 8577 Email gcyp@gcyp.sa.gov.au www.gcyp.sa.gov.au

Shop 3-4, 72 John St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 1775 Fax 8285 7159 www.sahealth.sa.gov.au Provides a range of services to deal with physical, emotional and social health problems that affect young people or their families.

Teen Challenge Inc.

Phone 8431 9847 Phone 1800 771 777 - Careline Fax 8332 4900 Email admin@teenchallengesa.com www.teenchallengesa.com

Youth Affairs Council of Inc. Level 4, 182 Victoria Square, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8211 7546 Fax 8211 6653 Email yacsa@yacsa.com.au www.yacsa.com.au

Public Safety and Emergency Services Emergency and Disaster Services Fire, Police, Ambulance EMERGENCY ONLY: 000 Australian Red Cross (SA Division)

212 Pirie St, Adelaide SA 5000 Phone 8100 4500 Fax 8100 4501 Email sainfo@redcross.org.au www.redcross.org.au/sa Emergency and disaster response includes training programs for major disaster response, provision of limited financial assistance for individuals and families in minor disasters, participation in relief of international disasters and organisation of public appeals for emergency relief.

Country Fire Service - Salisbury 27 Playford Cres, Salisbury 5108 Phone 000 - Fire emergency Phone 8258 3415 - Office Phone 1300 362 361 - CFS Bushfire Hotline Email admin@salisburycfs.org www.salisburycfs.org

SA Ambulance Service

South Australia Police

Headquarters: 100 Angas St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 13 1444 - Police assistance Email sapol.enquiries@police.sa.gov.au www.police.sa.gov.au Branches Elizabeth 17-19 Frobisher Rd, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8207 9411 Salisbury 24 Mary St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8207 9900 BankSA Crimestoppers - Members of the public can provide anonymous information about serious crimes, investigations and missing people, 7 days per week 8am - 10pm, Phone 1800 333 000.

State Emergency Service Edinburgh Unit

20 Hewittson Rd, Edinburgh North 5113 Phone 000 - Fire emergency Phone 13 2500 - Storm and Flood Response Phone 8287 2056 Email bob.allert@sasesvolunteer.org.au www.ses.sa.gov.au/site/about_us/ ses_units/edinburgh_unit.jsp Search and rescue, general rescue, shoring (buildings), flood and storm damage.

216 Greenhill Rd, Eastwood 5063 Phone 1300 136 272 Fax 8271 4844 Email saasenquiries@health.sa.gov.au www.saambulance.com.au

South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service 99 Wakefield St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8204 3600 - Administration Phone 1300 737 637 - Toll Free Phone 1300 362 361 - Fire Ban Hotline Fax 8204 3675 Email enquiry@samfs.sa.gov.au www.samfs.sa.gov.au Branches Elizabeth Fire Station Elizabeth Way, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8204 3833 Salisbury Fire Station 123 Frost Rd, Salisbury South 5108 Phone 8204 3832


Recreation and Leisure Archery Cressy Bowmen Archery Club Rundle Reserve, Rundle Rd, Salisbury South 5106 Phone 8260 1121 - President, R Welden Email bwelden@tpg.com.au

Farm Indoor Archery Club Inc. Ingle Farm Recreation Centre, Beovich Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 0417 854 317 Email dunnland1@optusnet.com.au

Penfield Pistol, Rifle and Archery Club

Penfield Annexe Rd, Edinburgh 5111 Phone 8250 6543 Email admin@penfield.org.au www.penfield.org.au

Art and Craft Australian Lace Guild (SA Branch) - Salisbury Group

Phone 8258 7898 www.australianlaceguild.com.au Postal PO Box 933, Prospect East 5082 The Salisbury group meet on the first Monday of the month at the Salisbury RSL, Park Tce, Salisbury 5108, 10am 2pm.

Bagster Road Community Centre 17 Bagster Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8250 4167 Fax 8250 7638 Email bagsterch@amnet.net.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Burton Community Centre 386 Waterloo Corner Rd, Burton 5108 Phone 8280 8843 Fax 8280 5746 Email burtoncomcentre@gmail.com


11 Jeffcott St, North Adelaide 5006 Phone 8267 5111 Fax 8239 0689 Email info@carclew.org.au www.carclew.com.au It provides young people with opportunities to try different art forms, supports emerging artists to develop their craft and advocates for youth arts practice.

Elizabethan Spinners and Weavers Phone 8281 3116 Mob 0434 004 441 Email bodels@esc.net.au

Marra Dreaming Indigenous Art

22 Commercial Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8285 2311 Fax 8285 6219 Email indigenousarts@marradreaming.com.au www.marradreaming.com.au

Morella Community Centre 90 Kings Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8406 8484 Fax 8285 7760 Email morellach@amnet.net.au

Paddocks Centre, The Cnr Bridge Rd and Kesters Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8258 8099 Fax 8258 8099 Email thepaddocks@amnet.net.au

Pooraka Farm Community Centre 126 Henderson Ave, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8406 8488 Fax 8262 1811 Email office1@amnet.net.au

Salisbury Art Society Inc.

17 Wiltshire St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 7184 8548 Phone 8253 9928 - Ext 114 (only opening hrs) Mobile 0424 350 817

Salisbury East Neighbourhood Centre 28 Smith Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8285 2055 Fax 8285 7682 Email salisburyeastnh@amnet.net.au


Salisbury Stitchers

Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8250 1818 Email jeandeere@adam.com

Athletics Ingle Farm Little Athletics Centre

Golding Oval, Redhill Rd, Para Vista 5093 Mobile 0409 025 933 / 0447 813 802 Email inglefarmlittleathletics@gmail.com iflac.myclub.org.au

Salisbury Amateur Athletic Club Inc.

Rundle Reserve Rundle Rd, Salisbury South, SA 5106 Phone 8251 5998 Mob 0414 254 132 Email salisburyathletics@live.com.au www.salisburyathletics.com

Salisbury East Little Athletics Centre Inc Rundle Reserve, Rundle Rd, Salisbury South 5106 Phone 8258 2447 Mobile 0422 561 402 Email hbland1@iprimus.com.au www.selac.net

Salisbury Little Athletic Centre Creaser Park, Lavender Dr, Parafield Gardens 5107 Mobile 0418 801 410 Email slac5108@gmail.com www.salisburylittleaths.Websites.com

Badminton Ingle Farm Recreation Centre Cnr Roopena St and Beovich Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8406 8585 Fax 8396 1752 Email inglefarmrec@belgravialeisure.com.au www.inglefarmrc.com.au

Mawson Lakes Sports Centre Building B, University Blvd, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8302 3257 Fax 8302 5524 Email kim.boerth@unisa.edu.au www.unisa.edu.au

Recreation and Leisure Baseball/T Ball


Bowling – Ten Pin

Northern Districts Baseball Club

Salisbury Invitation Pigeon Racing Club

Bowland - Ingle Farm

South Australian Homing Pigeon Association

Bowland - Salisbury

South Australian Poultry Association Inc.

Bowls – Carpet

Walkleys Park Fairfax Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8395 0266 - Club Mobile 0423 529 139 - Secretary Fax 8395 0266 Email northerndistrictsbc@gmail.com www.northerndistricts.baseball.com.au

Basketball Get Active Sports Mawson Lakes

Mawson Lakes Sports Centre, Building B, University Blvd, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 1300 772 106 Fax 1300 672 823 Email rego@getactivesports.com.au www.getactivesports.com.au

Ingle Farm Recreation Centre Cnr Roopena St and Beovich Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8406 8585 Fax 8396 1752 Email inglefarmrec@belgravialeisure.com.au www.inglefarmrc.com.au

Ingle Farm Sporting Club

Cnr Belalie Rd and Glenora Dr, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8260 2946 - Club Mobile 0418 819 105 Fax 8260 3883 Email inglefarmsc@bigpond.com www.inglefarm.org.au

Mawson Lakes Sports Centre Building B, University Blvd, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8302 3257 Fax 8302 5524 Email kim.boerth@unisa.edu.au www.unisa.edu.au

Parafield Gardens Recreation Centre Kings Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8406 8565 Fax 8250 0411 Email thegardensrc@belgravialeisure.com.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Clubrooms, Bagster Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Mobile 0404 196 208 - Vice Chairperson

10 Baulderstone Rd, Gepps Cross 5094 Phone 8262 3856 Mobile 0448 883 512 - Secretary Email sahpa.gensec@gmail.com www.sahpa.asn.au

Ingle Farm Shopping Centre, Montague Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8264 3335 Email colin@bowland.com.au www.bowland.com.au

2 Clayson Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8250 2588 Fax 8281 2138 Email belinda@bowland.com.au www.bowland.com.au

6 Acrylon Rd, Salisbury South 5106 Phone 8264 1889 www.sapoultryassoc.org.au

Ingle Farm Over 50s Club Inc.

Made up of 15 affiliated clubs and most of these clubs hold their meetings and shows at the S.A.P.A hall in Salisbury South. Interested people are welcome to attend meetings and shows. Please check Website for show dates.

Para Hills Community Club Inc.

Boating, Canoeing, Rowing, Sailing Adelaide Land Yachts Club

Port Gawler 5501 Postal Address: 92 Milne Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8263 2493 - President, David Rose Email budrose@picknowl.com.au

Northern Districts Canoe Club 27 Tewksbury St, Cheltenham SA Phone 8336 5017 Mobile 0431 231 718 Email heard@picknowl.com.au www.ndcc.canoe.org.au

St Kilda Boat Club Inc.

Fooks Tce, St Kilda 5110 Mobile 0408 852 448 Email rsco2246@bigpond.net.au www.communityWebsites.org/StKildaBoatClub

Cnr Beovich Rd and Roopena St, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8265 7667 / 8349 6507

360-370 Bridge Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8258 2848 Fax 8281 1997 Email admin@parahillsclub.com.au www.parahillsclub.com.au

Parafield Gardens Over 50s Club

65 Shepherdson Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8283 1414 / 8258 1538 Email janyoung@iprimus.com.au

Parafield Gardens Recreation Centre Kings Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8406 8565 Fax 8250 0411 Email thegardensrc@belgravialeisure.com.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Penfield Bowling Club Inc.

Building 120, Woomera Ave, Edinburgh Parks 5111 Phone 8258 1546 Fax 8258 1546 Email peffieldbowlsclubsec@gmail.com www.penfieldbc.sportingpulse.net

Salisbury Bowling Club

Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 1551 - Club Fax 8281 1995 Email salsbcsa@chariot.net.au


Recreation and Leisure Salisbury North Hawks Over 50s Club Salisbury North Football Club, Bagster Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8258 5866 Fax 8281 9615

Para Vista Calisthenics School

East Para Primary School, Caroona Ave, Para Hills East 5096 Mobile 0402 018 398 Email paravistacalisthenics@hotmail.com www.paravistacalisthenics.com.au

Payton Calisthenics College

Bowls - Lawn Para Hills Bowling Club Inc.

Lot 92, Bridge Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8285 6744 Fax 8285 4470 Email parahillsbowls@bigpond.com www.parahillsbowlingclub.com.au

Penfield Bowling Club Inc.

Pooraka Memorial Hall, Scott St, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8264 8954 Mobile 0412 197 863 / 0432 459 924 Email payton.cali@gmail.com

Car and 4WD Clubs Northern 4WD Club of Inc, The

Building 120, Woomera Ave, Edinburgh Parks 5111 Phone 8258 1546 Fax 8258 1546 Email peffieldbowlsclubsec@gmail.com www.penfieldbc.sportingpulse.net

Burton Community Centre, 386 Waterloo Corner Rd, Burton 5110 Mobile 0412 303 003 Email shazza07@gmail.com www.northern4wdclub.org.au

Salisbury Bowling Club


Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 1551 - Club Fax 8281 1995 Email salsbcsa@chariot.net.au

Boxing Para Hills Amateur Boxing Club Maves Rd, Para Hills 5096 Mobile 0401 459 670

Offers young people the opportunity to participate in a sport that teaches discipline and respect.

Calisthenics Carisbrook Calisthenics Club

Salisbury Uniting Church Cnr Park and Brown Tce, Salisbury 5108 Mobile 0402 411 771

Northern Districts Calisthenics Club

Mobile 0411 174 741 Email secretary@ northerndistrictscalisthenicsclub.com www.northerndistrictscalisthenicsclub.com

Jack Young Centre 1 Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8525 Fax 8406 8524 Email city@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Library Chess Club Ingle Farm Library, Cnr Roopena St and Beovich Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8265 4717 Email dmerrifield@salisbury.sa.gov.au Held at Ingle Farm - The Sunset Room, adjacent to the Ingle Farm Library, Cnr Roopena St and Beovich Rd, Ingle Farm. Our focus is to help young people learn to play and improve. Come and play chess in a fun and friendly atmosphere.

Community Sheds Men’s Shed Pooraka Pooraka Memorial Hall, 39 Scott St, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8406 8488 Fax 8262 1811 Email hhewitt@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au The Men’s Shed is an opportunity for men to come together to socialise, as well as to carry out their hobbies of woodwork, mechanics, painting, furniture restoration, artwork and more.

Shed Project, The Building 186, Contractor Rd, Edinburgh 5111 Phone 8255 4201 Mobile 0412 457 233 Email coswald@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au The Shed Project offers support and recreation activities for men with acquired brain injuries.

Cricket Enfield United Community Cricket Club

Gepps Cross Reserve Oval, Terama St, Gepps Cross 5094 Mobile 0422 241 524 Email mjjcrow1@live.com.au ccca.sa.cricket.com.au

Ingle Farm Sporting Club

Cnr Belalie Rd and Glenora Dr, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8260 2946 - Club Mobile 0418 819 105 Fax 8260 3883 Email inglefarmsc@bigpond.com www.inglefarm.org.au

Mawson Lakes Cricket Club

UniSA Mawson Lakes Campus, Mawson Lakes Blvd, 5095 Mobile 0412 394 592 - Anton Seifert Email aptjs69@bigpond.com

North Pines Redbacks Sports and Social Club Andrew Smith Dr, Parafield Gardens 5107 Mobile 0401 948 245


Recreation and Leisure Northern Districts Cricket Club Memorial Ave, Salisbury 5108 Mobile 0414 242 571 Email secretary@northern-jets.com www.northern_jets.sa.cricket.com.au

Para Districts Cricket Association Inc Phone 8281 4509 Fax 8281 4509 Email pdca@live.com.au

Para Hills Cricket Club Inc.

Cnr Nelson Rd and Murrell Rd, Para Hills 5096 Mobile 0422 014 614 Email kba33317@bigpond.net.au www.parahillscc.sa.cricket.com.au

South Australian Women’s Cricket Association Inc

15 Buckingham Drv, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8258 4978 Fax 8281 9355 Email fhcarter@Websitezone.net.au www.cricketsa.com.au/content.aspx?p=269

Croquet Salisbury Croquet Club

Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 9069 Mobile 0424 747 816 Email fergys2@bigpond.net.au www.croquetsa.com.au/html/salisbury.html

Para Teachers Cricket Club

The Paddocks, Bridge Rd, Para Hills 5096 Mobile 0425 612 795 Email adamvincent3@optusnet.com.au

Para Vista Lutheran Cricket Club Inc.

388 Montague Rd, Para Vista 5093 Mobile 0410 666 432 Email sales@hexipie.com.au pvlcc.sa.cricket.com.au

Parafield Gardens Soccer and Sports Club Inc Bradman Rd Oval, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8250 0999 - Club Mobile 0408 121 630 - Secretary Email steve46@bigpond.net.au

Pooraka Cricket Club

Lindblom Park, McCarthy Crt, Pooraka 5095 Mobile 0405 515 466 - President

Pooraka Sports and Social Club 19 McCarthy Crt, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8262 2146 - Club Fax 8262 8367 Email poorakaf@arcom.com.au

Salisbury North Football Club Inc.

Bagster Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8258 8153 - Manager Fax 8281 9615 Email salisnthfootballclub@bigpond.com www.snfc.com.au

Salisbury West Sports Club Inc

Londonderry Ave, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8258 2194 - Club Fax 8285 8105

Kentish Green: Barina Ave, Para Vista: Junior BMX track with a couple of jumps, playground with bin, shelter and picnic table, car park, scout hall, stone ruin (stable wall of local historical significance) and irrigated turf. Cross Keys BMX Club: BMX Track, Unity Park, South Tce, Pooraka 5095 - BMX track used by sporting club (includes track, canteen, toilets, first aid/emergency room and two verandas). Council mows the ground but is not responsible for the maintenance of the surface. The track is only available to club members. The club can be contacted on Phone 8359 6588 or 0419 820 674.

Bike SA


Phone 8168 9999 www.bikesa.asn.au

BMX Tracks - City of Salisbury

Get active, why not join a local cycling group for fun, fitness and social benefits.

12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8222 The City of Salisbury currently owns 6 facilities for BMX activities: Settlers Park: Liberator Dr, Paralowie: BMX track has adjoining junior section, playground, pergola, two picnic tables, half-court basketball court with ring, irrigated turf and park bench. Diruwa Drive Reserve: Diruwa Dr, Salisbury North: Large BMX track with bench and a bin, shelter and picnic table. This track was designed for seniors. Canterbury Drive Reserve: Canterbury Dr, Salisbury Heights: Two BMX tracks - one senior and one junior, play equipment, bin, tennis courts, two shelters and picnic tables, irrigated turf and half-court basketball. Parafield Gardens: Corner Kings Rd and Martins Rd, BMX track includes junior and senior sections, benches, shelter and barbeque. Located on the same site are the Gardens Recreation Centre, Morella Community House, Parafield Gardens Swimming Centre, Garibaldi Soccer Club and Reg Groth Reserve that has a playground with equipment, bench and a bin.

Central Districts Cycling Club Mobile 0401 778 285 Email cdcc@centrals.org.au www.centrals.org.au

Cross Keys BMX Club Inc

BMX Track, Unity Park, South Tce, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8359 6588 Mobile 0403 024 722 Email crosskeysbmx@gmail.com www.crosskeysbmxclub.com.au

Cycling South Australia

Adelaide Super-Drome, State Sports Park off Main North Rd, Gepps Cross 5094 Phone 8260 1800 Email sa.info@cycling.org.au www.sa.cycling.org.au

Salisbury Cycle Speedway Inc.

Adams Oval Reserve, Tangent Ave, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8281 3447 Mobile 0457 457 160 Email Salisburycyclespeedway@bigpond.com www.salisburycyclespeedway.org.au


Recreation and Leisure Dance

Turning Point Dance

Allistragh Irish Dancing School

St Jay’s Recreation Centre 15 Brown Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8346 9260 Mobile 0413 113 950 Email enquiries@tpdance.com.au www.tpdance.com.au

Dare to Dance


Phone 8250 6355 Mobile 0405 244 181 Email info@celticdance.com.au www.celticdance.com.au

90 Beafield Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8265 3210 Mobile 0411 016 022 Fax 8265 3210 Email contact@daretodancesa.com.au www.daretodancesa.com.au

Deborah Kaye Centre, Dance Studios 6 Chivell St, Elizabeth South 5112 Mob 0411 421 943 Email arts2music@dkartz.com

Desalyne Dancers - Parafield Gardens Holy Family Catholic School, 71 Shepherdson Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Mobile 0418 830 545 Email ddwyatt@bigpond.com

Ingle Farm Recreation Centre Cnr Roopena St and Beovich Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8406 8585 Fax 8396 1752 Email inglefarmrec@belgravialeisure.com.au www.inglefarmrc.com.au

Scoil Rince Cashel (Cashel Irish Dance School)

The Girl Guide Hall, Melville Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8289 0440 Mobile 0422 801 292 Email cashelirishdancing@hotmail.com www.cashelirishdance.com

Sharmels Dance Academy

21, Level 1, Beafield Rd, Para Hills West 5096 Mobile 0413 042 748 Email sharmels_da_33@hotmail.com www.sharmelsdanceacademy.org

South Australian Dance Forum Mobile 0417 875 196 - after 6pm Email info@sadf.com.au www.sadf.com.au

Ingle Farm Sporting Club

Cnr Belalie Rd and Glenora Dr, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8260 2946 - Club Mobile 0418 819 105 Fax 8260 3883 Email inglefarmsc@bigpond.com www.inglefarm.org.au

Licensed Club Darts Association 36 Goddard Dr, Salisbury Park 5109 Phone 8285 5199 Fax 8285 4438 Email lcdadarts@gmail.com www.lcdadarts.com.au

Para Hills Community Club Inc. 360-370 Bridge Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8258 2848 Fax 8281 1997 Email admin@parahillsclub.com.au www.parahillsclub.com.au

Para Hills Community Seniors Club Inc.

Para Hills Community Club, Bridge Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8258 6197

Parafield Gardens Over 50s Club

65 Shepherdson Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8283 1414 / 8258 1538 Email janyoung@iprimus.com.au

Penfield Bowling Club Inc.

Salisbury Downs SA Mobile 0408 498 970 Email president@dartssa.org.au dartssa.org.au

Disability Groups Blind Sport SA

Phone 8359 2728 Mobile 0402 564 991 Fax 8359 2728 Email info@blindsportssa.org.au www.blindsportssa.org.au

Deaf Social Circle

Jack Young Centre, 1 Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8525 TTY 13 3677 Social activities to help reduce social isolation of the local Deaf community.

Disability Recreation and Sports SA

314 South Road, Richmond 5033 Phone 8234 1533 Fax 8234 5122 Email mark@drssa.org.au www.drssa.org.au

Fun on Fridays Jack Young Centre, 1 Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8525 Mobile 0401 984 773 Fax 8406 8524 Email jbickley@salisbury.sa.gov.au People aged 35+ with a mild-moderate intellectual disability with low to medium support needs.

Building 120, Woomera Ave, Edinburgh Parks 5111 Phone 8258 1546 Fax 8258 1546 Email peffieldbowlsclubsec@gmail.com www.penfieldbc.sportingpulse.net

Holiday Explorers Inc.

Salisbury Senior Citizens Club

Supported holidays and activities in the community provide an opportunity for people with intellectual disability to be engaged in their community. Holidays are offered in a variety of locations with a wide range of activities.

Jack Young Centre, Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8525 - Jack Young Centre

Salisbury West Sports Club Inc

Londonderry Ave, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8258 2194 - Club Fax 8285 8105


South Australian Darts Council Inc.

1 Brand St, Beulah Park 5067 Phone 8331 2399 Fax 8331 2644 Email travel@holidayexplorers.com.au www.holidayexplorers.com.au

Recreation and Leisure Inclusive Sport SA

18 Ashwin Pde, Torrensville SA 5031 Phone 8152 2472 Fax 8354 1303 Email services@inclusivesportsa.com.au www.inclusivesportsa.com.au A coordinating body for sport and recreation that aims to achieve greater sporting and recreational opportunities for people with integration difficulties. Promotes and supports organisations that include people with integration difficulties in their regular sport and recreation activities.

Neighbourhood Access

Unit 1b, 25 Wiltshire St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 2575 / 8283 1974 Mobile 0418 854 608 Fax 8283 1974 Email dseeley@ucwpa.org.au www.ucwpa.org.au Information on local activities. Help to identify interests and hobbies. Funding for materials, equipment or fees related to a chosen activity. Matching with volunteer companions for social and recreational activities.

Recreation Link-up

338 Tapleys Hill Rd, Seaton 5023 Phone 8200 2508 Fax 8353 0384 Email rec.linkup@ymca.org.au sa.ymca.org.au Provides support and information to assist people with disabilities or injury in accessing recreational activities in their local area, including information, planning and introductory assistance.

Riding for the Disabled Association Inc.

215 Portrush Rd, Maylands 5069 Phone 8331 1833 Fax 8331 1188 Email admin@rdasa.org.au www.rdasa.org.au

Riding for the Disabled Northern Area Centre Cnr Whites Rd and Ryans Rd, Globe Derby Park 5110 Phone 8336 2068 Mobile 0403 862 438 Fax 8336 1296 Email kosene2@yahoo.com.au

Salisbury Social Group Jack Young Centre, 1 Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8525 Fax 8406 8524 Email jbinder@salisbury.sa.gov.au This program is designed for people with low to medium support needs and assists members to participate in general recreational activities and promote acceptance of people with disabilities in the wider community. Membership is through referral by Disability SA.

scosa - Spastic Centres of Inc. 100 Woodville Rd, Woodville 5011 Phone 8347 2664 Fax 8347 2208 Email info@scosa.com.au www.scosa.com.au Postal PO Box 49, Woodville 5011 Branch Elizabeth Park 3 Kirk St, Elizabeth Park 5113 Phone 8444 9379

Community integration - recreation, further education, work experience, visits to swimming pools, bowling centres, library, public parks, neighbourhood community groups and entertainment venues.

Shed Project, The Building 186, Contractor Rd, Edinburgh 5111 Phone 8255 4201 Mobile 0412 457 233 Email coswald@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au The Shed Project offers support and recreation activities for men with acquired brain injuries.

WAPID Swim Inc.

Elizabeth Aquadome Elizabeth Way, Edinburgh 5112 Phone 8254 6033 Mobile 0407 600 815 Email vince.wapid@gmail.com Aquatic program for people with a disability.

Writers and Illustrators with Disabilities Inc. Phone 8262 3221

An organisation that is pro-people with disabilities but welcome people without disabilities as members. We welcome people who wish to have their experiences of disability written by themselves or with our help.

Eight Ball Central Districts Eightball Association Inc. 176 Burton Rd, Paralowie 5108 Mobile 0420 833 032 Fax 8258 0447 Email cd8ba@adam.com.au www.cd8ba.com.au

Ingle Farm Sporting Club

Cnr Belalie Rd and Glenora Dr, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8260 2946 - Club Mobile 0418 819 105 Fax 8260 3883 Email inglefarmsc@bigpond.com www.inglefarm.org.au

Mawson Lakes Sports Centre Building B, University Blvd, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8302 3257 Fax 8302 5524 Email kim.boerth@unisa.edu.au www.unisa.edu.au

Para Hills Community Club Inc. 360-370 Bridge Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8258 2848 Fax 8281 1997 Email admin@parahillsclub.com.au www.parahillsclub.com.au

Parafield Gardens Community Club Inc. 65 Shepherdson Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8258 4175 Fax 8281 2994 Email parafie@bigpond.net.au www.communityclub.com.au

Salisbury West Sports Club Inc

Londonderry Ave, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8258 2194 - Club Fax 8285 8105


Recreation and Leisure Football Australian Rules Get Active Sports - Mawson Lakes

Mawson Lakes Sports Centre, Building B, University Blvd, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 1300 772 106 Fax 1300 672 823 Email rego@getactivesports.com.au www.getactivesports.com.au

Ingle Farm Sporting Club

Cnr Belalie Rd and Glenora Dr, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8260 2946 - Club Mobile 0418 819 105 Fax 8260 3883 Email inglefarmsc@bigpond.com www.inglefarm.org.au

North Pines Redbacks Sports and Social Club Andrew Smith Dr, Parafield Gardens 5107 Mobile 0401 948 245

Para Hills Football Club

The Paddocks, Bridge Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8258 8863 Fax 8281 7455 Email parahills@footymail.com.au www.freeteams.net/parahillsfootballclub

Pooraka Junior Football Club 19 McCarthy Crt, Pooraka 5095 Mobile 0417 992 605 Email bazdee4@bigpond.net.au www.poorakajfc.sportingpulse.net

Pooraka Sports and Social Club 19 McCarthy Crt, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8262 2146 Fax 8262 8367 Email poorakaf@arcom.com.au

Salisbury Football Club Inc

Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 4738 - Club Mobile 0414 733 883 - Secretary Email judysfc@gmail.com

Salisbury North Football Club Inc.

Bagster Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8258 8153 - Manager Fax 8281 9615 Email salisnthfootballclub@bigpond.com www.snfc.com.au


Gardening Mawson Lakes Garden Club Inc.

Mawson Centre, 2-8 Main St, Mawson Lakes 5095 Mobile 0499 303 167 Email mawsonlakesgardenclub@gmail.com

Northern and Eastern Districts Orchid Society

Postal Address: Unit 1, 71-73 Phillis St, Maylands 5069 Phone 8362 5511

Salisbury Garden Club

Bagster Road Community Centre, 17 Bagster Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8285 9656 / 8258 6559 Email lyn.ws@bigpond.com

Gem and Minerals Northern Districts Gem and Mineral Club Inc.

Peter Badcoe VC Centre, Building 186, Contractors Rd, Edinburgh Parks 5111 Phone 8252 3064 Email lorke@bigpond.com

Salisbury Green Par 3 Golf Course and Driving Range

Martins Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8285 7677 Fax 8285 9177 Email salisburygreen@btmgolf.com.au www.btmgolf.com.au

Wanderers Golf Club

18 Alderbury Ave, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8258 8355 Mobile 0412 704 573 Email dprider2@bigpond.com

Gun / Shooting Clubs Adelaide Smallbore Rifle Club Inc.

11 Railway Tce, Dry Creek 5094 Email asrc@live.com.au www.asrc.yolasite.com

Elizabeth Pistol Club Inc.

Jo Gapper Regional Park, Hillbank 5112 Mobile 0423 639 265

Penfield Pistol, Rifle and Archery Club


Penfield Annexe Rd, Edinburgh 5111 Phone 8250 6543 Email admin@penfield.org.au www.penfield.org.au

Mawson Lakes Golf Club Inc.

SA Gun Club Inc.

Mawson Lakes Blvd, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8302 3412 Email info-mlgc@optusnet.com.au www.mawsonlakesgolfclub.com.au

Penfield Golf Club and Driving Range

Woomera Ave, Edinburgh Park 5111 Phone 8281 0998 Fax 8281 5210 Email secretary@penfieldgolfclub.com.au www.penfieldgolfclub.com.au

Salisbury Country Golf Links Lot 12, Diment Rd, Direk 5110 Phone 8280 8520 / 8280 6799 Mobile 0412 961 690 Fax 8280 8520

Salisbury Country Putt Putt Lot 12, Diment Rd, Direk 5110 Phone 8280 8520 / 8280 6799 Mobile 0412 961 690 Fax 8280 8520

Undo Road, Bolivar 5110 Phone 8280 8309 - Club Phone 8353 2125 - Secretary

Gymnastics Ballendella Gymnastics Club Inc

50 Ferngrove Blvd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8284 1338 Email tricianb@bigpond.net.au www.ballendellagymnasticsclub.com.au

Gymnastics Inc.

Marion Fitness and Leisure Centre, Oaklands Rd, Morphettville 5043 Phone 8294 8288 Fax 8294 4321 Email admin@gymsa.com.au www.gymsa.com.au

Recreation and Leisure Para Hills Gymnastics Club Inc. Ingle Farm Recreation Centre, Beovich Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Mobile 0403 143 177 Email info@phgc.org.au www.phgc.org.au

Salisbury Gymnastics Club

St Jays Recreation Centre, Brown Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 1969 - Steve Stone Mobile 0421 563 067 Email salisburygymnastics@hotmail.com

Hockey Hockey SA

State Hockey Centre, Main North Rd, Gepps Cross 5094 Phone 8349 4044 Mobile 0407 958 068 - ah Fax 8349 4873 Email admin@hockeysa.com.au www.hockeysa.com.au Coordination and promotion of hockey in South Australia. Information about local clubs.

Horse Riding and Equestrian Equus Horse and Pony Club

Northern Adelaide Regional Horse Centre, Whites Rd, Globe Derby Park 5110 Mobile 0411 110 186

Globe Derby Equestrian Centre Cnr Whites Rd and Ryans Rd, Globe Derby Park 5110 Phone 8336 2068 Mobile 0403 944 356 Fax 8336 1296 Email mikanglor@bigpond.com

Riding for the Disabled Northern Area Centre Cnr Whites Rd and Ryans Rd, Globe Derby Park 5110 Phone 8336 2068 Mobile 0403 862 438 Fax 8336 1296 Email kosene2@yahoo.com.au

Salisbury Hunt Club

Phone 8250 4882 Mobile 0410 599 173 Email bscronk@hotmail.com Email reneecronk@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/salisbury.huntclub

Lacrosse North Adelaide Lacrosse Club Inc. Gepps Cross Reserve, Terama St, Gepps Cross 5094 Mobile 0439 579 459 Email david.robertson@dva.gov.au www.nalc.com.au Senior and junior lacrosse teams. Coaching available.

Martial Arts / Self Defence Australian White Tiger School of Combined Martial Arts Inc.

Japan Karate Association: Salisbury Dojo - Mawson Lakes Denison Centre Garden Tce, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8285 3091 Mobile 0404 836 084 Email office@jka.asn.au www.jkasa.com.au

Japan Karate Association: Salisbury Dojo - Salisbury North Salisbury High School Farley Grove, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8285 3091 Mobile 0404 836 084 Email office@jka.asn.au www.JKASA.com.au

Kyokushin Karate

Salisbury Girl Guide Hall, 9 Guerin St, Salisbury 5108 Mobile 0401 097 329 Email andyox64@gmail.com www.akka.com.au

National Karate Academies

Church St, Salisbury 5108 Mobile 0437 523 913 / 0400 299 045 Email enquiries@nationalkarate.com.au www.nationalkarate.com.au

Farley Grove and Amsterdam Crt, Salisbury 5108 Mobile 0412 388 606 Email whitetigerclub@bigpond.com www.australianwhitetigerschool. Websitesyte.com.au

Parafield Gardens Judo Club

Australian World Taekwondo Salisbury

Salisbury Karate Club

First Taekwondo

Traditional Shotokan Karate Federation Carisbrooke Dojo

St Johns Church, Church St, Salisbury SA Mobile 0412 965 905 / 0412 909 500 Email info@worldtaekwondo.com.au www.worldtaekwondo.com.au

Ingle Farm East Primary School, Halidon St, Ingle Farm 5098 Mobile 0411 831 650 Email john.obrien@firsttaekwondo.com.au www.firsttaekwondo.com.au

GKR Karate Region 9 SA

Settlers Farm Primary School, 23 Barassi St, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8283 0906 Mobile 0410 616 760 Email rda92234@bigpond.net.au

Lake Windemere Primary School, Uraidla Ave, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8250 5947 Email d3r3kmartin@gmail.com salisburykarateclub.com

Phone 8332 5569 Mobile 0421 491 474 Fax 8431 5902 Email tcar@live.com.au www.shotokanadelaide.com

4-6 Light Common, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8368 0600 Mobile 0403 507 049 Email alangos@gkrkarate.com www.gkrkarate.com


Recreation and Leisure Meditation


Upeksa Meditation Village

Hoyts - Salisbury

Lot 3A Womma Rd, Penfield 5121 Phone 8284 7344 Mobile 0402 054 433 Email thichthongchieu@msn.com www.upeksavillage.net Buddhism meditation - Thien (Zen) meditation teaching and practice, Vietnamese and English.

Men’s Sheds Men’s Shed Pooraka Pooraka Memorial Hall, 39 Scott St, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8406 8488 Fax 8262 1811 Email hhewitt@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au The Men’s Shed is an opportunity for men to come together to socialise, as well as to carry out their hobbies of woodwork, mechanics, painting, furniture restoration, artwork and more.

Shed Project, The Building 186, Contractor Rd, Edinburgh 5111 Phone 8255 4201 Mobile 0412 457 233 Email coswald@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au The Shed Project offers support and recreation activities for men with acquired brain injuries.

Model Clubs Mawson Lakes Model Yacht Club Mawson Lakes Boat Shed, First Ave, Mawson Lakes 5095 Mobile 0414 565 601 Contact Bob Smith

Penfield Model Engineers Society

Woomera Ave, Edinburgh 5111 Phone 8281 2220 / 8261 6031 Email secretary@pmes.org.au www.pmes.org.au


Corner of Gawler and James Street, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8427 1710 Fax 8283 2444 www.hoyts.com.au

Music – Bands Para Hills Brass Band

85 Fenden Rd, Salisbury Plain 5109 Phone 8258 4226 - Aubrey Gannon Phone 8258 1475 - Pat Talbot Email secretary@parahillsband.org www.parahillsband.org

Salisbury City Band Inc

Salisbury Centre, 17-19 Wiltshire St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8180 9080 Mobile 0418 829 611 Email secretary@salisburycityband.org www.salisburycityband.org

Music - Singing / Choirs Camerata Singers

Phone 8349 6246 / 8349 6626 Phone 8281 5171 Email m.fred1@bigpond.com

Just Us Entertainment Group Inc.

Phone 8395 0875 Email junec@bigpond.net.au

Salisbury Senior Citizens Choir Jack Young Centre, Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8525 Email john.mavis7@bigpond.com

Netball Brahma Lodge Indoor Sports Centre

10-14 Clayson Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8258 6000 Email info@brahmalodgeisc.com.au www.brahmalodgeisc.com.au

Brahma United Netball Club

Mobile 0412 635 771 - Paul Jessop Email brahmaunited@gmail.com

Get Active Sports Mawson Lakes

Mawson Lakes Sports Centre, Building B, University Blvd, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 1300 772 106 Fax 1300 672 823 Email rego@getactivesports.com.au www.getactivesports.com.au

Ingle Farm Recreation Centre Cnr Roopena St and Beovich Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8406 8585 Fax 8396 1752 Email inglefarmrec@belgravialeisure.com.au www.inglefarmrc.com.au

Ingle Farm Sporting Club

Cnr Belalie Rd and Glenora Dr, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8260 2946 - Club Mobile 0418 819 105 Fax 8260 3883 Email inglefarmsc@bigpond.com www.inglefarm.org.au

Mawson Lakes Sports Centre Building B, University Blvd, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8302 3257 Fax 8302 5524 Email kim.boerth@unisa.edu.au www.unisa.edu.au

Parafield Gardens Recreation Centre Kings Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8406 8565 Fax 8250 0411 Email thegardensrc@belgravialeisure.com.au www.gardensrc.com.au

Para Hills Wanderers Netball Club

The Paddocks, Bridge Rd, Para Hills 5096 Mobile 0404 946 975 Email parahillswanderers@gmail.com

Pooraka Netball Club

Mobile 0400 317 812 / 0420 614 764 Email belinda_1973@bigpond.com

Recreation and Leisure South Australian Districts Netball Association Inc Atlantis Dr, Golden Grove 5125 Phone 8251 5211 Fax 8251 5516 Email sadna08@tpg.com.au www.sadna.netball.asn.au

Photography Mawson Lakes Photography Club Email mlpcpresident@gmail.com www.facebook.com/ MawsonLakesPhotographyClub

Para Camera Club Inc.

Cnr Fairfield Rd and Harvey Rd, Elizabeth Grove 5113 Mobile 0411 122 912 – Lou Brown Email paracameraclubsecretary@gmail.com www.paracameraclub.blogspot.com

Public Speaking Mawson Lakes Toastmasters Club

Recreation Centres Brahma Lodge Indoor Sports Centre

10-14 Clayson Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8258 6000 Email info@brahmalodgeisc.com.au www.brahmalodgeisc.com.au

Get Active Sports Mawson Lakes

Mawson Lakes Sports Centre, Building B, University Blvd, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 1300 772 106 Fax 1300 672 823 Email rego@getactivesports.com.au www.getactivesports.com.au

Ingle Farm Recreation Centre Cnr Roopena St and Beovich Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8406 8585 Fax 8396 1752 Email inglefarmrec@belgravialeisure.com.au www.inglefarmrc.com.au

Ingle Farm Sporting Club

Mawson Centre, 2-8 Main St, Mawson Lakes 5095 Mobile 0403 314 498 Email d.kulesko@gmail.com www.mawsonlakestoastmasters.org.au

Cnr Belalie Rd and Glenora Dr, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8260 2946 - Club Mobile 0418 819 105 Fax 8260 3883 Email inglefarmsc@bigpond.com www.inglefarm.org.au

Rostrum Club 25 - Edinburgh

Mawson Lakes Sports Centre

DSTO, West Avenue, Edinburgh 5111 Phone 7389 6518 Email saclub25@rostrum.com.au www.rostrum.com.au/sa-club-list/sa-club-25

Building B, University Blvd, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8302 3257 Fax 8302 5524 Email kim.boerth@unisa.edu.au www.unisa.edu.au

North Pines Redbacks Sports and Social Club Andrew Smith Dr, Parafield Gardens 5107 Mobile 0401 948 245

Parafield Gardens Recreation Centre Kings Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8406 8565 Fax 8250 0411 Email thegardensrc@belgravialeisure.com.au www.gardensrc.com.au

Para Hills Centre Para Hills Library Complex, Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8406 8544 Phone 8406 8525 – Jack Young Centre Mobile 0403 090 437 Fax 8406 8524 Email kmacnab@salisbury.sa.gov.au Email mstroeh@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Para Hills Community Club Inc. 360-370 Bridge Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8258 2848 Fax 8281 1997 Email admin@parahillsclub.com.au www.parahillsclub.com.au

Parafield Gardens Community Club Inc. 65 Shepherdson Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8258 4175 Fax 8281 2994 Email parafie@bigpond.net.au www.communityclub.com.au

Parafield Gardens Soccer and Sports Club Inc Bradman Rd Oval, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8250 0999 - Club Mobile 0408 121 630 - Secretary Email steve46@bigpond.net.au

Pooraka Sports and Social Club 19 McCarthy Crt, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8262 2146 - Club Fax 8262 8367 Email poorakaf@arcom.com.au

Salisbury Recreation Precinct Happy Home Drive, Waterloo Corner Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8406 8506 Fax 8285 5177 Email salisburyrp@belgravialeisure.com.au www.salisburyrecprecinct.com.au

Salisbury West Sports Club Inc

Londonderry Ave, Salisbury Downs 5108 Phone 8258 2194 - Club Fax 8285 8105

Twelve25 Salisbury Youth Enterprise Centre 17-19 Wiltshire St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8555 Fax 8281 5466 Email rhenke@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.twelve25.com.au


Recreation and Leisure Rollerskating Ingle Farm Recreation Centre Cnr Roopena St and Beovich Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8406 8585 Fax 8396 1752 Email inglefarmrec@belgravialeisure.com.au www.inglefarmrc.com.au

Scouts, Guides, Cadets Air Youth of South Australia 25 Tigermoth Lane, Parafield Airport 5109 Mobile 0424 589 306 Email no1squadron@airyouth.net www.airyouth.net

Australian Air League - Parafield Squadron 32 Kittyhawk Lane, Parafield Airport, Parafield 5106 Mobile 0408 842 708 Email oc.parafield@airleague.com.au www.airleague.com.au

Girl Guides South Australian – Mawson Lakes MC1.21. UniSA, Mawson Lakes Blvd, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8418 0900 Email guides@girlguidessa.org.au www.girlguidessa.org.au

Girl Guides South Australia Inc. 63 Beulah Rd, Norwood 5067 Phone 8418 0900 Fax 8132 0424 Email guides@girlguidessa.org.au www.girlguidessa.org.au

Girls Brigade South Australia Inc.

Unit 1, 382 South Rd, Richmond 5033 Phone 8354 3140 Email gbsa@internode.on.net www.girlsbrigadesa.org.au

Scouts Australia – Edinburgh Park

68 Mofflin Rd, Elizabeth Vale 5112 Phone 1800 072 688 Email edinburghpark@sa.scouts.com.au www.sa.scouts.com.au


Scouts Australia - Ingle Farm 18 Canna Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 1800 072 688 Email hq@sa.scouts.com.au www.sa.scouts.com.au

Scouts Australia - Manor Farm Northbri Ave, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 1800 072 688 Email hq@sa.scouts.com.au www.sa.scouts.com.au

Scouts Australia - Mawson Lakes 20 Jackson St, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 1800 072 688 Email hq@sa.scouts.com.au www.sa.scouts.com.au

Scouts Australia Northridge Para Vista

Scout Hall, Kentish Green, Warren Rd, Para Vista 5093 Mobile 1800 072 688 Email hq@sa.scouts.com.au www.sa.scouts.com.au

Scouts Australia Salisbury 1st Scout Group Salisbury Recreation Reserve, Memorial Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 1800 072 688 Email hq@sa.scouts.com.au www.sa.scouts.com.au

Scouts Australia – Salisbury Heights Sea Scout Group Ward St, Salisbury Heights 5109 Phone 1800 072 688 Email hq@sa.scouts.com.au www.sa.scouts.com.au

Seniors Fitness Active Ageing Australia

105 King William St, Kent Town 5067 Phone 8362 5599 Fax 8362 8300 Email admin@activeageing.org.au www.activeageing.org.au

Heart Foundation Walking

Phone 1300 362 787 www.heartfoundation.org.au/activeliving/walking

Soccer Adelaide Croatia Soccer Club

Croatian Sports Centre State Sports Park, Main North Rd, Gepps Cross 5094 Phone 8359 6606 Mobile 0418 834 350 Email raiders@crosportscentre.com.au www.croatiaraiders.com.au

Brahma Lodge Indoor Sports Centre

10-14 Clayson Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8258 6000 Email info@brahmalodgeisc.com.au www.brahmalodgeisc.com.au

Elizabeth and Districts Junior Soccer Association 43 Peachey Rd, Daveron Park 5114 Phone 8255 0758 Fax 8255 0758 Email manday@adam.com.au www.elizdists.com.au

Get Active Sports - Mawson Lakes

Mawson Lakes Sports Centre, Building B, University Blvd, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 1300 772 106 Fax 1300 672 823 Email rego@getactivesports.com.au www.getactivesports.com.au

Ingle Farm Amateur Soccer Club Walkley Park Fairfax Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8396 0482 Mobile 0421 649 077 - President Email admin@ifasc.com.au ifasc.com.au

Ingle Farm Junior Soccer Club Inc

Belalie Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Mobile 0433 732 844 Email inglefarmjuniorsoccerclub@hotmail.com www.inglefarmjuniorsoccerclub.com

Recreation and Leisure Ingle Farm Recreation Centre Cnr Roopena St and Beovich Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8406 8585 Fax 8396 1752 Email inglefarmrec@belgravialeisure.com.au www.inglefarmrc.com.au

Mawson Lakes Sports Centre Building B, University Blvd, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8302 3257 Fax 8302 5524 Email kim.boerth@unisa.edu.au www.unisa.edu.au

North Pines Redbacks Sports and Social Club Andrew Smith Dr, Parafield Gardens 5107 Mobile 0401 948 245

Para Hills East Junior Soccer Club Para Hills Oval, Cnr Murrell Rd and Nelson Rd, Para Hills 5096 Mobile 0403 422 675 Email secretary@phesc.net www.phesc.net

Para Hills East Soccer Club

Murrell Rd, Para Hills 5096 Mobile 0407 185 204 - Audrey Vollebregt Email martin.vollebregt@bigpond.com www.parahillseastsoccerclub.com

Para Hills Lions Soccer Club

Para Hills High School, 90 Beafield Rd, Para Hills 5096 Mobile 0421 699 091 Email waynek70@hotmail.com

Para Hills Soccer Club

Bridge Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8288 1142 Mobile 0401 005 644 Fax 8288 1142 Email gandacrosse@optusnet.com.au

Para Hills United Soccer Club Inc Bridge Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8262 4233 Email secretary@phusc.com.au www.phusc.com.au

Para Hills West Soccer Club

Northbri Ave, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8285 2044 - Club Phone 8250 6638 / 8258 0829 Fax 8250 6638 Email tays01@bigpond.net.au

Parafield Gardens Soccer and Sports Club Inc Bradman Rd Oval, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8250 0999 - Club Mobile 0408 121 630 - Secretary Email steve46@bigpond.net.au

Salisbury East Junior Soccer Club Davey Oval, Gloucester Ave, Salisbury East 5109 Mobile 0434 143 652 Email sejscsecretary@gmail.com www.sejsc.com.au

Salisbury Florina Soccer Club Underdown Park, Nangari Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Mobile 0410 477 465

Salisbury Inter Soccer Club Inc. Underdown Park, Nangari Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8250 2655 Mobile 0418 737 193 Email salisburyintersc@gmail.com www.salisburyintersc.asn.au

Social Groups Ex Services Ex-Military Rehabilitation Centre Phone 8252 0500 Mobile 0427 160 993 Fax 8252 7038

Royal Australian Air Force Association - Elizabeth/ Salisbury Branch 19 Park Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 6016 Fax 8281 5848 Email rsl.sals@bigpond.net.au www.salisbury.rslsa.org.au

RSL Salisbury Sub Branch 19 Park Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 6016 Fax 8281 5848 Email rsl.sals@bigpond.net.au www.salisbury.rslsa.org.au

Salisbury United Junior Soccer Club Adams Oval, Decimal Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Mobile 0403 899 844 Email sujsc2012@bigpond.com

Salisbury United Soccer Club Adams Oval, Decimal Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Mobile 0422 400 462 Email salis.united@yahoo.com.au

Salisbury Villa Soccer Club

Cnr Martins and Kings Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8285 5377 Mobile 0412 799 588 Email salisburyvilla@hotmail.com salisburyvilla.cutorange.com

St Augustine’s Soccer Club Malinya Dr, Salisbury Park 5109 Mobile 0412 557 791 Email duncsam@bigpond.com

Valley View Soccer Club

Thomas Turner Reserve, Derwent Tce, Valley View 5093 Mobile 0407 065 522 Email valleyviewsoccerclub@gmail.com www.valleyviewsc.com


Recreation and Leisure Social Groups – General Flamingo Friendship Club

Orange Lane, Salisbury SA 5108 Phone 8284 4865

Group North Historical Wargames Society

A.E Martin Hall, Building 36, Woomera Rd, Edinburgh SA 5121 Mobile 0400 541 970 Email groupnorth@adam.com.au www.groupnorth.biz

Ingle Farm Women’s Group Ingle Farm Recreation Centre, Cnr Beovich and Roopena St, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8283 4532 - Gail Phone 8395 4812 - Julie

Mawson Lakes Hotel Social Club Inc.

Mawson Lakes Hotel, 10 Main St, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8360 3500 Email mawsonmemberships@gmail.com

Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes - Adelaide Plains

30 Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Mobile 0401 732 862 - Secretary Email nickfoti@hotmail.com.au

East Turkistan Australian Association Inc.

35 Lynton Ave, Gilles Plains 5086 Phone 8395 9572 Mobile 0435 359 449 Email etaaoffice@gmail.com www.etaa.org.au

German Club of Elizabeth Inc. – Seniors Group

Off Hamblyn Rd, Elizabeth Downs 5113 Phone 8255 5904 Email info@germanclubelizabeth.com

Greek Macedonian Social Club Florina 20 Kylie Cres, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8396 4138 - Byron

Italian Cultural Centre

304 Waterloo Corner Rd, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8258 6648 Fax 8258 6648 Email icucentre@bigpond.com

Northern Italian Community Jack Young Centre, Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Mobile 0415 204 549 Fax 8342 9193 Email luisa@rgda.com.au

Polish Seniors Club Salisbury Jack Young Centre, Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 7286 Contact Wanda Schafer

Salisbury Widows Social Club 1 Brown Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 0617 / 8250 4384

Social Groups -Migrants Bosnian Seniors Group Optimists

Ingle Farm Recreation Centre, Cnr Roopena St and Beovich Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Mobile 0404 750 620

Cambodian Association Inc.

172-174 Burton Rd, Paralowie 5108

Dutch Social and Welfare Club

21 Greenfields Drive, Green Fields 5107 Phone 8281 1441 Email info@dutchclub.com.au www.dutchclub.com.au

Social Groups Seniors Community Visitors Scheme

Phone 1800 052 222 Commonwealth Carelink Phone 1800 200 422 - My Aged Care www.health.gov.au

Community Health and Wellbeing City of Salisbury 12 James St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8222 Email ppindral@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

DISCO Day Care Club 19 Park Tce, Salisbury SA Phone 8256 1514

A Day Club is a group of people who meet regularly in their local community to participate in a varied program of activities. Day Clubs provide social and recreational activities for veterans, their spouses, war widows/widowers and any other members of the community.

Jack Young Centre 1 Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8525 Fax 8406 8524 Email city@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Ingle Farm Over 50s Club Inc. Cnr Beovich Rd and Roopena St, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8265 7667 - President Phone 8349 6507 - Vice President

Mawson Centre, The Over Fifties Group Inc

The Mawson Centre, Main St, Mawson Lakes 5095 Mobile 0413 089 596 Email maureen.morton@lifestylesa.net.au Email wilmot.professional@bigpond.com

Parafield Gardens Over 50s Club

65 Shepherdson Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8283 1414 / 8258 1538 Email janyoung@iprimus.com.au

Para Hills Club - City of Salisbury Para Hills Centre, Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8395 1520 - Para Hills Centre Phone 8406 8525 - Jack Young Centre Mobile 0403 090 437 - Program Officer Fax 8406 8524 Email mstroeh@salisbury.sa.gov.au Email kmacnab@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Para Hills Community Seniors Club Inc.

Para Hills Community Club, Bridge Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8258 6197

Para Singles Social Club Inc. Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills 5096 Mobile 0421 007 624


Recreation and Leisure Pine Lakes Centre 16 Homestead Pl, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8406 8857 Phone 8406 8525 – Jack Young Centre Fax 8406 8524 Email vharacic@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Probus Club of Salisbury Inc.

Salisbury Uniting Church 1 Brown Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 5549 - President Phone 8285 9128 - Secretary Email john.mavis7@bigpond.com

Salisbury Baptist Over 50’s Fellowship

195 Park Tce, Brahma Lodge 5109 Phone 8281 9544 Fax 8283 2602 Email salisburybaptist@internode.on.net

Salisbury Lutheran Plus 50’s

10 Waterloo Corner Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 2976 - Office Fax 8285 7570

Salisbury North Hawks Over 50s Club Salisbury North Football Club, Bagster Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8258 5866 Fax 8281 9615

Salisbury Senior Citizens Club

Jack Young Centre, Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8525 - Jack Young Centre

Windemere Seniors’ Club Inc., The

Phone 8255 9119 Mobile 0430 412 454 Email whizebo@gmail.com

Softball Central United Tigers Softball Club Inc.

Timmer Rd, Elizabeth Vale 5112 Mobile 0408 833 536 Email centralunited@footymail.com.au

Stamp Collecting

Table Tennis

Para Hills Philatelic Society Inc

Mawson Lakes Sports Centre

Phone 8256 1645 Email sephora@esc.net.au

Salisbury Philatelic Society St Johns Church Hall, Church St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8252 2392 - Secretary

Swimming Aquadome Otters Masters Swimming Inc.

Building B, University Blvd, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8302 3257 Fax 8302 5524 Email kim.boerth@unisa.edu.au www.unisa.edu.au

Parafield Gardens Table Tennis Club Inc. The Gardens Recreation Centre, Kings Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8255 7117 Mobile 0409 959 100 Email barry.elliott@hotmail.com

Elizabeth Aquadome 1 Crockerton Rd, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8524 3418 Email pen_22.02.wotm@gmail.com


Parafield Gardens Swim School

Tai Chi for Everybody Pty Ltd

Kings Rd (Cnr Martins Rd), Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8285 3666 Fax 8285 6280 Email learntoswim@internode.on.net www.parafieldgardensswimschool.com.au

Mobile 0417 824 063 - Meg Hutton Email meg@hutton.sh www.taichiforeverybody.com.au

Playford Aquatic Club Inc.

Orange Ave, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8525 Fax 8406 8524 Email city@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Mobile 0437 644 638 - Secretary Email pac.thesecretary@gmail.com www.playford-aquatic.com.au

Salisbury Recreation Precinct Happy Home Drive, Waterloo Corner Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8406 8506 Fax 8285 5177 Email salisburyrp@belgravialeisure.com.au www.salisburyrecprecinct.com.au

SPG Sharks Swimming Club

Parafield Gardens Swim School, Cnr Kings Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Mobile 0408 145 300 - Carole Margrison Email ea1@spgsharks.org.au www.spgsharks.org.au

Jack Young Centre

Para Hills Centre Para Hills Library Complex, Wilkinson Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8406 8544 Phone 8406 8525 – Jack Young Centre Mobile 0403 090 437 Fax 8406 8524 Email kmacnab@salisbury.sa.gov.au Email mstroeh@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Salisbury East Neighbourhood Centre 28 Smith Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8285 2055 Fax 8285 7682 Email salisburyeastnh@amnet.net.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au


Recreation and Leisure Tennis

Theatre and Drama


Para Hills Tennis Club


Heart Foundation Walking

Twell Green, Liberman Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8258 8759 Phone 8281 3295 - Club Mobile 0407 397 708 Email parahillstennisclub@gmail.com www.tennis.com.au/parahillstc/

Penfield Tennis Club

Happy Home Reserve, Waterloo Corner Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 4730 / 8254 3327 Mobile 0408 400 315 Email wally.rella@gmail.com

Pooraka Tennis Club Inc.

Postal Address: PO Box 6, Inglewood 5133 Phone 7231 0539 Email lyn_2@internode.on.net The Club uses the tennis courts on Main North Rd, Pooraka. Facilities and toilets are wheelchair accessible.

Salisbury Recreation Precinct Happy Home Drive, Waterloo Corner Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8406 8506 Fax 8285 5177 Email salisburyrp@belgravialeisure.com.au www.salisburyrecprecinct.com.au

Salisbury Tennis Club Inc.(Academy)

Happy Home Reserve, Waterloo Corner Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 3434 Fax 8258 3334 Email enquiries@salisburytennisclub.org www.salisburytennisclub.org

Valley View Tennis Club

Elizabeth Cr, Valley View 5093 Email garryoaten@bigpond.com

11 Jeffcott St, North Adelaide 5006 Phone 8267 5111 Fax 8239 0689 Email info@carclew.org.au www.carclew.com.au It provides young people with opportunities to try different art forms, supports emerging artists to develop their craft and advocates for youth arts practice.

Deborah Kaye Centre, Dance Studios 6 Chivell St, Elizabeth South 5112 Mob 0411 421 943 Email arts2music@dkartz.com

A fun, social and easy way to get active, why not join Heart Foundation Walking today. Australia’s largest network of FREE local walking groups. Groups for all sorts of people, beginners welcome. 12 local groups in Salisbury.

Keep Walking SA

Phone 8370 6667 / 8298 1321 Email keepwalkingenquiries@yahoo.com.au www.keepwalking.ucoz.com

Just Us Entertainment Group Inc.

A community-based bushwalking organisation offering walks at various difficulty levels 6 days per week for most of the year on a four term basis. Walk leaders are accredited by Bushwalking Leadership and have undertaken first aid training.

Travel / Day Trips

Salisbury Ramblers Walking Club

Phone 8395 0875 Email junec@bigpond.net.au

Wyatt Holidays

22 Henley Beach Rd, Mile End 5031 Phone 8349 3515 Phone 1300 224 477 www.ach.org.au Branch Wyatt Holidays North 20 Ann St, Salisbury 5108 Email csc@ach.org.au Assistance in arranging holidays - itineraries, volunteer travelling companions, equipment hire, limited financial assistance, transport assistance as part of a holiday plan. Aboriginal Wyatt Holidays - support program for Aboriginal people aged 45 and over. Respite Options Plus - flexible respite support for carers of older people with high care needs.

Triathlon Trikings - Triathlon Club

Mobile 0431 098 217 Email membership@trikings.net.au www.trikings.net.au


Phone 1300 362 787 www.heartfoundation.org.au/activeliving/walking

Postal Address: 18 Admiralty Circuit, Smithfield 5114 Phone 8254 7162 The club meets weekly walking on a Monday/Tuesday alternate weeks. The walks occupy the main part of the day (9am - 3pm approx) with members taking packed lunches. The average distance of walks is 8-10 kilometres and all members are required to be fit and active to participate and have ambulance cover.

Tenderfoot Walkers Phone 8258 7384

Group meets every Saturday morning from 9.30am - 12 noon at various places, depending on destination of the walk. The group enjoy a shared lunch after each walk. There is a break during the summer months, from December to March. New members are always welcome.

Walk 4 Health

Phone 8281 4213 Mobile 0416 232 412 Email linda@walk4health.com.au www.walk4health.com.au Mall walking, safe, no weather restrictions. Plenty of rest stops if needed (seating), with qualified instructor.

Recreation and Leisure Woodworking


Ex-Military Rehabilitation Centre

Boys’ Brigade 4th Salisbury Company

Phone 8252 0500 Mobile 0427 160 993 Fax 8252 7038

Woodworkers Shed - Northern Districts Inc.

Salisbury Uniting Church, Cnr Park and Brown Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 8624 Fax 8281 6509 Email breuker7@gmail.com

Happy Home Reserve, Waterloo Corner Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8255 9873 Mobile 0414 581 937 - (daytime only) Fax 8252 5339

Boys’ Brigade is a Christian based uniformed organisation for boys, have fun and adventure, learn to meet life’s challenges and develop leadership potential. The Salisbury company has been active in helping boys grow in this community for over 40 years.

The aim of the group is to instruct and familiarise people in the use of woodworking machinery, manufacture items for charity and promote fellowship.



It provides young people with opportunities to try different art forms, supports emerging artists to develop their craft and advocates for youth arts practice.

Writers Centre Inc.

2nd Floor, 187 Rundle St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8223 7662 Fax 8232 3994 Email admin@sawriters.org.au www.sawc.org.au

Writers and Illustrators with Disabilities Inc. Phone 8262 3221

An organisation that is pro-people with disabilities but welcome people without disabilities as members. We welcome people who wish to have their experiences of disability written by themselves or with our help.

11 Jeffcott St, North Adelaide 5006 Phone 8267 5111 Fax 8239 0689 Email info@carclew.org.au www.carclew.com.au

Twelve25 Salisbury Youth Enterprise Centre 17-19 Wiltshire St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8406 8555 Fax 8281 5466 Email: rhenke@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.twelve25.com.au Provide spaces and programs where young people can develop skills, look at opportunities, access information and use technology. It includes free computer suite (some conditions apply).

YMCA of Inc.

338 Tapleys Hill Rd, Seaton 5023 Phone 8200 2500 Fax 8353 0384 Email adelaide@ymca.org.au www.sa.ymca.org.au

Global Care Community Centre Brown Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8289 0556 Fax 8289 0005 Email cocadelne@dodo.com.au Hours: Weekly Sat 6.30pm - 9.30pm

Free drop-in centre run by Global Care SA, a Christian aid organisation, for the youth of Salisbury. Young people can also find help, support and encouragement. The aim is to provide a venue where young people can develop life skills, social skills and build their self-esteem. No direct funding is supplied. We raise money ourselves and are staffed by a group of dedicated volunteers. New volunteers welcome.


Religion and Philosophies Anglican


Christian Churches

Anglican Church - St Augustine of Canterbury, Para Hills

Mindful Path Sangha Buddhist Meditation Group

Gardens Community Church

107 Kesters Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8395 3149 Email warrenst@iinet.net.au www.inglefarmparahillsanglican.org

Anglican Church - St John’s, Salisbury

Church St, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 2496 Email stjohnsalisbury@bigpond.com

Anglican Church of the Holy Redeemer

Cnr Roopena St and Montague Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8395 3149 Email warrenst@iinet.net.au www.inglefarmparahillsanglican.org

St Barbara’s Anglican Church, Parafield Gardens 456 Salisbury Hwy, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8258 8208 Email stbarbaras@bigpond.com www.adelaide.anglican.com.au

St Lukes Anglican Church

35 Whitmore Sq, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8231 4149 Fax 8410 1097 Email stlukes@internode.on.net www.adelaide.anglican.com.au

Baptist Baptist Church - Northside, Para Vista 145 Nelson Rd, Para Vista 5093 Phone 8263 0806 www.northside.baptist-church.com.au

Baptist Church - Salisbury

191-195 Park Tce, Brahma Lodge 5109 Phone 8281 9544 Mobile 0413 563 233 Fax 8283 2602 Email office@sbc.asn.au www.sbc.asn.au

Ingle Farm Baptist Church

Ingle Farm Recreation Centre, 58 Beovich Rd, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8395 4127 Mobile 0413 253 575 Fax 8395 4126 Email church@inglefarmbaptist.com


Level 1, 486 Salisbury Hwy, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8285 9656 Mobile 0427 699 913 Email mindfulpathsangha1-1@yahoo.com.au nhapluu.blogspot.com.au

Upeksa Meditation Village

Lot 3A Womma Rd, Penfield 5121 Phone 8284 7344 Mobile 0402 054 433 Email thichthongchieu@msn.com www.upeksavillage.net

Catholic Catholic Church - Holy Trinity, Para Hills/Modbury Parish Cnr of Kesters Rd and James St, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8264 7590 Fax 8265 2012 Email paramodcath@adam.com.au

Catholic Church - St Augustine, Salisbury 23 Commercial Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 2314 Fax 8281 8287 Email salcath@tpg.com.au salcath.freehostia.com

Catholic Church - St Finbar, Salisbury North

Greencroft Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8258 2314 Fax 8281 8287 Email salcath@tpg.com.au www.salcath.freehostia.com

13-15 Ormsby Ave, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8258 3865 Email jbox@adam.com.au


61 Baloo St, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8262 6475 Fax 8262 7535 Email info@lifeatlife.com www.lifeatlife.com

Significance Church

Office: Shop 2-21, 25 Goodall Pde, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8260 1832 - Office Mobile 0434 679 754 - AH Email info@significancechurch.com.au www.significancechurch.com.au

Church of Christ Church of Christ - Salisbury East 88 Smith Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8250 6807 Phone 8258 6431 - Secretary Email salisburyeastcoc@gmail.com

Islam Adelaide Turkish and Islamic Cultural Centre Inc. 92 Shepherdson Rd, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8182 5151 Email orhanatakan@yahoo.com.au

Imam Ali Mosque - Pooraka

27 Langford St, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8162 5215 Mobile 0420 770 343 Email info@imamalimosque.org.au www.imamalimosque.org.au

Religion and Philosophies Greek Orthodox Greek Orthodox - St Dimitrios Parish of Salisbury 27 Saints Rd, Salisbury Plain 5109 Phone 8250 5222 - Church office Mobile 0414 395 705 Email christostsorak@gmail.com

Lutheran Lutheran Church - Salisbury

10 Waterloo Corner Rd, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8281 2976 Fax 8285 7570 Email office@slc.lca.org.au www.slc.lca.org.au

Lutheran Church Para Vista Good Shepherd

388 Montague Rd, Para Vista 5093 Phone 8263 5087 Fax 8395 2680 Email churchenquiries@paravista.org.au www.paravista.org.au

Other Churches / Beliefs Church @ Paravista

308 Nelson Rd, Para Vista 5093 Phone 8263 2344 Mobile 0412 684 196 Email sayhi@churchatpv.org.au www.churchatpv.org.au

Pentecostal Church at Bethany, The

37 Countess St, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8258 2085 Fax 8258 2346 Email info@churchatbethany.com.au www.churchatbethany.com.au

C3 Church Salisbury

Denison Centre, Mawson Lakes Primary School Garden Tce, Mawson Lakes 5095 Mobile 0425 874 240 Email anthony@crossroads.church.com.au

16-22 Clayson Rd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8281 6100 Fax 8283 4009 Email info@c3salisbury.org.au Email kidzbiz@c3salisbury.org.au www.c3salisbury.org.au

Gateway International Church

Northern Family Church Inc.

Crossroads Community Church

22-28 Ferngrove Blvd, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8250 4459 Fax 8250 2549 Email info@gatewaychurch.org.au www.gatewaychurch.org.au Postal: PO Box 1037, Salisbury 5108

Hungarian and Slavic Evangelical Christian Church

Cnr Smith Rd and Yale St, Salisbury East 5109 Phone 8396 1479 / 8250 3191 Email daniel.debreceni@gmail.com

Mawson Lakes Community Church 223 Mawson Lakes Blvd, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8162 5108 Mobile 0403 007 156 Email pastormlcc@bigpond.com www.mlcc.org.au

Miracle Church

Mawson Centre, 2-8 Main St, Mawson Lakes 5095 Mobile 0427 663 033 Email bk@faithworks.net.au www.miraclechurch.com.au

New Community Church

402 Montague Rd, Modbury North 5092 Phone 8395 5467 Email newcommunitychurch.sa@gmail.com www.newcommunitychurch.org.au

17 Bagster Rd, Salisbury North 5108 Phone 8258 7415 Mobile 0457 749 256 Email davemac48@bigpond.com

Victory Church

5 Maxwell Rd, Pooraka 5095 Phone 8262 7733 Fax 8262 9966 Email info@victorychurch.net.au www.victorychurch.net.au

Presbyterian Para Hills Church (St Andrew’s Presbyterian)

174 Maxwell Rd, Para Hills 5096 Phone 8264 4607 - Rev Damien Carson Email enquiries@parahillschurch.org.au www.parahillschurch.org.au

Presbyterian Reformed Church Community Hall, 11 Clearview Cr, Clearview 5085 Phone 7225 1031 - Duane Fowler Email d.fowler1@optusnet.com.au www.prc.org.au

Providence Bible-Presbyterian Church 14 Garden Tce, Mawson Lakes 5095 Phone 8263 9689 - Office Email pastor@providencebpc.com www.providencebpc.com


Religion and Philosophies Salvation Army Salvation Army Ingle Farm Corps

Cnr Bridge and Maxwell Roads, Ingle Farm 5098 Phone 8397 9333 Fax 8396 5170 Email corps.inglefarm@aus.salvationarmy.org www.salvationarmy.org.au/inglefarm

Salvation Army Parafield Gardens

86 Lavender Dr, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8250 1455 Fax 8250 6712 Email parafield.gardens@aus.salvationarmy.org www.salvationarmy.org.au/pgsalvos

Seventh Day Adventist Grove Seventh-day Adventist Church 148 Frost Rd, Salisbury 5109 Phone 8258 6357 Mobile 0430 385 158 - Rob VanBuuren Email robvb@aapt.net.au thegrove.adventist.org.au

Paralowie International Adventist Church

11 Liberator Dr, Paralowie 5108 Mobile 0417 710 773 Email DaveHamilton@adventist.org.au

Uniting Church Para Hills Uniting Church

Cnr Liberman Rd and Barcoo Rd, Para Hills 5096 Mobile 0422 336 227 Email millmanfamily@southernPhone.com.au

Para Vista Uniting Church 137 Nelson Rd, Para Vista 5093 Phone 8264 2208

Uniting Church - Freedom Uniting Church Paralowie

11 Liberator Dr, Paralowie 5108 Phone 8280 8185 Email freedomuc@gmail.com www.freedom.unitingchurchsa.org.au

Uniting Church Parafield Gardens

Cnr Shepherdson Rd and Salisbury Hwy, Parafield Gardens 5107 Phone 8285 7104 Email pguc@bigpond.com www.pguc.com.au

Uniting Church - Salisbury

Cnr Brown Tce and Park Tce, Salisbury 5108 Phone 8258 2675 Fax 8281 6509 Email salisburyuca@adam.com.au Email minister@salisbury.unitingchurch.org.au www.salisbury.unitingchurch.org.au


Transport Community Transport

Bus SA

Registration and Licensing, Transport SA

Information about South Australian country passenger transport services - including country bus routes and timetables, charter bus services and taxi services.

Phone 8343 2222 Phone 13 1084 Fax 8204 8217 www.ecom.transport.sa.gov.au Branches Elizabeth Shop 42, North Mall, Elizabeth Shopping Centre, Elizabeth 5112 Modbury 116 Reservoir Rd, Modbury 5092 Gawler Northern Market Shopping Centre, cnr Murray St and Cowan St, Gawler 5118 Responsible for the administration of motor vehicle registration and issuing drivers’ licences. Pensioner concessions for drivers licence and registration fees are available to people who hold a State Concession Card or a pension card issued by the Australian Government that allows travel on public transport in South Australia at reduced fares.

Public Transport Adelaide Central Bus Station 85 Franklin St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8221 5080 Fax 8410 2606

Adelaide Metro

InfoCentre, 79 King William Street, Adelaide 5000 Phone 1300 311 108 - Infoline Phone 1300 555 727 - Speak and listen TTY 13 3677 Phone 1800 280 203 - Non English speaking Interpreting and Translating Centre www.adelaidemetro.com.au Public transport services in metropolitan Adelaide - bus, train and tram. Information on public transport service and ticket information, route maps and timetables.

Phone 8303 0822 Fax 8303 0849 www.bussa.com.au

Special Needs Transport Adelaide Access Taxis

99 Henley Beach Rd, Mile End 5031 Phone 1300 360 940 - Bookings Fax 8202 1204 Email admin@132211.com.au www.aitaxis.com.au Taxi transport for people with physical disabilities.

Australian Red Cross (SA Division)

212 Pirie St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8100 4500 Fax 8100 4501 Email sainfo@redcross.org.au www.redcross.org.au/sa Transport – trained volunteers provide transport and assistance with medical appointments and activities.

City of Salisbury - Home Assist Scheme 12 James St, Salisbury, SA 5108 Phone 8406 8225 Fax 8406 8474 Email has@salisbury.sa.gov.au www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Disabled Persons’ Parking Permit Phone 13 1084 www.transport.sa.gov.au

Persons with a temporary or permanent physical disability (a) whose speed of movement is severely restricted by the impairment AND (b) whose ability to use public transport is significantly impeded by the impairment may apply to the Registrar for a Disabled Persons’ Parking Permit.

Families SA

Central Assessment and Support Office, 219 Morphett St, Adelaide 5000 Phone 8304 0120 Fax 8304 155 www.families.sa.gov.au Branches Elizabeth – Northern Assessment and Support Office 18 Langord Dr, Elizabeth 5112 Phone 8207 9000 Fax 8207 9030 Salisbury – Northern Guardianship Office 16-18 Ann St, Salisbury Phone 8209 4910 Fax 8209 4999

South Australian Transport Subsidy Scheme GPO Box 2830, Adelaide 5001 Phone 1300 360 840 www.sa.gov.au

State Government subsidised taxi travel program entitles members to a taxi fare subsidy of 50% for people not confined to a wheelchair and 75% for those confined to a wheelchair, with an upper limit of $40 a taxi fare. SATSS provides members with up to 80 personalised vouchers for subsidised taxi travel which must last for at least 6 months.

Transport to medical appointments within Salisbury Council area, Lyell McEwin and Modbury Hospitals. Range of transport opportunities for older people to visit different shopping and social locations.

Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres Phone 1800 052 222 TTY 1800 555 677 Email Carelink@health.gov.au www.carelinksa.asn.au www.commcarelink.health.gov.au


Index 5PBA-FM........................................................................18


Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council (SA) Inc.............45 Aboriginal Family History Collection - Salisbury.........24 Aboriginal Family Support Services Inc.......................56 Aboriginal Health Council of Inc..................................42 Aboriginal Health Services................................... 42 Aboriginal Hostels..........................................................9 Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement Inc. .....................53 Aboriginal People.................................................. 9 Aboriginal Sobriety Group Inc......................................45 Access Programs...........................................................34 Accessible Housing Association Inc.............................11 Accommodation..................................................... 9 ACH Group.......................................................................9 ACH Group Inc. - Health and Community Services Northern.........................................................55 ACH GROUP Inc. - Health and Community Services Eastern............................................................63 Active Ageing Australia................................................76 Adelaide Access Taxis............................................ 61, 85 Adelaide Central Bus Station.......................................85 Adelaide Croatia Soccer Club........................................76 Adelaide Land Yachts Club...........................................67 Adelaide Metro.............................................................85 Adelaide Mobile Veterinary Service............................14 Adelaide Northern Districts Family History Group Inc..............................................25 Adelaide Planetarium............................................ 22, 25 Adelaide Smallbore Rifle Club Inc...............................72 Adelaide Snake Catchers..............................................14 Adelaide Turkish and Islamic Cultural Centre Inc........82 Adelaide Vets on Wheels.............................................14 Adult Education.................................................... 27 Aged Care............................................................... 9 Aged Health Services........................................... 42 Aged Pensioners Independent Homes Inc..................11 Aged Rights Advocacy Service Inc........................ 50, 63 Air Youth of South Australia.........................................76 Al-Anon Family Groups.................................................45 Alcohol and Drug Information Service.........................45


Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).........................................45 Alexam Place................................................................11 All Health Medical Centre.............................................44 Allistragh Irish Dancing School....................................70 Alzheimer’s Australia SA..............................................43 Ambulance Services............................................. 42 Amcor Recycling...........................................................38 Anglican Church St Augustine of Canterbury, Para Hills.........................82 Anglican Church - St John’s, Salisbury.................. 22, 82 Anglican Church of the Holy Redeemer......................82 Anglicare Inc.......................................................... 54, 56 Animal Care and Control...................................... 13 Animal Welfare.................................................... 13 Animal Welfare League of Inc......................................13 Animal Welfare League Thrift Shop.............................55 Aquadome Otters Masters Swimming Inc..................79 Archery................................................................ 66 Art and Craft........................................................ 66 Arthritis Foundation of Inc...........................................43 Asbestos Victims Association (SA) Inc.........................43 ASK Employment and Training Services......................33 Assistance General............................................... 56 Asthma Foundation SA.................................................43 Athletics............................................................... 66 Attention Disorder Association of Inc..........................43 Australian Air League - Parafield Squadron................76 Australian Breastfeeding Association North and North Eastern Suburbs Group.....................60 Australian Breastfeeding Association (SA Branch).....48 Australian Hearing........................................................46 Australian Lace Guild (SA Branch) Salisbury Group.............................................................66 Australian Red Cross - Ingle Farm................................22 Australian Red Cross (SA Division).................. 56, 65, 85 Australian Refugee Association Inc.............................59 Australian Retired Persons Association (SA) Inc. (ARPA)........................... 17, 18, 63 Australian Taxation Office (ATO)..................................17 Australian White Tiger School of Combined Martial Arts Inc.......................................73 Australian World Taekwondo - Salisbury.....................73 Autism SA......................................................................43 AVEO - Manor Gardens Retirement Estate..................11 AVEO – Riverview Retirement Estate...........................12



Badminton........................................................... 66 Bagster Road Community Centre..........4, 19, 21, 22, 66 Ballendella Gymnastics Club Inc..................................72 Baptist Care (SA) - Employment Services...................33 Baptist Church - Northside, Para Vista.........................82 Baptist Church - Salisbury............................................82 Barkuma Community Support......................................11 Barkuma Inc........................................................... 43, 61 Baseball/T Ball.................................................... 67 Basketball............................................................ 67 Bedford, Frances MP - State Member for Florey.........41 Bee and European Wasp Removals.............................14 Bee Control...................................................................14 Beekeepers Society of SA (BSSA)................................14 Bereaved Through Suicide Support Group Inc.............58 Bethany Christian School.............................................30 Bettison, Zoe MP - State Member for Ramsay............41 Bike SA..........................................................................69 Bird Care and Conservation Society Inc.......................13 Birds............................................................... 13, 67 Birthline Pregnancy Support Services Inc............. 48, 57 Blind Sport SA...............................................................70 Blind Welfare Association of Inc..................................43 Bloom Hearing Specialists - Salisbury.........................46 BMX Tracks - City of Salisbury......................................69 Boating, Canoeing, Rowing, Sailing.................... 67 Bosnian Seniors Group - Optimists..............................78 Bowland - Ingle Farm...................................................67 Bowland - Salisbury.....................................................67 Bowling – Ten Pin................................................. 67 Bowls – Carpet..................................................... 67 Bowls - Lawn........................................................ 68 Boxing.................................................................. 68 Boys’ Brigade 4th Salisbury Company.........................81 Brahma Lodge Indoor Sports Centre............... 74, 75, 76 Brahma Lodge Kindergarten................................. 29, 61 Brahma Lodge Post Office............................................20 Brahma Lodge Primary School.....................................30 Brahma United Netball Club........................................74 Brain Injury Network Inc..............................................47 BreastScreen SA............................................................42 Burton Community Centre............... 4, 17, 19,21, 22, 66 Burton Lifestyle Retirement Village............................12

Burton Park Pre-school.................................................29 Burton Primary School.................................................30 Burton Road Child Care and Early Learning Centre.....27 Bus SA...........................................................................85 Business and Finance........................................... 15 Business and Professional Groups........................ 15 Business Advice................................................... 15 Butler, Mark MP Federal Member for Port Adelaide..............................41


C3 Church Salisbury......................................................83 Calisthenics.......................................................... 68 Calvary Central Districts Hospital.................................47 Cambodian Association Inc..........................................78 Camerata Singers..........................................................74 Camp Quality SA...........................................................42 Can:Do 4Kids.......................................................... 43, 49 Cancer.................................................................. 42 Cancer Council SA.........................................................42 Canteen (SA/NT Division)............................................42 Car and 4WD Clubs............................................... 68 Cara - Community Accommodation and Respite Agency Inc................................................11 Caravan Parks...................................................... 10 Carclew............................................................. 66, 80, 81 Career and Workforce Development Centre................33 Carers................................................................... 56 Carers SA.......................................................... 47, 56, 63 Carisbrook Calisthenics Club.........................................68 Carisbrooke Park...........................................................37 Catherine House Inc.....................................................10 Catholic Church - Holy Trinity, Para Hills/Modbury Parish...........................................82 Catholic Church - St Augustine, Salisbury....................82 Catholic Church - St Finbar, Salisbury North................82 Cats...................................................................... 13 Cemeteries........................................................... 21 Centacare Catholic Family Services..............................56 Centacare Drug and Alcohol Service............................45 Centacare Family Outreach Services Salisbury................................................................. 57, 60


Index Centacare Youth Services Elizabeth...................... 12, 64 Central Community Legal Service................................53 Central Districts Cycling Club........................................69 Central Districts Eightball Association Inc....................71 Central United Tigers Softball Club Inc........................79 Centre for English Language, UniSA............................28 Centrelink............................................................... 16, 17 Champion, Nick MP Federal Member for Wakefield....................................41 Chapel of the Holy Family............................................21 Cheeky Monkey’s ELC Child Care..................................27 Chess.................................................................... 68 CHG (Corporate Health Group).....................................44 Child and Family Health........................................ 49, 57 Child Adolescent Mental Health Service......................47 Child Care............................................................. 27 Child Support Agency...................................................60 Childhood Cancer Association Inc................................42 Children............................................................... 57 Christian Family Practice..............................................44 Church at Bethany, The................................................83 Church @ Paravista.......................................................83 Church of Christ - Salisbury East..................................82 City of Salisbury..................................................... 18, 40 City of Salisbury - Community Development..............56 City of Salisbury - Home Assist Scheme............... 55, 85 Classic Jets Fighter Museum.........................................25 Close, Susan MP - State Member for Port Adelaide...41 Commonwealth Ombudsman............................... 40, 50 Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres........................................ 56, 63, 85 Commonwealth Seniors Health Card...........................15 Communication and Information......................... 18 Community Centres.............................................. 21 Community Centres – Seniors............................... 22 Community Children’s Centres Inc...............................57 Community Corrections Department for Correctional Services..........................57 Community Food Inc....................................................54 Community Grants................................................. 16, 22 Community Health and Wellbeing City of Salisbury................................................. 5, 63, 78 Community Health Services................................. 42 Community Living for the Disabled Inc.......................11 Community Organisations and Facilities.............. 21


Community Publications...................................... 18 Community Radio................................................ 18 Community Sheds................................................ 68 Community Support Inc................................................61 Community Transport........................................... 85 Community Visitors Scheme........................................78 Community Visitors Scheme Uniting in Care Salisbury Inc........................... 26, 35, 63 Compassionate Friends (SA) Inc..................................58 Connecting Up Inc.........................................................18 Consumer and Business Services.................................50 Consumer and Business Services Residential Tenancies...................................................10 Consumer and Ombudsman Services................... 50 Cora Barclay Centre............................................... 32, 46 COTA SA.........................................................................53 Coterie RAAF Wives......................................................26 Counselling.......................................................... 57 Country Fire Service - Salisbury...................................65 Court Volunteer Service................................................51 Courts and Court Services..................................... 51 Cressy Bowmen Archery Club......................................66 Cricket.................................................................. 68 Crime Prevention................................................. 52 Croquet................................................................ 69 Cross Keys BMX Club Inc...............................................69 Crossroads Community Church.....................................83 Crunch Bunch................................................................46 Cultural Development..................................................18 CWA - Para Hills............................................................26 CWA - Salisbury.............................................................26 Cycling................................................................. 69 Cycling South Australia.................................................69 Cystic Fibrosis Inc..........................................................43



Dance................................................................... 70 Dare to Dance...............................................................70 Darts.................................................................... 70 Deaf Can:Do..................................................................46 Deaf Social Circle..........................................................70 Deborah Kaye Centre, Dance Studios................... 70, 80 DECD Community Mentoring Program.........................57 Dental Services.................................................... 42 Desalyne Dancers - Parafield Gardens........................70 Diabetes SA...................................................................43 Disability Access Information................................. 4 Disability Access Issues - City of Salisbury..................40 Disability Advocacy and Complaints Service of Inc....50 Disability Groups.................................................. 70 Disability Parking Permit..............................................61 Disability Recreation and Sports SA.............................70 Disability Rights Advocacy Service Inc. (DRAS).......................................... 43, 50, 61 Disability SA..................................................................61 Disability WORKS Australia - SA...................................34 Disabled Persons’ Parking Permit................................85 DISCO Day Care Club.....................................................78 Diseases and Disabilities...................................... 43 Distribution 360 Burton Transfer Station.....................38 Doctors................................................................. 44 Dogs..................................................................... 13 Dogs SA.........................................................................13 Domestic Violence and Aboriginal Family Violence Gateway Services.........................................................58 Domestic Violence Support.................................. 58 Domiciliary Care..................................................... 55, 63 Domus Operosa..............................................................9 Dorothy Hughes Kindergarten.............................. 29, 61 Down Syndrome Society of Inc....................................47 Dr Ken’s Vet Clinic.........................................................14 Drug and Alcohol Services.................................... 45 Drug and Alcohol Services SA......................................45 DRUG-ARM....................................................................45 Dry Creek Linear Park...................................................37 Dry Creek Post Office....................................................20 Dunbar Homes Inc..........................................................9 Dutch Social and Welfare Club.............................. 22, 78 Dyslexia and Reading Solutions...................................32


Early Childhood Intervention Australia Inc. – SA Chapter........................................................... 43, 61 Early Steps Child Care Centre.......................................27 East Para Primary School....................................... 28, 30 East Turkistan Australian Association Inc....................78 E-Cycle Recovery...........................................................39 Edenfield Senior Citizens Residence..............................9 Education............................................................. 27 Education and Child Development, Department for...40 Eight Ball............................................................. 71 Electoral Commission SA..............................................40 Elms Lifestyle Village, The............................................12 Elizabeth and Districts Junior Soccer Association........76 Elizabeth Mission................................................... 54, 56 Elizabeth Pistol Club Inc...............................................72 Elizabeth Special School...............................................32 Elizabethan Spinners and Weavers..............................66 Emaili Early Learning Centre - Salisbury......................27 Emergency and Short Term.................................. 10 Emergency and Disaster Services......................... 65 Employment......................................................... 33 Employment Access......................................................34 Employment Services........................................... 33 Endeavour College........................................................32 Energy and Water Ombudsman (SA) .........................50 Energy Partners Program.............................................16 Enfield United Community Cricket Club.......................68 Environment and Conservation............................ 36 Environmental Groups.......................................... 37 Epilepsy Centre.............................................................43 Equal Opportunity Commission of SA..........................50 Equus Horse and Pony Club.........................................73 Estia Health Salisbury East.............................................9 Ethnic Link Services......................................................59 Ethnic Schools Association of Inc.................................28 Europa Medical Centre.................................................44 Ex-Military Rehabilitation Centre.......................... 77, 81




Fair Work Ombudsman.................................................50 Families SA.................................... 15, 16, 56, 57, 60, 85 Family and Relationship Education, Anglicare Inc......60 Family Court of Australia, Adelaide Registry...............51 Family Day Care............................................................27 Family Relationship Advice Line........................... 60, 64 Family Relationship Centre Salisbury/Elizabeth.........60 FamilyZone Ingle Farm Hub.................................. 60, 61 Farm Indoor Archery Club Inc.......................................66 Fauna Rescue of Inc......................................................14 Financial Concessions........................................... 15 Financial Counselling and Budget Advice............ 16 Financial Ombudsman Service.............................. 15, 50 Fire, Police, Ambulance EMERGENCY ONLY: 000..........65 First Taekwondo............................................................73 Flamingo Friendship Club.............................................78 Flinders University, Adelaide.......................................32 Florey Health Care - Pooraka.......................................44 Folk Museum................................................................25 Food and Clothing Assistance............................... 54 Football Australian Rules..................................... 72 Fred’s Van......................................................................54 Friends of Burton..........................................................21 Friends of Cobbler Creek..............................................37 Friends of Dry Creek Trail Inc.......................................37 Friends of Parafield Airport Incorporated....................25 Friends of the Salisbury Libraries.................................26 Fun on Fridays...............................................................70 Fund Raising........................................................ 22


Gamblers Anonymous..................................................58 Gambling Counselling.......................................... 58 Gambling Helpline........................................................58 Gardening............................................................ 72 Gardens Community Church.........................................82 Gateway International Church.............................. 61, 83 Gem and Minerals................................................ 72 General Health..................................................... 46 Gepps X Sunday Treasure Market................................25 German Club of Elizabeth Inc. – Seniors Group...........78


Get Active Sports - Mawson Lakes.... 67, 72, 74, 75, 76 Get-A-Place...................................................................12 Girl Guides South Australia Inc.....................................76 Girl Guides South Australian – Mawson Lakes............76 Girls Brigade South Australia Inc.................................76 GKR Karate Region 9 SA...............................................73 Global Care Community Centre....................................81 Globe Derby Equestrian Centre....................................73 Gloucester Residential Care Inc.....................................9 Golden Oldies Hairdressing..........................................63 Golf...................................................................... 72 Good Shepherd Lutheran School Para Vista Inc... 28, 30 Goodstart Early Learning Ingle Farm - Kylie Crescent.27 Goodstart Early Learning Ingle Farm Roopena Street.............................................................27 Goodstart Early Learning Mawson Lakes Avocet Drive..................................................................27 Goodstart Early Learning Mawson Lakes Elder Drive.....................................................................27 Goodstart Early Learning Parafield Gardens................27 Goodstart Early Learning Paralowie Byron Bay Drive............................................................27 Goodstart Early Learning Paralowie - Kings Road.......27 Goodstart Early Learning Paralowie - Yalumba Drive.27 Goodstart Early Learning Pooraka................................27 Goodstart Early Learning Salisbury North....................27 Goodwill - Salisbury.....................................................55 Goodwill Medical Centre..............................................44 Government......................................................... 40 Government Information Services....................... 40 GP Connect - Northern Clinic........................................44 Grandparents for Grandchildren Inc............................60 Grants and Fundraising........................................ 16 Greek Macedonian Social Club - Florina............... 22, 78 Greek Orthodox - St Dimitrios Parish of Salisbury......83 Greenfields Wetlands - City of Salisbury.....................36 Grief Support........................................................ 58 Group North Historical Wargames Society..................78 Grove Seventh-day Adventist Church..........................84 Grow (SA Branch).........................................................47 Guide Dogs SA.NT.................................................. 43, 49 Gulfview Heights Primary School................................31 Gun / Shooting Clubs........................................... 72 Gymnastics........................................................... 72 Gymnastics Inc..............................................................72



Halls and Venues for Hire..................................... 22 Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre................................48 Harmonie Medical Clinic...............................................44 Harry Bowey Reserve...................................................38 Harwin Estate Retirement Village................................12 Hawksbury Gardens Aged Care Facility.........................9 Hazardous Household Waste Collection......................39 Health.................................................................. 42 Health Education.................................................. 46 Health Matters Medical Centre....................................44 Health Promotion Branch, Health................................46 Healthdirect Australia...................................................46 Hearing Services.................................................. 46 Heart Foundation - SA..................................................43 Heart Foundation Walking..................................... 76, 80 Helping Hand..................................................................9 Helping Hand Aged Care In Home Support (Private)...........................................55 Helping Hand Aged Care, Health and Wellbeing – Salisbury................................................................. 42, 60 Helping Hand Aged Care, Rehabilitation Program Healthy Ageing.............................................................42 Helping Hand Ingle Farm...............................................9 Helping Hand Mawson Lakes.........................................9 Helping Hand Parafield Gardens....................................9 Hepatitis Helpline.........................................................43 Hepatitis SA...................................................................43 Heta...............................................................................34 Highway 1 Caravan and Tourist Park...........................10 Highway Child Care and Early Learning Centre.... 27, 29 Hillbank Community Children’s Centre Inc..................27 Historical Societies............................................... 24 Hockey................................................................. 73 Hockey SA.....................................................................73 Holiday Explorers Inc....................................................70 Holy Family Catholic School.................................. 29, 31 Home Delivered Meals......................................... 54 Home Maintenance.............................................. 55 HomeFront Falls Prevention Program..........................46 Homestead at Walkley Heights...................................10 Horse Riding and Equestrian................................ 73 Hospitals.............................................................. 47 Housing SA....................................................................10

Housing Support for Frail, Older People......................12 Hoyts - Salisbury...........................................................74 Hungarian and Slavic Evangelical Christian Church....83


Imam Ali Mosque - Pooraka........................................82 Immigration and Border Protection, Australian Government Department of................ 18, 59 Immunisation...................................................... 47 Immunisation Services.................................................47 Inclusive Sport SA.........................................................71 Information.......................................................... 10 Information and Referral..................................... 18 Ingle Farm Amateur Soccer Club..................................76 Ingle Farm Baptist Church............................................82 Ingle Farm Childrens Centre.........................................29 Ingle Farm East Primary School............................ 22, 31 Ingle Farm Junior Soccer Club Inc.................................76 Ingle Farm Library............................................ 17, 19, 20 Ingle Farm Little Athletics Centre................................66 Ingle Farm Medical Centre...........................................44 Ingle Farm Over 50s Club Inc................................ 67, 78 Ingle Farm Post Shop...................................................20 Ingle Farm Primary School.................................... 29, 31 Ingle Farm Recreation Centre........................... 5, 22, 66, 67, 70, 74, 75, 76, 77 Ingle Farm Sporting Club........67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75 Ingle Farm Women’s Group.........................................78 Ingle Farm Youth Accommodation Service Burlendi.........................................................................12 Ingle Farm Youth Accommodation Service Outreach Service...........................................................12 Insects.................................................................. 14 Intellectual Disability........................................... 47 Interchange Inc...................................................... 47, 63 Internet................................................................ 19 Interwork......................................................................34 Italian Cultural Centre...................................................78




Jack Young Centre.....................5, 17, 22, 64, 68, 78, 79 Japan Karate Association: Salisbury Dojo - Mawson Lakes...................................73 Japan Karate Association: Salisbury Dojo - Salisbury North..................................73 Job Prospects................................................................33 John Harvey Gallery......................................................23 Just Us Entertainment Group Inc........................... 74, 80 Justice of the Peace Services Attorney General’s Department..................................52 JusticeNet......................................................................53 Justices of the Peace............................................ 52


Karrendi Primary School...............................................31 Kaurna Park Wetlands..................................................36 Kaurna Plains Childcare Centre Inc..............................27 Kaurna Plains School....................................................31 Keep Walking SA...........................................................80 Keller Road Primary School............................. 29, 31, 61 Kerbside Rubbish, Recycling and Garden Waste ........39 Kesters Road Community Child Care Centre................27 Kids Helpline.................................................................57 Kindy Patch Burton.......................................................28 Kindy Patch Salisbury Heights.....................................28 Kindy Patch Salisbury North.........................................28 Klever Kanine Dog Obedience School Ridgehaven Branch......................................................13 Kumangka Aboriginal Youth Service...........................64 Kyokushin Karate..........................................................73


Lacrosse............................................................... 73 Ladies Probus Club of Pooraka Inc...............................26 Lake Windemere B-7 School................................. 29, 31 Lantana Kindergarten...................................................29 Law and Justice.................................................... 50


Law Society of SA.........................................................53 Learning Together @ Home - Davoren Park...............28 Legacy Club of Adelaide Inc.........................................56 Legacy Widows Club - Central Districts........................26 Legal Services...................................................... 53 Legal Services Commission of SA................................53 Len Beadell Library......................................4, 19, 20, 52 Leukaemia Foundation - SA.........................................42 Leveda Inc.....................................................................11 Liberman Kindergarten......................................... 29, 61 Library Chess Club - Ingle Farm Library.......................68 Licensed Club Darts Association............................ 23, 70 LIFE................................................................................82 Lifeline - Adelaide........................................................58 Lions Club of Paralowie Inc..........................................26 Lions Club of Salisbury.................................................26 Literacy and Numeracy........................................ 28 Little Para Trails............................................................38 Local Government................................................ 40 Local Government Association of SA...........................40 Local History Service - Salisbury..................................25 Loss and Grief Service, Anglicare SA...........................58 Louise Place..................................................................12 Lutheran Church - Salisbury.................................. 23, 83 Lutheran Church Para Vista - Good Shepherd.............83 Lyell McEwin Hospital...................................................47 Lyell McEwin Hospital - Mental Health Division........47 Lyell McEwin Palliative Care Service............................48


Madison Park Kindergarten................................... 30, 61 Madison Park School............................................. 29, 31 Magistrates Court of SA................................................51 Manor Farm Kindergarten..................................... 30, 62 Manufacturing, Innovation, Trade, Resources and Energy, Department for........................................40 Markets................................................................ 25 Marra Dreaming Indigenous Art..................................66 Marron Nursing Home..................................................10 Martial Arts / Self Defence.................................. 73 Martins Road Family Medical Practice.........................44 MatchWorks - Salisbury................................................34

Index Material and Practical Assistance......................... 54 Mawson Centre, The.............................................. 21, 23 Mawson Centre Over Fifties Group Inc., The...............78 Mawson Lakes Child Care Centre - Garden Terrace....28 Mawson Lakes Child Care Centre - Park Way..............28 Mawson Lakes Community Church..............................83 Mawson Lakes Cricket Club..........................................68 Mawson Lakes Garden Club Inc...................................72 Mawson Lakes Golf Club Inc........................................72 Mawson Lakes Healthcare...........................................44 Mawson Lakes Hotel Social Club Inc............................78 Mawson Lakes Library.................................4, 19, 20, 52 Mawson Lakes Living...................................................18 Mawson Lakes Medical Centre....................................44 Mawson Lakes Model Yacht Club.................................74 Mawson Lakes Photography Club................................75 Mawson Lakes Playgroups...........................................62 Mawson Lakes Preschool.............................................30 Mawson Lakes Progress Association...........................25 Mawson Lakes School........................................... 29, 31 Mawson Lakes Sports Centre......................................66, 67, 71, 74, 75, 77, 79 Mawson Lakes Toastmasters Club...............................75 Mawson Lakes Toddler Playgroup...............................62 Maxima.........................................................................33 ME/CFS Society Inc.......................................................43 Meals on Wheels (SA) Inc..................................... 54, 64 Medicare Australia........................................................46 Meditation........................................................... 74 MEGT Australian Apprenticeships Centres...................33 Members of Parliament - Federal........................ 41 Members of Parliament - State............................ 41 Men’s Sheds......................................................... 74 Men’s Shed - Pooraka........................................... 68, 74 Mental Health Services........................................ 47 Mental Illness Fellowship South Australia Inc.............47 Messenger Community News Review.........................18 Metro Community Living....................................... 11, 47 Migrant Education................................................ 28 Migrant Health Service.......................................... 42, 59 Migrant Resource Centre of Inc....................................59 Migrant Women’s Support Service Inc........... 10, 58, 59 Mind Australia...............................................................47 Mindful Path Sangha Buddhist Meditation Group......82 Miracle Church..............................................................83

Mission Australia - Community Services.....................56 Mobara Park..................................................................38 Modbury Hospital.........................................................47 Model Clubs......................................................... 74 Montague Farm Medical Centre........................... 44, 49 Morella Community Centre...................4, 19, 21, 23, 66 Mosaic Recruitment......................................................33 Movies................................................................. 74 Multicultural Communities Council of Inc....................59 Multicultural Family Day Care Agency.........................28 Multicultural SA...................................................... 16, 59 Multicultural Welfare Services.............................. 59 Multiple Sclerosis Society of SA and NT Inc................43 Multiple Solutions.........................................................34 Muna Paiendi Primary Health Care Services...............42 Municipal Offices.................................................... 4 Muscular Dystrophy Association Inc............................43 Museums and Galleries........................................ 25 Music – Bands....................................................... 74 Music - Singing / Choirs....................................... 74


Narcotics Anonymous...................................................45 National Council for Single Mothers and their Children Inc...................................................60 National Disability Services SA....................................44 National Karate Academies..........................................73 National Pregnancy Support Helpline.........................48 National Relay Service.......................................... 46, 61 National Twin Loss Support..........................................59 Native Animal Network Inc..........................................14 Native Animals.................................................... 14 Neami North East Adelaide..........................................48 Neighbourhood Access.......................................... 48, 71 Neighbourhood Watch Volunteers Association Inc.....52 Netball................................................................. 74 New Community Church..............................................83 Ngartuitya (Northern Indigenous Parenting Support Service).....60 North and West Metropolitan Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre.............63 North Adelaide Lacrosse Club Inc................................73


Index North Eastern Palliative Care Service..........................48 North Ingle Preschool............................................ 30, 62 North Ingle School................................................. 29, 31 North Pines Redbacks Sports and Social Club..........................................68, 72, 75, 77 Northcare - Physiotherapy, Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation Centre............................................48 Northern and Eastern Districts Orchid Society............72 Northern 4WD Club of Inc., The...................................68 Northern Area Migrant Resource Centre.....................59 Northern Carers Network Inc.......................................56 Northern Community Legal Service Inc.......................53 Northern Community Mental Health Centre...............48 Northern Districts Baseball Club........................... 23, 67 Northern Districts Calisthenics Club.............................68 Northern Districts Canoe Club......................................67 Northern Districts Cricket Club.....................................69 Northern Districts Gem and Mineral Club Inc..............72 Northern Domestic Violence Service Inc.............. 10, 58 Northern Family Church Inc.........................................83 Northern Futures Inc............................................. 33, 34 Northern Italian Community........................................78 Northern Parent Resource Program.............................60 Northern Volunteering SA Inc......................................35 Northern Youth Services...............................................64 Northfield Veterinary Clinic..........................................14 Northwest Medical Centre...........................................44 Novita Children’s Services............................................61 NRM Education - Salisbury...........................................37 Nunkuwarrin Yunti of Inc. - Health Services...............42


Oasis Child Care Centre Inc. - Ann Street Campus......28 Oasis Child Care Centre Inc. - Mary Street Campus.....28 Odenwalder, Lee MP – State Member for Little Para........................................41 Office for the Ageing (OFTA)........................................64 Office for Youth...................................................... 16, 64 Office of the Employee Ombudsman..........................50 Office of the Guardian for Children and Young People................................................. 57, 64 Office of the Health and Community


Services Complaints Commissioner.............................51 Office of the Public Advocate.......................................51 Old Rectory, Salisbury............................................ 16, 54 Older Persons Mental Health Service Northern Team..............................................................48 Ombudsman SA..................................................... 40, 51 OPAL (Obesity Prevention and Lifestyle).....................46 Opportunity Shops............................................... 55 Outer North Generic Homelessness Service................10 Outside School Hours Care................................... 28 Overeaters Anonymous Adelaide................................49


Paddocks Centre, The............................4, 19, 21, 23, 66 Paddocks Wetlands.......................................................36 Paddy’s Market.............................................................25 Palliative Care...................................................... 48 Palliative Care Council SA Inc.......................................48 Para Camera Club Inc...................................................75 Para District Obedience Dog Club Inc..........................14 Para Districts Cricket Association Inc...........................69 Para Hills Amateur Boxing Club...................................68 Para Hills Bowling Club Inc................................... 23, 68 Para Hills Brass Band....................................................74 Para Hills Centre............................. 5, 22, 23, 64, 75, 79 Para Hills Church (St Andrew’s Presbyterian).............83 Para Hills Club - City of Salisbury.................................78 Para Hills Community Club Inc........... 23, 67, 70, 71, 75 Para Hills Community Seniors Club Inc................. 70, 78 Para Hills Cricket Club Inc.............................................69 Para Hills East Junior Soccer Club.................................77 Para Hills East Soccer Club............................................77 Para Hills Football Club.................................................72 Para Hills Gymnastics Club Inc.....................................73 Para Hills High School...................................................32 Para Hills Library....................................4, 17, 19, 20, 52 Para Hills Lions Soccer Club..........................................77 Para Hills Philatelic Society Inc....................................79 Para Hills Post Office.....................................................20 Para Hills Preschool............................................... 29, 30 Para Hills Residential Care...........................................10 Para Hills School.................................................... 31, 62

Index Para Hills Soccer Club...................................................77 Para Hills Tennis Club...................................................80 Para Hills United Soccer Club Inc..................................77 Para Hills Uniting Church..............................................84 Para Hills Veterinary Clinic...........................................14 Para Hills Wanderers Netball Club...............................74 Para Hills West Montessori Preschool............. 28, 30, 62 Para Hills West Preschool...................................... 30, 62 Para Hills West R-7 School............................................31 Para Hills West Soccer Club..........................................77 Para Singles Social Club Inc..........................................78 Para Teachers Cricket Club............................................69 Para Vista Calisthenics School......................................68 Para Vista Lutheran Cricket Club Inc............................69 Para Vista Preschool.....................................................62 Para Vista Primary School..................................... 30, 31 Para Vista Uniting Church.............................................84 Parafield Gardens Children’s Centre..................... 30, 62 Parafield Gardens Community Club Inc.......... 23, 71, 75 Parafield Gardens Family Medical Practice.................44 Parafield Gardens High School.............................. 23, 32 Parafield Gardens Judo Club.........................................73 Parafield Gardens Over 50’s Club................... 67, 70, 78 Parafield Gardens Post Office.......................................20 Parafield Gardens R-7 School................................ 29, 31 Parafield Gardens Recreation Centre....5, 23, 67, 74, 75 Parafield Gardens Soccer and Sports Club Inc...........................................23, 69, 75, 77 Parafield Gardens Swim School...................................79 Parafield Gardens Table Tennis Club Inc......................79 Paralowie International Adventist Church...................84 Paralowie Kindergarten......................................... 30, 62 Paralowie Post Office...................................................20 Paralowie R-12 Community Centre..............................21 Paralowie School..........................................................32 Paralowie Veterinary Surgery......................................14 Paralowie Youth Service...............................................12 Paraplegic and Quadriplegic Association of Inc..........44 Parenting............................................................. 60 Parents of Hearing Impaired Inc........................... 46, 61 Parents Without Partners (SA) Inc...............................60 Park Terrace Medical Centre and Skin Cancer Clinic....44 Parkinson’s Inc..............................................................44 Parks and Reserves.............................................. 37 Parliament of South Australia......................................40

Pathways Respite Service............................................63 Payton Calisthenics College.........................................68 Penfield Bowling Club Inc.........................23, 67, 68, 70 Penfield Golf Club and Driving Range.........................72 Penfield Model Engineers Society...............................74 Penfield Pistol, Rifle and Archery Club................. 66, 72 Penfield Tennis Club.....................................................80 Pensions and Benefits......................................... 17 People with Disabilities................................. 11, 61 Peppertree Fashions (Anglicare).................................55 Personal and Family Support............................... 56 Personal Helpers and Mentors Northern Metropolitan.................................................48 Phan Medical and Dental.............................................45 Photography........................................................ 75 Physical Disability Council of Inc........................... 44, 61 Pines Community Child Care Centre Inc......................28 Pine Lakes Centre............................................ 22, 64, 79 Pines School, The................................ 23, 29, 30, 31, 62 Pioneer Park Recreation Area......................................38 Pitman Park Recreation Area.......................................38 Playford Aquatic Club Inc.............................................79 Playford Community Fund Inc......................................54 Playgroup Inc................................................................62 Playgroups........................................................... 61 Pokies Anonymous.......................................................58 Polaris Centre................................................................15 Polio Awareness Inc.....................................................44 Polish Seniors Club Salisbury.......................................78 Pooraka Clinic...............................................................45 Pooraka Community Child Care Centre........................28 Pooraka Community Kindergarten..............................30 Pooraka Cricket Club.....................................................69 Pooraka Farm Community Centre.. 4, 17, 19, 21, 23, 66 Pooraka Junior Football Club........................................72 Pooraka Memorial Hall.................................................23 Pooraka Netball Club....................................................74 Pooraka Primary School........................................ 29, 31 Pooraka Sports and Social Club.................23, 69, 72, 75 Pooraka Tennis Club Inc...............................................80 Pooraka Waste Transfer and Recycling Station City of Salisbury............................................................39 Positive Life South Australia Inc..................................44 Post Offices.......................................................... 20 Pregnancy............................................................ 48


Index Pregnancy Advisory Centre..........................................48 Presbyterian Reformed Church....................................83 Pre-School Education........................................... 29 Prescott Primary School - Northern.............................31 Primary Schools................................................... 30 Problem Gambling Help SA..........................................58 Probus Club of Salisbury Inc.................................. 26, 79 Providence Bible-Presbyterian Church........................83 Public and Environment Health...................................46 Public Libraries..................................................... 20 Public Safety and Emergency Services................. 65 Public Speaking................................................... 75 Public Transport................................................... 85 Public Trustee......................................................... 17, 51 PVS Workfind.................................................................33


Quit SA..........................................................................45


Rankine, Hon Jennifer MP State Member for Wright.............................................41 RDNS South Australia...................................................48 Reach Out!.....................................................................64 Reconnect Salisbury.....................................................64 Recreation and Leisure......................................... 66 Recreation Centres........................................... 5, 75 Recreation Link-up........................................................71 Recycling and Waste Services............................... 38 Registration and Licensing, Transport SA....................85 Rehabilitation Services........................................ 48 Relationships Australia (SA).................................. 56, 58 Religions and Philosophies.................................. 82 Repatriation General Hospital......................................47 Resident Action Groups........................................ 25 Residential Tenancies Tribunal.............................. 10, 51 Respite Care......................................................... 63 Retirement Housing............................................. 11 Riding for the Disabled - Northern Area Centre.. 71, 73


Riding for the Disabled Association Inc.......................71 Riverdale Out of Hours School Care.............................29 Riverdale Primary School...................................... 29, 31 Riverview Preschool Centre.........................................30 Rollerskating........................................................ 76 Roma Mitchell Community Legal Centre Inc...............53 Rostrum Club 25 - Edinburgh.......................................75 Rotary Club of Mawson Lakes Inc................................26 Rotary Club of Salisbury Inc.........................................26 Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes Adelaide Plains.............................................................78 Royal Association of Justices of Inc..............................52 Royal Australian Air Force Association Elizabeth/Salisbury Branch..........................................77 Royal Society for the Blind...........................................49 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SA) Inc. (RSPCA).......................................13 RSL Salisbury Sub Branch.............................................77


SA Ambulance Service........................................... 42, 65 SA Dental Service.........................................................42 SA Government Concessions Hotline...........................15 SA Gun Club Inc............................................................72 SA Water.......................................................................40 SA Water - Pensioner Concessions...............................15 SA Weight Watchers Association Inc...........................49 Safer Communities Australia........................................52 SafeWork SA..................................................................35 Salisbury and District Historical Society.......................25 Salisbury Amateur Athletic Club Inc............................66 Salisbury Art Society Inc...............................................66 Salisbury Baptist Over 50s Fellowship........................79 Salisbury Bowling Club.................................... 24, 67, 68 Salisbury Campus Child Care Centre............................28 Salisbury Catholic Parish Pioneer Cemetery................21 Salisbury Centre............................................................24 Salisbury City Band Inc.................................................74 Salisbury Country Golf Links.........................................72 Salisbury Country Putt Putt..........................................72 Salisbury Croquet Club..................................................69 Salisbury Cycle Speedway Inc......................................69

Index Salisbury Downs Post Office.........................................20 Salisbury Downs Preschool Centre....................... 30, 62 Salisbury Downs Primary School.................................31 Salisbury East Church of Christ Thrift Shop..................55 Salisbury East High School...........................................32 Salisbury East Junior Soccer Club.................................77 Salisbury East Little Athletics Centre Inc......................66 Salisbury East Neighbourhood Centre........................................5, 17, 19, 21, 24, 66, 79 Salisbury East Northbri Avenue Post Office.................20 Salisbury Family Care...................................................45 Salisbury Florina Soccer Club........................................77 Salisbury Football Club Inc.................................... 24, 72 Salisbury Garden Club..................................................72 Salisbury Gardens Aged Care.......................................10 Salisbury Green Par 3 Golf Course and Driving Range................................................. 24, 72 Salisbury Guest House..................................................12 Salisbury Guide Hall.....................................................24 Salisbury Gymnastics Club...........................................73 Salisbury Healthy Communities Initiative...................46 Salisbury Heights Preschool.................................. 30, 62 Salisbury Heights Primary School......................... 29, 31 Salisbury Heights Surgery............................................45 Salisbury High School............................................ 24, 32 Salisbury High School Old Scholar’s Foundation.........25 Salisbury Highway Veterinary Surgery........................14 Salisbury Hunt Club......................................................73 Salisbury Information Booth........................................20 Salisbury Inter Soccer Club Inc.............................. 24, 77 Salisbury Invitation Pigeon Racing Club......................67 Salisbury Justice of the Peace Service.........................52 Salisbury Karate Club....................................................73 Salisbury Kindergarten.......................................... 30, 62 Salisbury Library Service....................................... 19, 20 Salisbury Little Athletic Centre.....................................66 Salisbury Lutheran Kindergarten.......................... 30, 62 Salisbury Lutheran Plus 50s.........................................79 Salisbury Medical Clinic................................................45 Salisbury Memorial Park..............................................21 Salisbury North Football Club Inc.................... 24, 69, 72 Salisbury North Hawks Over 50s Club.................. 68, 79 Salisbury North R-7 School...........................................31 Salisbury North Whites Road Post Office.....................20 Salisbury Park Kindergarten.................................. 30, 62

Salisbury Park Primary School........................ 24, 29, 31 Salisbury Philatelic Society...........................................79 Salisbury Post Shop......................................................20 Salisbury Primary Health Care Services.......................42 Salisbury Primary School....................................... 29, 31 Salisbury Private...........................................................10 Salisbury Ramblers Walking Club................................80 Salisbury Recreation Precinct................5, 24, 75, 79, 80 Salisbury Senior Citizens Choir.....................................74 Salisbury Senior Citizens Club............................... 70, 79 Salisbury Social Group..................................................71 Salisbury South Post Business Centre..........................20 Salisbury Stitchers........................................................66 Salisbury Superclinic.....................................................45 Salisbury Tennis Club Inc.- (Academy)........................80 Salisbury Town Centre Association..............................15 Salisbury Town Centre Markets....................................25 Salisbury United Junior Soccer Club.............................77 Salisbury United Soccer Club........................................77 Salisbury Veterinary Clinic (Adelaide Northern Veterinary Group)........................14 Salisbury Villa Soccer Club..................................... 24, 77 Salisbury Water Wheel Museum..................................25 Salisbury West Library....................................... 4, 19, 20 Salisbury West Sports Club Inc..................69, 70, 71, 75 Salisbury Widows Social Club.......................................78 Salvation Army - Ingle Farm Corps................. 54, 62, 84 Salvation Army - Parafield Gardens...................... 54, 84 Salvation Army Thrift Shops - Bill B’s..........................55 Salvation Army Thrift Shops - Browse n’ Buy.............55 Salvation Army Thrift Shops - Hidden Treasure..........55 Salvos Stores - Salisbury..............................................55 Salvos Stores - Walkley Heights...................................55 SAVIVE’S Clean Needle Program @ Shopfront............45 Schools – R-12 Schools.......................................... 31 Scoil Rince Cashel (Cashel Irish Dance School)...........70 scosa - Spastic Centres of Inc.......................... 44, 61, 71 Scouts Australia – Edinburgh Park................................76 Scouts Australia - Ingle Farm.......................................76 Scouts Australia - Manor Farm.....................................76 Scouts Australia - Mawson Lakes.................................76 Scouts Australia - Northridge Para Vista......................76 Scouts Australia - Salisbury 1st Scout Group...............76 Scouts Australia – Salisbury Heights Sea Scout Group..............................76


Index Scouts, Guides, Cadets......................................... 76 Secondary Schools................................................ 32 Seniors................................................................. 63 Seniors Fitness..................................................... 76 Seniors Information Service Inc................11, 17, 18, 64 Serbian Community of Inc............................................59 Service Clubs........................................................ 26 Service SA.....................................................................19 Service to Youth Council Inc.........................................64 Settlers Farm Campus Kindergarten..................... 30, 62 Settlers Farm Campus R-7............................... 29, 31, 62 Sexual Health....................................................... 48 Sharmels Dance Academy...........................................70 Shed Project, The............................................. 68, 71, 74 Shelter SA Inc................................................................11 SHine Inc.......................................................................48 Shopfront Primary Health Care Services......... 42, 49, 64 SIDS and Kids SA...........................................................59 Significance Church.......................................................82 Skill Teaching and Resources Inc.......................... 11, 47 Skilled - Mawson Lakes................................................33 Smith Family, The.................................................. 28, 57 Snake Away Services....................................................14 Snakes................................................................. 14 Snelling, Hon Jack - State Member for Playford.........41 Soccer................................................................... 76 Social Groups – General........................................ 78 Social Groups - Seniors......................................... 78 Social Groups Ex Services..................................... 77 Social Groups -Migrants....................................... 78 Social Services Australian Government Department of.......................60 Softball................................................................ 79 Solace Association (SA) Inc..........................................59 South Australia Police...................................................65 South Australian Association of and for Blind Citizens Inc.............................................49 South Australian Dance Forum.....................................70 South Australian Darts Council Inc...............................70 South Australian Districts Netball Association Inc......75 South Australian Homing Pigeon Association.............67 South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service.................65 South Australian Multiple Birth Association Inc..........60 South Australian Pensioners Association Inc..............64 South Australian Poultry Association Inc.............. 13, 67


South Australian Spectacles Scheme.................... 15, 49 South Australian Transport Subsidy Scheme...............85 South Australian Women’s Cricket Association Inc.....69 Spark Resource Centre Inc............................................60 Special Education................................................. 32 Special Needs Transport....................................... 85 Specific Learning Difficulties Association (SA) Inc. (SPELD)..........................................................................32 SPG Sharks Swimming Club.........................................79 St Augustine’s Parish School............................ 29, 31 62 St Augustine’s Soccer Club...........................................77 St Barbara’s Anglican Church, Parafield Gardens........82 St Francis Community Child Care Centre Inc................28 St Joesph Italian Community Centre............................24 St John Ambulance Australia Inc..................................42 St Kilda Boat Club Inc...................................................67 St Kilda Community Hall...............................................24 St Kilda Mangrove Trail and Interpretive Centre.........36 St Kilda Progress Association.......................................25 St Lukes Anglican Church.............................................82 St Vincent de Paul - Para Vista.....................................55 St Vincent de Paul - Salisbury......................................55 St Vincent de Paul Society (SA) Inc.............................56 Stamp Collecting.................................................. 79 Starlight Children’s Foundation....................................46 State Emergency Service - Edinburgh Unit..................65 State Government................................................ 40 State Library of SA........................................................20 STATUS Employment Services.......................................33 Stepping Stone Para Hills Childcare and Early Development Centre....................................28 Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Support (SA) Inc..........59 Streetlink Youth Health Service............................ 45, 49 Stroke Inc......................................................................44 Supported Accommodation.................................. 12 Supported Employment....................................... 34 Supreme Court of SA....................................................52 Survivors of Torture and Trauma Assistance and Rehabilitation Service Inc...................59 Swimming............................................................ 79



Table Tennis......................................................... 79 TAFE English Language Services.................................28 TAFE SA..........................................................................32 Tai Chi for Everybody Pty Ltd.......................................79 Tai-chi.................................................................. 79 Tax Help............................................................... 17 Technical Aid to the Disabled (SA) Inc........................44 Teen Challenge Counselling Centre.............................58 Teen Challenge Inc.......................................................64 Temple Christian College..............................................32 Tenants Information and Advocacy Service................11 Tenderfoot Walkers.......................................................80 Tennis.................................................................. 80 Tertiary and Vocational Education........................ 32 Theatre and Drama.............................................. 80 Thomas More College............................................ 24, 32 Thrifty V Martins Plaza.................................................55 Time For Kids Inc................................................... 57, 63 Tourist Information.............................................. 20 Towards Independence, Salvation Army.....................45 Toy Libraries......................................................... 20 Toy Libraries Association of Inc....................................20 Trace-A-Place................................................................12 Traditional Shotokan Karate Federation Carisbrooke Dojo...........................................................73 Training and Support........................................... 34 Tramway Museum, St Kilda, SA...................................25 Translating and Interpreting Service............................59 Transport.............................................................. 85 Travel / Day Trips................................................. 80 Tregenza House............................................................48 Triathlon.............................................................. 80 Trikings - Triathlon Club................................................80 Trinity Green Lakes Retirement Village.......................12 Trinity Medical Centre...................................................45 Trust Tenants Information Centre Inc..........................11 Turning Point Dance.....................................................70 Twelve25 Salisbury Enterprise Centre.............................................. 5, 19, 21, 24, 75, 81 Tyndale Christian School..............................................32


Uniting Church Freedom Uniting Church Paralowie.............................84 Uniting Church - Parafield Gardens....................... 62, 84 Uniting Church - Salisbury............................... 54, 62, 84 Uniting Communities............................................. 16, 56 UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide Inc.........................56 University of Adelaide..................................................32 University of South Australia.......................................32 University of the Third Age Adelaide Inc....................27 Upeksa Meditation Village.................................... 74, 82 Urban Animal Management Solutions........................13 Urban Biodiversity Unit - City of Salisbury..................36


Valley View Kindergarten...................................... 30, 62 Valley View Residential Care Facility...........................10 Valley View Secondary School.............................. 24, 32 Valley View Soccer Club................................................77 Valley View Tennis Club................................................80 Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service - South Australia..........................58 Veterans Affairs Australian Government Department of.......................17 Veterinary Services.............................................. 14 Vets4Pets Mawson Lakes.............................................14 Vets4Pets Salisbury Park Veterinary Hospital..............14 Victim Support Service Inc...........................................52 Victory Church...............................................................83 Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia Inc...........58 Vietnamese Community in Australia, Chapter Inc......59 Vietnamese Women’s Association Inc........................59 Village Life - Salisbury..................................................12 Vincentian Centre.........................................................10 Vision Services..................................................... 49 Vlahos, Leesa MP - State Member for Taylor..............41 Volunteer Opportunities...............................................35 Volunteering........................................................ 35 Volunteering SA and NT Inc.........................................35




Walk 4 Health...............................................................80 Walking................................................................ 80 Walkley Heights Child Care Centre........................ 28, 30 Wanderers Golf Club.....................................................72 WAPID Swim Inc...........................................................71 Watershed, The.............................................................24 WC Rigby Cottage Homes Inc. - Aged Pensioners......12 WEA Adult Learning......................................................27 Weight Control..................................................... 49 Weight Watchers International - Salisbury Groups.....49 Welfare Rights Centre (SA) Inc....................................17 Whites Road Medical Centre........................................45 Windemere Seniors’ Club Inc., The..............................79 Winzor Retirement Estate............................................12 Witness Assistance Service, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions...............53 Women’s and Children’s Health Network...................49 Women’s and Children’s Hospital................................47 Women’s Health Statewide.........................................42 Women’s Legal Service Inc..........................................53 Women’s Information Service............................... 17, 19 Woodworkers Shed - Northern Districts Inc................81 Woodworking....................................................... 81 WorkCover SA................................................................35 Working Women’s Centre Inc................................ 35, 51 Workskil Australia Inc...................................................34 Writers and Illustrators with Disabilities Inc........ 71, 81 Writers Centre Inc.........................................................81 Writing................................................................. 81 Wyatt Holidays..............................................................80


YMCA of Inc...................................................................81 Youth................................................................... 81 Youth Accommodation......................................... 12 Youth Affairs Council of Inc..........................................64 Youth Court of SA..........................................................52 Youth Development - City of Salisbury........................19 Youth Health Services.......................................... 49 Youth Sponsorship Program.................................. 16, 22 Youth Support Services........................................ 64



Zappia, Tony MP - Federal Member for Makin............41 Zero Waste SA...............................................................39 Zonta Club of Para District Area Inc.............................26 Zonta International - District 23...................................26

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