POLES Community members painting the town Stobie poles are far f rom the most colourful pieces of infrastructure, but with many located around the City of Salisbury they offer a great artistic opportunity. For many years, the City of Salisbury has understood the positive impact that public art has on the community, and is committed to developing ways to artistically improve the City. The Poles apART program encourages individuals and community groups to use their creative flair and turn the humble stobie pole into an eye-catching piece of public art.
Those who are interested in giving a local stobie pole a face-lift are being encouraged to follow the simple process on our website. So, what are you waiting for? Now is your chance to add some artistic brilliance to stobie poles throughout your neighbourhood. Residents can complete the project by themselves, round up their neighbours or local community groups and make it a joint effort. Many residents have already got involved and the City of Salisbury is more vibrant because of the Poles apART program.
For Council approvals and to make enquiries, please contact the City of Salisbury’s Community Planner Arts and Cultures on 8406 8222, or email: arts@salisbury.sa.gov.au
It was all hands on deck for the students of Karrendi Primary School when they lended a hand to Noel Aplin, a local resident who applied for the Poles ApART program but needed some help painting a number of poles on his street. The children designed and painted an array of patterns and pictures to liven up the stobie poles, leaving a bright and colourful street display and one very happy Noel.
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