Additional information regarding the Santa Rosa rebuilding effort available online: SRCity.org/rebuild SonomaCountyRecovers.org
TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY PROCEDURE & REQUIREMENTS Occupancy of a new home without proper building official authorization is extremely unsafe. The City’s Building Division and Fire Department have not yet confirmed all elements of construction are complete and verified the home is safe to occupy. However, the City understands that property owners must make many arrangements to prepare for moving into a rebuilt home, and sometimes the scheduling of furniture deliveries, utility service setup appointments, and the ending of your rental lease do not perfectly align with the receival of your official Certificate of Occupancy for the new home. For circumstances like these or others, a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) may be granted for building projects that meet the minimum requirements. Temporary Occupancy is generally limited to 90 calendar days. This document outlines the procedures and requirements for obtaining a TCO. PLEASE NOTE: ONLY THE REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL (CONTRACTOR OR OWNER-BUILDER) WHO HOLDS THE BUILDING PERMIT FOR THE PROPERTY MAY REQUEST A TCO. THE PROPERTY OWNER CANNOT REQUEST A TCO FROM THE CITY.
Procedure: 1. If all required elements are compliant, the CONTRACTOR OF RECORD may request TCO from the Building Inspector or schedule a Temporary Occupancy Inspection (code 193) via the automated scheduling system. 2. The Building Inspector will perform the inspection and: a. If TCO is not authorized, a correction list identifying items needing completion prior to TCO will be generated and provided. Once items identified are completed, the TCO inspection can be rescheduled. b. If TCO is authorized, a correction list identifying items allowed to be deferred until Final Occupancy will be generated and provided.
Minimum Requirements for Temporary Occupancy: ☐ ☐
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All construction activity is completed and approved in the immediate vicinity of the area proposed for occupancy. All life safety components of the building are complete and approved in the area proposed for occupancy, and any areas adjacent to the ingress and egress path of travel. Critical life safety components shall include but not be limited to: fire protection systems, fire sprinkler or stand pipe systems, fire alarm systems, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, means of egress, emergency lighting, emergency vehicle access, on-site water supplies, and other safety features as determined by the Chief Building Official and Fire Marshal. Weather tight shell including complete exterior wall assemblies, roof covering, doors, windows and other opening protections. Sanitary facilities serving the TCO area. (Continues on next page)
Additional information regarding the Santa Rosa rebuilding effort available online: SRCity.org/Rebuild │ SonomaCountyRecvoers.org Updated 6/3/2019
Minimum Requirements for Temporary Occupancy (CONTINUED): ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Heating and cooling capacity to the TCO area. Lighting, power and controls serving the TCO area Accessible path of travel to the public way from all TCO areas including parking and/or areas of refuge. Accessible features such as sanitary facilities, drinking fountains, parking, controls or other required items. Final gas test. Labeling of electrical panels. Wire nuts and cover plates at all incomplete electrical boxes. Handrails and guardrails. Kitchen with hot and cold running water Exiting components including stairs, landings, ramps, walkways, corridors and signage. Doors not required for exiting leading to incomplete or unsafe areas shall be locked or mechanically secure to prevent use. Address numbers and directional signage as required.
Additional information regarding the Santa Rosa rebuilding effort available online: SRCity.org/Rebuild │ SonomaCountyRecvoers.org Updated 6/3/2019