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Dog Training – Basic (8 weeks) 10 weeks and older

The basic training class is designed to help owners connect with their dogs and teach them how to effectively communicate with them while making it fun. Basic commands taught include: sit, leash walking, greeting other dogs on leash, leave it, come when called, stay and wait. Owners will be given the tools and techniques to teach their dogs how to do what you want them to do in a positive way. The first class will be 90 minutes.

* To enroll in this class your dog must have had their second round of vaccines.

Instructor: Lifetime Dog Training

Dog Training

– Intermediate

(8 weeks) 10 weeks and older

The intermediate class continues to be an extremely fun time with owners and dogs. Because students will have already formed a bond and method of communication with their dogs, training will be much easier. Dog owners start working on behaviors that will help with public manners by teaching things such as: heel, on your bed, sit for petting, down stay and come when called with both distance and distractions.

* To enroll in this class your dog must have had their second round of vaccines and have completed the basic class.

Instructor: Lifetime Dog Training

Dog Training – Advanced

(8 weeks) 10 weeks and older

The advanced class is the culmination of our training program. With more new behaviors such as side, visit, touch and under, the focus for this class is to be able to take our dogs into public situations with confidence. There will be a minimum of three outings, where class is held in a public place. During the last class everyone gets to take the Canine Good Citizen Test, a program by the American Kennel Club that promotes responsible dog ownership and encourages the training of well-mannered dogs.

* To enroll in this class your dog must have had their second round of vaccines and have completed the intermediate class.

Instructor: Lifetime Dog Training

Just Tricks Class (8 weeks) 10 weeks and older

Just Tricks Class is a chance to do some training that is different from the normal obedience and behaviors that are taught in class. Learning how to teach your dog tricks, gives you a different way to communicate, and increases the bond between owner and dog. Your dog will listen better and gain greater trust in you. Learning to teach tricks, in addition to traditional obedience behaviors, helps you become a better teacher with your dog, which increases the speed that they learn new behaviors. Some of the tricks taught will be: Bow, Shake, High 5, Wave, Roll Over, Play Dead, Opening and Closing Doors and Crawl.

* To enroll in this class your dog must have had their second round of vaccines and have completed the basic class.

Instructor: Lifetime Dog Training

* No class on 8/22, 8/29

Agility Workshops (2-hour session) 10 weeks and older

This is an introduction to some basic agility obstacles and how to teach the dogs to move through the obstacles. This is not competition, but just for fun. It requires a great deal of trust between owner and dog to be successful running agility obstacles. Learning to do this with your dog will make a deep and lasting bond while having fun and exercising! Some of the agility obstacles taught will be: teeter-totter, weave poles, jumps, going through a tunnel, going through the shoot, working on tables and going through a hoop.

* To enroll in this class your dog must have had their second round of vaccines.

Instructor: Lifetime Dog Training

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