Spring 2024 Recreation Activity Guide

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City of Santee recreation activity GUIDE Ask about our Voucher Incentive Financial Assistance Program. Qualifying Santee youth and senior residents are eligible for discounted fees. SanteeRec.com | (619) 258-4100 ext. 222 PARKS & RECREATION spring 2024 See pages 14-16 for Santee Day Camp & Jr Leader info
02 Special Events 04 Santee Location Guide 04 Disc Golf 05 City of Santee Map 06 Online Park Reservations 07 Facilities 08 Performing Arts 10 Enrichment 11 Dog Training 12 Sports 13 Santee Skate Park 13 Aquatic Center 14 Summer Camp 16 Jr Camp Leader Program 17 Santee Teen Center 18 Santee Seniors 55+ 20 Dog Parks & Pickleball 21 Outdoor Adventures 22 Youth Sports 23 Recreation Services 24 Registration Form table of contents

performing arts


Nicolas Chavez

Community Services Director

Anne Morrison



Mission Statement

We create community by providing exceptional programs, caring for and enriching public spaces and facilitating rewarding life experiences.

All programs, activities and events are subject to change.

Recreation Services Manager

Becky Lowndes

Special Events Supervisor

James Northum

Recreation Supervisor

Alicia Curtis

Recreation Coordinator

Matthew Foster

Recreation Coordinator

Emily Tolliver Recreation Coordinator

Sam Rensberry Public Services Manager

Eric King

Parks & Landscape Supervisor

Chris Gooden Public Works Supervisor


Santee Park & Recreation Committee

Dan Bickford

Anita Bautista

Cyndy Carlton

Michelle Dressler

Ken Fox

Lynda Marrokal

Ryan McCarthy

Kathleen Pishny

Stephanie Price

Alan Tuthill

Dean Velasco, Chair

Committee applications now being accepted.

Contact (619) 258-4100 ext. 114 for more information and to apply.

cancellation refund policy

To view Santee Parks & Recreation Cancellation & Refund Policy regarding program registration, membership and indoor/outdoor rentals, please visit SanteeRec.com or scan the QR code.

If you are unsatisfied with your program or activity, you may apply for a transfer or refund by submitting a written request within the same session by contacting Community Services at csdfrontdesk@cityofsanteeca.gov or (619) 258-4100 ext. 222.

• There is no administrative fee for any program or activity cancelled by the Community Services Department.

• All online transaction fees are non-refundable (exceptions may apply).

• Exceptions may be considered at the discretion of the department.

• All outdoor reservations are in effect, rain or shine.

Recreation Program Participant Conduct Expectations

The City of Santee is proud to offer safe and inclusive recreation programs to all of our participants. To ensure a positive experience for all recreation program participants, standards of behavior are expected by all:

• Actions must not interfere with the safety of security of self or others.

• Respect must be shown to all involved with the program – participants, instructors, staff, observers, or others.

• Respect must be shown for others property as well as the program facility.

• Participant must be accountable for actions and the consequences thereafter.

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024
For a direct link to the Santee Parks and Recreation Cancellation Refund Policy, please see page 1.






Reserved Table: $175*

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024 For a direct link to the Santee Parks and Recreation Cancellation Refund Policy, please see page 1. NEW! Save the Date Santee Brews & Bites Festival Fundraiser • Tickets On Sale April 1!
bird tickets on sale April 1, prices increase June 1!
Admission: $50*
*Purchases subject to service fees Saturday, October 19, 5:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Saturday, April 13 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Santee Historical Barn 9200 Magnolia Ave, Santee Sharing our similarities and celebrating our differences. •Food and beverage vendors •Interactive activities •A glance into the past & future •Multicultural performances •Giveaways www.SanteeSpecialEvents.com | (619) 258 - 4100 x 222
March 23
a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Trolley Square
Rd, Santee
music and interactive fun!
& Activities | Bunny Photos
Trail Egg
| Rides | Giveaways 2

Save the Date:

Santee Salutes Parking Spots and Reserved Canopies on Sale May 1!

Parking Spot: $10 each*

Reserved Canopy (1 parking spot included per canopy) $175*

*Purchases subject to service fees

Thursdays, June 13 - August 15

(Except July 4)

6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Town Center Community Park East

550 Park Center Dr, Santee

Live music, food vendors, and

Thursday, July 4, 2:00 p m - 10:00 p m

Fridays, May 17 - June 7

5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Santee Trolley Square

9884 Mission Gorge Rd, Santee

Grab a bite to eat at one of the Santee Trolley Square eateries or pack a picnic dinner and check out the live entertainment and kids activities

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024 For a direct link to the Santee Parks and Recreation Cancellation Refund Policy, please see page 1.
www.SanteeSpecialEvents.com | (619) 258 - 4100 x 222






Mast Park Disc Golf Course

Bring your family and friends for an engaging round of play on this challenging nine-hole course. The course features two tees per hole,

Youth under 18 years: Free

Adults (18 years and over): $4 weekdays/$5 weekends - pay at park kiosk.

Monthly adult passes: $25 Santee resident/$30 non-residentavailable at SanteeRec.com

The Dog Haus concession stand at Mast Park is located directly north of the dog park supplies as well as drinks, snacks, candy, sports balls and cornhole bags.

The Dog Haus concession stand at Mast Park is located directly north of the dog park area. They offer disc golf and dog park supplies as well as drinks, snacks, candy, sports balls and cornhole bags.

Some call Riverwalk Grill a hidden gem at Town Center Community Park East. A place to enjoy a good burger loaded tater tots and a cherry slushie.

Some call Riverwalk Grill a hidden gem at Town Center Community Park East. A place to enjoy a good burger or craft beer, as the kids delight in loaded tater tots and a cherry slushie.

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024 City of santee recreation activity guide winter 2024 Key Site Facility Name T r ails P l a y g r ound E x e r cise E quipme n t P icnic S hel t er R est r ooms BBQ G rill D o g P ark o r B as k e tball S and V oll e yball S ports F ields T ennis P ickleball S k a t e P ark D isc G olf Cit y F acilit y R oom R e n tal City Parks BR P1 Big Rock Park X X X X X X X X X KCP P2 Deputy Ken Collier Park X X X MP P3 Mast Park 9125 Carlton Hills Blvd. X X X X X X X X X X MPW P4 Mast Park West 9200 Carlton Hills Blvd. X SHP P5 Shadow Hill Park 9161 Shadow Hill Rd. X X X X X X X SRP P6 Sky Ranch Park 5850 Cala Lily St. X X TCCPE P7 Town Center Community Park East 550 Park Center Dr X X X X X TCCPW P8 Town Center Community Park West 9409 Cuyamaca St. X X X X X WGV P9 Woodglen Vista Park 10250 Woodglen Vista Dr X X X X X X X X X WHP P10 West Hills Park 8750 Mast Blvd. X X X X X X WPT P11 Walker Preserve Trail 9500 Magnolia Ave. X X MCT P12 Mission Creek Trail 9220 Cuyamaca St. X NT P13 Weston Park 9050 Trailmark Way X X X X X WT P14 Weston Trail 9604 Medina Dr X FCT P15 Forester Creek Trail 9219 Mission Gorge Rd. X ML P16 Marine Memorial Trails 550 Park Center Dr X X X X X CH F1 City Hall Bldg. 6, 7, 8A & 8P 10601 N. Magnolia Ave. X X TC F2 Santee Teen Center @ Big Rock Park X X X X X PSOC F3 9534 Via Zapador To report any city maintenance issues please call 619-258-4100 ext. 304 FS4 F4 To contact the City Hall Fire Department for non-emergencies please call 619-258-4100 ext. 207 FS5 F5 9130 Carlton Oaks Dr VM F6 Veterans Memorial Monument 9085 Fanita Pkwy Programs C1 Sportsplex USA 9951 Riverwalk Dr C2 10123 Riverwalk Dr Santee Schools and Community Resources S1 Carlton Hills School 9353 Pike Rd. S2 Carlton Oaks Elementary S3 Cajon Park Elementary 10300 N. Magnolia Ave. S4 S5 Pepper Drive Elementary 1935 Marlinda Way S6 PRIDE Academy at Prospect Avenue School 9303 Prospect Ave. S7 Rio Seco Elementary 9545 Cuyamaca St. S8 Sycamore Canyon Elementary S9 Hill Creek Elementary 9665 Jeremy St. S10 Santana High School **Lighted tennis courts available to public 9915 Magnolia Ave. S11 West Hills High School 8756 Mast Blvd. S12 Santee Branch Library 9225 Carlton Hills Blvd. # 17
Santee Lakes 9310 Fanita Pkwy
Santee Historical Society 9200 Magnolia Ave.
Cowles Mtn. Trailhead **Learn more at mtrp.org 8100 Mesa Rd.
Stowe Trail **Learn more at sdparks.org Fanita Pkwy. & Ganely Rd.
City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024 52 52 67 125 Walker Preserve Trail Sandy Creek Dr. Braverman Dr. Lorem ipsum Mast Blvd. North Magnolia Ave. Mission Gorge Rd. Mast Blvd. Mission Gorge Rd. Prospect Ave. Prospect Ave. CarltonHillsBlvd. FanitaPkwy. Carlton Oaks Dr. Big Rock Rd. CarltonHillsBlvd. Via de Victoria Cuyamaca St. Cuyamaca St. San Diego River NorthMagnoliaAve. Wo odg len Vista Dr. Ave.Woodside Wayailmark e.AvdgeTrailri R iverwalk Dr Park Center Dr eivOl Lane SevillaSt. Mission Gorge Rd. nwoT kPretneC w y Town Center Community Park Mast Park Carlton Oaks Country Club West Hills Park Big Rock Park Shadow Hill Park Woodglen Vista Park Symbol Key Via de Cr istina N Halberns Blvd . Shadow H l l R d A rlet te St. ViaZapado r Graves Ave. Pep per D r . C a l a L i ly St. P12 Santee City Hall Bldg. 6, 7, 8A & 8P notseW dR Mission Trails Reg ion al Park Rd.Mesa GanelyRd . Medina Dr. erlwatooC yWa P10 S10 P1 P6 P2 P4 P9 P11 P8 P3 P5 S3 S8 S1 S13 S11 S2 S7 S4 S6 S9 S5 C2 C1 S12 F2 F3 F1 F5 F4 P14 P15 F6 S14 S15 P7 P16 Stowe T ra il to Goodan R an ch S ycamo r e Can y o n Count y Preserve San Diego Ri ver T ra il (La keside) Schools S City Offices and Facilities F Program Locations C Library S Community Resources Fire Department F Parks & Trails P Trailway S16 CITY OF SANTEE MAP 5


Other Santee Parks without picnic shelter rentals: Deputy Ken Collier Park + Sky Ranch Park

*1/2 day/ 4 hour time slots: 8:30am-12:30pm or 1:00-5:00pm

*Full Day Timeframe: 8:30am-5:00pm (must book both timeslots)

Rates listed are Santee Resident prices. Contact Community Services for Non-Resident rates. Prices subject to change. For a direct link to the Santee Parks and Recreation Cancellation Refund Policy, please see page 1.

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024 Questions? Contact Community Services at (619) 258-4100 ext. 222. 52 52 67 125 Walker Preserve Trail Mast Blvd. North Magnolia Ave. Mission Gorge Rd. Mast Blvd. Mission Gorge Rd. Prospect Ave. Prospect Ave. Carlton Hills Blvd. Fanita Pkwy. CarltonOaksDr. Big Rock Rd. Carlton Hills Blvd. Via de Victoria Cuyamaca St. Cuyamaca St. San Diego River North MagnoliaAve. Woodglen Vista Dr. WoodsideAve. Trailridge Ave. Riverwalk Dr. Park Center Dr. Olive Lane SevillaSt. Mission Gorge Rd. T o w n CenterPkwy Town Center Community Park Mast Park (3 shelters) Carlton Oaks Country Club West Hills Park (2 shelters) Big Rock Park (2 shelters) Shadow Hill Park (1 shelter) Woodglen Vista Park (1 shelter) two sections available Via de Cristina N Halb ern s B .dvl Shadow Hi l Rd Arlette St. Via Zapador Graves Ave. Pepper Dr. Cala Lily St P12 Weston R d (1 shelter) (2 shelters) P10 P1 P6 P2 P4 P9 P11 P8 P7 P3 P5 Parks & Trails P Online Picnic Shelter Reservations Available at SanteeRec.com Special Entertainment Vendors require approval before being authorized to operate in Santee City Parks. Visit Community Services for a list of approved vendors or go online to SanteeRec.com
Picnic Shelter Location 1/2 Day* Full Day* Grass Space for Special Entertainment Woodglen Vista Park (two sections available, East and West) $76 $152 $41 (flat rate) Town Center Community Park East –Football Shelter $76 $152 No grass space available for rent Town Center Community Park East –Playground Shelter $76 $152 Shadow Hill Park $76 $152 $41 (flat rate) Mast Park Large Shelter $140 $280 $41 (flat rate) Mast Park Medium Solid Shelter $92 $184 $41 (flat rate) Mast Park Medium Lath Shelter $92 $184 No grass space available for rent West Hills Park Playground Shelter $76 $152 $41 (flat rate) West Hills Park Hilltop Shelter $76 $152 No grass space available for rent Big Rock Park (two sections available, East and West) $76 $152 $41 (flat rate) Weston Park $92 $184 $41 (flat rate)


Affordable facilities for all occasions

Santee Civic Center offers reasonably priced rooms that can accommodate a variety of functions, including banquets, weddings, meetings, parties or other special events. Our three rooms can accommodate groups from 20 to 200 participants. We offer rectangular or round tables with chairs to accommodate your group and have additional rental equipment including patriotic flags and other amenities.

For an additional fee, staff services are available to assist with equipment set up, breakdown and cleanup at your event. The Civic Center is climate controlled and features ramps and railings for inclusive access. Ample parking is available.

A Facility Rental Application is required and can be obtained by contacting the Community Services Department at (619) 258-4100 ext. 222.

Fees, rules, regulations and specifications regarding required liability insurance and security deposit will be discussed at time of application. When alcohol is served, additional insurance and a security presence is required.

For a direct link to the Santee Parks and Recreation Cancellation Refund Policy, please see page 1.

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024
Building 7 8A 8P Square Feet 2,611 1,634 2,990 Maximum Occupancy 150 70 200 meeting 100 70 130 dining Maximum Tables 15 9 17 round 17 9 17 rectangle

performing arts

NEW! Baby/Toddler Ballet Walking-3*

Introduction to the fundamentals of ballet technique in an imaginative atmosphere designed to make learning dance FUN with the comfort of an adult caregiver by their side. Proper technique, terminology and exercises will be explored with the use of props like princess wands, scarves, plush animals and more. *With parent participation

Instructor: Charlene’s Dance & Cheer 8-weeks

NEW! Swiftie Dance Class 5-10 years

Calling all Swifties! Channel your inner Taylor Swift through fun dance warm-ups, across the floor technique combos and learn choreographed dance routines to Taylor Swift’s hit songs. We will perform these routines for families at the end of the session and at the SD County Fair.

Instructor: Charlene’s Dance & Cheer 8-weeks

Preschool Storybook Musical Theater and Dance:

Peppa Pig 3-5 years

Casting all boys and girls! Students will explore fun drama games, dance choreography for musical theater and acting skills. Students will get cast parts, learn acting lines and a dance routine from Peppa Pig in preparation for an end of session abridged play presentation for families as well as a performance at the SD County Fair. Costumes to borrow are included.

Instructor: Charlene’s Dance & Cheer 8-weeks

Junior Storybook Musical Theater and Dance: Super Mario Bros. 5-12 years

Casting all boys and girls! Students will explore fun drama games, dance choreography for musical theater and acting skills. Students will get cast parts, learn acting lines and a dance routine from Super Mario Bros in preparation for an end of session abridged play presentation for families and at the SD County Fair. Costumes to borrow are included.


& Cheer 8-weeks

Acrobatics/Dance Combo

4-10 years

Combines dance with acrobatic skills that are popular today. Students will learn fundamental dance techniques including turns, leaps and jumps combined with stretching, flexibility, acrobatic tricks and more. A special routine will be performed for families at the end of the session and at the SD County Fair.

Instructor: Charlene’s Dance & Cheer 8-weeks

Parent and Me Tumbling/Gymnastics Walking-3 years

This class introduces the basics of tumbling/gymnastics to your little one with the comfort of mom or dad by their side. In this instructor led class, participants will get their energy out learning beginner gymnastics and tumbling techniques using equipment, mats and games in a fun atmosphere.

Instructor: Charlene’s Dance & Cheer 8-weeks

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024
Day Time Location R/NR Dates Th 4:30-5:00pm CH-7 $95/110 4/11-5/30
Day Time Location R/NR Dates T 6:15-7:05pm CH-7 $105/120 4/9-5/28
Day Time Location R/NR Dates M 5:00-5:30pm CH-7 $95/110 *4/8-6/3 *No class on 5/27
Day Time Location R/NR Dates Th 6:00-6:50pm CH-7 $105/120 4/11-5/30
Day Time Location R/NR Dates W 5:00-5:50pm CH-7 $105/120 4/10-5/29
Day Time Location R/NR Dates F 4:15-4:45pm CH-8P $95/110 4/12-5/31 8

performing arts

Cheerleading, Pom Dance & Tumble 3-11 years

GO FIGHT WIN! Join us for all the fun in this high energy cheer and dance class. Students will work on the fundamentals of cheerleading and pompom dance technique including arm motions, kicks/jumps, cheers, beginner tumbling, sideline dances, stretches and a full routine to perform for families and at the SD County Fair.

Instructor: Charlene’s Dance & Cheer 8-weeks

3-4 years

5-11 years

Pee Wee Tumbling & Gymnastics

3-4 years

Help build strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination in your preschooler. Work off their energy by learning beginner progressive tumbling skills while incorporating gymnastics equipment and props, all while having fun.

Instructor: Charlene’s Dance & Cheer 8-weeks

Junior Tumbling & Gymnastics

4-10 years

Learn stretches, jumps and conditioning exercises on how to properly execute forward rolls, backward rolls, handstands, cartwheels, back bends, back walkovers and the beginning techniques for back handsprings. This is perfect for beginners.

Instructor: Charlene’s Dance & Cheer 8-weeks

4 – 8 years

5 – 10 years

*No class on 5/27

Preschool Ballet/Tap Combo 3-5 years

Introduction to the fundamentals of ballet/tap technique in an imaginative atmosphere designed to make learning dance fun. Proper technique, terminology and exercises will be explored. The children will learn a special dance routine to perform for families at the end of the session and at the SD County Fair.

Instructor: Charlene’s Dance & Cheer 8-weeks

Preschool Hip Hop/Pop Stars Dance 3-5 years

Calling all boys and girls! Learn to move like your favorite pop stars through fun hip-hop warm-ups, across the floor technique and combos. Also, learn full choreographed dance routines to today’s music that will be performed for families at the end of the session and at the SD County Fair.

Instructor: Charlene’s Dance & Cheer 8-weeks

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024
Day Time Location R/NR Dates T 4:45-5:15pm CH-7 $95/110 4/9-5/28
Day Time Location R/NR Dates T 5:20-6:10pm CH-7 $105/120 4/9-5/28
Day Time Location R/NR Dates F 4:45-5:15pm CH-8P $95/110 4/12-5/31
Day Time Location R/NR Dates M 4:00-4:50pm CH-8P $105/120 *4/8-6/3
Day Time Location R/NR Dates F 5:30-6:20pm CH-8P $105/120 4/12-5/31
Day Time Location R/NR Dates Th 5:00-5:30pm CH-7 $95/110 4/11-5/30
Day Time Location R/NR Dates Th 5:30-6:00pm CH-7 $95/110 4/11-5/30 For a direct link to the Santee Parks and Recreation Cancellation Refund Policy, please see page 1.

performing arts

early enrichment & education

Tiny Tots Enrichment Program

3-5 years

Early childhood educational enrichment program designed to offer young children learning skills through a combination of play, structured learning/circle time, desktop activities and arts/crafts in a fun engaging atmosphere. Children will learn concepts including numbers, letters, beginning writing, math skills, social skills and more. Children must be fully potty-trained and will participate independently. Great for parents who are looking for an opportunity to enhance their child's knowledge and social skills. Please pack a snack and drink daily. We are offering two sessions for the Spring; each session will be 4 weeks long. Space is limited so sign up today.

Instructor: Charlene’s Dance & Cheer Two 4-week sessions

Session 1

Kids Science Experiments

3-11 years

Let your child's curiosity for science shine! Our hands-on science experiments will get your little scientists’ minds working while having fun creating. The experiments include: galaxy potion, magic blooming flowers, cleaning pennies with vinegar, static science balloon, grow a beard experiment, skittles rainbow experiment, dancing raisins, dish soap glitter repellent, germ science, baking soda and vinegar art. Space is limited, register today.

Instructor: Charlene’s Dance & Cheer 8-weeks

3-4 years

5-11 years


Kids Cooking Class 5-12 years

Bake up tasty treats and dishes and more while channeling your creativity in decorating your culinary masterpieces. Learn to follow directions, work as a team and create a variety of recipes. The process is just as fun as the end result. Recipes include: fizzy sherbet, homemade bread, homemade hot pockets, cinnamon sugar tortilla crisps, homemade butter, queen of hearts pizza, apple pie bites, homemade cheese crackers, bee my honey fruit dip, pixie dust cookies and much more.

Instructor: Charlene’s Dance & Cheer 8-weeks

Child and Babysitting Safety Class

11-16 years

Child and Babysitter Safety class is a community education program for youth ages 11-16, that covers child safety and basic care for infants and children. Topics covered include: sitter safety, infant/child feeding, diapering procedures, recognizing an emergency, child/infant CPR and basic first aid for children. Participants receive a digital download of the booklet, a Babysitter Certificate from the American Health & Safety Institute and an Infant/Child CPR certificate of participation upon completion.

Instructor: Lockhart Training

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024
For a direct link to the Santee Parks and Recreation Cancellation Refund Policy, please see page 1.
Day Time Location R/NR Dates M/W 9:00am-12:00pm CH-7 $195/210 4/8-5/1 Tu/Th 9:00am-12:00pm CH-7 $195/210 4/9-5/2 Session
M/W 9:00am-12:00pm CH-7 *$170/185 *5/6-5/29 Tu/Th 9:00am-12:00pm CH-7 $195/210 5/7-5/30
class on 5/27, pro-rated fee
Day Time Location R/NR Dates M 5:45-6:15pm CH-7 $110/125 *4/8-6/3
Day Time Location R/NR Dates M 6:15-7:15pm CH-7 $135/150 *4/8-6/3
class on 5/27
Day Time Location R/NR Dates W 6:00-7:30pm CH-7 $135/150 4/10-5/29
Day Time Location R/NR Date F 5:00-9:00pm CH-7 $79/94 5/17 10

dog training

Agility Workshops

10 weeks and older

This is an introduction to some basic agility obstacles and how to teach the dogs to move through the obstacles. This is not a competition, but just for fun. It requires a great deal of trust between owner and dog to be successful running agility obstacles. Learning to do this with your dog will make a deep and lasting bond with your dog and it is both great exercise and great fun! Some of the agility obstacles taught will be: teeter-totter, weave poles, jumps, going through a tunnel, going through the shoot, working on tables and going through a hoop.

*To enroll in this class your dog must have had their second round of vaccines.

Instructor: Lifetime Dog Training

Day Time Location R/NR

Sa 10:30am-12:30pm WGV $50/65 4/27

F 5:15-7:15pm WGV $50/65 5/31

Dog Training – Basic

10 weeks and older

The basic training class is designed to help owners connect with their dogs and teach them how to effectively communicate with them while making it fun. Basic commands taught include: sit, leash walking, greeting other dogs on leash, leave it, come when called and stay. Owners will be given the tools and techniques to teach their dogs how to do what you want them to do in a positive way. For those with dogs that will be under a year of age at the end of the class, the American Kennel Club S.T.A.R. Puppy Certification will be available. The first class will be 90 minutes.

*To enroll in this class your dog must have had their second round of vaccines.

Instructor: Lifetime Dog Training


Dog Training - Intermediate

8 weeks

Dog Training - Advanced

10 weeks and older

The advanced class is the culmination of our training program. With more new behaviors such as side, visit, touch and under, the focus for this class is to be able to take our dogs into public situations with confidence. There will be a minimum of three outings, where class is held in a public place. During the last class everyone gets to take the Canine Good Citizen Test, a program by the American Kennel Club that promotes responsible dog ownership and encourages the training of well-mannered dogs.

*To enroll in this class your dog must have had their second round of vaccines and have completed the intermediate class.

Instructor: Lifetime Dog Training 8 weeks

Dog Training – Just Tricks

10 weeks and older

Just Tricks Class is a chance to do some training that is different from the normal obedience and behaviors that are taught in class. Learning how to teach your dog tricks, gives you a different way to communicate and increases the bond between owner and dog. Your dog will listen better and gain greater trust in you. Learning to teach tricks, in addition to traditional obedience behaviors, helps you become a better teacher with your dog, which increases the speed that they learn new behaviors. Some of the tricks taught will be: Bow, Shake, High 5, Wave, Roll Over, Play Dead, Opening/ Closing Doors and Crawl.

*To enroll in this class your dog must have had their second round of vaccines and have completed the basic class.

Instructor: Lifetime Dog Training

10 weeks and older

The intermediate class continues to be an extremely fun time with owners and dogs. Because students will have already formed a bond and method of communication with their dogs, training will be much easier. Dog owners start working on behaviors that will help with public manners by teaching things such as: heel, on your bed, sit for petting, down, stay and come when called with both distance/distractions.

*To enroll in this class your dog must have had their second round of vaccines and have completed the basic class.

Instructor: Lifetime Dog Training

8 weeks

Day Time Location R/NR Dates

M 5:30-6:30pm

Sa 12:00-1:00pm CH-7 $235/250 *5/4-6/29

Tu 5:00-6:00pm CH-8A $235/250 5/14-7/2

*No class on 5/25 and 5/27


City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024
Day Time Location
Dates M 7:00-8:00pm CH-8A $235/250 *4/8-6/3 Sa 2:00-3:00pm CH-7 $235/250 *5/4-6/29
class on 5/25 and 5/27
CH-8A $235/250 *4/8-6/3
Day Time Location R/NR Dates Sa 10:00-11:00am CH-7 $235/250 *5/4-6/29 *No class on 5/25
Day Time Location R/NR Dates Tu 6:30-7:30pm CH-8A $235/250 5/14-7/2 11


performing arts

NEW! Kids Safety & Awareness Training 5-12 years

The aims and objectives of this FREE class are to help children improve their awareness savvy in the neighborhood, playground or other risky environments. It will also provide some tools and strategies for dealing with bullies. Bring a receptive mindset plus water and a snack.

Instructor: Trad Am Karate Staff

Family Karate Adults, Individuals and child 6+

Improve your overall fitness and mental discipline as you and your child learn self-defense techniques that also improve self-confidence. Beginning through intermediate level. Fee includes one adult and one child. Each additional family member is $35. Individuals are also welcome and the registration fee is $80.

Instructor: Trad Am Karate Studio 10 weeks

NEW! Spring Coed Tennis Academy

Grades 9-12

The Purple Tennis Nation invites you to weekly tennis fun and fitness. Designed for high level beginners and above, these weekly lessons, drills and games are sure to improve ability and inspire hard work, all while instilling a love for the game. Each workout is $20 or $60 for the week (includes 2-3 matches on Saturday). Instructor: Purple Tennis Nation 8-weeks

*Workouts will be at the Santana High School tennis courts

Day Time Location R/NR Dates M/W 6:30-8:00pm *SHS $60/75 4/8-6/1 Sa 8:30-11:30am
Date Sa 10:00am-12:00pm CH-8P
Day Time Location R/NR
Day Time
Dates Tu 6:30-7:30pm CH-8P $135/150 4/9-6/11
Location R/NR
City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024 12


10250 Woodglen Vista Drive

Community Services (619) 258-4100 ext.222

Skate Park Hours

Daily 10:00am-Sunset (may close due to weather conditions) Participants are required to wear a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads.

Participants must bring skateboard, BMX bike, scooter and/or wheelchair.

*Participants under age six must be accompanied by a parent or guardian

Spring BMX/Skateboard/Scooter Class 5-13 Years

Skatepark classes are geared towards riders of all levels. Students will learn tricks, maneuvers, how to use all aspects of the Skate Park including safety, etiquette and maintenance. Students will be divided by age and skill level.

Bring: BMX Bike, Skateboard or Scooter, helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and water bottle.

Instructor: City of Santee Staff 6 weeks

aquatic center at the cameron family ymca

10123 Riverwalk Drive at Town Center Community Park (619) 449-9622 www.ymcasd.org/locations/cameron-family-ymca

In partnership with the City of Santee, the Cameron Family YMCA operates an aquatics center that’s open to the general public as well as YMCA members. The center features a 25 meter-by-25-yard swimming pool, an activity pool with play structure, and water exercise area and locker rooms. Group, private swim lessons and swim team are offered year round.


Daily Open/Lap Swim Pass

Cameron Family YMCA Members – FREE

Santee Resident Participants – $4.00*

Non–Santee Resident Participants – $8.00*

*ID required to show proof of Santee residency.

Water Exercise Day Pass – $20.00*

*Fees subject to change.

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024 For a direct link to the Santee Parks and Recreation Cancellation Refund Policy, please see page 1.
Day Time Location R/NR Dates T 3:30-4:30pm WGV $50/$65 4/16-5/21

Santee Day Camp (entering Grades 1-5) + X-Factor Camp (entering grades 6-9) General Information

Activities featured:

Craft projects, sports, games, art creations, weekly swim sessions at the City of Santee Aquatics Center, a camp T-shirt (one per camper annually).


Low participant to staff ratios create a safe, well supervised experience and a personal connection with each camper. Staff are youth and teen program experienced, background checked, first aid and CPR certified.

Days: Monday-Friday (Week 3- no camp on July 4 & 5)

Time: 7:00am-6:00pm

Day Camp activities: 8:30am-3:00pm

X-Factor Activities: 8:30am-2:00pm

Free Extended Hours: Staff supervised free play activities before and after camp activity hours.

Free X-Factor extended hours (2:00-6:00pm) and Jr Leader extended hours (3:30-6:00pm) with Teen Center membershipAnnual Membership $55 resident/$70 non-resident

Primary location for both camps:

Teen Center @ Big Rock Park - 8115 Arlette Street Check in/out sites vary, see “Week at a Glance” (page 14).

Multi-Family Member Discounts

Multi-family member discounts apply to Santee Day Camp and X-Factor Camp for full weekly registrations: $20 off for second child and $30 off for each additional child living in the same household (Not available online and week 3).

$20 non-refundable weekly deposit per camper and automatic credit card payments are required.

Our Specialty Camps schedule will be in the summer guide, please be on the lookout for that in late April!

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024 performing arts For a direct link to the Santee Parks and Recreation Cancellation Refund Policy, please see page 1. SUMMER CAMP 2024 Your kids • Their summer • Our camps
Payment plans are available

performing arts

SUMMER CAMP 2024 Your kids • Their summer • Our camps



Santee Day Camp

Youth entering Grades 1-5 (must be kindergarten graduate to attend) Campers will enjoy their summer full of fun, friends and adventure! Campers are engaged in structured, supervised activities throughout each day, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

X-Factor Camp

Youth entering grades 6-9, up to age 15 Campers will enjoy exciting summer adventures, have fun with peers, make new friends, and learn new skills. This active camp is designed specifically for middle schoolers/teens and includes traditional day camp activities plus walking field trips, outdoor recreation, and field trip privileges.

Free morning extended hours 7:00-8:30am. Teen Center annual membership required for afternoon extended hours, which is $55 annually.

Camp + X-Factor Camp

Sample “Week at a Glance”

Weekly camp activity schedules are posted online and provided by Friday of prior week. Daily activities may vary.

Monday Welcome

Tuesday Field Trip

Wednesday Swim Day at City of Santee Aquatics Center*

Thursday Special Activity

Friday Big Rock Park Fun

Weekly “Need to Knows” available at the Santee Teen Center and online at SanteeRec.com (provided by Friday of prior week).

*Check in at the Town Center Community Park East- Stage area (550 Park Center Drive)

Refund Policy

$20 processing fee applied for each week if registration is cancelled more than 5 days before start date; $50 processing fee applied for each week if registration is cancelled less than 5 days before start date.

Still have questions?

Contact Community Services at (619) 258-4100 ext. 211.

A parent information letter which offers detailed information is provided at time of registration or online at SanteeRec.com

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024
Week Date Field Trip Fees* 6/13 & 14 Partial Week (no field trip) $90 week 1 6/17-6/21 Santee Lakes $225 week 2 6/24-6/28 Padres Game $250 week 3 7/1-7/3 Partial Week (no field trip) $135 week 4 7/8-7/12 Sesame Place $250 week 5 7/15-7/19 Mission Beach $225 week 6 7/22-7/26 Reuben H. Fleet Science Center $225 week 7 7/29-8/2 La Jolla Shores $225 week 8 8/5-8/9 Rockin’ Jump $250 week 9 8/12-8/16 Back to School Bash (no field trip) $225 week 8/19 & 20 Partial Week (no field trip) $90 week
*Non-Santee resident’s fee is an additional $15 per weekly rate.

performing arts

jr camp leader program

Youth entering grades 9-12 (up to age 17)

Do you love having fun outdoors and connecting with kids? If so, this is the perfect job training for you! Assist the Santee Day Camp staff with program operations, activities, trips and special events. Ideal for young people looking for an opportunity to gain work experience, leadership training and professional development. This program gives Jr Leaders a competitive edge when applying for jobs, internships and scholarships.

Days: Monday-Friday (Week 3-No camp on July 4 & 5)

Time: 8:00am-3:30pm (AM care available starting at 7:00am; PM care is from 3:30-6:00pm and is free with a Teen Center membership ($55 resident/$70 non-resident)

Primary Location: Santee Teen Center at Big Rock Park, 8115 Arlette St., Santee, CA 92071

Mandatory Training Week June 17-21, 2024 (Mandatory training week required for all Jr Leaders)

This week prepares Jr Camp Leaders for their roles with Summer Day Camp program. Participants must successfully complete the mandatory training week in order to be eligible to participate in the remaining day camp weeks. Returning Jr Leaders will help mentor the incoming Jr Leaders. Registration for weeks 2-9 is open immediately with registration into the Mandatory Training Week. Space is limited to 15 Jr Leaders and registration is on a first come first service basis. Participants who register for weeks 2-9 but do not successfully complete the training week will be credited or transferred to X-Factor Camp (age restrictions apply).

June 17: Meet at the Santee Teen Center, 8115 Arlette St Santee Ca 92071 @ 8:00am

June 18-20: Various locations in Santee and surrounding area. A more detailed schedule will be provided after registration.

June 21: CPR and First Aid Training at Santee City Hall, Building 8P 10601 Magnolia Ave @ 9:00am

Training week includes learning how to interact and supervise children, CPR and First Aid certification, team building, job application and resume writing tips, a guest speaker, interview tips and tricks, activity planning and more! Completion of the program includes a letter of recommendation and documentation of community service hours.

*Non-Santee resident’s fee is an additional $15/weekly rate.

** The partial week before the mandatory training week is open to returning camp leaders only with staff approval.

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024
For a direct link to the Santee Parks and Recreation Cancellation Refund Policy, please see page 1.
Week Date Field Trip Fees* 6/13 & 14 Partial Week** (no field trip) $45 week 1 6/17-6/21 Santee Lakes $120 week 2 6/24-6/28 Padres Game $120 week 3 7/1-7/3 Partial Week (no field trip) $70 week 4 7/8-7/12 Sesame Place $120 week 5 7/15-7/19 Mission Beach $110 week 6 7/22-7/26 Ruben H. Fleet Science Center $120
7/29-8/2 La Jolla Shores $110 week 8 8/5-8/9 Rockin’ Jump $120 week 9 8/12-8/16 Back to School Bash (no field trip) $110 week 8/19 & 20 Partial Week (no field trip) $45 week
week 7

The Santee Teen Center is an after-school and summer break drop-in recreation program designed for pre-teens and teens in grades 5-12, up to age 17.

School Year Hours

Through June 12, 2024

Monday–Friday, 2:00–6:00pm

Hours adjusted to match early dismissal for Santee School District schedule.

Closed March 25-April 5 and May 27

Summer hours begin on June 13. During summer hours, the Teen Center is open to those entering 6th-11th grade.

Annual Members Fee

Only $55 for Santee Residents and $70 for Non-Residents. Financial aid available. Don’t have a Teen Center membership? Come check out the Teen Center for your 1st time for FREE!

After-School Transportation*

Available during the school year for Santee School District students in grades 6-8.

Transportation is not available for 5th grade students due to earlier dismissal times. Registration must be submitted by the 25th of the month prior to enrollment date and is accepted online, at Santee City Hall or at the Santee Teen Center @ Big Rock Park. (Chet F. Harritt transportation not provided, within walking distance of the Teen Center.)

For more information call (619) 258-4100 ext. 222

Teen Center Recreation Coordinator (619) 258-4191 (619) 258-4100 ext. 210/222

Daily Activities

Daily programming consists of a variety of indoor and outdoor recreation activities. Homework assistance is available on a daily basis. Teens at the center are involved in the programming and are encouraged to help design and implement the daily activities.

Professional Staff

The center is staffed by City of Santee employees who are certified in first aid and CPR, have completed specialized teen-oriented training and have passed a Department of Justice background check. Our low staff-to-participant ratio offers a safe, well supervised experience and personal connection with each teen.


4 Seuss Celebration

14 Santee Branch Library sponsored event

19 SD Nights sponsored event


11 Santee Branch Library sponsored event





The Santee Teen Center has partnered with SD Nights and the Santee Branch Library to offer engaging recreation and educational presentations to empower a stronger youth.

Free activities for teens 3:00-5:00pm 5th grade – age 17 years

Non-Teen Center members welcome to partnered events, no membership required

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024
Center Activity Calendar
16 SD Nights sponsored event 26 Teen Center Kahoot
Chocolate dipping party
Santee Branch Library sponsored event 21
Nights sponsored event 28
sponsored event
SD Nights sponsored event
Last day of school SD Nights Santee Branch Library Teen Center
out the Teen Center Monthly Calendar online @ SanteeRec.com
Branch Library
Monthly Rates based on $18 per week fee. March $54 April $72 May $72 June $36
Arlette Street
Santee Teen
@ Big Rock Park 8115

Monthly calendar available online at SanteeRec.com or at City Hall, Building 6.

Senior Group



Active older adults meet to get involved, stay connected and be active. Pre-registration is not required. Enjoy the company of others, make new friends and take advantage of the activities during the week. Monthly calendar available online at SanteeRec.com or at City Hall, Building 6.

Out & About

A day-tripper’s delight, this program is for adventurous older adults who like to explore local and regional destinations within San Diego County. Participants generally take the trolley as a group to any destinations out of the East County area. For our trips occurring within East County, the group will meet at the destination, and carpooling is encouraged. Pre-registration is required. To pre-register you can sign up at Senior Group or call (619) 258-4100 ext. 222.

Financial aid is available for Santee residents to participate in recreation programs and trips. Submit your VIP application to find out if you are eligible for a $55 credit. Participants may apply for financial assistance once every quarter. Credit may be applied to any senior activity requiring a fee to participate.

Camp Pendleton Historical Bus Trip

Join us for our next adventure up the coast to Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. First, we will take a docent lead tour of the National Historic Site: Ranch House Complex, an 8,500-foot adobe structure, dating back to the 1820s. It was home to prominent area families such as the Pico's, Forster's and O’Neill's until the Marine Corps base was established in 1942. Since then, 35 generals have lived there. We will enjoy lunch at the Windmill Canyon Restaurant which overlooks the golf course. Lastly, we will visit the Mechanized Museum which has a collection of over 50 vehicles ranging from World War I to the first Gulf War. It includes Patton tanks, armored wheeled/ tracked vehicles, trucks, jeeps and amphibious vehicles. We will experience Marine Corps history in the very place that many Marines started their training for World War II and the Korean War.

Date: Thursday, April 25

Departure Time: 8:30am

Return Time: approximately 4:30pm

Fee: $40 Santee Resident, $54 Non-Resident

Departure and Return Location: Santee City Hall Registration Deadline: Wednesday, March 20- you must register to attend and space is limited Bring: Comfortable Shoes, Snacks and Water.

Lunch choice will be selected at time of registration. Copy of State issued DL/ID required at time of registration (base security requirement). No internet registration is available.

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024 For a direct link to the Santee Parks and Recreation Cancellation Refund Policy, please see page 1.

performing arts santee seniors 55+

Off Broadway Live presents…. DECADES Flashback

Journey through four years 1961, 1971, 1981, & 1991 and see how much the world changed in just 10 years with music, fashion and culture. With over 60 songs, this musical revue will keep the energy high all night long! Remember, this is a casual lunch show event so come hungry and ready to celebrate the music of our lifetime!

Date: Sunday, May 5

Time: 1:00pm

Fee: $55 Santee Resident, $70 Non-Resident

Location: Off Broadway Live 9490 Cuyamaca St. Santee, CA 92071

Lunch: Two Sliders (Ham & Havarti, Turkey & Swiss) with our Signature Salad, Homemade M&M Brownies for dessert and soft drinks are complimentary Registration is limited, sign up today!

Free Senior Fitness Class

Feeling Fit Club

Join instructor Daphne Miller here at Santee City Hall in Building 8P on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30-11:30am for this free County of San Diego sponsored fitness class for older adults. The goal of the Feeling Fit Club is to offer a safe, comfortable environment for older adults to engage in physical activity as well as to help older people develop and maintain their level of physical fitness. No registration required.

Do you want Santee Seniors 55+ to come visit your mobile home park?

Please call us at 619-258-4100 ext. 211 for more information.

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024
Save the Date! Santee Seniors 55+ Spring Luncheon Wednesday, May 15 More details to follow!

santee dog parks & pickleball

Dog Parks

Well behaved off-leash dogs with their owners have three Santee locations to choose from:

Woodglen Vista Park, 10250 Woodglen Vista Dr. - Designated fenced dog park that is open daily dawn to dusk.

Mast Park, 9125 Carlton Hills Blvd. - Designated fenced dog park that is open daily dawn to dusk. Dog Park divided by puppy, small dogs and large dogs. Features include doggie drinking fountain and agility equipment.

Big Rock Park, 8125 Arlette St. – Designated off-leash area daily dawn to 9:00am (no fenced area available).

For more information regarding off leash rules and regulations visit:


8125 Arlette St.


Pickleball is a popular activity that combines elements of badminton, table tennis and tennis. It can be played with two or four players and is a great way to stay in shape and connect with fellow community members.

Play starts at 8:00am

Eight dedicated pickleball courts with semi-permanent nets available year-round, open 8:00am - dusk.

All levels and beginners welcome. Volunteer attendants provide first time participants basic instruction, rules and loaner equipment.

PARKING: Parking is limited in the Big Rock Park parking lot. Please utilize the public parking along Mesa Road.

For how-to videos and other pickleball information, visit:

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024

outdoor adventures

All City Trails are included on the Santee Location Guide and Map, see pages 4-5

Walker Preserve Trail

9500 Magnolia Avenue

Come visit Santee’s 107-acre Walker Preserve along the San Diego River. Chances are you’ll see a variety of birds and other wildlife along this unpaved, 14-foot-wide trail. The mostly flat path, which extends for 1.13 miles from Magnolia Avenue to the city boundary with Lakeside, has a shade structure, drinking fountain, mister and a bike repair station.

Santee Lakes Recreation


(619) 596-3141


Santee Lakes Recreation Preserve hosts over 660,000 visitors a year. This 190 acre park with seven beautiful lakes provides several amenities including: camping, cabin rentals, fishing, boating, special events, picnicking, seven playgrounds including a Sprayground, 5 miles of walking trails, and features approximately 230 bird species. The lakes are stocked with sport fish year-round and no state fishing license is needed, only a permit from the General Store. Santee Lakes Recreation Preserve is owned and operated by Padre Dam Municipal Water District. For more information please visit santeelakes.com.

The Friends of Santee’s River Park

Sycamore Canyon Open Space Preserve/Goodan Ranch

(858) 513-4737


Hike and bike along miles of trails within 2,200 acres of hills nestled between the cities of Santee and Poway. Stop by the visitor center and ranger office in the canyon, a one-mile walk from the staging area. Free programs offered yearround. Accommodations made for those with disabilities. Directions: Goodan staging area - Poway Road, east on Garden Road, south on Sycamore Canyon Road. Hwy. 67 staging area - Southbound Hwy. 67, half mile south of Scripps Poway Pkwy.

The Friends of Santee’s River Park is a community group united in their goal of preserving and enhancing the San Diego River and surrounding park areas within the City of Santee.

The Friends of Santee’s River Park work in partnership with the City of Santee and residents to take ownership of their stretch of the San Diego River in an effort to maintain the fragile ecosystem and the greenbelt and beautiful parks that surround it. Contact us at santee@sandiegoriver.org

Mission Trails

Regional Park

(619) 668-3281 www.mtrp.org

Take advantage of more than 40 miles of hiking, biking and equestrian trails at this 6,100-acre reserve, one of the nation’s largest urban open-space parks. Free outdoor programs include guided nature walks, stargazing, and bird watching. MTRP is always recruiting volunteers. Personalized on-the-job training is provided. For more information, contact Visitor Center at (619) 668-3278.

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024

youth sports

Youth Sports & Girls’ Sports Equity

The City of Santee is working to ensure gender-based athletic equity in community sports. Take an in depth look at what Santee is doing to support athletic equity.

Or visit SanteeRec.com


American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO)

(619) 971-5991 www.ayso341.org

Boys and Girls Clubs of East County: Santee Clubhouse (619) 938-2582 www.bgcec.org/Santee-clubhouse

Santee National Little League Baseball

USA Softball of Southern California Santee

Santee Ravens Football & Cheer

Santee Sportsplex Youth Indoor Soccer

Santee Aviators Lacrosse

West Hills Little League Baseball

Cameron Family YMCA /Aquatics Center

MyNFL Flag Football

Girls Rugby

Swimming & Water Polo Clubs

9951 Riverwalk Drive Santee www.sportsplexusa.com

(619) 334-1000 ext.2

(619) 663-9689


(619) 322-0067 Auto voicemail www.usasoftballofsocalsantee.com

(619) 871-0389 www.santeeravens.com

(619) 334-1000 ext. 416 www.sportsplexusa.com

(619) 302-6608 www.santeeyouthlacrosse.com

(619) 410-7971 www.westhillslittleleague.org

(619) 449-9622 www.ymcasd.org/locations/cameron-family-ymca

(760) 332-8797 www.nflflagsd.com

info@girlsrugbyinc.com www.girlsrugbyinc.com

See website for contact info https://bit.ly/3OjKUoO

Located in Santee Town Center Community Park, this 15-acre sports complex includes three softball/baseball fields with 300-foot fences, synthetic turf outfields and stadium seating, two 180-by-80-foot soccer arenas, spectator seating, a four-station batting cage, and a restaurant. Leagues are offered for team and individual players of all skill levels. For a full description of leagues, fees and season starting dates, visit website or contact us:

Adult Softball Leagues

Contact Zach McClanahan (619) 334-1000 ext. 401 zach.mcclanahan@ sportsplexusa.com

Adult Indoor Soccer Leagues

Contact Evan Wharton (619) 334-1000 ext. 417 evan.wharton@ sportsplexusa.com

Youth Recreation & Mighty Mite Soccer

Contact Brandon Garland (619) 334-1000 ext. 318 santeeyouthsoccer@ sportsplexusa.com

For questions regarding city parks field rentals/usage contact Community Services at (619) 258-4100 ext. 222

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024

performing arts

recreation services

Proof of Residency

A resident (R) is a person who lives within the city limits of Santee. Residency is based on the address of the class participant, not on the address of the payee. Proof of residency is required. Acceptable documents are: address imprinted on personal check, current property tax bill, utility bill, or driver’s license. (First time registrants only) Nonresidents (NR) are welcome to sign up for our programs. An additional fee applies.

Proof of Age

(Minor registrants-first time only)

Proof of age must be provided the first time you register with us. Participants must meet the minimum age requirement by the first day of activity and must not exceed the advertised maximum age. Proof of birth date is required. Acceptable documents are: birth certificate, immunization card, health card, or passport.


The City of Santee supports inclusion in our recreation programs. Please contact Community Services at (619) 258-4100 ext. 222 three (3) weeks prior to start date of program if you or your child requires accommodations due to a medical condition or disability.

Refund Information

To view Santee Parks & Recreation Cancellation & Refund Policy regarding program registration, membership and indoor/outdoor rentals, please visit SanteeRec.com or scan the QR code. If you are unsatisfied with your program or activity, you may apply for a transfer or refund by submitting a written request, within the same session, by contacting Community Services at csdfrontdesk@cityofsanteeca. gov or (619) 258-4100 ext. 222. There is no fee for any program or activity cancelled by the Community Services Department. All online transaction fees and non-resident fees are non-refundable (exceptions may apply). The Parks & Recreation Division reserves the right to cancel or combine activities, or change instructors as needed.


Complete the registration form on the next page and submit it along with the required residency verification. If applicable, submit your age verification, and/or Voucher Incentive Program application in one of the following ways:v

6 Ways to Register

Payment is required at the time of registration.

1 Online: Use convenient online registration for activities. Go to SanteeRec.com and click on the Register Online button.

(Note: a convenience fee applies, non-refundable. VIP and family discount not available online.)

2 Email: You may email your registration (credit cards only) to CSDfrontdesk@ cityofsanteeca.gov

3 Walk–In: You may register at our offices during regular business hours. Late registration is accepted, in most cases, through the first week of programs.

4 Mail to: Recreation Programs (no cash)

City of Santee

10601 Magnolia Avenue, Bldg. 6 Santee, CA 92071

5 Fax: You may fax your registration (credit cards only) to (619) 258-4189.

6 Drop Off: Hand deliver completed registration in a sealed envelope to our 24-hour drop box at 10601 Magnolia Avenue, Bldg. 6. (No cash)


Payment is required at the time of registration. You may pay by any of the following methods:

Credit or Check No cash accepted

Financial Assistance (Voucher Incentive Program, VIP)

The financial assistance resident program provides financial assistance, to children, teens, and seniors to participate in city recreation programs. Funding is provided through funds raised by the Santee Park and Recreation Committee (SPARC) and recreation activity donations. To be eligible, applicants must live in Santee and have a total household income that meets U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development guidelines. Applications can be obtained at Santee City Hall, 10601 Magnolia Avenue, Building 6. For more information call (619) 258-4100 ext. 222.

Office Hours

Monday–Thursday: 8:00am-5:00pm

Friday: 8:00am-1:00pm

Phone: (619) 258-4100 ext. 222

Fax: (619) 258-4189

E-mail: csdfrontdesk@cityofsanteeca.gov

Website: www.SanteeRec.com

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024
For a direct link to the Santee Parks and Recreation Cancellation Refund Policy, please see page 1.

Sante e Santee Recreation R e Recreation Re gistration For m gistration Form

Participant Conduct Expectations applicable to all registrants. See Activity Guide for more information.

Primary Adult Contact

First Name Last Name

Address o Resident o Non-resident

City State Zip

Home Phone Other Phone Email

Where did you find information about this program?

c City Web Site

c Santee School District Web Site

c Facebook

c Email

c Other

Authorized Pick Up/Emergency Contact (different from above) Phone Number Relationship

Participant #1

Name: __________________________________ Gender: M F

o Address same as above.

Medical concerns and information:

o Special accommodations needed to participate in the activity.

o Allergies, behavior/attention issues, injuries or illness.


o Currently taking medication.


Program Registration

Method of Payment


o Medication needed/taken during program hours.

(Youth; if box checked, Administration of Medication form required.)

Youth Only

o Participant may sign themselves in/ out of activity.

o Custody concerns.

Credit Card c Visa c MasterCard FAX (619) 258-4189


Participant #2

Name: __________________________________ Gender: M F

o Address same as above.

Medical concerns and information:

o Special accommodations needed to participate in the activity.

o Allergies, behavior/attention issues, injuries or illness.


o Currently taking medication.


EMAIL csdfrontdesk@cityofsanteeca.gov

Expiration Date V-code



o Medication needed/taken during program hours.

(Youth; if box checked, Administration of Medication form required.)

Youth Only

o Participant may sign themselves in/ out of activity.

o Custody concerns.

c Check Payable to the City of Santee ($12 returned check fee)

Mail to: Recreation Programs, City of Santee 10601 Magnolia Ave., Bldg. 6 Santee, CA 92071

c Cash Walk-In ONLY

PLEASE, No Cash in Drop Box

Release from Liability, Indemnification, and Photographic Release. (Please read before signing.)

Complete below for Santee Teen Center Membership

I agree to allow my child to: (Please circle Y or N)

Y N View PG-13 movies with the Teen Center.

Y N Participate in supervised walking local outings within the City of Santee.

Code of Conduct applies to all members School:__________________

Subtotal Program Registration Fee VIP

Recreation Activity Fund Donation+


I, the undersigned, do hereby agree to participate and/or allow the participant(s) listed above to participate in the recreatio n program(s) indicated. I understand that recreation programs, by their very nature, can present circumstances that place the participant at some risk of injury. Among factors affecting potential for injury are the inherent risks of the activity and the participant’s aptitude and intensity of involvement. I understand and agree that I am and/or the above-named participant(s) is/are entered into this program at my/thei r own risk. In consideration of the acceptance of this registration form for the activities listed, the participant(s) named on this form or his/her legal guardian, agrees as follows: I understand the nature and content of the activity(ies) listed and am aware of the potentia l dangers incidental to engaging in the program(s). COVID-19 is by its nature contagious, and I voluntarily assume the risk that the part icipants and I may be exposed to, or infected by COVID-19, by attending or participating in recreation program(s), and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, or death. Knowing the risks involved, I nevertheless agree to rel ease, indemnify, defend and hold the City of Santee, its officers, employees, agents, volunteers and independent contractors harmless and free f rom any and all liability of any nature resulting directly or indirectly from participation in the(se) program(s), including but not limited to liability for any and all demands, damages, claims, suits, liens and judgments, including costs and attorneys’ fees, of whatever nature, or for injury or death of any person, damage to property, or interference with the use of property, arising from or in connection with partic ipation in the program(s). I expressly waive and relinquish all rights and benefits afforded by Section 1542 of the California Civil Code, which provides as follows: “A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release and that, if known by him or her, would have materially affected his or h er settlement with the debtor or released party.” In the unlikely event of a serious injury, emergency medical providers will be directed to properly treat participant(s) and if needed, they will transport participant(s) to the hospital. Your signature below satisfies the following requirements: It authorizes staff to seek necessary medical attention for participant(s) in an emergency. It confirms the information on this form is correct to the best of your knowledge. I permit the City of Santee to use, publish and post, including but not limited to, on t elevision (SanteeTV) and social media, photographs and/or videotapes of me and/or my children for purposes of presenting recreation activities to the community and to promote the recreation program to prospective clients and/or participants. I also give permission to relea se such photographs and/or videotapes to the news media in support of the program. I have carefully read this Indemnity, Release, Waive r and Assumption of Risk Agreement and fully understand its contents and understand that it shall be binding upon me, my heirs, succe ssors and assigns. I am aware that this is a full release of liability and sign it of my own free will. THE CITY OF SANTEE DOES NOT HAVE OR PROVIDE MEDICAL OR ACCIDENTAL


Below signature for both above waiver and YMCA Release & Waiver of Liability & Indemnity Agreement for Minors (Day Camp, X-Factor, Jr Leader) on back.

Signature(s) :

City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024 24
camp registration form 6/2021
The City’s Liability Waiver must be signed by all participants over the age of 18, or if minor, by a parent/guardian.
Participant’s First & Last Name Class/Activity/Camp Day Time Location Start Date Course # Fee
City of santee recreation activity guide spring 2024 24 YMCA Release & Waiver of Liability & Indemnity Agreement for Minors (Day Camp, X-Factor, Jr Leader) 25

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