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Council / Manager Form of Government
On April 4, 1987, Southlake voters approved a home rule charter, which established a council /manager form of government. This form of government combines the strong political leadership of elected officials and the strong professional experience of a City Manager.
TheMayorandCity Councilestablish policy and law. TheCity Manageris responsible for submitting the annual budget, directing day-to-day operations, advising the City Council on matters affecting the city and appointing and removing city personnel.
The Mayor's responsibilities:
Preside at its meetings and vote; Serve as head of government for ceremonial purposes; Perform no administrative duties; Serve as spokesperson for the city; and Facilitates communication.
Laura Hill
The Council's Responsibilities:
Determine purpose, scope of services, tax levels and constitution issues; Pass ordinances and ratify budgets; Approve new projects or programs; Suggest management changes to the City Manager and oversee organizational performance through the City Manager's appraisal.