March 2017 SASC newsletter, Yahara Senior News

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MARCH 2017,Vol.34 No.3

Mission Statement We are dedicated to the enrichment of the lives of older adults and their families by providing diverse programs, social services and volunteer opportunities.

Your MySC sign-ins add up! When visiting the Senior Center please be sure to sign in. Your assistance helps increase our accountability to our financial supporters, which will in turn (hopefully) provide more funding and time for staff to put towards enhancing programs and services for you! Look for these and other statistics in our soon-to-be published 2016 Annual Report. If you have questions or to obtain your card, please see the front desk.


Laura Ingalls Wilder; Road to the Little House Wednesday, March 22, 3:00-4:00 PM Generations of children and adults worldwide have been fascinated by the stories of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Her “Little House” series was the basis for a successful television series. But how did her life really evolve? What motivated her to put her experiences to paper? In this First Impressions presentation by Jessica Michna you will meet Mrs. Wilder, older, wiser and reflecting back on her life. She will tell you her life story and how she came to produce her literary works. Open to all.

248 W. M AIN S T • S TOUGHTON W ISCONSIN 53589 • 608-873-8585 •


Stoughton Area Senior Center

Case Management

Transportation: General

Stoughton, Towns of Albion & Dunkirk The Case Management program links older adults with services available to help them remain as independent as possible in their own homes and community. Our Senior Center’s case managers are devoted to coordinating, evaluating and advocating for such services to meet each individual’s needs and preferences. See back cover for contact information.

FDS Enterprises City Cab/Lift Equipped Van Contact: 873-7233 RSVP Driver Program Contact: Richard Hoffman 873-6112, 9AM-4PM Donation-based transportation to medical appointments for seniors 60 years or older . New riders are to call ASAP with qualifying information for approval. Rides are based on driver availability; 48-hour advance notice is required. RSVP makes every effort to fill drive requests and values our rider cooperation. Stoughton United Ministries Affordable Transportation Program, SUM: 873-3273 or Richard Hoffman, Coordinator: (608) 873-6112 Low-income residents of all ages are eligible for free transportation Monday – Friday to various types of appointments in Madison and its nearby suburbs. Anyone whose income is less than 225% of the federal poverty rate is eligible. Vets Helping Vets Program Richard Hoffman, Coordinator: (608) 873-6112 Volunteer drivers provide medical, job application and support transportation within Dane County for any veterans, including immediate family members regardless of age.

Blood Pressure Readings No appointments needed-Last Thursday of the month 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM-Check calendar.

Equipment Loan Closet Equipment such as wheelchairs and walkers may be checked out on a short-term basis to those residing in our case management service area (above). Monetary donations accepted.

Foot Care Clinic 3rd Monday, 12:30 - 3:30 PM 4th Tuesday, 8:30 AM -11:30 AM Call 873-8585 for an appointment. Cost $20. For Diabetic Foot Care Appointments: $30 Check Calendar for exact dates.

Nutrition Programs Meals are served at the Center or delivered to homebound individuals every weekday. Please see pages 14 & 15 for these programs’ details.

Local Estate Plans & Elder Law Contact: 608-662-0440, As a service to the community, Attorney Eric Christoffersen will not charge for a meeting at the Senior Center on the 3rd Monday of the month. If additional work is required you may be offered to retain his law firm (for a fee).

Veterans Assistance A Dane County representative is available for appointments here at the Center. Please call (608) 266-4158 to schedule an appointment. 2

Rides to Meal Site & Shopping Transit Solutions Inc./Lift Equipped Van Call 873-8585 to make a reservation: • Stoughton Area Senior Center Meal Site Ride to noon lunch, Monday - Friday Donation $.50 each way or $1 round trip. • Tuesday thru Friday Grocery Shopping Ride to Pick ’n Save/Walmart in Stoughton Time: 10:30 AM or 11:30 AM; Donation $2.00 round trip. No one will be denied rides to the meal site or to the grocery store based on their ability to donate. • Mall Shopping, 2nd & 4th Fridays $3.00 Trips rotate between various malls in Madison: See Activity Calendar for monthly locations. Time: 9:30 AM home pick up; 1:15 PM return.

S TOUGHTON A RE A S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589 • 873-8585

On GoingClasses/Groups: Senior Center Please see the Activity Calendar on page 13 for exact dates and times of the following programs. You may call the Senior Center Receptionist at (608) 873-8585 for further information.

Fitness & Wellness Chair Exercise, $2/class Mon. Wed. Fri. 8:00 AM Massage 3rd Tuesday Appts. 10AM-12PM Prices: $35 for 30 mins. & $65 for 60 min.// Chair Mass. $1/min. (15 minutes min.) Healing Touch Mondays –Check the Calendar 12-4 PM, FREE Line Dancing Free, Tuesdays, 2:30 PM Check Calendar Ping Pong Free Mondays 3:00 PM Doubles: Wednesday 3:00 PM Singles: Friday 10:30 AM

Reflexology Check Calendar Appts. 1:00 –4 PM $25 /30 Mins. $45/60 Mins. Tai Chi $7/class, Mon. 10:30 AM Tai Chi –Advanced $10/class. Mon.1:00 PM

Bridge, Free Mon. & Thurs. 9:30 AM

Wii Bowling & League Free Mondays & Fridays 10AM

Chess, Free Fri. 10:00 AM

Qi Gong If interested in this class please call 873-8585 and talk with Tricia Zumba Wed. 5PM $5.00 per class, Main Level

Classes & Skill Development Computer/Tech Help Tues. & Thurs., 9:00 - 11:30 AM or by appointment, morning or afternoon. Come with your computer or tech questions. We have 4 computers, 3 iPads & WiFi. Handiwork, Free Mon., 1:00 - 3:30 PM Bring your current handiwork project & join the conversation. Norwegian Language Class Wed., 9:00 - 11:00 AM No registration needed $10/class New students welcome!

Social & Recreation

Rosemaling Class –Tuesdays Call for Tricia more info Rosemaling Group, Free Wed., 9:15AM Wood Carving Thru Madison College Thur., 8:00 - 12:00 PM Wood Shop Free — Daily Must take a safety course to use the shop.

Bunco, $1.00 First Tues. of the month

Community Bingo, $1 3rd Wed. 1:00 PM Stoughton Meadows Cribbage Free Every Monday 1:00 PM Dime Jingle 2nd Wed. 1 PM Euchre 4th Saturday, 7:00 PM Over the Hill Bingo 4th Tues. 1:00PM Bring a “White Elephant” prize Ping Pong, Free Monday 3:00 PM Doubles: Wed. 3:00 Singles: Friday. 10:30 AM Pool Tables Free/Daily Sheepshead, Thurs. 1:30 PM to 4:15 PM Train Dominoes, Free Thursday 1:00 PM

Creative Writing Class Free Last Tues. of month at 1:00 PM

S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589

• 873-8585


News: Case Management Information Believe It or Not! Spring Is On Its Way! Turn the TV off, and find something new to do with your grandchildren the next time you’re visiting! Stuck for ideas? These 10 Activities for Grandparents and Grandchildren to do together are sure to help you turn that time together into quality bonding time.

spending time together, and having your grandchild share his or her creations with you. Bonus tip: Teach your grandkids how to “paint” with chalk by adding a little bit of water, and let the fun begin! Pull up a chair and chat and laugh with your little one while admiring their work! 5. Crafts, Crafts, Crafts Don’t think you’re crafty? Think again! With kids, crafts don’t have to be extravagant or complicated. And you may not even have to have a specific project in mind! Pull out your scraps of fabric, buttons and your sewing machine and create something special; gather pieces of “junk” and let your imaginations take over. Pinterest and craft stores can provide inspiration as well. You could create an Imagination Board, cutting out pics from magazines about all the thing you are both interested in and making a collage together!

1. Picnic Part of the fun is in the preparation, so head to the grocery store and load up on goodies for your picnic lunch. Perhaps your child or grandchild will help with the shopping! If it’s cold, you could always picnic in the car by the river! 2. Swimming Swimming is one of the activities that is great for all ages, and provides health benefits, to boot! As long as your doctor approves this activity for you, head to a community pool! It’s low-impact and can even help arthritic joints feel better, so don’t be afraid to try! 3. Game Day Break out some board games, or have your grandkids find some new games for you on a computer or other electronic device — or even make up your own games! 4. Chalk It Up Little kids especially love drawing on the sidewalk with chalk — so let them! Even if you can’t quite maneuver onto the ground with them, you can be in charge of handling the chalk. The point is 4

6. Glam It Up Doing your nails together is a fantastic way to bond and have fun with your granddaughter of any age! Sit back, relax, and let your granddaughter paint your nails — any color and style of her choosing! If you’re daring, let your older grandchild color your hair... put a bold temporary color or streak of color like purple or blue in your hair. Think of the pictures! 7. Cooking Making dinner together is often a lost art that kids really do love (and will certainly appreciate and remember as the years go by). Go grocery shopping together to grab the ingredients for your favorite recipe, talk about why the recipe is your favorite, how the way you cook has changed over the years, and find out what’s going on in your grandchild’s life. Find out what their favorite meals are.

S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589 • 873-8585

News: Case Management Information 9. Gardening Gardening is calming for adults and kids alike. And, for the kids who enjoy getting dirty, much fun. Head to the local garden store to pick out some new flowers to plant outside, new vegetables for your garden, or something you can put into pots (and then personalize with paint for even more projects). 10. Go To The Library Help instill a love of reading in your grandkids by taking them to the library. Find your favorite childhood book and read it to them, then scour the library for interesting books in a variety of subjects. Teach your grandchild about all the library has to offer, and show him or her why it’s still a fantastic resource and activity despite the plethora of information available online. Or go online to listen to Stoughton’s own Granny Dot: search on YouTube for “Granny Dot reading Hurry Granny Annie!” You and the kiddos are sure to laugh at this story! *Adapted from March 2016 Blog

Healthy Living With Diabetes Classes

Are You at Risk For Diabetes? Diabetes affects 22 million people in the U.S. Are you one of them? Make it a priority to take the Diabetes Risk Test provided by American Diabetes Association. Find out if you’re at risk for developing type 2 diabetes, a disease where blood glucose levels are higher than normal. Type 2 diabetes develops most often in middle-aged and older adults. You can find the Type 2 diabetes Risk Test at diabetes-risk-test/. You can either complete the Risk Test online or download a paper version of the Risk Test. The one-page Test is very user friendly and is available in English and Spanish. Many people with diabetes don’t know that they have it, but Medicare covers screening tests so you can find out if you do. If you have diabetes, Medicare covers many of your supplies, including insulin, test strips, monitors, lancets and control solutions. In some cases, Medicare also covers therapeutic shoes if you have diabetic foot problems. You pay 20% of the Medicare approved amount for these supplies.

Dane County offers Healthy Living with Diabetes workshops in the community. For more information, please contact the Aging & Disability Resource Center of Dane County at (608) 240-7400 or toll-free at (855) 417-6892.

Medicare also covers diabetes selfmanagement training to help you learn how to better manage your diabetes. You can learn how to monitor your blood sugar, control your diet, exercise, and manage your prescriptions. Talk to your doctor about how this training can help you stay healthy and avoid serious complications.

Case Managers schedules do vary at the Stoughton Area Senior Center.

Take control of your health—talk to your doctor today about screening tests and what supplies and training may help you stay healthy. The Medicare Blog—The official blog for

Please call ahead to schedule appointments, 873-8585.

the U.S. Medicare program

S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589

• 873-8585


News: COA & Community Information Commission on Aging

Help The Senior Center

Meeting Highlights for February 7, 2017

Volunteer – there are all sorts of opportunities, call and talk to Tricia! ¨ Donate to our annual fund raising goal – The Senior Center Fund Raises for $29,500 each year. ¨ Donate to Friendship Fund – helps those who can’t afford to participant in some activities and outings. ¨ Remember the Senior Center in your planned giving – make the Senior Center a beneficiary of your estate through a will or trust.

Meetings are Open to the Public Director Comments · We welcome Faith Schuck, our new COA member from Pleasant Springs. · Jean Truss’ last day was February 7. We are sad for her to leave, but wish her well. · We hope to complete interviews and offer the new case manager position mid-Feb. · With Kelly now the only long-term case Manager, we have started a 2-week waiting list for case management services to give everyone time for training. · Our three new employees are doing great!


If you have any questions or need more information, please talk to Cindy at 873-8585.

Committees Reports Fund Development is helping with proposals for next year’s budget and proposing ideas for fundraising and planned giving brochures. Public Relations is revising our Marketing Plan and looking at various ways to improve the attractiveness of the Center to the public. Volunteer is updating our Volunteer Handbook and considering new ways to recognize and survey volunteers. Evaluation updated our Evaluation Plan and is working on a fast, simple multi-service survey for respondents to complete. Program is discussing ways to better partner with schools and other organizations; and working on scheduling local field trips.

Next meeting: March 7, 11:00 AM Stoughton Area Senior Center 248 W Main St. Stoughton See the City website for full meeting minutes.


Coffee with Mayor Donna Olson Friday, Mar. 10, 9:30 AM

Find out the latest information about our great city and ask questions you may have.

Please remember to donate for the coffee, water, tea or soda that you drink at the Senior Center. Thank you!

Book Discussion at the Senior Center Wed. March 29, 1:00 PM Read and discuss The Life We Bury by Allen Eskens. Join us for an afternoon of lively discussion with support from the Stoughton Library staff. For questions, please call 873-6281.

S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589 • 873-8585

Monthly Highlights Parkinson’s Group Wed., March 22,1:30 PM Join us for a visit from Dr. Teresa Mangin, Neurologist from UW Health. She specializes in movement disorders with medical interests inParkinson's disease, atypical Parkinsonian conditions, tremors, dystonia, ataxia, Huntington's disease, variants of frontotemporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer's disease and palliative care. Her teaching interests include optimizing symptom management in the context of movement disorders and dementia.

Memory Café In the Spring, Stoughton’s Dementia Friendly Community Coalition has plans to establish a Memory Café -a monthly social gathering for individuals with memory loss, mild cognitive impairment, early Alzheimer’s or other dementias to meet in a relaxed environment to visit, share common interests and enjoy refreshments. Family and friends are encouraged to join. If you would like more information on participating in or volunteering with a local Memory Café please call or email Hollee Camacho at (608) 873-8585 or hcamacho@ci.stoughton.wi.

Area Support Groups Breast Cancer Support

Low Vision Support

For individual support please call Judy at 608-770-7829 at Stoughton Hospital.

3rd Thursday, 1:00 - 2:30 PM Stoughton Area Senior Center Stoughton Room Contact: 873-8585

Crohn’s, Colitis & IBD 3rd Wednesday of the month at 5:30 PM Stoughton Hospital Board Room. For questions call Marilyn at 873-7928

Memory Loss Caregiver Support Group 2nd Thursday, 2:00-3:30 PM Stoughton Area Senior Center Stoughton Room Contact: 873-8585

Multiple Sclerosis Group 2nd Tuesday, 10:00-11:30 AM Stoughton Area Senior Center Mandt Room Contact: 873-8585

Alcoholics Anonymous Stoughton Alano Club 900 Giles Street, Stoughton Contact: (608) 222-8989 .html?dist=20

Diabetes Support Group 2nd Monday, 6 PM in the Stoughton Hospital Board Room. Contact Deb at 608628-6500 for more information

Grandparents/Relatives Raising Their Relative’s Children 2nd Saturday of the month, 10:00 AM—12:00 PM The Rainbow Project Office 831 E. Washington Ave., Madison, WI 53703 Child care available Call: Serena Breining (608-255-7356 Ext.324

Parkinson Group 4th Wednesday, 1:30-3PM Stoughton Area Senior Center Yahara Room in January Contact: 873-8585

Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (855) 359-5252

Grief Support Group 3rd Wednesday, 2:00 PM Stoughton Area Senior Center Mandt Room Contact: 873-8585

S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTE R • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589

• 873-8585


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CenterEvents: Educational/Health Reflexology Thursday, March 2, 1:00-4:30 PM Monday, March 20, 1:00-4:30 PM Heidi Fromi provides this form of massage that applies deep pressure to reflex points on the feet. Prices are $25 for 30 minutes or $45 for 60 minutes. Sign up at the reception desk.

Cornhole/Bean Bags Tuesday, Mar. 7 & 21, 11:00 AM Looking for a very fun and easy game to play, and a simple form of exercise? Come and play a game of bags at the Senior Center. We’ll have it all set up so stop in to play!

Gentle Chair Yoga for Juicy Joints Saturday, March 18, 11AM-12:00 PM Discover how gentle chair yoga can juice up your achy joints in this free community class offered by Stoughton Yoga. A brand new study recently published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society showed an association between chair yoga and a reduction in pain and fatigue, as well as an improvement in gait speed in seniors with Osteoarthritis. Free and open to the public. No registration is necessary and no need for yoga mats. Please join us!

Healing Touch Sessions Monday, March 13 12:00-4:00 PM Amber Maves, HTP-A will offer free energy healing therapy sessions. Sign up at our reception desk! 873-8585

Afraid of falling? Identify and address your falls risk by registering for Stepping On, an evidence based 7-week, 2-hour/class series for older adults with balance concerns or fear of falling. Thursdays, April 27 - June 8, 1:00pm 3:00pm, Stoughton Senior Center located at 248 W. Main St., Stoughton. Led by trained medical professionals, examine medications, home safety, balance, vision and more. Learn simple and fun balance and strength training exercises. With support from Safe Communities, Dane County, and the Stoughton Senior Center, the program builds confidence, reduces falls, and prevents hospital stays. $35 fee includes instruction, guest expert presentations, printed materials, and snacks. To register, contact the Stoughton Senior Center at (608) 8738585. In a study, seniors who completed the Stepping On experienced a 31% reduction in falls. Visit for full class listing.


Massage Therapy Services March 21, 10:00-12:00 AM - Annex Lisa Resch is offering massages services to the Senior Center. Massage will be offered in the annex, the office space next to the Senior Center Building. Sign up is required in advance by calling 873-8585. Massage prices are: $35 for 30 minutes and $65 for 60 minutes. Chair Massage prices are:$1.00 per minute (15 minute minimum)

Zumba Gold There are now two times available to join in a great dance workout! With Jackie Richardson Wed., March 1, 15, 22 & 29, 5:00-5:45 PM $5 per Class ¨ With Jaclyn Wilkinson-NEW Thursdays, March 2-April 6, 3:30-4:15 PM $25 for 6 weeks ¨

ABOUT THE CLASS: Move to the beat at your own speed. This invigorating community-oriented dance-fitness class provides modified, low-impact moves and easy to follow pacing for older adults who love a healthy, active lifestyle.

S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589 • 873-8585

CenterEvents: Arts & Entertainment Friday Movie Friday, Mar. 3, 1:00 PM Sully PG-13 On January 15, 2009, the world witnessed the "Miracle on the Hudson" when Captain "Sully" Sullenberger glided his disabled plane onto the frigid waters of the Hudson River, saving the lives of all 155 aboard.

Classic Movie Friday Friday, Mar. 17, 1:00 PM The Searchers This is a 1956 film directed by John Ford, based on the 1954 novel by Alan Le May, set during the Texas–Indian Wars, and starring John Wayne as a middle-aged Civil War veteran who spends years looking for his abducted niece (Natalie Wood), accompanied by his adoptive nephew (Jeffrey Hunter).

Entertainment Casey & Greg Friday, March 17, 11:00AM-12:00 PM Casey and Greg have been performing Irish music for years. They are known for their vocal harmonies and quality musicianship. Today's program will include classics like Danny Boy and When Irish Eyes are Smiling, along with traditional Irish and Celtic music and original songs performed on guitars, mandolin, harmonica, and tin whistle. If staying for lunch call in your reservation by noon on March 16.

Craft Club: Jewelry Upcycle Tuesday, Mar. 21, 10:00-11:30 AM Bring your imagination as we will have a fresh stash of junk jewelry for you to create something new. Combine elements of different jewelry to make something totally unique. Supplies are provided and there is no cost to attend this class. Sign up by March 17.

Music Appreciation Series Is Back! The programs are open to anyone who loves music and would like to learn more about it. These upcoming 8 sessions will be on Mondays at 3:00 PM at the Center unless noted. The sessions are free, but donations are appreciated. Would like to be on an email list? March 20-at the Stoughton Opera House. Kyle Johnson is a Doctoral Candidate at UW Madison. His presentation will include French 20th Century composer, Olivier Messian's selection "Catalogue of the Birds". He will round out his program with several other piano selections. March 27-TBA Program at the Senior Center April 3-UW Madison Graduate Student Horn Quartet

Travelogue-Ireland Wed., Mar 29, 3:00 PM Ian Wright explores Ireland in this edition of the Travel Channel Series. Wrights’ adventures on the Emerald Isle reveal the country’s culture, stunning natural beauty and fascinating ancient archaeological sites.

Mahjong Anyone? Have you been curious about a popular game called mahjong? Mahjong is a Chinese game of skill, strategy and calculation, similar to rummy and played with tiles. If you’re interested in playing, teaching or learning about mahjong please contact Tricia Nicoll at or 873-8585.

S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589

• 873-8585


CenterEvents HOBBY & CRAFT WEEK Mar.27-30 Join us this week as we recognize local Stoughtonites with some special talents! Handiwork Show & Tell Monday, March 27, 1:00-2:00 PM See beautiful items including crochet, knitting, and quilting. Theora Utke will showcase several seasonal door hangings. Building Wooden Bows Tuesday, March 28, 10:00 AM Our fascination with bow and arrow starts early in life and as children many of us made our own little bows. This presentation will encourage some of you to try your hand or encourage others to build a bow. This will show you the basics of bow building which can become a life-long hobby and challenge. Join Rick Kalvelage and Nick VanDriel as they cover: ¨ Best Bow Woods and Selection ¨ Bow Designs ¨ Moisture Content/Drying ¨ Design and Layout ¨ Tools ¨ Tillering ¨ Bow use, care & storage Sicilian Style Ravioli Wednesday, March 29, 10:00 AM Join Ruby & Joe Cabibbo as they share their holiday tradition with us. You’ll learn how they make their famous ravioli and sample the recipe yourself! Intro to Carving Thursday, March 30, 5:30-7:30 PM Learn the basics of woodcarving from the Capital Area Carvers of Wisconsin. Appropriate for attendees’ age 12 through adult. All supplies provided. Space is limited! To register call 8738585 to reserve your spot as the class will fill up quickly, however walk-ins are welcome. FREE!


Appetite for the Arts Friday, March 3, 12-1PM Join us over the lunch hour for an interesting art lesson from Michael Hecht. He will be discussing Frank Capra, the famous director of “It’s a Wonderful Life”, and other artists. We will be serving Chicken Bruschetta Pasta, a beverage and dessert. The cost for the meal is $6.00 a person and reservations are needed by March 1st if you would like this meal. You are also welcome to bring your own lunch or just drop in and listen to the program.

Bird Feeder Building Sat., March 11, 10:00 AM-Noon Welcome the birds back to Wisconsin by building a bird feeder! The Optimist Club and the Senior Center invite you to bring your grandchildren and family members. If you are interested in participating please register

Color and Conversation Friday, Mar. 24, 10:00-11:00 AM ‘Get creative’, ‘release some stress’, ‘find your inner child’, whatever the reason, come and check out the new coloring group! There is no cost for this activity and no need to bring anything. Coloring pages and colored pencils will be provided for you (or, if you prefer you may bring your own).

FRIENDSHIP FUND FOR ACTIVITIES AT THE SENIOR CENTER If you are in need of financial assistance to participate in activities at the Senior Center, there is a fund available to help you. If you would also like to donate to this fund , we welcome your donations. For more information please contact Cindy at 873-8585.

S TOUGHTON A RE A S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589 • 873-8585

Stoughton Area Senior Center Activities MONDAY Saturday Mornings Opened By Volunteers 9 AM to 11 AM



1 8:00 Chair Stretch Saturday Euchre 9:00 Norwegian March 25 9:15 Rosemaling Doors Open 7 PM 3:00 Ping Pong 5:00 Zumba New Players




2 8:00 Woodcarving 9:00 Computer Help 9:30 Bridge 1:00 Reflexology 1:00 Train Dominoes 1:30 Sheepshead 3:30 Zumba

3 Veterans Assistance 8:00 Chair Stretch 10:00 Chess 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 Ping Pong 12 Arts Talk/Lunch 1:00 Movie 1:00 PD Exercise

6 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Bridge 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 & 1 Tai Chi 1:00 Handiwork 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong

7 9:00 Computer Help 11:00 COA Meeting 11 Bean Bag Toss 12:30 Qi Gong 1:00 Bunco 2:30 Line Dancing 6 Rosemaling

8 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:00 Norwegian 9:15 Rosemaling 1:00 Dime Jingle 3:00 Ping Pong 5:00 Zumba

9 8:00 Woodcarving 9:00 Computer Help 9:30 Bridge 1:00 Train Dominoes 1:30 Sheepshead 2:00 Memory Loss Caregiver Group 3:30 Zumba

10 Shop at Westgate 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Coffee w/ Mayor 11:00 Lunch Bunch 10:00 Chess 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 Ping Pong 1:00 PD Exercise

13 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Bridge 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 & 1 Tai Chi 12-4 Healing Touch 1:00 Handiwork 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong

14 9:00 Computer Help 10 MS Support Grp. 12:30 Qi Gong NO Line Dancing 6 Rosemaling

15 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:00 Norwegian 9:15 Rosemaling 1:00 Bingo 2:00 Grief Support Group 3:00 Ping Pong

16 8:00 Woodcarving 9:00 Computer Help 9:30 Bridge 1:00 Low Vision Grp. 1:00 Train Dominoes 1:30 Sheepshead 3:30 Zumba

17 Veterans Assistance 8:00 Chair Stretch 10:00 Chess 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 Ping Pong 11 Special Irish Music 1:00 Classic Movie 1:00 PD Exercise

20 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Bridge 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 & 1 Tai Chi Foot Care in PM 1:00 Reflexology 1:00 Handiwork 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong Music Apprec @OperaH Attorney Hours in PM

21 9:00 Computer Help 10-12 Massage 10:00 Jewelry Upcycle 11 Bean Bag Toss 12:30 Qi Gong 2:30 Line Dancing 6 Rosemaling

22 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:00 Norwegian 9:15 Rosemaling 1:30 Parkinson Grp. 3:00 Jessica Michna as Laura Ingalls 3:00 Ping Pong 5:00 Zumba

23 8:00 Woodcarving 9:00 Computer Help 9:30 Bridge 1:00 Train Dominoes 1:30 Sheepshead 3:30 Zumba

24 Shop at South Town 8:00 Chair Stretch 10:00 Chess 10:00 Wii Bowl 10:00 Coloring Club 10:30 Ping Pong 1:00 PD Exercise

27 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Bridge 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 & 1 Tai Chi 1:00 Handiwork Show 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong 3:00 Music Apprec. @ Senior Center

28 Foot Care in AM 9:00 Computer Help 10:00 Bow Building 12:30 Qi Gong 1:00 Writing Group 1:00 OTH Bingo 2:30 Line Dancing 6 Rosemaling

29 8 Chair Stretch 9:00 Norwegian 9:15 Rosemaling 10:00 Ravioli Demo 1:00 Book Discussion Group 3:00 Travelogue 3:00 Ping Pong 5:00 Zumba

30 8:00 Woodcarving 9-12 Blood Press. Ck 9:00 Computer Help 9:30 Bridge 1:00 Train Dominoes 1:30 Sheepshead 3:30 Zumba 5:30 Intro to Carving

31 8:00 Chair Stretch 10:00 Chess 10:00 Wii Bowl 10:30 Ping Pong 1:00 PD Exercise

Kitchen Corner Carbohydrates often get a bad rap, especially when it comes to weight gain. But carbohydrates aren't all bad. Because of their numerous health benefits, carbohydrates have a rightful place in your diet. In fact, your body needs carbohydrates to function well. But some carbohydrates may be better for you than others. They help provide energy, protect against disease and help control weight. Carbohydrates are a type of macronutrient found in many foods and beverages. Most carbohydrates are naturally occurring in plant-based foods, such as grains. Food manufacturers also add carbohydrates to processed foods in the form of starch or added sugar. Common sources of naturally occurring carbohydrates include: fruit, milk, vegetables, nuts and grains. There are three main types of carbohydrates: Sugar: Sugar is the simplest form of carbohydrates. Sugar occurs naturally in some foods, including fruits, vegetables, milk and milk products. Sugars include fruit sugar (fructose), table sugar (sucrose) and milk sugar (lactose). Starch: Starch is a complex carbohydrate, meaning it is made of many sugar units bonded together. Starch occurs naturally in vegetables, grains, and cooked dry beans and peas. Fiber: Fiber also is a complex carbohydrate. Fiber occurs naturally in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and cooked dry beans and peas. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories. So, if you get 2,000 calories a day, between 900 and 1,300 calories should be from carbohydrates. That translates to between 225 and 325 grams of carbohydrates a day. For more information on this article go to: http://


Senior Center Nutrition Program: Meals are provided by Dane County through Consolidated Food Services. They are packed, delivered and served by Senior Center staff and volunteers. If you are a vegetarian or have special dietary needs, please talk with staff regarding your meal options. Home Delivered Meals: Meal delivery is available to homebound older adults in the Stoughton Area School District in Dane County every weekday. The Home Delivered Meal menu for the month is on the following page. Nutrition Site: The Senior Center serves lunch every weekday at 12:00 PM. The Nutrition Site offers meals from the menus on p.15. Note the below salad choice available on Thursdays only at the center. Page 2 for transportation info. Cost of Meals: Individuals 60 or older pay by donation. Suggested donation is $4.00. Individuals under the age of 60 must pay the total cost: Site: $10.23 Delivered Meal: $8.54. Please be reminded that, cancellations and/ or reservations should be made by 1:00 PM the previous working day. Any cancellations made on the day of, are still subject to payment to the county. Thank you.

Thursdays Are Salad Day At The Senior Center: · Mar. 2: Garden Salad · Mar. 9: Chicken Ranch · Mar. 16: Chef’s Salad · Mar. 23: Taco Salad · Mar. 30: Italian Salad

S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589 • 873-8585

Stoughton Area Senior Center

MAR. 2017 MENU



Remember to donate for coffee, water, and soda that you drink at the Center.

For all lunch reservations please call 873-8585 by noon the prior day before.

1 Potato Crusted Fish on Bun w/Shredded Lettuce/Tartar Sauce Carrots Pea Salad Fresh Fruit Frosted Cake

VO/Vegetarian Option

V.O: Cheese Sandwich Sub.

6 *Open Face Hot Roast Pork Sandwich/Gravy Mashed Potatoes Garden Blend Fresh Orange Cookie Pkt.

7 *BBQ Pork on W.W. Bun Baked Beans Grape Juice Chocolate Pudding VO-Veggie BBQ

VO: Vegetarian Wrap


8 Baked Chicken Potato Salad Spinach Fresh Apple Enriched Bread/Butter Chocolate Ice Cream VO: Morningstar Veggie Burger on Bun

13 Salisbury Steak in Gravy Mashed Potatoes Broccoli Pear Half Dinner Roll/Butter Key Lime Tart

14 *Scalloped Potatoes W/ Ham Turnip Greens w/Dice Turnips Apricots Half Enriched Bread/Butter Vanilla Ice Cream

15 *Meat Balls in Gravy ½ Baked Potato w/ Butter & Sour Cream Orange Squash Pineapple Tidbits Enriched Bread/Butter Confetti Cake

VO-Veggie Noodle Cass.

VO: Scalloped Potato Casserole

VO-Veggie Meatball

20 Meat Sauce over W.W. Penne Pasta Parmesan Cheese Brussel Sprout Mandarin Oranges Garlic Bread Cookie Pkt.

21 Vegetable Barley Soup Crackers Turkey & Cheese on Croissant, Mayo Pkt. V-8 Juice Fruit Cup Butterscotch Pudding

22 Beef Stew Biscuit/Marg. 4 Bean Salad Fresh Fruit Peach Pie

VO: Veggie Spaghetti Sauce

VO: Cheese on Croissant

27 Chicken Alfredo over W.W. Fettucine Garden Blend Pineapple/Mand. Orange Mix Bread Stick Vanilla Ice Cream

28 Sloppy Joe on Bun Potato Salad Peas & Carrots Tropical Fruit Salad Key Lime Tart

V.O. Veggie Alfredo

V.O: Veggie Sloppy Joe

THURSDAY 2 Beef Stew Biscuit/Marg. Sliced Pear’s Blueberry Pie VO: Vegetarian Stew

FRIDAY 3 Hearty Bean Soup Tuna Salad on W.W Bread w/Lettuce Tomato Juice Fruit Cocktail Chocolate Chip Cookie VO: Egg Salad Sandwich

9 Roast Beef w/Gravy Roasted Diced Potatoes California Blend Sliced Peaches W.W. Bread/Butter Brownies

10 Lemon Baked Fish Rice Pilaf Capri Blend Banana Enriched Bread/Butter Candy Cookie Tartar Sauce

VO: Vegetarian Meatballs in VO: Veggie Cheese Sauce Gravy over Baked Potato

16 Split Pea Soup Ham & Swiss on Rye Tomato Juice Tropical Fruit Salad Chocolate Pudding VO: Cheese Sandwich on Rye

17 Corn Beef Boiled Potatoes/Butter Cabbage/Carrots Cinnamon Sliced Apples Rye Bread/Butter Shamrock Cookie VO: Veggie Patty Lent: Breaded Fish

23 *Meatloaf Mashed Potatoes w/ Gravy Spinach Apple Slices W.W. Bread/Butter Key Lime Tart

24 Breaded Fish w/Tartar Sauce Tossed Greens Tomato Slices & Dressing Fruit Cocktail Choc. Chip Cookie

VO: Vegetarian Wrap

VO: Veggie Chili

29 Chili Crackers Tossed Greens Tomato Slices & Dressing Fruit Cocktail Carnival Cookie

30 *Pork Cutlet w/ Mushroom Gravy Mashed Potato Oriental Blend Veg. Sliced Pears Enriched Bread/Butter Vanilla Pudding

31 Tuna Noodle Casserole Turnip Greens w/Dice Turnips Apricots Half Enriched Bread/Butter Cookie Pkt.

VO: Veggie Chili

V.O: Baked Pot w/Veggie Cheese Sauce

V.O. Noodle Casserole

VO: Vegetarian Stew

S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589

• 873-8585

Yahara Senior News 248 West Main Street Stoughton, WI 53589 608-873-8585 Fax # 608-873-8162 Yahara Senior News is published once a month by the Stoughton Area Senior Center. The Stoughton Area Senior Center, a non-profit agency, coordinates, develops, supports and monitors programs and services for persons over 55 years of age. This newsletter is published for the purpose of educating the older adults and their families. The service area is the City of Stoughton and the Towns of Albion, Dunkirk, Dunn, Pleasant Springs and Rutland. If you wish to have this newsletter mailed to you, the cost is $9.00 per year. Call 873-8585.

Senior Center Staff

Commission On Aging

Cindy McGlynn—Director Hollee Camacho—Assistant Director Open—Case Manager– Stoughton Kelly Janda—Case Manager-Stoughton Marla Janssen—Case Manager Stoughton (M-W) Kim Whitford—Nutrition Coordinator Tricia Nicoll—Volunteer/Program Coordinator Kristin Ott—Receptionist /Office Assistant (M-Th )

All COA Meetings Are Open To Public

Township Case Managers Albion & Dunkirk Judy Hoiberg Cell Number 608-335-6677 Office is at the Stoughton Area Senior Center Pleasant Springs, Rutland and McFarland 838-7117 Lauren Kelly, McFarland Outreach Dunn, Cambridge & Christiana 838-7117 Sara Sprang, McFarland Outreach Appointments can be made for home visits, or at the Stoughton and McFarland Outreach offices.

Bob Barnett—City of Stoughton ....................... 873-5527 Rosalind Gausman—Town of Dunn ............... 835-3077 Lou Havlik—City of Stoughton ......................... 873-4915 Nancy Hoffman—City of Stoughton ................ 219-4325 Dennis Kittleson—City Council Rep ............... 873-6677 Don Mix—City of Stoughton ............................. 873-3637 Mary Onsager—School District Rep ................ 873-3999 Jeanne Schwass-Long—Town of Dunkirk ........ 873-9227 David Sharpe—City of Stoughton ..................... 332-8723 Charlotte Snow—City of Stoughton ................. 205-1281 Faith Schuck—Town of Pleasant Springs………...234-0759 Open Position—Town of Albion. ....................................... Open Position—Town of Rutland .....................................

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