MAY 2017,Vol.34 No.5
Mission Statement We are dedicated to the enrichment of the lives of older adults and their families by providing diverse programs, social services and volunteer opportunities. Age Out Loud! Give aging a new voice—one that reflects what today’s older adults have to say about aging. Shine a light on many important issues and trends that you, as an older adult are interested in and deal with. More than ever before, older Americans are working longer, trying new things, and engaging in their communities. We’re taking charge, striving for wellness, focusing on independence, and advocating for themselves and others. We expect to continue to live our lives to the fullest, and insist on changes that make that possible. What it means to age has changed, and Older Americans Month 2017 is a perfect opportunity to recognize and celebrate what getting older looks like today. Join us here at the Stoughton Area Senior Center and Age Out Loud!
Hello! My name is Erin Bleck and I am the new Full Time Case Manager for the City of Stoughton Senior Center. I received my Bachelor’s degree in 2012 from the University of Wisconsin- Whitewater with a major in Social Work. I completed my Master’s degree in 2013 at Loyola University, majoring in Social Work. My previous experience includes 4 years of case management working with frail older adults, adults with physical disabilities and adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities. I currently reside in Janesville with my husband, two children and our energetic German Shorthaired Pointer. I look forward to meeting and working with you all.
248 W. M AIN S T • S TOUGHTON W ISCONSIN 53589 • 608-873-8585 •
Stoughton Area Senior Center
Case Management
Transportation Options
Stoughton, Towns of Albion & Dunkirk The Case Management program links older adults with services available to help them remain as independent as possible in their own homes and community. Our Senior Center’s case managers are devoted to coordinating, evaluating and advocating for such services to meet each individual’s needs and preferences. See back cover for contact information.
FDS Enterprises City Cab/Lift Equipped Van Contact: 873-7233
Blood Pressure Readings No appointments needed-Last Thursday of the month 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM-Check calendar.
Equipment Loan Closet Equipment such as wheelchairs and walkers may be checked out on a short-term basis to those residing in our case management service area (above). Monetary donations accepted.
Rides to Meal Site & Shopping Transit Solutions Inc./Lift Equipped Van Call 873-8585 to make a reservation: • Stoughton Area Senior Center Meal Site Ride to noon lunch, Monday - Friday. Donation $.50 each way or $1 round trip. • Ride to Pick ’n Save/Walmart in Stoughton Tues.-Fri. 10:30 AM or 11:30 AM; Donation $2 round trip. No one is denied rides to the meal site or grocery store based on ability to pay. • Mall Shopping, 2nd & 4th Fridays $3.00 Trips rotate between various malls in Madison: See Activity Calendar for monthly locations. Time: 9:30 AM home pick up; 1:15 PM return.
Volunteer Ride Programs Contact: Richard Hoffman 873-6112, 9AM-4PM
Foot Care Clinic 3rd Monday, 12:30 - 3:30 PM 4th Tuesday, 8:30 AM -11:30 AM Call 873-8585 for an appointment. Cost $20. For Diabetic Foot Care Appointments: $30 Check Calendar for exact dates.
Nutrition Programs Meals are served at the Center or delivered to homebound individuals every weekday. Please see pages 14 & 15 for these programs’ details.
Elder Law & Local Estate Plans Contact: 608-662-0440, As a service to the community, Attorney Eric Christoffersen will not charge for a meeting at the Senior Center on the 3rd Thursday of the month. If additional work is required you may be offered to retain his law firm for a fee.
Veterans Assistance A Dane County representative is available for appointments here at the Center. Please call (608) 266-4158 to schedule an appointment. 2
RSVP Driver Program Donation-based transportation to medical appointments for seniors 60 years or older. New riders are to call ASAP with qualifying information for approval. Rides based on driver availability; 48-hour advance notice is required. Stoughton United Ministries Affordable Transportation Program Low-income residents of all ages are eligible for free transportation Monday – Friday to various types of appointments in Madison and its nearby suburbs. Anyone whose income is less than 225% of the federal poverty rate is eligible. Also, rides to the City and United Methodist Church Food Pantries are available at no cost. Qualifying individuals are considered based on driver availability. Calls may also be made directly to SUM: 873-3273. Vets Helping Vets Program Volunteer drivers provide medical, job application and support transportation within Dane County for any veterans, including immediate family members regardless of age.
S TOUGHTON A RE A S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589 • 873-8585
On GoingClasses/Groups: Senior Center Please see the Activity Calendar on page 13 for exact dates and times of the following programs. You may call the Senior Center Receptionist at (608) 873-8585 for further information.
Fitness & Wellness Chair Exercise, $2/class Mon. Wed. Fri. 8:00 AM
Reflexology Check Calendar Appts. 1:00 –4 PM $25 /30 Mins. $45/60 Mins.
Healing Touch Mondays –Check the Calendar 12-4 PM, FREE
Tai Chi $7/class, Mon. 10:30 AM Tai Chi – Advanced $10/class. Mon.1:00 PM
Line Dancing Free, Tuesdays, 2:30 PM Check Calendar
Wii Bowling & League Free Mondays & Fridays 10AM
Ping Pong Free Mondays 3:00 PM Doubles: Wednesday 3:00 PM Singles: Friday 10:30 AM
Zumba Gold Wed. 5:00 PM $5.00 per class, Main Level
Chair Massage 3rd Tuesday Appts. 10AM-12PM Chair Mass. $20 for 15 min.
Classes & Skill Development Computer/Tech Help Tues. & Thurs., 9:00 - 11:30 AM or by appointment, morning or afternoon. Come with your computer or tech questions. We have 4 computers, 3 iPads & WiFi. Third Thursday of the month at 3:00 PM. Various Tech Topics will be covered. Check Newsletter for exact topic. Norwegian Language Class Wed., 9:00 - 11:00 AM No registration needed $10/class New students welcome!
Social & Recreation Bridge, Free Mon. & Thurs. 9:00 AM Bunco, $1.00 First Tues. of the month Chess, Free Fri. 10:00 AM Community Bingo, $1 3rd Wed. 1:00 PM McFarland State Bank Cribbage Free Every Monday 1:00 PM Dime Jingle 2nd Wed. 1 PM Euchre 4th Saturday, 7:00 PM Over the Hill Bingo 4th Tues. 1:00PM Bring a “White Elephant” prize
Handiwork, Free Mon.,1:00 PM Bring your current handiwork project & join the conversation.
Ping Pong, Free Monday 3:00 PM Doubles: Wed. 3:00 Singles: Friday. 10:30 AM
Rosemaling Group, Free Wed., 9:15AM
Pool Tables Free/Daily
Wood Carving Thru Madison College Thur., 8:00 - 12:00 PM Wood Shop Free — Daily Must take a safety course to use the shop.
Mornings & Afternoon
Sheepshead, Thurs. 1:30 PM to 4:15 PM Train Dominoes, Free Thursday 1:00 PM
Creative Writing Class Free Last Tues. of month at 1:00 PM
S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589
• 873-8585
News: Case Management Information Age Out LOUD!!! This is the theme for May 2017, Older Americans Month. How can you “Age Out Loud?” By jumping in and trying something new, exploring your own world or the world of those around you! Though it may sound contradictory…Aging Out Loud also means you need to calm the angry moments! This month we are exploring how to relax through the frustrations and challenging times life throws at us.
Blue Zones Living Have you heard of “Blue Zones”? They are regions of the world — five of them— where people live the longest and healthiest lives. Although complex carbs and outdoor living are great affecters, another striking similarity is that the world’s longest-living people choose, or were born into, strong social circles that support healthy behaviors. “Research shows that smoking, obesity, happiness and even loneliness are contagious. No wonder many studies stress the importance of choosing your tribe wisely so you can catch their good moods rather than their bad ones!” (Dan Buettner, Blue Zones)
A Ticklish Situation Aging successfully, is “something like being tickled -- it's best achieved with another person!” (Web MD) Whether your social connections are with a spouse, offspring, siblings, bridge partners, and/or fellow churchgoers, (or senior center friends) they're crucial to good health while growing older. (Vaillant, “The Secrets of Aging Well”) Teresa Seeman, PhD, evaluated adults in their 70s over a seven-year period. She found that those with satisfying social relationships remained more mentally alert over the course of the study, with less age-related mental decline than people who were more isolated. So, by Aging Out Loud – by laughing, talking, sharing and teasing, you are creating a healthier life for 4
yourself. By calming the anger, irritations, and frustrations in daily life, you are opening yourself up to more contentment, more joy… more health. What can you do when frustrations lurk near by?
ABCD Albert Ellis, researcher, advocates for his ABCD method. Easy to try, so consider this the next time you feel the stress bubbling…. ¨ A for Adversity – yep, it is no fun, but it is going to happen. ¨ B is for Beliefs – Check and see if your thoughts are realistic. Are you over-reacting because you are tired, out of sorts? Do you think nothing bad should ever happen? Hmmmm. Check your beliefs! ¨ C is for Consequences – the consequences to adversity are that you are mad at someone or something, frustrated, irritated or feeling blue. These are all affected by, B, your beliefs. Are you ready to change your beliefs, change how you view the situation? If so, you are ready for the D. ¨ D is for Disputing any beliefs you have that are irrational. For example, did you think it would never snow a foot at a time? Did you think nobody would snap at you or give you a “funny” look? Did you truly think that you would never spill a cup of coffee, or lose your keys? Did you really think nobody else has ever experienced your pain…similar challenges to you? Dispute those beliefs, because all of us WILL experience adversity! If you find yourself thinking things “should” be a certain way, or “have to be your way”, or “must happen just so”… well you are having some very human, but irrational thoughts. But you know what?? You can change them, because you are human and can revise the way you think and feel! You can change how you respond to all life’s difficulties, and in that way change the consequences. Age Out Loud, by laughing out loud… and by calming the anger when it starts showing up! Here’s to having a good mood every day!
S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589 • 873-8585
News: Case Management Information Make YOUR Senior Center great! Meet folks who care about and wish to improve the Senior Center by being involved with our accreditation process. The Stoughton Area Senior Center is nationally accredited by the National Institute for Senior Centers (NISC), and is up for renewal every five years. The process involves review of our current standard operating procedures, compared with established criteria for accreditation. Using this framework, community volunteers help staff develop an action plan for the next five years. Training is provided. Diverse people, including those who are new to the Center are encouraged to help. Team meetings are scheduled every 3-4 weeks at the convenience of members. Interested individuals may contact Cindy McGlynn at (608) 873-8585.
Please see our Stoughton Area Guide for Senior Services available at the Senior Center or on our website at, for a more complete list of the following services: Food Pantry • Medical • Housing Financial • Mental Health Home Health • Respite Fitness/Wellness • Care Facilities For further assistance, please call the Senior Center (608) 873-8585
Case Managers schedules do vary at the Stoughton Area Senior Center. Please call ahead to schedule appointments, 873-8585.
Medications can be a lifeline to good health…or a disaster waiting to happen. When doses are skipped, or too much medication is taken, the results can be deadly. Medication problems are widespread. According to the Department of Health and Human Services: 55 percent of the elderly are "non-compliant" with their prescription drugs orders, meaning they don't take the medication according to the doctor's orders. Is this you? Approximately 200,000 older adults are hospitalized annually due to adverse drug reactions. There are many reasons why seniors don't take their medications as prescribed. Here are some common causes of medication mistakes, and what to do about them. èVision Problems Solution: Ask for Large Print. èMemory Loss Solution: Use a Pill Organizer. Ask your pharmacist for help in selecting the right one for you. èIncome issues Solutions: Use Generics. Find financial assistance for prescription medication. Research Prescription Assistance Programs, or ask a Senior Center Case Manager for resource assistance. Also, ask your pharmacy about discount programs that are available. Go to the drug manufacturer's website, to see if discount programs are available. And look for low-cost prescription savings plans. èAn extra hint! Talk to your doctor regularly about all the medications you are on to be sure they are meds you should still be taking! Whatever you do, let your doctor and pharmacist know if you are not taking your medications exactly as they have explained you should! This is another way in which you can age well! Adapted from
S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589
• 873-8585
News: COA & Community Information Commission on Aging Meeting Highlights for April 4, 2017 Meetings are Open to the Public
HELP NEEDED Kitchen/Packaging Meals on Wheels Approx. 3 hour time commitment For more information call Kim at 873-8585
Director Comments: · We are now fully staffed! We welcome Erin Bleck our new Case Manager. · New tables/chairs ordered for Mandt Rm. Demo of new A/V media coming soon. · Senior Center staff are now officially Dementia Friendly! Memory Café –May 2! · We can use help with volunteers in many areas: kitchen, reception, meal delivery and Friendly Visitors
Committees Reports: Evaluation: survey now online Public Relations updating Friendly Visitor brochure; reviewed Annual Report Fund Development working on fundraising ideas, a brochure, and 2018 budget request Volunteer reviewing volunteer survey results; updating Volunteer Handbook Program prioritizing action plans, organizing some local field trips
Next meeting: May 2, 11:00 AM Stoughton Area Senior Center 248 W Main St. Stoughton See the City website for full meeting minutes.
Summer Walking Group Join us this summer at the Senior Center from June 1st – August 31st as we simulate a ‘walk’ throughout Wisconsin with the goal of seeing as many lighthouses as we can. Did you know that Wisconsin has over 40 lighthouses located throughout the state? Using a Wisconsin map and compiling our group’s summer walking miles, we will map our progress and view the numerous lighthouses (through pictures/information at the Senior Center) as we ‘walk’ along. We are asking that anyone that is interested sign up with Tricia Nicoll or at the reception desk by May 15th. You will be given information towards the end of May regarding turning in your weekly walking mileage totals. This is a team effort, so every mile helps get us closer to our goal of 600 miles by the end of summer! If you enjoy walking with others to achieve your personal walking goals, please indicate when you sign up as we can help facilitate walking partners and local routes. We will celebrate in September with a party and lighthouse program. So let’s start walking!
Book Discussion at the Senior Center Coffee with Mayor Donna Olson Friday, May 12, 9:30 AM
Find out the latest information about our great city and ask questions you may have. 6
Wed. May 24, 1:00 PM Read and discuss The Girls by Emma Cline. Join us for an afternoon of lively discussion with support from the Stoughton Library staff. For questions, please call 873-6281.
S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589 • 873-8585
Monthly Highlights Stoughton’s 1st Memory Café! Tues., May 2, 9:30-11:30AM Stoughton Library, Carnegie Room
A Memory Café is a monthly social gathering for individuals with memory loss, mild cognitive impairment, early Alzheimer’s or other dementias to meet in a relaxed environment to visit, share common interests and enjoy refreshments. Family and friends are encouraged to join. For more information please call Hollee Camacho at (608) 873-8585.
Parkinson’s Group Wed., May 24, 1:30 PM Join us for a visit from Cheryl Zautcke from Medigap, a state agency which provides advocacy and counseling to Medicare beneficiaries. She’ll explain Medicare and the options that surround Medicare including supplements, Medicare Advantage plans, Rx coverages, etc. which people may encounter when they begin Medicare. The information can be overwhelming, but you will come away with a better understanding of the options along with where to get help. Call Hollee 8738585 if you’d like to attend.
Area Support Groups Breast Cancer Support
Low Vision Support
For individual support please call Judy at 608-770-7829 at Stoughton Hospital.
3rd Thursday, 1:00 - 2:30 PM Stoughton Area Senior Center Stoughton Room Contact: 873-8585
Crohn’s, Colitis & IBD 3rd Wednesday of the month at 5:30 PM Stoughton Hospital Board Room. For questions call Marilyn at 873-7928
Memory Loss Caregiver Support Group 2nd Thursday, 2:00-3:30 PM Stoughton Area Senior Center Stoughton Room Contact: 873-8585
Diabetes Support Group 2nd Monday, 6 PM in the Stoughton Hospital Board Room. Contact Deb at 608628-6500 for more information
Grandparents/Relatives Raising Their Relative’s Children 2nd Saturday of the month, 10:00 AM—12:00 PM The Rainbow Project Office 831 E. Washington Ave., Madison, WI 53703 Child care available Call: Serena Breining (608-255-7356 Ext.324
Multiple Sclerosis Group 2nd Tuesday, 10:00-11:30 AM Stoughton Area Senior Center Mandt Room Contact: 873-8585
Alcoholics Anonymous Stoughton Alano Club 900 Giles Street, Stoughton Contact: (608) 222-8989 .html?dist=20
Parkinson Group 4th Wednesday, 1:30-3PM Stoughton Area Senior Center Yahara Room in January Contact: 873-8585
Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (855) 359-5252
Grief Support Group 3rd Wednesday, 2:00 PM Stoughton Area Senior Center Mandt Room Contact: 873-8585
S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTE R • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589
• 873-8585
Adriana Jaramillo DDS For A Lifetime of Dental Health
(608) 873.6464 1200 Nygaard Street, Suite 101 Stoughton, WI 53589
RHD Plumbing Inc.
873-8903 MP# 7172
McCARTHY NURSING HOME “Serving the Developmentally Disabled for Over Thirty Years”
Peter VanDoren to place an ad today! or (800) 950-9952 x2572
124 S. Monroe 873-7462
Beautiful and Spacious 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments Available for those age 55+
Amenities: Free Heat, Storage, Parking, A/C & Dishwasher Included, Same Floor Laundry, Pets Welcome - Some Restrictions Apply Community Room and Resident Activities
• Are you eligible for Medicare and Medicaid?
4809 Dale Street, McFarland, WI 53558 • One Bedroom $760.00, Two Bedroom $885.00 Income restrictions may apply. Professionally managed by Oakbrook Corporation
• Do you live in Dane County? • You may be eligible for Care Wisconsin Medicare Dual Advantage.
Thomas M. Fendrick, Financial Advisor 1609 Hwy 51/138, Ste. 102 Stoughton, WI 53589 Bus. 608-873-8502 TF Fax 877-222-4313 TF. 888-873-8550
For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •
Stoughton Area Senior Center, Stoughton, WI.
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Park Vernon Apartments Elderly (62 years or Better) and Disabled Affordable Housing Pay only 30% of your income when rent-assistance is available
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873-7855 This institution is an equal provider & employer
Caryl J. Shortridge Attorney at Law Lisa Fernan • 873-8456 Phillip Knutson • 873-5289 Jessica Knutson • 873-7131
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SERVICE & REPAIR 608-873-8800
1324 Hwy. 51-138
JONATHAN M. HAJNY ATTORNEY AT LAW Ph: 608/877-4081 FAX: (608) 205-6458 221 Kings Lynn Road Stoughton, WI 53589
Great Waterfront Dining Serving Lunch & Dinner Open Weds-Sat 11am
Nightly Specials 3097 Sunnyside St. (608) 205-9300
For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •
24-Hour Personalized Care Individualized Therapy Services 4502 Milwaukee 450 ee St Madison, WI
608-249-2137 608 137 Visit us at:
Wide variety of Home Health Equipment and Lift Chairs
Stoughton Area Senior Center, Stoughton, WI.
Free Delivery
B 4C 01-1133
CenterEvents: Educational/Health Cornhole/Bean Bags Tuesday, May 2 & 16 11:00 AM Looking for a very fun and easy game to play, and a simple form of exercise? Come and play a game of bags at the Senior Center next to the river. We’ll have it all set up, so stop in to play!
Reflexology Thursday, May 4, 1-4:30 PM Monday, May 15, 1-4:30 PM Prices are $25 for 30 minutes or $45 for 60 minutes. Sign up at the reception desk.
Healing Touch Sessions Monday, May 8 & 22 12:00-4:00 PM Amber Maves, HTP-A will offer free energy healing therapy sessions. Sign up at 873-8585.
What You Should Know About Age Related Eye Diseases Wed, May 10 3:00-4:00 PM Dr. Skjolaas and Dr. Lindell will discuss various eye disease such as Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, Cataracts, Dry Eye and Diabetic Eye Disease. Attendees will leave knowing what to expect and when to seek professional care to help safeguard their vision. Practical daily living solutions and low vision treatment options will be covered for those dealing with vision loss.
Chair Massage Therapy Services Tuesday, May 16, 10:00-12:00 AM Lisa Resch is offering massages in the office space right next to the Senior Center Building. Sign up is required 873-8585. Massage prices are: $20 for first 15 minutes then $1 per minute. Sign up early –spaces fill quickly.
Games Worth Playing Get ready! It’s coming! The Wisconsin Senior Games offers competitive events for seniors fifty and older. From June 3-17, events are held in Madison and the surrounding area. We will be hosting the Euchre event on June 6. Registration deadline is May 19th For details and registration see:
Zumba Wednesdays, May 3-31 at 5:00 PM (No class May 10th) Cost-$5.00 (drop-in anytime) Jackie Robinson is the instructor. Zumba is for all ages and fitness levels. She uses a wide variety of music. She also modifies steps for all levels. Exercise, move and have fun!
Color and Conversation Friday, May 26, 10:00-11:00 AM ‘Get creative’, ‘release some stress’, ‘find your inner child’, whatever the reason come and check out the new coloring group! Enjoy some time to relax and visit with others. Free and coloring pages and colored pencils will be provided for you (or, if you prefer you may bring your own).
QiGong – New 6 Week Class Tuesday, June 6, 13, 20 & 27, July 11 & 18, 12:30 PM Jo Chern, MA, ACE-CPT is back for a 6 week class. Please sign up by May 14th. Cost is $36. QiGong is moving meditation based in Traditional Chinese theories energy Qi (chee) that is within each of us. Working with breathing, posture and gentle movements called “flows,” QiGong lets each person tap into the body’s potential for physical and mental health.
S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589 • 873-8585
CenterEvents: Arts & Entertainment Friday Movie Friday, May 5, 1:00 PM Hidden Figures PG-13 Three brilliant African-American women at NASA serve as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit, a stunning achievement that restored the nation's confidence, turned around the Space Race and galvanized the world.
Classic Movie Friday May 19, 1:00 PM A Street Car Named Desire Based on the play by Tennessee Williams, this drama follows troubled former schoolteacher Blanche DuBois as she leaves small-town Mississippi and moves in with her sister, Stella Kowalski and her husband, Stanley in New Orleans.
Music Appreciation Series These programs are open to anyone who loves music and would like to learn more about it. These upcoming sessions will be on Mondays at 3:00 PM. The sessions are free, but donations are very much appreciated. ¨ May 1 at the Stoughton Opera House The Forward Theatre Company from Madison presents a program of Broadway tunes; including selections from" Fiddler on The Roof." ¨ May 8 at the Stoughton Opera House The Ancora String Quartet shares their unique talents.
Entertainment – Catfish River Revue Friday, May 26, 1:00 PM
Welcome back one of our favorite local entertainers, and enjoy classic County and Bluegrass music. Come early to grab a seat!
Entertainment: Patsy Cline Tuesday, May 9, 1:00 PM Welcome back Karen Wickham, as Patsy Cline. She won her first award in 1986 while singing for a local chapter of the Jaycee's. People say her songs bring back many happy memories and emotions for them! Come on out to the show, grab your seat, you won’t regret it!
Travelogue Wednesday, May 24 3:00 PM Rudy Maxa’s beautiful video journey to Russia and Estonia. The city of St. Petersburg, the Hermitage art museum, the czars’ Winter Palace, and the city of Tallinn are some of the locations.
Stoughton Center for the Performing Arts Tour Tuesday, May 16, Tour begins at 1:00 PM Coleen Kehl will provide a tour of the Stoughton Center for the Performing Arts that will include the dance/drama rooms, offices and Boutique. They are located at 2320 Jackson Street, Coleen Kehl is the Executive and Artistic Director of Stoughton Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. and Stage Works Projects, Inc. The Kehl Family has the oldest dance studio in the country, having trained dancers since 1880.
S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589
• 873-8585
CenterEvents Birding Presentation Wednesday, May 3 1:30 PM Have you noticed the increasing chatter in town? Each year spring brings a renaissance of life. With the warmer weather, longer days, and budding flowers comes a range of colorful feathers and beautiful songs. It's hard to stay composed when so many new, beautiful birds are passing through our region! The Madison Audubon Society will be stopping in to the Stoughton Area Senior Center to introduce birding, discuss and explain migration, and share the numerous species of birds we see in the South Central Wisconsin region at this time of year.
Lunch Bunch at Toby’s Friday, May 12, 11:00 AM Get out and meet new friends or come with a friend to Toby’s in McFarland. Call the Center to register 873-8585. New members welcome.
Craft Club: Glass Crafts Tuesday, May 16 10:00-11:30 AM Take a plain glass vase or picture frame and change it into something better! Join the Stoughton Library as we try out glass painting or DIY chalk painting. Materials provided, sign up at the Senior Center.
Learning about Computer Tablets Thursday, May 18, 3:00 PM Introduction to tablets for beginners and experienced tablet owners. We'll talk about uses and features of iPad, iPod Touch, Android, Chromebook, and other tablets. The presentation will address the differences and similarities of tablets with phones and laptops. Feel free to bring your own tablet. No prior experience with a particular tablet is needed.
UW Speakers Bureau Presentation The Problem of Plant Blindness: Why Public Gardens Matter
Over 90 Luncheon Wednesday, May 24, 11:00 AM-1:00 PM Join us in celebrating your life longevity at our annual Over 90 Luncheon. Enjoy outstanding music from Shari Sarazin between 11:00 AM-Noon. Complimentary lunch for the honorees. Cost for others $5.00. Open to all. Make your reservations by noon, May 22nd 873-8585.
Tuesday, May 23, 1:00-2:30 PM We welcome Benjamin Futa, the Director of the Allen Centennial Garden at UW-Madison. He will explore the condition known as "plant blindness" and discover how public gardens throughout North America and beyond are connecting their audiences to plants in new and innovative ways.
WANTED: If you have used or old greeting cards that you’d like to get rid of, consider dropping them off at the Center. Thank you.
S TOUGHTON A RE A S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589 • 873-8585
Stoughton Area Senior Center Activities WEDNESDAY
MAY 2017
1 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Bridge 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 & 1 Tai Chi 1:00 Handiwork 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong 3:00 Music Apprec.
2 9:00 Computer Help 11:00 COA Meeting 11 Bean Bag Toss 1:00 Bunco 2:30 Line Dancing
3 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:00 Norwegian 9:15 Rosemaling 1:30 Birding Presentation 3:00 Ping Pong 5:00 Zumba
4 8:00 Woodcarving 9:00 Computer Help 9:00 Bridge 1:00 Stepping On 1:00 Reflexology 1:00 Train Dominoes 1:30 Sheepshead
5 Veterans Assistance 8:00 Chair Stretch 10:00 Chess 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 Ping Pong 1:00 Movie 1:00 PD Exercise
8 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Bridge 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 & 1 Tai Chi 12-4 Healing Touch 1:00 Handiwork 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong 3:00 Music Apprec.
9 9:00 Computer Help 10 MS Support Grp. 1:00 Music with Karen W. as Patsy Cline 2:30 Line Dancing
10 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:00 Norwegian 9:15 Rosemaling 1:00 Dime Jingle 3:00 Ping Pong 3:00 Eye Disease Presentation
11 8:00 Woodcarving 9:00 Computer Help 9:00 Bridge 1:00 Stepping On 1:00 Train Dominoes 1:30 Sheepshead 2:00 Memory Loss Caregiver Group
12 Shop-East Town 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Coffee w/ Mayor 11:00 Lunch Bunch 10:00 Chess 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 Ping Pong 1:00 PD Exercise
15 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Bridge 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 & 1 Tai Chi Foot Care in PM 1:00 Reflexology 1:00 Handiwork 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong
16 9:00 Computer Help 10 Chair Massage 10:00 Craft Club 11 Bean Bag Toss 1:00 Tour of Stoughton Center for Performing Arts 2:30 Line Dancing
17 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:00 Norwegian 9:15 Rosemaling 1:00 Bingo 2:00 Grief Support Group 3:00 Ping Pong 5:00 Zumba
18 8 Woodcarving 9:00 Computer Help 9:00 Bridge 1:00 Stepping On 1:00 Low Vision Grp 1:00 Train Dominoes 1:30 Sheepshead 3:00 Computer Tablet Presentation Attorney Hours in PM
19 Veterans Assistance 8:00 Chair Stretch 10:00 Chess 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 Ping Pong 1:00 Classic Movie 1:00 PD Exercise
22 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Bridge 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 & 1 Tai Chi 12:00 Healing Touch 1:00 Handiwork 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong
23 Foot Care in AM 9:00 Computer Help 1:00 OTHill Bingo 1:00 UW Public Garden Presentation 2:30 Line Dancing
24 8 Chair Stretch 9:00 Norwegian 9:15 Rosemaling 11 Over 90 Lunch 1:00 Book Disc. Grp 1:30 Parkinson Grp 3:00 Ping Pong 3:00 Travelogue 5:00 Zumba
25 8:00 Woodcarving 9-12 Blood Press. Ck 9:00 Computer Help 9:00 Bridge 1:00 Stepping On 1:00 Train Dominoes 1:30 Sheepshead
26 Shop at Hilldale 8:00 Chair Stretch 10:00 Chess 10:00 Coloring Club 10:00 Wii Bowl 10:30 Ping Pong 1 Catfish River Revue 1:00 PD Exercise
29 Staff Holiday Memorial Day
30 9:00 Computer Help 1:00 Writing Group 2:30 Line Dancing
31 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:00 Norwegian 9:15 Rosemaling 3:00 Ping Pong 5:00 Zumba
Saturday Euchre May 27 Doors Open 6:30 PM
Saturday Mornings Opened By New Players Welcome! Volunteers 9 AM to 11 AM
Kitchen Corner May is National Strawberry Month Strawberries are low in sugar and calories and provide a unique combination of essential nutrients, and dietary fiber. Clinical research suggests that eating just a serving of eight strawberries a day may improve heart health, help manage diabetes, support brain health, and reduce the risk of some cancers. One serving of eight strawberries has more Vit. C than an orange and is packed with beneficial antioxidants and nutrients including potassium, folate and fiber. With year-round availability, strawberries are a healthy and versatile fruit to enjoy every day. Brush up on your berry facts with this quiz: 1. How many seeds are on the average strawberry? 2. Are strawberries harvested by machine or hand? 3. True or False strawberries are the only fruit with seeds on the outside? 4. What percent of the USRDA for Vitamin C does one serving of strawberries contain? 5. Do Strawberries ripen after picking? 6. How Many U.S. States have a town named Strawberry? 7. How many pounds of strawberries can be picked in California in one week during peak production? 8. How many tons of strawberries can an average acre of California farmland produce? 9. Are strawberries annual or perennial plants? 10. What percentage of the strawberries produced in the U.S. are grown in California? Answers: (1) 200 (2) By hand (3) True (4) 160% for one serving of 8 medium strawberries (5.) No (6) 3- Arkansas, Arizona & California (7) 40 million pounds (8) 21-27 tons (9) they are perennials, but are often planed annually (10) 83% References and the California strawberry commission.
Thursdays Are Salad Day At The Senior Center: · · · ·
May 4: Garden Salad May 11: Chicken Ranch May 18: Chef’s Salad May 25: Taco Salad
The Thursday salad option is now available for the home delivered meals. If you would like to receive a hearty salad on Thursdays (see above for options) call the senior center by 1:00 PM on the Wednesday before. The home delivered meals can also receive a vegetarian option any day of the week. (See menu for options) This request will have to be called in by 1:00 PM on the day before you would like to receive the vegetarian option. 873-8585
Senior Center Nutrition Program: Meals are provided by Dane County through Consolidated Food Services. They are packed, delivered and served by Senior Center staff and volunteers. If you are a vegetarian or have special dietary needs, please talk with staff regarding your meal options. Home Delivered Meals: Meal delivery is available to homebound older adults in the Stoughton Area School District in Dane County every weekday. The Home Delivered Meal menu for the month is on the following page. Nutrition Site: The Senior Center serves lunch every weekday at 12:00 PM. The Nutrition Site offers meals from the menus on p.15. Note the below salad choice available on Thursdays only at the center. Page 2 for transportation info. Cost of Meals: Individuals 60 or older pay by donation. Suggested donation is $4.00. Individuals under the age of 60 must pay the total cost: Site: $10.23 Delivered Meal: $8.54. Please be reminded that, cancellations and/ or reservations should be made by 1:00 PM the previous working day. Any cancellations made on the day of, are still subject to payment to the county. Thank you.
S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589 • 873-8585
Stoughton Area Senior Center
All meals provided by: DANE COUNTY CONSOLIDATED FOOD SERVICES MONDAY 1 Meat Sauce over Spaghetti Noodles Peas Banana Garlic Bread Stick Parmesan Packet Oatmeal Cookie
TUESDAY 2 Shrimp Pasta Salad German Cucumbers Apricots Half W.W. Bread/Marg Strawberry Ice Cream VO-Pasta Salad w/ Cheese
VO- Soy Meat Sauce
WEDNESDAY 3 Swiss Steak Rice Mixed Greens w/ Tomato Slices & Dressing Fresh Fruit Mix W.W. Bread/Marg. Jello Cake
4 Chicken Macaroni Salad Four Bean Salad Fresh Orange W.W. Roll/Marg. Lemon Dessert
5 Chicken Enchilada Casserole Black Beans Banana Corn Bread Coconut Cream Pie
VO- Pasta Salad w/ Cheese
VO- Veggie Enchilada
11American Chop Suey Rice Oriental Mix W.W. Bread/Marg. Strawberry Shortcake w/Topping
12 Cheeseburger on W. W. Bun w/Leaf Lettuce & Tomato Slice Pea Salad Mandarin Oranges Ketchup/Mustard Ice Cream Treat
VO- Swiss Soy Mix over Rice
8 Au Gratin Potatoes w/Diced Ham Mixed Vegetables Fresh Fruit** Rye Bread/Marg. Choc. Ice Cream VO- Au Gratin w/Soy Meat
15 Chicken Cacciatore Egg Noodles Brussel Sprouts Diced Peaches Multi Grain Bread Marg. Sherbet VO- Soy Meat Sauce
9 Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich w/ Peppers and Onions Carrots Banana Peach Pie VO- Vegetarian Wrap
10 Breaded Fish Baked Potatoes w/Sour Cream/Marg. Spinach Jell-O w/Fruit Cocktail MG Bread/Marg Tartar Sauce
VO- Soy Chop Suey
VO- Baked Potato w/ Veggie Cheese Sauce
16 Meatloaf Mashed Potatoes Gravy Tossed Greens w/ Tomato Slices & Dressing Pear Slices W.W. Bread/Marg Brownie
17 Baked Cod Boiled Potatoes Norwegian Dilled Cucumber Salad Dinner Roll/Butter Strawberry/Rhubarb Pie VO- Veggie Cheese over Potatoes
VO- Egg Salad Sandwich
18 Beef Burrito Bake w/ Black Beans & Rice Corn Fresh Fruit Cookie Packet
19 Sloppy Joe on Bun Broccoli Coleslaw Fruit Cup Chocolate Ice Cream
VO- Veggie Burrito Bake VO- Vegetarian Sloppy Joe
VO- Veggie Patty
22 Baked Fish/Tartar Sauce Red Potatoes California Blend Mandarin Oranges W.G. Bread/Marg. Apple Pie
23 BBQ Chicken Potato Salad Carrots Apple Juice W.W. Bread/Marg. Cherry Crisp VO- Vegetarian Wrap
VO- Veggie Cheese on Red Potatoes
29 Staff Holiday
30 Baked Fish/Tartar Sauce Red Beans & Rice Green Beans Pineapple W.W. Bread/Marg. Jello w/Topping VO- Red Beans and Rice
24 Stuffed Green Pepper Soup/Crackers Turkey & Cheese on Rye w/Mayo Pkt. Lettuce/Tomato Sl. Fresh Fruit Choc. Chip Cookie
25 Ham Slice Yams Collard Greens Banana Multi Grain Bread Marg. Butterscotch Pudding
VO- Vegetarian Soup, Cheese Sandwich
VO- Veggie Meatballs
31 Meat Sauce W.W Spaghetti Noodles Parmesan Pkt Mixed Greens w/ Tomato Slices & Dressing Pear Slices Garlic Bread Stick Chocolate Pudding VO- Soy Meat Sauce
For All Lunch Reservations Please Call 873-8585 by Noon The Prior Day Before VO/Vegetarian Option
S TOUGHTON A REA S ENIOR C ENTER • 248 W. Main St., Stoughton WI 53589
26 Hamburger on Bun Lettuce/Onion BBQ Beans Pineapple Ketchup/Mustard Blueberry Pie VO- Veggie Patty
Vegetarian Meals and Thursday Salads Are Now Available for Home Delivered Meals • 873-8585
Yahara Senior News 248 West Main Street Stoughton, WI 53589 608-873-8585 Fax # 608-873-8162 Yahara Senior News is published once a month by the Stoughton Area Senior Center. The Stoughton Area Senior Center, a non-profit agency, coordinates, develops, supports and monitors programs and services for persons over 55 years of age. This newsletter is published for the purpose of educating the older adults and their families. The service area is the City of Stoughton and the Towns of Albion, Dunkirk, Dunn, Pleasant Springs and Rutland. If you wish to have this newsletter mailed to you, the cost is $9.00 per year. Call 873-8585.
Senior Center Staff
Commission On Aging
Cindy McGlynn—Director Hollee Camacho—Assistant Director Kelly Janda—Case Manager-Stoughton Erin Bleck—Case Manager-Stoughton Marla Janssen—Case Manager Stoughton (M-W) Kim Whitford—Nutrition Coordinator Tricia Nicoll—Volunteer/Program Coordinator Kristin Ott—Receptionist /Office Assistant (M-Th )
All COA Meetings Are Open To Public
Township Case Managers Albion & Dunkirk Judy Hoiberg (M and F) Cell Number 608-335-6677 Office is at the Stoughton Area Senior Center Pleasant Springs, Rutland and McFarland 838-7117 Lauren Kelly, McFarland Outreach Dunn, Cambridge & Christiana 838-7117 Sara Sprang, McFarland Outreach Appointments can be made for home visits, or at the Stoughton and McFarland Outreach offices.
Bob Barnett—City of Stoughton ...................... 873-5527 Rosalind Gausman—Town of Dunn ............... 835-3077 Lou Havlik—City of Stoughton ..........................873-4915 Nancy Hoffman—City of Stoughton ................ 219-4325 Dennis Kittleson—City Council Rep................873-6677 Don Mix—City of Stoughton ..............................873-3637 Mary Onsager—School District Rep ................ 873-3999 Jeanne Schwass-Long—Town of Dunkirk ........ 873-9227 David Sharpe—City of Stoughton .................... 332-8723 Charlotte Snow—City of Stoughton................. 205-1281 Faith Schuck—Town of Pleasant Springs………...234-0759 Sue Wollin—Town of Rutland……………………....455-4374 Open Position—Town of Albion. .......................................