7 2018 sasc newsletter ads

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JULY 2018,Vol.35 No.7 WELCOME TO CHARLENE MALUEG Volunteer and Program Coordinator Meet and Greet Charlene Thursday, July 12 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Staff Holiday Wed. July 4th Senior Center Open by Volunteers


Charlene grew up in Antigo, Wisconsin and is the youngest of six (3 sisters/2 brothers). After high school she joined the US Marines and served for four years. After discharge, she used her office training to work as an executive assistant in several different capacities– most recently with the Wisconsin Department of Tourism. Over the years, Charlene gained experience in volunteer and project management, donor development, and fundraising. She is currently completing her degree in Human Services at Madison College. She lives in Stoughton with her husband Mike, daughter Kayla, who is a UW-Stevens Point graduate, son Jonathan, who is a student at UW-Eau Claire, and family dog Vegas. Charlene’s favorite quote: “Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people.” Roy T. Bennett. Come out and meet Charlene, our Stoughton Area Senior Center Volunteer and Program Coordinator.

Our Mission: We are dedicated to the enrichment of the lives of older adults and their

families by providing diverse programs, social services and volunteer opportunities.

248 W. Main Street, Stoughton WI • (608) 873-8585 • www.cityofstoughton.com/senior


Stoughton Area Senior Center

Case Management Service Area

Transportation Options

Stoughton, Towns of Albion & Dunkirk The Case Management program links older adults with services available to help them remain as independent as possible in their own homes and community. Our Senior Center’s case managers are devoted to coordinating, evaluating and advocating for such services to meet each individual’s needs and preferences. See back cover for contact information.

Running Inc. City Cab/Lift Equipped Van Contact: 873-7233

Blood Pressure Readings Check calendar for times, 2nd Wednesday and the last Thursday of the month at the center.

Equipment Loan Closet Equipment such as wheelchairs and walkers may be checked out on a short-term basis to those residing in our case management service area. Minimal monetary donations accepted.

Foot Care Clinic 3rd Monday, 12:30 to 3:30 PM 4th Tuesday, 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM Call 873-8585 for an appointment. Cost $20. For Diabetic Foot Care Appointments: $20 Check Calendar for exact dates.

Nutrition Programs Meals are served at the Center or delivered to homebound individuals every weekday. Please see pages 14 & 15 for these programs’ details.

Elder Law & Local Estate Plans Contact: 608-662-0440, edc@dfgrams.com As a service to the community, Attorney Eric Christoffersen will not charge for a meeting at the Senior Center on the 3rd Thursday of the month. If additional work is required you may be offered to retain his law firm for a fee.

Veterans Assistance A Dane County representative is available for appointments 1st & 3rd Fridays. Call (608) 2664158 to schedule an appointment at our Center.


Rides to Meal Site & Shopping Transit Solutions Inc./Lift Equipped Van Call 873-8585 to make a reservation: • Stoughton Area Senior Center Meal Site Ride to noon lunch, Monday - Friday. Donation $.50 each way or $1 round trip. • Ride to local stores in town and Farm Market. Mon.-Fri. 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM; Donation $1 round trip. No one is denied rides to the meal site or grocery store based on ability to pay. • Mall Shopping, Fridays: $3.00 Trips rotate between various malls in Madison: See Activity Calendar for monthly locations. Time: 9:30 AM home pick up; 1:15 PM return.

Volunteer Ride Programs Contact: Richard Hoffman 873-6112, 9AM-4PM

RSVP Driver Program Donation-based transportation to medical appointments for seniors 60 years or older. New riders are to call ASAP with qualifying information for approval. Rides based on driver availability; 48-hour advance notice is required. Stoughton United Ministries Affordable Transportation Program Low-income residents of all ages are eligible for free transportation Monday – Friday to various types of appointments in Madison and its nearby suburbs. Anyone whose income is less than 225% of the federal poverty rate is eligible. Also, rides to the City and United Methodist Church Food Pantries are available at no cost. Qualifying individuals are considered based on driver availability. Calls may also be made directly to SUM: 873-3273. Vets Helping Vets Program Volunteer drivers provide medical, job application and support transportation within Dane County for any veterans, including immediate family members regardless of age.

SASC • 248 W. M ain S treet, S toughton WI 53589 • 8 7 3- 8585

On GoingClasses/Groups: Senior Center Please see the Activity Calendar on page 13 for exact dates and times of the following programs. You may call the Senior Center Receptionist at (608) 873-8585 for further information.

Fitness & Wellness Chair Exercise, $2/class Mon. Wed. Fri. 8:00 AM

Chair Massage-In Annex 3rd Tuesday Appts. 10AM-12PM Chair Mass. $20 for 15 min. Line Dancing Free ,Tuesdays, 2:30 PM Ping Pong Free Mondays 3:00 PM Wednesday 3:00 PM Friday 10:30 AM

Reflexology Check Calendar Appts. 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM $25 /30 Mins. $45/60 Mins. Qi Gong Mondays and Thursdays 9:30 AM-10:30 AM Tai Chi $7/class, Mon. 10:30 AM Tai Chi Advanced $10/class. Mon.1:00 PM Wii Bowling & League Free Mondays & Fridays 10AM 2nd Fri.10:30AM

Classes & Skill Development Computer/Tech Help, Tues. & Thurs., 9:00 - 11:30 AM or by appointment. Come with your technology questions. We have 4 computers, 3 iPads & WiFi.

Norwegian Language Class Wed., 9:00 - 11:00 AM No registration needed $10/ class. New students welcome!

Rosemaling Group, Free Computer Class Wed., 9:15 AM 3rd Thursday, 3:00 PM. Various technology topics will be covered. Wood Carving Class Thru Check Newsletter for exact topic. Madison College Thur., 8:00 12:00 PM Creative Writing Class Free Last Tues. of month at 1:00 PM Wood Shop Free — Daily Must take a safety course to Hardanger Class Thru Madison use the shop. College Wed., 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Social & Recreation Bridge Free Mon. & Thurs. 9:30 AM Bunco $1.00 1:00 PM First Tues. of the month Chess Free Fri. 10:00 AM Community Bingo, $1 3rd Wed. 1:00 PM Stoughton Lioness Cribbage Free Every Monday 1:00 PM Dime Jingle 2nd Wed. 1 PM Euchre Tuesdays 1:00 PM 4th Saturday, 7:00 PM Handiwork Group, Mon.,1:00 PM Bring your project & join us Over the Hill Bingo 4th Tues. 1:00 PM Bring a “White Elephant” prize Ping Pong, Free Mon. & Wed. 3:00 PM Friday 10:30 AM Pinochle, Wed. @ 1:00 PM 2 Pool Tables Free/Daily Located on ground level

Sheepshead, Thurs. 1:30 PM to 4:15 PM Train Dominoes,TH.1:00 PM



News: Case Management Information Bring Your Mind and Body Into Harmony Adapted from Kimberly Johnson, Seniors.com

Not all exercise means you have to sweat it out. Balance your workout days with gentle stretching and mindful movement.  Fine-tune your concentration while controlling your mind. With different styles and levels of yoga, seniors can tailor their practice to fit their needs that day. Pro tip: look for gentle yoga classes for a solid introduction to the practice. Try our chair stretch class held here at the Senior Center three days a week, or try Tuesday’s yoga class held on Tuesdays and Fridays at Covenant, or on Wednesdays at the Fire Department! We also have Qi Gong on Mondays and Thursdays. Wood carving classes can be calming. It can invoke creativity and concentration. We have a lot to offer in our community that you might find increases your mental exercise and health.  Granted, meditation is not a physical workout, but the mental benefits make adding this practice into your routine well worth your time. Calming your mind lowers stress levels and boosts feelings of rejuvenation. Pro tip: try meditating before your normal workout to bring extra focus to what you’re working on that day. Tai Chi. A rhythmical, almost dancelike form of martial arts, Tai Chi is promoted as a moving meditation. With slow controlled movement, Tai Chi is great for seniors looking for a more accessible starting point to exercise. We offer Tai Chi on Mondays at the Senior Center! Qi Gong. A form of gentle exercise, composed of movements that are typically repeated, strengthening and stretching the body, increasing fluid movement (blood, synovial, and lymph), enhancing balance and improving the awareness of how the body moves through space. We offer Qi Gong Mondays and Thursdays at the Center.


A reminder… during all exercise, and especially during the summer months, be sure to stay hydrated!

Have a Voice, Have Fun! The Senior Center’s Commission on Aging (COA) is welcoming more community participation. If you have an interest in learning more about the Center and would like to assist the staff and COA in reaching its goals, please consider serving on a committee: Public Relations: promotes awareness and understanding of SASC program and services. Program: plans quality and diverse program opportunities for older adults and their families. Evaluation: determines SASC’s effectiveness in accomplishing its mission and recommends change to ensure high quality service. Fund Development: identifies and recommends ways to meet current and future needs. Volunteer: supports staff in developing policies and procedures to recruit, orient and recognize SASC volunteers. Contact Cindy for details on these service opportunities, (608) 873-8585.

Case Managers schedules do vary at the Stoughton Area Senior Center. Please call ahead to schedule appointments, 873-8585.

SASC • 248 W. M ain S treet, S toughton WI 53589 • 8 7 3- 8585

News: Case Management Information By Paul aka, “Father Fitness”

Paul, an online blogger dedicated to fitness for all generations, talks about the cherished exchange between grandparents and grandchildren.

When our son was born in 2009, my mother-in-law also retired, so we had the best child care option. Granny Marje had always been active, juggling three jobs, all involving the care of young children until she retired aged 60. It would have been so easy for her to kick back, take it easy and settle into a relaxing retirement. Of course we had other ideas for her, blessing her with the task of Granny daycare three days a week. I have to say she embraced the task 100%, and even took the opportunity to become more active. Unless it was pouring down with rain, Granny Marje would be pushing our son in his stroller everywhere she needed to go. It was a rare day that you would not spot them out and about walking. Despite having access to a car, which let’s face it, is so easy to mindlessly jump into and go to the shops, she would always choose to walk. So when my son was two years old and started attending a playgroup, people would comment what a good little walker he was, because by then, he was never in his stroller and always walked there and back with Granny Marje. They were keeping each other active! My daughter was born in 2012, and when my wife went back to work, it coincided with my father-in-law retiring at the age of 65. Now if you asked Granny Marje, she would say that he embraced the relaxation of retirement well and would always be the one on the sofa having snuggles with our baby girl, while she ran around after everyone. Our son was at preschool every morning by this stage, but again this would more often than not involve a walk with our little girl in the stroller, so each day involved some form of exercise and fresh air. One of the best things about our parents taking care of our children for several days a week, is that they developed so many motor skills via outdoor exploration games before they even started school. My parents grew up in a time when there were no tablets, games consoles, and endless children’s TV shows, and it was safe to play in the streets without supervision. For this reason, they played so many games outside for hours on end, and it seemed only natural to them to teach our children the same. Our kids spent many days in Granny Marje’s backyard learning to hula hoop, skip, throw bean bags and play hop scotch. Their grandparents always join in with games, which of course helps them, too, as they maintain their mobility and flexibility and ultimately keep their joints supple as they get older. Our children are both at school now and I’m proud to say that my in-laws continue to take long walks and have even bought fitness trackers so they can ensure they hit 10,000 steps each day! I created a nature trail activity sheet to help keep the kids entertained on some long walks with Granny and Granddad, as sometimes kids do get bored. Whenever the kids misbehave and Granny Marje and Grandad are at the end of their tether, my wife always jokes that it keeps them young and, do you know what? They totally agree. Having grandchildren gave them a lease on life after retirement and has kept them on a healthy path. Long may it continue!



News: COA & Community Information Commission on Aging Meeting Highlights for June 5, 2018 Director Comments:  Introduced our new Volunteer/Program Coordinator Charlene Malueg! We are excited to have her on board and encourage all to welcome Charlene in her new role.  Recently received letters of resignations for our 10-hour and full-time case managers Judy Hoiberg and Erin Bleck. We are sad to see them leave, but happy for the new opportunities facing them.  Our new canoe rack is complete, we will buy new lighter canoes and kayaks soon.  We continue to have positive remarks for Kim’s Thursday meals which continues to serve 40-50 people every week (usual daily average is 10-15). Volunteer Handbook: Complete and ready for distribution to new and current volunteers. Accreditation: binders are almost complete. We hope to be approved for an onsite meeting review by early Fall. Recommendations for improvement given during the process will be tackled by COA Committees. Community members are encouraged to join. Contact Cindy if you’re interested in helping with Volunteer, Evaluation, Program, Public Relations or Fund Development activities. Legislative Update: The 2019 City Budget process is underway. We resubmit our request for the City to support our Volunteer/Program Coordinator position. Next meeting: July 3 11:00 AM Stoughton Area Senior Center 248 W Main St. Stoughton Meetings are Open to the Public See the City website for full meeting minutes.


From Engines to Schools to Driver: Don Schneider Paved the Way Don Schneider is a fixer – in the Navy he kept engines ticking, he spent a career fine-tuning school districts, and he helped smooth the path to medical appointments for seniors and veterans in Stoughton. As an RSVP volunteer driver, Schneider spent many hours driving folks from Stoughton to and from medical appointments. “Don had a fan club, there were passengers that asked for him by name,” said Dick Hoffman, Stoughton Area RSVP Ride Coordinator. “Don treated all his riders with care and honesty. A true gentleman.” Schneider was a committed member of the volunteer drivers in Stoughton, who together provided 665 rides to veterans and seniors in 2017. “Every so often, I would get a call from a passenger who really needed a same day ride,” Hoffman shared. “These can be hard to fill, but I always tried, and when I called Don, he just never said no. He’s retiring as a volunteer driver, but he made a very positive impact in the years he served!” For Schneider, driving was a win-win. “Meeting people was always nice,” Schneider said, “but especially so when you drove them consecutive times because you got to know them.” He would recommend driving to others too. “You get more out of it than you put into it,” he said. We thank Don for his many years of service in RSVP for the Stoughton Community. If you are interested in driving for RSVP, contact Mary Schmelzer, Driver Services Co-Manager, 608-441-7896 or mschmelzer@rsvpdane.org.

SAS C • 248 W. M ain S treet, S toug hton WI 53589 • 8 7 3- 8585

Area Support Groups

Memory Café Tuesday, July 3 9:30-11:30 AM Stoughton Library, Carnegie Room

Crohn’s, Colitis & IBD

This month we will have a picnic and play bingo. A Memory Café is a social gathering for individuals with memory loss to meet in a relaxed environment and to share common interests. Questions? Call 873-8585.

Multiple Sclerosis Tues. July 10, 10:00 AM Topic: Moods and MS from the National MS Society. We will have workbooks, watch a dvd, and then have discussion time.

3rd Wednesday of the month at 5:30 PM Stoughton Hospital Board Room. For questions call Marilyn at (608)873-7928

Memory Loss Caregiver Support Group 2nd Thursday, 2:00-3:30 PM Stoughton Area Senior Center Stoughton Room Contact: (608)873-8585

Diabetes Support Group 2nd Monday, 6 PM in the Stoughton Hospital Board Room. Contact Sonja at (608)873-2356 for more information.

Grandparents/Relatives Raising Their Relative’s Children Relationships & Parkinson’s Wed., July 25, 1:30 PM Parkinson’s brings life changes, and not just physical changes. Those who care about you are impacted as well. Jean Daute, Licensed Counselor and Clinical Director from OceanHawk Counseling Alternatives of Stoughton will be leading us in the discussion of how chronic conditions can affect relationships, how to deal with role changes among family and friends and tips for good communication.

2nd Saturday of the month, 10:00 AM—12:00 PM The Rainbow Project Office 831 E. Washington Ave., Madison, WI 53703 Child care available Call: Serena Breining (608)255-7356 Ext.324

Grief Support Group 3rd Wednesday, 2:00 PM Stoughton Area Senior Center Mandt Room Contact:(608)873-8585

Low Vision Support 3rd Thursday, 1:00 - 2:30 PM Stoughton Area Senior Center Stoughton Room Contact:(608)873-8585

Multiple Sclerosis Group 2nd Tuesday, 10:00-11:30 AM Stoughton Area Senior Center Mandt Room Contact:(608)873-8585

Alcoholics Anonymous Stoughton Alano Club 900 Giles Street, Stoughton Contact: (608)873-6004 www.area75.org/meetings .html?dist=20

Parkinson Group 4th Wednesday, 1:30-3PM Stoughton Area Senior Center Contact:(608)873-8585

Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing DHSODHH@wisonsin.gov (855)359-5252

Hearing Loss Association of America Madison Chapter 4th Wednesday of the month 6:00-8:00 PM Ultra Tec., 450 Science Dr. Madison, WI www.hlaamadison.com www.hearingloss.org

LGBT Senior Advocacy For current list of groups and events in Dane County, contact Outreach Community Center at (608)255-8582 visit www.lgbtseniors.org




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CenterEvents: Educational/Health “Bear” Basics: Dispelling Myths for Peaceful Co-Existence Thurs. July 5 3:00 PM Sheryl Erickson, a volunteer for the North American Bear Center in Ely, MN for the past 5 years will share fascinating facts about black bears. Come and discover how their life cycle influences their behavior, and receive information you can utilize if you encounter a black bear. Please signup if you plan to attend so we have enough “trail” mix to serve. In addition, feel free to bring a NEW teddy bear (10” or taller, with new tags still attached) to donate to the Agrace Dori Bear Program. These bears are given to dying patients or their family members needing a little extra snuggle. Open to all ages.

Reflexology Thursday, July 5 and Monday, July 16, 1:00-4:00 PM A form of massage that applies deep pressure to reflex points on the feet. Prices are $25 for 30 minutes or $45 for 60 minutes. Sign up early as spots fill up fast!

Chair Massage Tuesday, July 17, 10:00-12:00 PM Lisa Resch offers massages in the office next door to the Senior Center. Massage: $20 for first 15 mins. then $1/min. Sign up: 873-8585.


Staying Safe This Summer Wed. July 11 2:00 PM With all the great weather and fun outdoor activities scheduled the next few months, there are precautions everyone needs to be aware of in order to enjoy them safely! Janet Bollig, from Home Health United will be here to discuss some of these and provide tips for a fun and safe summer!

Calendars and Reminders Thurs. July 19 3:00 PM 2nd floor Mandt Room View the slides at: goo.gl/6V56WC Calendars and task lists on phones, tablets, and computers not only keep track of events and tasks. They also notify you in advance with helpful reminders. This presentation explains how to set up and use calendars and task lists on Apple iPhones, iPads, and Macs; Microsoft Windows computers; and Google Android devices. No prior experience is needed.

Substitute Meals On Wheels Drivers Needed! Contact Kim 873-8585

FRIENDSHIP FUND If you are in need of financial assistance to participate in activities at the Center, there is a fund to help. To access or donate funds call Cindy at 873-8585.

SAS C • 248 W. M ain S treet, S toug hton WI 53589 • 8 7 3 -8585

CenterEvents: Arts & Entertainment First Friday Movie

The Yahara Strummer’s Ukulele Group

Friday, July 6 1:00 PM

The Yahara Strummer’s is a new Ukulele group that meets on Wednesdays from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM. If you have a Ukulele and know a couple of chords, or if you are new to the instrument, please join us and we will help you along. For questions please call Ann at (608) 206-5288.

The Post

Katharine Graham is the first female publisher of a major American newspaper, The Washington Post. With help from editor Ben Bradlee, Graham races to catch up with The New York Times to expose a massive cover-up of government secrets that spans three decades and four U.S. presidents.

Classic Movie Friday

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

Friday, July 20 1:00 PM Two financially desperate Americans, Fred C. Dobbs (Humphrey Bogart) and Bob Curtin (Tim Holt), who in the 1920s join old-timer Howard (Walter Huston) in Mexico to prospect for gold.

Drawing Class with Instructor: Abby Otteson Monday, July 9th : 5:30pm-7:30pm Cost $5.00 Supplies are included. We will be learning the basics of drawing! We will learn to turn shapes into objects and focus on creating a still life drawing. This class is intended for beginner and intermediate students. Minimum of 5 students and maximum of 20.

Watercolor Class Instructor: Abby Otteson Monday, July 16th 5:30 PM -7:30 PM $10: Supplies included. Join us as we explore the world of watercolor! We will learn the basic techniques of watercolor and then create your own masterpiece from either images provided or from your own home! The class will be instructed for beginners, but advanced individual instruction will be available. Minimum 5 and maximum 15 students.

Page Turner’s Group Wed., July 25, 1:00 PM This month’s book is Columbine by Dave Cullen. Come join us for an afternoon discussion group with support from the Stoughton Public Library. Questions? Call (608)873-6281.

Coming Thursday, August 2 : Appetite for the Arts- Rembrandt Hear about Rembrandts life and times, with selected artworks including his self-portraits, Nightwatch and his biblical pieces. Hear about Rembrandts influence on artistic peers past, present, and future including Vermeer, Picasso and Andy Warhol. Come join us for lunch at 11:30 AM and then listen to the presentation at 12:30 PM. Call 873-8585 to reserve your spot.



StoughtonCenter Highlights Congratulations to Doris Schnabel (right) who was the Gold Medal winner in the local Wisconsin Senior games in Euchre.

Please see our Stoughton Area Guide for Senior Services available at the Senior Center or on our website at www.ci.stoughton.wi.us/senior, for a more complete list of the following services: Food Pantry • Medical • Housing Financial • Mental Health Home Health • Respite Fitness/Wellness • Care Facilities For further assistance, please call the Senior Center (608) 873-8585

Euchre Tuesdays at 1:00 PM Join us for a new, weekly, day-time euchre group.

Coffee with the Mayor Friday, July 13 9:30 AM Your chance to ask questions and find out the latest City news!

Lunch Bunch at Green Lantern Friday, July 13, 11:00 AM Get out to meet new friends or join us with a friend. Call to register 873-8585. Newcomers welcome.

It’s National Hot Dog and Ice Cream Month! Cook Out on Wednesday July 25 Noon What’s better than a freshly-grilled hot dog with the fixings and a tasty ice cream sundae with your favorite toppings? We think, not much! That’s why we are inviting you to join us on Wednesday, July 25 for lunch! We will eat at noon. Cost is $5:00 Call to reserve your spot. (608)873-8585.

Our Over 90 Luncheon Group for 2018!


SAS C • 248 W. M ain S treet, S toug hton WI 53589 • 8 7 3 -8585

Stoughton Area Senior Center Activities MONDAY





2 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Bridge 9:30 Qi Gong 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 & 1 Tai Chi 1:00 Handiwork 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong

4 Staff Holiday 3 9:00 Computer Help 11:00 COA Meeting 1:00 Euchre 1:00 Bunco 2:30 Line Dancing

5 8:00 Woodcarving 9:00 Computer Help 9:30 Bridge 9:30 Qi Gong 1:00 Train Dominoes 1:00 Reflexology 1:30 Sheepshead 3:00 Bear Program

6 Shop@Target East VA Assistance 8:00 Chair Stretch 10:00 Chess 10:30 Wii Bowling 10:30 Ping Pong 1:00 Movie

9 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Bridge 9:30 Qi Gong 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 & 1 Tai Chi 1:00 Handiwork 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong 5:30 Drawing Class

10 9:00 Computer Help 10 MS Support Grp 1:00 Euchre 2:30 Line Dancing

11 8 Chair Stretch 9:00 Norwegian 9:15 Rosemaling 10-12 Blood PresCK 1:00 Ukulele Group 1:00 Dime Jingle 1:00 Pinochle 2:00 Summer Safety 3:00 Ping Pong

12 8:00Woodcarving 9:00 Computer Help 9:30 Bridge 9:30 Qi Gong 10-11 Meet & Greet 1:00 Train Dominoes 1:30 Sheepshead 2:00 Memory Loss Caregiver Group

13 Shop@SouthTown 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Coffee w/Mayor 10:00 Chess 10:30 Wii Bowling 10:30 Ping Pong 11:00 Lunch Bunch


8 Chair Stretch 9:30 Bridge 9:30 Qi Gong 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 & 1 Tai Chi Foot Care in PM 1:00 Reflexology 1:00 Handiwork 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong 5:30 Watercolor Class

17 9:00 Computer Help 10-12 Chair Massage 1:00 Euchre 2:30 Line Dancing

18 8 Chair Stretch 9:00 Norwegian 9:15 Rosemaling 1:00 Bingo 1:00 Pinochle 1:00 Ukulele Group 2:00 Grief Support 3:00 Ping Pong

19 8:00 Woodcarving 9:00 Computer Help 9:30 Bridge 9:30 Qi Gong 1:00 Train Dominoes 1:00 Low Vision Grp. 1:30 Sheepshead Attorney Hours in PM 3:00 Computer Class

20 Shop@Hyvee Westgate/TJ Maxx Veterans Assistance 8:00 Chair Stretch 10:00 Chess 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 Ping Pong 1:00 Classic Movie

23 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Bridge 9:30 Qi Gong 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 & 1 Tai Chi 1:00 Reflexology 1:00 Handiwork 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong

24 Foot Care in AM 9:00 Computer Help 1:00 Euchre 1:00 Over the Hill Bingo 2:30 Line Dancing

25 8 Chair Stretch 9:00 Norwegian 9:15 Rosemaling 12 Cook Out/Sundaes 1:00 Ukulele Group 1:00 Page Turner’s 1:00 Pinochle 1:30 PD Support Grp 3:00 Ping Pong

26 8:00 Woodcarving 9:00 Computer Help 9-12 Blood Pressure Checks 9:30 Bridge 9:30 Qi Gong 1:00 Train Dominoes 1:30 Sheepshead

27 Shop@ East Town 8:00 Chair Stretch 10:00 Chess 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 Ping Pong

30 8:00 Chair Stretch 9:30 Bridge 9:30 Qi Gong 10:00 Wii Bowling 10:30 & 1 Tai Chi 1:00 Reflexology 1:00 Handiwork 1:00 Cribbage 3:00 Ping Pong

31 9:00 Computer Help 1:00 Euchre 1:00 Writing Group 2:30 Line Dancing

Saturday Mornings Saturday Euchre Center Open July 28 by Volunteers Doors Open 9:00 AM to 6:30 PM 11:00 AM New Players Welcome



Kitchen Corner Home-Cooked Meals: Served at our Senior

Blueberries July is national blueberry month and whether you’re adding them to your cereal, muffins or eating them on their own, they are among the healthiest foods there are for seniors. The nutrients in blueberries improve cognitive skills. Other studies have shown that they can actually reverse some age related decline in motor skills also. Blueberries have benefits for those with high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. By eating them regularly you can help to lower your blood pressure and lower your levels of bad cholesterol. Helping your body process glucose. For those with diabetes, this delicious fruit is especially helpful. They help process glucose efficiently for energy by increasing its sensitivity to insulin and by managing blood sugar. At the same time, blueberries are good for eye health and protect the retina, which is particularly important if you are a diabetic.They contain iron, magnesium, manganese and potassium. The berries also contain salicylic acid which helps thin blood and reduce pain. Increase in the production of dopamine also happens when you eat them. Dopamine is produced naturally in your body and helps you to feel well. Some diseases, such as Parkinson’s, cause patients to be low in this natural chemical so for these seniors in particular, eating blueberries is important. The most important thing about blueberries is that they taste. Senior Lifestyle Magazine Chris Draper


Center every Thursday between 11:30AM to 12:30PM. The cost is a suggested donation of $4.00; please pay what you can afford. Please reserve at least one day in advance, 873-8585. Walk-ins may be accepted. July 5: Swedish Meatballs & Mashed Potatoes July 12: Oven Fried Chicken July 19: Pot Roast July 26: Chicken Salad on Croissant Full menu descriptions available at the Center.

Senior Center Nutrition Program: Meals are provided by Dane County through Consolidated Food Services. They are packed, delivered and served by Senior Center staff and volunteers. If you are a vegetarian or have special dietary needs, please talk with our staff. Home Delivered Meals: Meal delivery is available to homebound older adults in the Stoughton Area School District in Dane County every weekday. The Home Delivered Meal menu is on the following page. Nutrition Site: Note the additional salad choice available on Fridays and the site/home cooked meals on Thursdays. See pg. 2 for transportation information. Cost of the meals: Individuals 60 or older pay by donation. Suggested donation is $4.00. Individuals under the age of 60 must pay the total cost: Site: $9.73 Delivered Meal: $8.54. Please remember reservations should be made by1:00 PM the previous working day. Any cancellations made on the day of are still subject to payment to the Center/County. .

FRIDAYS Are Salad Day July 6: Tuna Salad July 13: Chicken Taco Salad July 20: Caprese Salad July 27: 7 Layer Salad To Order: Call 873-8585 by 12:00 PM a day ahead.

SAS C • 248 W. M ain S treet, S toug hton WI 53589 • 8 7 3 -8585

Stoughton Area Senior Center







2 Chicken a la King Over Biscuit Carrots Corn Salad Peaches Raspberry Sherbet VO – Soy a la King NCS – SF Ice Cream

3 Seafood Salad Lettuce Leaf Pretzel Roll Coleslaw Fresh Fruit Salad Brownie VO – Egg Salad NCS – SF Cookie

Closed in Observance 5 Pot Roast with Gravy of Independence Day Mashed Potatoes Mixed Green Salad/ Dressing Orange WW Bread/Butter Tapioca Pudding VO – Veggie Wrap NCS – SF Pudding

6 Egg Bake Diced Roasted Red Potatoes Grape Juice Spiced Apples Biscuit/Butter VO – n/a NCS – n/a

9 Pizza Burger Navy Bean Salad Marinated cucumbers Banana Chocolate Chip Cookie VO – Veggie Burger NCS – SF Cookie Packet

10 Ham and Potato Casserole California Blend Fresh Fruit Cup MG Bread/ Butter Chocolate Cream Pie VO – Soy Potato Casserole NCS – SF Pudding

11 BBQ Chicken Breast Baked Sweet Potato/ Butter WW Bread /Butter Tropical Fruit Chocolate Cake w/ Powdered Sugar VO – Hummus Wrap NCS – SF Jell-o

12 Tuna Salad Sand/ WWheat Tomato/Cucumber/& Onion Salad Chickpea Salad Pears Apple Sauce Bar VO – Tomato Cheese Sandwich NCS – Apple Sauce

13 Saucy BBQ Ribs Potato Salad Baby Carrots Melon Salad Roll/Butter Banana Cream Pie VO – Garden Burger NCS – Banana

16 Enchilada Casserole Stewed Tomatoes Confetti Corn w/Black Beans Mandarin Oranges Frosted Churro Cake VO – Bean Burrito NCS – SF Cookie

17 Beef Stroganoff over Noodles Cauliflower Mixed Green Salad/ Dressing Fruit Cocktail White Bread/Butter Apple Crisp VO – Garden Burger NCS – Spiced Apples

18 Chicken Strips BBQ Sauce Green Beans Pea Salad Dinner Roll/Butter Fruit Cup Butterscotch Swirl Ice Cream VO – Hummus and Pita NCS – SF Ice Cream

19 Tuna Casserole Roasted Baby Carrots Pickled beets Banana Lime Sherbet VO – Egg Salad NCS – SF Ice Cream

20 Roasted Turkey in Gravy Rice Pilaf Creamed Corn Cranberry Sauce Grapes Brownie w/Peanut Butter Frosting VO – Veggie Meatballs NCS – SF Pudding

23 Taco Pasta Casserole Broccoli Cauliflower Pineapple Blueberry Crisp VO – Veggie Pasta Casserole NCS – SF Jell-O

24 Chicken Sandwich on WW Bun Lettuce/Tomato/Mayo Cheesy Potatoes 4 Bean Salad Orange FrostChocolate Cake VO – BlackBean Burger NCS – SF Cookie

25 BBQ Shredded Beef on Whole Wheat Bun Corn on Cob/Butter Creamy Coleslaw Watermelon Slice Chocolate Banana Cake VO – Baked Potato with Soy Cheese Sauce NCS – Banana

26 Meatballs in Gravy Mashed potatoes California Blend Tropical Fruit Dinner Roll/Butter Strawberry Swirl Ice Cream VO – Veggie Meatballs NCS – SF Ice Cream

27 Chicken Macaroni Salad Marinated Tomatoes Broccoli Salad Melon Sugar Cookie VO – Veggie/Cheese Mac Casserole NCS – SF Cookie Packet

30 Sloppy Joe on WW Bun Kidney Bean Salad Mixed Vegetable Banana Frosted Strawberry Cake VO – Soy Sloppy Joe NCS – SF Jell-o

31 Pork Loin in Gravy Mashed Potatoes Garden Blend Vegetables WW Bread/Butter Mandarin Oranges Butterscotch Pudding VO – Red Bean&Rice NCS - SF Pudding

For All Lunch Reservations Please Call 873-8585 by Noon The Day Before MOW=Meals on Wheels


Vegetarian Meals and Friday Salads Are Available for Home Delivered Meals *=Pork


Yahara Senior News 248 West Main Street Stoughton, WI 53589 608-873-8585 Fax # 608-873-8162 www.ci.stoughton.wi.us/senior/ The Stoughton Area Senior Center, a non-profit agency, coordinates, develops, supports and monitors programs and services for adults. 55 years and older. Aside from our case management and nutrition services ,which have area and eligibility restrictions, all adults over 55 are welcome to participate at the center. If you wish to have this newsletter mailed to you, the cost is $9.00 per year. Call 873-8585 for details.

Senior Center Staff Cindy McGlynn—Director Hollee Camacho—Assistant Director Kelly Janda—Case Manager-Stoughton Marla Janssen—Case Manager Stoughton (M-W) Kim Whitford—Nutrition Coordinator Charlene Malueg—Volunteer/Prog. Coordinator (M-Th) Kristin Ott—Receptionist /Office Assistant (M-Th )

Township Case Managers Albion & Dunkirk Cell Number 608-335-6677 Office is at the Stoughton Area Senior Center Pleasant Springs, Rutland and McFarland 838-7117 Briann Susdorf, McFarland Senior Outreach Dunn, Cambridge & Christiana 838-7117 Sara Sprang, McFarland Senior Outreach Appointments can be made for home visits, or at the Stoughton and McFarland Outreach offices.

Commission On Aging All COA Meetings Are Open To The Public Bob Barnett—City of Stoughton ....................... 873-5527 Rosalind Gausman—Town of Dunn ............... 835-3077 Lou Havlik—City of Stoughton ..........................873-4915 Nancy Hoffman—City of Stoughton ................ 219-4325 Barb Manson—City of Stoughton .....................873-9901 Patrick O’Connor—City Council Rep ..............873-6677 Mary Onsager—School District Rep ................ 873-3999 Faith Schuck—Town of Pleasant Springs………...234-0759 Jeanne Schwass-Long—Town of Dunkirk ........ 873-9227 David Sharpe—City of Stoughton .................... 332-8723 Charlotte Snow—City of Stoughton................. 205-1281 Sue Wollin—Town of Rutland……………………....455-4374 Open Position—Town of Albion. .......................................

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