Rec Department Newsletter - 10/1/2010

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t r o p e R c e R ly k e e W Volume 2, Issue 29

October 1, 2010

Stoughton Volunteers! City of Stoughton

Parks and Recreation Department Participation Numbers Week of Sept 24 Adult Softball


Youth Center


Adult Football


Zumba Fitness


Adult Coed Kickball


Community Garden


Youth Floor Hockey


Youth Flag Football


Miniball Soccer


High School Flag FB


The City of Stoughton is a very special place. I have lived here my whole life and its easy to take things for granted. I hear time and time again from people in other communities that things happen here all the time because people care.

coach and teach children. This keeps costs down and elevates the enthusiasm for the class. You can see many of the individuals listed weekly on the right hand column. The new youth center project has involved countless volunteers to plan, fundraise, and construct the building.

I don’t have to look far to find examples of people willing to give their time to make Stoughton better. Many of our recreation programs have volunteers

We couldn’t operate the youth center with out this kind of help. As we move forward we hope to have more citizens come forward to help share their talents with Stoughton’s youth. Please contact me if you are interested. -TL

Upcoming Events  Session II of Zumba starts 10/20. Please register soon because space is limited.

 The first youth basketball registration deadline is October 15th. Please check to see when the different deadlines are.

 Tri-County Boys Basketball sign-up is 10/3 for online and 10/10 for walk-in at the SWAC

Sign-Up for Skating Lessons! The fall session of our skating lessons starts 11/6 and the deadline is 10/28. Parents were very happy with how the lessons went last year after the program underwent a few changes to make it more affordable while maintaining the quality. The program is for both children who have skated before and first-timers. A

limited number of rental skates are available at the Mandt Community Center and long-term rentals are available through Middleton Sports & Fitness (836-3931). The Mandt Community Center’s open skate is right after the program this year, so the children can skate even more! Go to our website for more information about the program.


Thank You for Volunteering! We would like to thank Bill Vinson, Kate Helmich, Carl Helmich, and Ryan Picek for volunteering to run the youth floor hockey program. This was a new program this fall that turned out great because of them. We would also like to thank the Mandt Community Center for letting us use the facility for the program.

Autumn Art Class October 13 Artist Briana Richardson will be teaching a one session art class using colored pencils. The theme will be images of autumn. The class is open to all ages. See page 2 for the details.

C i t y o f S t o u g h t o n Pa r k s a n d R e c r e a t i o n .


Pencils and Pumpkins: An Introduction to Drawing Since we are in the autumn season with Halloween and Thanksgiving coming up, what is the image that comes to your mind when you think of these things?

 Wednesday, October 13  6:00-7:30 PM  Stoughton Senior Center

Whatever it is, we'll help you to draw it. We'll be working with drawing pencils and colored pencils, whichever you prefer. We'll be demonstrating and giving tips about drawing technique, shading and blending colors. So come on out and have fun exploring your artistic side, as well as taking home your own starter set of colored pencils.

Sponsored by: Stoughton Creative Community Access


321 S. Fourth St. Stoughton, WI 53589 Your Address Line 4 Phone: 608-873-6746 E-mail:

 Class size: 10  Instructors: Briana Richardson and Helen Beck  Fee: $5

About the Artist Hey all! My name is Briana. I'm an artist with a developmental disability. I really began to make art when my mother became sick with cancer in 1991. The reason why I use the word "meditation," is because doing art, drawing or painting, allows me to relax. Most people would think that having a disability would stop me from doing these things, but the fact is that I don't let it. I don't feel that I have a disability in relationship to my art, but my art helps me work through my feeling about having disabilities and grieving the loss of my mother. My art is a way for me to express those feelings.

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