NOTICE OF PUBLIC BUDGET HEARING FOR CITY OF STOUGHTON Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, October 26, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. the Common Council will meet at the City Council Chambers on the Second floor of the Public Safety Building at 321 South 4th Street for the purpose of holding a PUBLIC HEARING on the PROPOSED BUDGET for 2011. The proposed budget is available for inspection at City Hall, 381 E Main Street, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The following is a summary of the Proposed 2011 Budget. Dated: October 13, 2010 2010 Adopted Budget
2011 Proposed Budget
REVENUES Taxes: General Property Taxes Other Taxes (Utilities) Special Assessments: Intergovernmental Revenues Licenses & Permits Fines, Forfeits & Penalties Public Charges for Services Intergovernmental charges for services Miscellaneious Revenue Other Financing Sources TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES Cash Balance Applied TOTAL REVENUE & CASH BAL. APPLIED
$6,878,235 552,000 0 1,703,178 70,300 120,000 1,131,502 73,000 204,048 0 10,732,263 150,000 $10,882,263
7,071,859 657,500 0 1,702,347 71,700 123,000 1,168,759 73,000 200,363 0 11,068,528 0 $11,068,528
2.82% 19.11% 0.00% -0.05% 1.99% 2.50% 3.29% 0.00% -1.81% 0.00% 3.13% -100.00% 1.71%
EXPENDITURES: General Government Public Safety Public Works Health & Human Services Culture, Recreation & Education Conservation and Development Transfer to Other Funds Contingency TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES Transfer to Debt Service Transfer to Capital Projects/Equip Repl TOTAL EXPENDITURES & DEBT SERVICE
$1,340,324 2,914,354 1,979,350 534,968 667,138 187,367 874,596 80,000 8,578,097 1,861,294 442,872 $10,882,263
$1,468,577 3,017,223 2,004,900 525,825 692,402 296,221 614,053 80,000 8,699,201 1,898,595 470,732 $11,068,528
9.57% 3.53% 1.29% -1.71% 3.79% 58.10% -29.79% 0.00% 1.41% 2.00% 6.29% 1.71%
General Fund
% Change
Estimated Fund Balances All Governmental Funds General Fund Capital Projects Fund Equipment Replacement Fund Debt Service Fund Total
Maria Hougan, Deputy City Clerk City of Stoughton
Fund Balance 1-Jan-10 $3,426,835 400,000 175,000 0 $4,001,835
Total Estimated Revenues $8,964,685 4,000,000 175,000 1,861,294 $15,000,979
Total Estimated Expenditures $9,114,685 2,629,280 0 1,861,294 $13,605,259
Estimated Fund Balance 31-Dec-10 $3,276,835 $1,770,720 $350,000 $0 $5,397,555
Property Tax Contribution $4,518,611 323,330 175,000 1,861,294 $6,878,235