WESTERN TIDEWATER COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD DESCRIPTION The Western Tidewater Community Services Board provides ongoing mental health, substance abuse, and mental retardation related services to the children and families of the City of Suffolk. Treatment services include ongoing medical, counseling, and support services. Most of the Western Tidewater Community Services Board’s consumers are underinsured families with children and adult members suffering from chronic and pervasive disabilities.
CITY COUNCIL TARGET AREA Leisure, Health, and Wellness
FY 23 OBJECTIVES Oversee the implementation of the crisis receiving center and adult crisis stabilization unit. Integrate suicide risk screening in public and private partners standard practices to assist with the reduction of suicide rates. Establish basic framework for implementing Marcus alert protocols across the service area including law enforcement, emergency medical services, and public safety answering points.
PERFORMANCE MEASURES Number of citizens receiving mental health services Number of citizens receiving intellectual disability services Number of citizens receiving substance abuse services Number of citizens receiving assessment/emergency services Total citizens served
FY 21 Actual 1,735 309 91 569 2,673
FY 22 Projected 1,740 312 150 575 2,771
FY 23 Estimated 1,745 312 160 580 2,797