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Chapter 19A – Concrete
testing is not required for post-installed anchors used for attaching nonstructural components under certain circumstances.
1905.1.7 ACI 318, Section 14.1.4
Amendment to ACI 318 has been revised to not permit plain concrete in place of required longitudinal reinforcing of footings in Seismic Design Categories D, E and F.
1908 Shotcrete
The model code has repealed all shotcrete requirements in favor of those contained in the new version of the adopted material standard ACI 318-19, so some amendments have been relocated to Section 1905 or 1705 and amendments were added to coordinate with the updated standards.
Division of the State Architect
1909.2.8 Flat wall insulating concrete form (ICF)
Amendment to facilitate the enforcement of code and industry standards where appropriate based on unique aspects of ICF construction.
1909.3 Modifications to ACI 318 and 1909.4 Shotcrete
Existing amendments revised as necessary to coordinate with the new version of the adopted material standard ACI 318-19. The 2021 IBC repealed shotcrete requirements in deference to requirements contained in the adopted material standard ACI 318-19, so continued DSA amendments associated with the repealed model code language are relocated to amend the applicable sections.
Chapter 19A – Concrete
Division of the State Architect and Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development 1903A.4 Flat wall insulating concrete form (ICF) systems
Amendment to facilitate the enforcement of code and industry standards where appropriate based on unique aspects of ICF construction (DSA only).
1905A.1.3 ACI 318, Section
Amendment to allow the minimum steel reinforcement limit given in the adopted material standard ACI 318-19 to apply to foundation members resisting seismic loads designed for load combinations, including the overstrength factor.
Sections 1905A.1.15, 1905A.1.16, 1908A
The 2021 IBC has repealed shotcrete requirements in deference to requirements contained in the adopted material standard ACI 318-19 so continued DSA amendments associated with the repealed model code language are relocated to amend the applicable sections.