2 minute read


E. Air Quality.

1. Use of brake washers shall be required in service stalls or areas that perform service on brakes employing asbestos or other materials known to be harmful when dispersed in the air. 2. All mechanical ventilating equipment shall be directed to top story exhaust vents, which face away from abutting or adjacent residential properties. 3. Exhaust systems shall be equipped with appropriate and reasonably available control technology to minimize or eliminate noxious pollutants, which would otherwise be emitted.

F. Hours of Operation. Unless otherwise approved by the Director or Planning Commission, if the

Automobile/Vehicle Repair use is within 100 feet of a

Residential zoning district, operation of the use shall be prohibited between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.


These provisions are intended to ensure that automobile and vehicle washing facilities, including small-scale facilities that are not accessory to another auto-related use are located, and operate in a manner that minimizes or prevents adverse effects on the environment, and to surrounding development.


A. Locational Limitations. Regular facilities shall not abut a Residential Zoning District. B. Washing Facilities. A recycled water system is required. C. Landscaping. In addition to complying with the landscaping standards in Chapter 16.504,

Landscaping, and Section 16.504.09, Water-Efficient

Landscape Requirements, additional screening and landscaping may be required where necessary to prevent visual impacts of a small-scale facility that is adjacent to a Residential Zoning District. The following landscaping standards shall also apply:

1. A minimum of 15 percent of the site shall be landscaped. A planting strip at least 5 feet wide shall be provided along all interior parcel lines, non-driveway street frontages, and adjacent to buildings. Planters shall be surrounded by masonry or concrete curbs and arranged to preclude motor vehicles from driving across the sidewalk at locations other than access driveways. Permanent opaque landscaping or berm, as defined in Chapter 16.505,

Fences, Walls and Screening shall be provided and maintained in the planters at a height of not less than 3 feet above the average adjacent grade. 2. A landscape planter at least 50 square feet in area shall be provided at the intersection of 2 property lines at a street corner. 3. All street trees shall be preserved or replaced where missing, as required by the City, and driveways and vehicle approaches shall be designed so as not to necessitate the removal of any existing street trees.

D. Location of Activities. All washing, vacuuming, waxing, machine drying, and related activities and operations shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed service building, except hand drying of vehicles.

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