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new Security Measures at City Hall
On February 6, 2023, the City of Vallejo will begin welcoming guests to City Hall on the First Floor, West Entrance of the building (accessed from the parking lot area between City Hall and the JFK Library). Visitors will now be guided through our new state-of-the-art metal detection system, and bags will be passed through an inspection x-ray machine. Much like traveling through airports, other municipalities, and the courts, these additional security measures are for the safety and peace of mind of our residents, visitors, and everyone in attendance at City Hall.
All members of the public will be required to enter City Hall through the first-floor security checkpoint.
Visitors who are unable to pass through the metal detection system for medical or other purposes can request to have security pass over them with a metal detection wand.
If either security system detects any areas of concern, visitors will be asked to empty their pockets or waistbands. Items prohibited in City Hall include items listed in penal code section 171(b), the Vallejo municipal code, and Vallejo city council and administrative policies. These items include but are not limited to the objects identified below:
• Firearms and guns;
• Flammable or Explosive Materials;
• Club like items;
• Sharp-edged objects more than 2 inches long; informed by the manufacturer that the PD6500i system in place meets U.S. and international regulatory requirements for electromagnetic safety. However, directives by physicians and medical device manufacturers regarding metal detectors should always be followed.
• and other weapons and chemicals.
Regulatory Information regarding the new metal detection entry point system: The City has been
Mare Island Specific Plan Community Workshop
Mare Island Company is holding a community workshop on February 9, 2023, at 6:00 pm at Suite Treatments, located at 3729 Sonoma Blvd.
The workshop will provide the opportunity for the community to build upon prior input by actively participating in discussions during a working session around housing and community facilities that will help form the basis of the new Mare Island specific plan.
Doors will open at 5:30 pm and the workshop will run from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Due to the interactive nature of the workshop people are encouraged to participate in person, although a zoom option will be available.
RSVP for in-person or via Zoom at: https:// communityworkshop.eventbrite.com
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Looking for Teen Volunteers or Opportunities?
The City of Vallejo encourages our youth and families to utilize The Center for Volunteer and Nonprofit Leadership (CVNL) Teen Volunteer Portal. This portal is a great way for teens to match with volunteer opportunities, as well as organizations to put the word out for youth volunteers. Teens can search for volunteer opportunities based on their interests, available dates, location and track their community service hours. English and Spanish language options are available. Check it out at: Teen VolunteersVolunteernow.org!
• Gain Experience - Working in the field or a position that has transferable skills will help you become more experienced when you are looking for that job.
• Resume Building - Add volunteering to your resume. Businesses, either for or not for profit, want to see you that you’ve been busy, so show them how you took the initiative to volunteer at a local nonprofit and be specific of what you did.
• Gain New Skills - By volunteering, you are in a new environment, observing people in their jobs and hopefully you are given tasks that challenge you.
• Try It On - Try something you are curious about. It’s a great way to determine your likes and dislikes.
• Meet People - Meet people who can be a potential reference for your resume.
• Potential Job - Nonprofits make up a large percentage of organizations in communities, and therefore many jobs are found there.
• Professional Skills - Learn professional skills as a volunteer in preparation for your beginning your career. Volunteering is a great opportunity to practice how you present and conduct yourself.
• Thinking of College? - Some college applications request prior volunteer and community service experience. Volunteering can provide the competitive edge you need to stand out from other applicants.
• Feel Great About Making A Difference!Find the joy of serving others and helping to improve our local community. Make a difference and add a whole new experience awaits you-Volunteer!
City of Vallejo non-profits can access CVNL’s volunteer portal and register to have their events listed as volunteer opportunities.
Please see our Special Events Calendar to add your event on the City of Vallejo website and check out what is going on in Vallejo.