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Westerville Named Bronze-Level Bicycle Friendly Community

The organization leading a national movement to create a “Bicycle Friendly America” is again recognizing Westerville at the bronze level for its commitment to promoting bike facilities and safety. The League of American Bicyclists announced the honor in May.

Nearly all residents in Westerville live within a quarter-mile bike facility such as a bike lane, sharrow or the City’s 51 miles of recreational trails.

With such an emphasis on bicycling as a means of mobility, the safety of two-wheeled travelers is a priority in Westerville. Remember the rules of the road as they pertain to bicycles per City Ordinance No. 05-13:

• Abide by all signage

• Yield to cross traffic at intersections

• Keep right except to pass

• Announce passing

• Respect others and private property

• Pets must be leashed/Obey scoop law

• Unauthorized motorized vehicles prohibited

• Observe a 15 mph speed limit on all Park Trails


Watch the “Bike Safe Westerville” video series, which explores ways motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists can all safely share the road at www.westerville.org/bikes.

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