3 minute read
Thank you Battalion Chief Hicks, Welcome Battalion Chief Sutton
On April 29, after 37 years serving Westerville residents (22 as Battalion Chief), Andy Hicks said his goodbye to the badge. Beginning his career as a Firefighter with the City when there was just one station in Uptown Westerville, Chief Hicks had the “firefighter bug” from a very young age.
“I started thinking about it as a boy scout at age 10,” he said. “Once I completed the Westerville Fire Explorers program I knew it was what I wanted to do.”

Hicks spent years in each station as a Firefighter until he was promoted to Lieutenant at Station 113 just two years before being promoted to Battalion Chief. He spent the majority of his time at Station 111 where the City’s three Battalion Chiefs reside, one for each shift. A Battalion Chief’s daily routine includes personnel reviews, an hour or more of training, inspections, building walkthroughs and rounds at each station peppered with overseeing runs. Hicks compares it to being an orchestra director.
“I made sure everyone was where they needed to be when they needed to be there.”
After years of riding along with Hicks, Chaplain David Hogg said he would miss the time they spent together.
“Through our friendship, we have been able to support each other on the tough days.”
When asked what retirement looks like, Hicks says he plans to continue his work with and get more involved in the community.
“It doesn’t surprise me at what his plans for retirement are,” said Hogg. “Andy has a big heart and great love for people.”
Hicks handed the reigns to another Westerville Firefighter and proven leader.

Battalion Chief Gretchen Sutton has been with the City of Westerville since 2009. Westerville Fire Chief Brian Miller was an instructor at the Columbus State Fire Science program when Stutton was a student.
“As an instructor I noticed that Gretchen’s heart was in firefighting,” said Chief Miller. “She was a professional and very engaged. I knew she was going to make a great firefighter, and now Battalion Chief.”
Sutton began as a Firefighter at Station 111 and moved to Station 113 as a Lieutenant in 2019.
“Riding a fire engine as a Lieutenant in Westerville has been one of the greatest privileges of my life,” Chief Sutton said.
After a thorough internal testing process through the Ohio Fire Chief’s Association, Sutton was chosen for Battalion Chief. This test is provided to any Firefighter interested in advancement. On May 2, Sutton began the Battalion Chief duties at Station 111.
“I’m humbled but also eager,” Sutton said. “This is an awesome responsibility that I’m being entrusted with, one that I do not take lightly, and I’m honored to be afforded this opportunity.”
Visit www.westerville.org/fire for more information.