2 minute read
Justice Center Takes Shape
With expected completion this spring, the new Justice Center located at 229 Huber Village Blvd., is taking shape. The combined Police/Court facility will house all Westerville Division of Police (WPD) bureaus including Mayor’s Court, Investigations and Emergency Communications. Currently, these operations are dispersed across three separate City buildings (21, 28 and 29 S. State St., respectively, in Uptown Westerville).
WPD Chief Charles Chandler and Assistant Chiefs Holly Murchland, Steve Fridley and Ron McMillin (pictured L to R) joined members of Westerville City Council in signing a beam of steel (pictured). The beam was placed in September as the final structural piece, with interior construction beginning last fall.
The City purchased the building and land in 2017 with this purpose in mind. The building expansion is being financed through a voter-approved, 20-year bond issue and will address long-standing growth needs with its current more than 30-year-old building. This new space will unite staff and operations working across the City in multiple buildings and improve safety with a dedicated Mayor’s Court space.
Watch for the grand opening and tour information at www.westerville.org/justicecenter.

Chief Chandler signs the last beam to be placed.

From left to right: Assistant Chief Holly Murchland, Chief Charles Chandler, Assistant Chiefs Steve Fridley and Ron McMillin.