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Spring Break Worry-Free Tips
to Keep your Home Safe While Away
Spring is almost here and with it comes spring break, the perfect time to get away from the chilly Ohio weather. As you plan your trip, remember to prepare your home as well.
DON’T PROMOTE YOUR UPCOMING TRIP ON SOCIAL MEDIA. While you should let your neighbors and family know you will be away, hold all photos and posts until you return. You don’t want to advertise to strangers, acquaintances and others that you will not be at home.
HOLD YOUR MAIL AND DELIVERIES. Mail piling up in the mailbox and boxes at your door is a clear indication to would-be criminals that no one is home. You can visit your local U.S. Post Office to have your mail held or register online at www.usps.com. Or, ask a trusted neighbor or friend to collect packages and mail while you’re away.
SET INDOOR AND OUTDOOR TIMERS FOR LIGHTS. Keep the illusion that you are home by setting timers for lights in different rooms of your home to go on and off at various times. Set a timer on outdoor lights to go on at dusk and off at dawn.
ALERT YOUR SECURITY COMPANY AND POLICE DEPARTMENT. If you have a monitored alarm system they will be aware that a fire, burglary or burst pipe alarm isn’t a false alarm. If you live within the City of Westerville, the Westerville Division of Police (WPD) offers a Vacation Emergency Notification program. If registered, WPD will notify you if an emergency occurs at your home. You can register at www.westerville.org/police.
Use these tips to help have a stress-free vacation knowing your home is safe while you are away.