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Social Media Extortion Targeting Teens
The Westerville Division of Police (WPD) is issuing a warning about an extortion plot targeting teenagers via social media. WPD wants parents and guardians to act now and have conversations with teens about responsible social media use.
In these cases, teenagers are solicited on social media, typically Instagram, to chat with a person pretending to be a friend. That person builds trust with the victim before requesting nude photos, typically via Snapchat or other messaging apps. Once photos are received, a demand for money follows. If unpaid, the extortionist threatens to release the photos to their contacts/followers or post to the Internet.
This extortion typically starts at $500 to $1,000, and usually increases with additional demands for money. Even if paid, the extortionist will continue to threaten public exposure.
Investigators warn this scam is becoming increasingly common among teenage boys, who typically believe they are talking to an interested female of similar age.
“This is called blackmail and sextortion, but it’s a crime and a dangerous scheme from start to finish,” said Detective Lt. Justin Alloway, WPD Investigations. “This is ruining lives, and not only from financial loss but because several of these cases have resulted in suicide. It’s important for parents and guardians to talk about this now, and include anyone in the family who uses a smartphone and these social media apps about this real-world issue.”
WPD recommends discussion guides on this issue provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation at the link below. Other resources can be found via the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at www.missingkids.org/theissues/ sextortion .
FBI: www.fbi.gov/how-we-can-help-you/safetyresources/scams-and-safety/common-scamsand-crimes/sextortion
From Instagram/Facebook: www.facebook.com/ help/instagram/1443273235892548
For more information on the Westerville Division of Police, visit www.westerville.org/police.