2 minute read
Leaf Collection Set for Oct. 17-Dec. 23
As fall approaches and residents begin eyeing up their rakes and blowers, residents can count on the City’s curbside leaf collection program as a helpful supplement to weekly yard waste collection services.
Westerville’s program is a zone-based system and not managed by scheduled dates. Westerville’s Public Service Department (WSD) plan for five collections during the program, generally two to three weeks apart during times when leaf totals are at their highest.
As part of the program, the WSD updates the City’s website with routing information showing the street collection routes, updated daily to show streets completed. Residents can see where their street falls along the route and where crews start each morning. The program’s pace is dictated greatly by the volume of leaves and ease of collection.
- Rake leaves to the tree lawn (in between the sidewalk and the street), but not on the street
- Keep leaves free of large sticks, twigs and any trash or debris that can cause damage to leaf collection equipment
- Keep vehicles from being parked in front of, or close to, leaves during collection weeks
- Any obstructions, such as basketball hoops, should be removed from the right-of-way as they present a safety issue and can hinder collection
- All yard waste will continue to be collected each Monday as part of the Yard Waste Collection program
As program speeds vary based on leaf volumes and compliance with the above best practices, residents can help ensure their leaves are removed promptly by bagging them and placing them for yard waste collection on Mondays.
For more information and to see a video on how the Leaf Collection Program benefits our City and its residents, visit www.westerville.org/leafcollection.

Scan to get a behind-the-scenes look at how your Road Warriors are tackling leaf collection