2 minute read
City Hall Project
Connected Buildings Start of New Centralized Services
In 2022, the City of Westerville was number 21 of the 28 fastest-growing cities in Central Ohio. The growth rate hovers around 9% for Westerville alone, with local and state agencies predicting even more growth in the near term.
Yet it’s been nearly 40 years since Westerville planned for how its municipal facilities will keep pace with the growth of the community and the Central Ohio region.
The timing has never been more ideal to imagine a renovated and connected municipal complex.
This is because Westerville City Hall is already the centerpiece to thousands of visitors annually who visit the historic Uptown district. The City Hall Courtyard alone has dozens of events, celebrations and ceremonies that make it a gathering space for purposes well beyond government, like 4th Friday concerts and the Holiday Tree Lighting Celebration.
The timing also helps prepare for the move of City departments and staff at the 64 E. Walnut St. building to central Uptown. The sale of “64” was promised when Westerville voters approved the construction of the Justice Center and the reuse of related City-owned properties.
To date, those sales have resulted in the COhatch/ North High Brewery space at the former Armory and the High Banks Distillery, now under construction at the former post office.
Combining teams at Westerville City Hall will take about two years. At the heart of the plan is centralized customer service. With the successful integration of spaces and staff teams, Westerville customers will be able to visit one site to conduct any public business. Permits, taxes, pool passes, utility payments and more will be centralized for the first time in Westerville. Residents will be able to access these services, as needed, via a one-stop shop at a new City Hall.
That’s something residents told us they would appreciate and utilize. More than 80% of 2023 survey respondents said they would support a centralized customer service option at Westerville City Hall, understanding one site would eliminate the need to go to multiple locations to conduct business with the City.
The project is already in discussion with the Uptown Review Board and will next advance to the Planning Commission. Follow the progress of the City Hall Complex online at www.westerville.org