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Public Safety Cadets: Building Community Leaders
New Generation Exploring Police, Fire Service
Landon Fulkerson first became a Westerville Public Safety Cadet in 2020, a time he found both challenging and rewarding in the pursuit of a law enforcement career. In the midst of the pandemic, Fulkerson started a professional path that began as a Cadet and eventually led to today’s rank of Captain in the program.
“This program instills responsibility and discipline in a way that few other programs can,” said Fulkerson. “We get a chance to do good work for real people in a hands-on way with programs like Safety City and Cops and Kids Day.”
The Public Safety Cadet program is designed for young people ages 14-21 who are interested in exploring careers in law enforcement, fire/rescue and emergency medical services. In addition, Cadets are afforded the opportunity to engage with the community while improving leadership ability, building character and developing life skills that translate to the real world. Westerville’s program is focused on creating an open and inclusive environment where every cadet from any background has the opportunity to grow and thrive.
The program prioritizes the value of service and is supported by the guidance, training and mentorship of dedicated personnel from the Westerville Divisions of Police and Fire (WPD, WFD). These mentors come from diverse personal and professional backgrounds but share one common trait: a commitment to the development and success of young people in our community.
Practical exercises and hands-on training that promote the development of core concepts and skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, interpersonal skills and physical fitness are central to the program.
Cadets completing the program become wellrounded, qualified applicants for futures in both public safety and private-sector employment. They develop the crucial skills in becoming productive citizens in their communities.
“These Cadets have a true devotion to their community,” said Lieutenant Greg Franey, WPD Community Service Bureau. “We teach our cadets respect, empathy, compassion and initiative.”
Cadets also train with other local public safety cadet posts where they learn additional skills and build lifelong friendships.
“We are taught by the best police officers and firefighters that Westerville has to offer,” said Fulkerson. “We are learning the skills needed to succeed in any career or field of study. I would wholeheartedly recommend this program to those who want to help their community and become a first responder someday.”
Cadets meet each week from mid-August to mid-May from 6-9 p.m. and twice a month during the summer. Meetings are generally held at the Westerville Justice Center, but the location is occasionally adjusted to accommodate weekly training activities.
Those interested in joining the Public Safety Cadet program can attend a meeting to experience the program, meet with Cadets and ask questions. For more information or inquiries, contact crimeprevention@westerville.org.
Captain Landon Fulkerson, Westerville Public Safety Cadet Program