Parks & Recreation Annual Report 2016

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annual report


of the Parks & Recreation Department

welcome! The Parks & Recreation Department proudly presents our 2016 Annual Report. This report provides an overview of the department’s activities, performance, accomplishments and results of past year’s departmental operations. The department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the city’s park properties and associated facilities. Our mission is to provide outstanding parks, recreation facilities and services to the citizens of Winter Park. The high standards that we have set for ourselves are reflected in this seventh year of National Accreditation that we have received by meeting or exceeding the national best practices for the management of our properties and the delivery of our programs. In reading this Annual Report you will discover the pride and dedication of our staff in providing the best parks and recreation services available anywhere. It is accomplished through the Core Values and pure commitment on the part of our team members. We look forward to continuing our tradition of supporting the city’s mission to be the best place to live, work and play in central Florida!


John Holland, Parks & Recreation Director


starts in PARKS


what you need to know about the department The Annual Report provides statistical data, benchmarks and accomplishments for 2016. The Winter Park Parks and Recreation Department offers park space, recreation programs and facilities, rental buildings, a nine-hole golf course and two historic cemeteries. The following pages will provide an overview of the activities and revenues generated from all of the properties and programs managed by the department.


to enhance the quality of life for our community by providing outstanding parks, recreation facilities, activities and services


senior staff John Holland Director Brenda Moody Assistant Director Leif Bouffard Business Manager

dministration, cemeteries, rental facilities, a golf course operations and maintenance, tennis center & publications

Ronald Moore Assistant Director Jason Seeley Parks & Recreation Manager

athletics, community center, special events, landscaping & parks maintenance


The Parks & Recreation Department was officially reaccredited in 2016 by the Commission for Accreditation of Parks and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA), which is a branch of the National Recreation and Parks Association. Of the thousands of parks and recreation agencies in the United States, just 145 have met or exceeded the established national standards for excellence in the field. This is a prestigious designation that is the result of ensuring policies, plans and goals are in place that are consistent with the values and needs of our residents. This includes management tools that ensure properties and facilities are maintained to a high standard, and programs and activities are evaluated. The accreditation submission document included over 450 supportive evidence of compliance documents that were reviewed along with a 160-page assessment essay. Accreditation is evaluated every five years.

award winning 2016

n B est

Farmers’ Market | Orlando Weekly 15th consecutive year


n H ealthiest

n N ational

n T he

n C hamber

Playful City, USA | 6th consecutive year Weight Communities Award 4th consecutive year Accreditation Designation {CAPRA} 7th consecutive year Influentials: Samaritan | Winter Park Magazine Assistant Director Ronald Moore

Hero Award | Winter Park Chamber of Commerce Special Events Coordinater Johnny Miller


n A rthur

Jackson Midnight Basketball of Florida Hall of Fame Assistant Director Ronald Moore

n B est

Farmers’ Market | Orlando Weekly

n B est

of the Best Departments National Recreation and Parks Association

n H ealthiest

n Midnight


Weight Communities Award | Orange County Health Department

Basketball Pioneer Award | Assistant Director Ronald Moore

Playful City, USA


of the


national recreation and parks associaton

For the sixth consecutive year, Winter Park was awarded the Playful City, USA distinction. This designation is awarded to communities that have demonstrated a best practices program for the maintenance, inspection and use of its playgrounds.



to provide quality play spaces within 1 mile of every Winter Park household The map below indicates a one-mile radius around every existing play space.

City of Winter Park Playground Recreational Resources Residential Zoning Categories 1 mile radius

Recreational Resources w/ Playgrounds R-1A R-1A R-1A

R-2 R-3 R-4 C-2

0 0.2250.45

0.9 miles Planning & Community Development Department 05.2011 - cs


did you know that in Fiscal Year 2016...

athletic fields were

rented 2,772 times our rental buildings

held 2,604 events over

17,400 visits

at community center pool in just FOUR months

over 700 pavilion rentals for birthday parties, barbeques & even wedding receptions



parkland per

1000 residents

are maintained by parks & recreation {above the national average of 9.9 acres}

over 400 acres

of city properties are mowed

just 56 cents

every 7-10 days

per day per capita costs

that’s 21 acres

just 37cents

per team member {19 total}

on 114 separate parcels {rights of way, medians, parks & more}

per day net per capita costs less departmental revenue


department accomplishments that absolutely ensure the city’s vision

beautification & improvement projects » Golf Course n n n n n n

made extensive renovations » new greens, tees, fairways, bunkers & irrigation landscaped course and around clubhouse resurfaced new layout of parking lot constructed new signage completely in house installed new fixtures & products in pro shop renovated country club » restored old pine floors, plaster ceilings, upgrades in kitchen & restrooms

» Farmer’s Market n


removed landscaping to increase event space near stairs, lower side of patio installed new sod around outside perimeter of parking lot for park-like look


» Parks n

n n

i mproved several parks following staffing reorganization, placing employees in high-impact areas during times of peak attendance significantly improved service in Central Park, Ward Park & Lake Baldwin Park eveloped comprehensive “R & R” {renovation & rehabilitation} plan that d schedules park improvements systemwide

collaborative partner projects » Rollins College &

Winter Park High School n continually provide sports field space for team play

» Winter Park Community Center n

orked with numerous instructors W for varied and diverse programs

» Trinity Prep Drama Department |

» Infant Rescue Swimming Institute | swim classes for infants & special needs children » Rollins College Department of Continuing Education | Oasis Program promoting

» Winning Ways, International and Collegiate Basketball | held continuous & highly popular

» Commission on Aging for the Annual Seniors Expo partner » UCF Nursing Program | educational programs implemented into Seniors Program

interactive Underground Railroad event during Black History Month

health & intergenerational learning basketball tournaments


ontinued partnerships with entities leasing or utilizing park properties & offering C programming services :

» Mead Botanical Garden, Inc. | Casa Feliz

Winter Park Garden Club | Florida Federation of Garden Clubs Winter Park Historical Association | Rollins Athletics High Performance Sports Management | Orange County Public Schools Orlando Sailing Club | Crealdé School of Art | YMCA of Central Florida

» Golf Course n



ear-long partnership with Golf Course Y Task Force | comprised of citizens with considerable golf expertise | prior to & during the renovations Three-year title partnership with Rollins College Golf membership selling partnership with Winter Park Racquet Club

cost-conscious efforts

» The Parks & Recreation Department has again SURPASSED $2 MILLION MARK.

This is a significant accomplishment with the golf course closed for seven months and country club rental closed for four months, both for extensive renovations. This 34 percent cost recovery rate is outstanding in the field of parks and recreation.


just over

58 percent

cost recovery for the revenue-producing divisions

innovative » The Cemeteries Division implemented an extremely progressive app that allows

customers to locate, research and learn about all of the interesting people buried in our Winter Park cemeteries. Winter Park’s human history lies within our cemeteries, and by using our free app, WPC Explorer, one can follow pre-set notable tours or enter a name and follow GPS navigation to that gravesite.

» T hese tours can be accessed at or via the free app, WPC Explorer, downloadable from Google Play® or the Apple® App Store.

» Additionally, evening history tours are conducted by the Cemeteries Manager.


even with the golf course closed for seven months, revenues still exceeded $2 million!






$548,945 $384,623 $430,000

Community Center



Golf Course


*$214,454 $517,000


$227,958 $333,960 $217,000

Rental Facilities


Special Events Winter Park Tennis Center DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL


**$549,567 $373,900









{$2,129,850} { } = projected

*The Golf Course was closed for renovation March through September 2016 **The Country Club was closed for renovation January through April 2016.


2 million in revenues for FY15


events & rentals

The 66 rental venues managed by the department include ballfields, pavilions and meeting rooms – many are reserved up to two years in advance. Fiscal Year 2016 was a busy year, as Winter Parks venues remain some of the most popular in the region. DIVISION/FACILITY Community Center Ballfields Pavilions/Outdoor Venues Rental Facilities TOTAL

FY2015 1735

FY2016 1665

{FY2016} 1650

3076 2772 3000 794






6628 6234 {6080}

*The Country Club was closed for renovation January through April 2016. **The Civic Center is scheduled for demolition in July 2016.

{ } = projected


34 percent total cost recovery

cost recovery

Many of the services offered by parks and recreation departments are provided at no cost. These include park access, special events, and maintenance of greenspaces and streetscapes – funding for these services represent one half of the department’s budget. Activities such as after school and summer programming are offered at very low costs. The use of rental buildings and purchase of cemetery spaces are market-based. All of these pricing levels generally bring the cost-recovery levels of a typical department to a national average of 27 percent of the expenditure budget, according to the NRPA. Winter Park’s total cost recovery for Fiscal Year 2016 was 34 percent, which represents a an amazing feat with the golf course closed for seven months! DIVISION/ EXPENDITURES REVENUES COST FACILITY RECOVERY Administration




Parks Maintenance





$699,206 - -


$233,394 $384623

Winter Park Tennis Center



165% 296%


$1,110,865 $333960


Rental Facilities




Community Center




Special Events




Golf Course









the Parks & Recreation Department delivers a service level that is truly remarkable

community center

» 165 children | daily summer camp attendees on average in 2016 | over 6000 lunches served | nearly 15,000 check in/out procedures | program requires extensive planning & supervision

» 26.582 participants | 50+ programs offered at the community center » 2092 Recreation ID cards issued | 41,159 ID card scans in 2016

17,491 all-time record!

golf course

» 2017 first quarter revenue surpassed prior years by over 200 percent!

» all records being broken since course

reopened in October 2016 | 2017 annual report will proudly reflect these numbers

» closed for seven months | typical usage prior to closing

pool visitors in its 4-month season

farmers’ market

» most successful & popular market in central Florida

» $237,000 building rentals private events: meetings, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries & dances + public events

» $105,000 booth rentals

6200 over

rental venues

rentals in FY2016

The department proudly hosts many significant events in the lives of our guests. In 2016, there were:

» 298 weddings | 255 receptions » 6,200+ rentals | city-owned properties » 116 weddings at Exedra in Kraft Azalea Garden {most popular} Pavilion rentals have been extremely popular, particulary those near playgrounds. We have the privilege of hosting hundreds of birthday parties every weekend! Phelps Park {most popular} accommodated:

» 188 birthday parties

| over $11,400 in revenue

Community Playground {MLK Park} accommodated:

» 99 birthday parties

| $5,820 in revenue Howell Branch Preserve accommodated:

» 80 birthday parties

| $5,519 in revenue


all in high demand and booked far in advance for both public and private events

» Ward Park & Cady Way Park 8 baseball fields | 2 softball fields 1 pavilion | 5 multipurpose fields

» Martin Luther King, Jr. Park 1 softball field | 3 multipurpose fields 1 pavilion | 1 special event area

» Rachel D. Murrah Civic Center 5 multipurpose rooms | 2 patios | 1 kitchen » Lake Island Hall 1 multipurpose room | patio/lawn area » Community Center 4 multipurpose rooms | 1 kitchen seniors room | gymnasium | amphitheater shady park | 1 pavilion | picnic area

» Country Club » Azalea Lane Recreation Center » Phelps Park » Lake Baldwin Park » Kraft Azalea Garden » Central Park » Howell Branch Preserve » Mead Botanical Garden » Farmers’ Market


2 multipurpose rooms 2 multipurpose rooms | 1 pavilion 2 pavilions 2 pavilions 1 wedding area | 1 special event area 1 wedding area | 3 special event areas 2 pavilions | 1 special event area 1 pavilion | 1 amphitheater | 1 special event area 1 multipurpose room | 1 parking lot/event area

rental venues on 14 properties


full-service responsibilities for multiple properties & amenities

The Parks & Recreation Department is responsible for a very large number of properties and amenities. Staff members are responsible for the planning and implementation of care and maintenance programs, monitoring condition and usage, scheduling patrons, and anticipating future needs related to this full-service inventory. There are a total of 346.10 acres of designated parkland. These properties are categorized according to the City of Winter Park Comprehensive Plan.

Community Parks


Central Park/West Meadow


Community Center/Shady Park Complex


Dinky Dock Park


Howell Branch Preserve Farmers’ Market grounds

10.698 .850

Lake Baldwin Park


Martin Luther King, Jr. Park


Mead Botanical Garden Ward Park/Cady Way Park

47.612 67.250

TOTAL 192.590


total acres


Conservation & Open Spaces


Cady Way Trail


Howell Branch Creek Basin/Central Howell Creek Basin lot

38.844 4.1 1 5

NW Sports Complex {tree farm} 14.170 Pennsylvania Avenue Creek lot


Lake Waumpi lot


Temple Trail Creek lot

4.1 1 5

TOTAL 62.070

Neighborhood Parks


Kraft Azalea Garden


The Park at Orwin Manor


Phelps Park


Trismen Park


TOTAL 13.500

Special Purpose Parks Golf Course Tennis Center

acres 40.798 6.242

TOTAL 47.040

{acreages are as of fiscal year 2016}

Mini Parks


Alberta Drive


Alberta/Courtland .241 Alberta/JoAlCa .044 Alexander Place


Alfred J. Hanna


Bonita Drive


Bonnie Burn


Canton/Interlachen .181 Canton/New York


Cavendish/Harmon .031 Chelton Circle


Fairbanks/Orlando .223 Fawsett Road


Golfview .547 Hamilton Place


Harland 2.713 Harris Circle


Hooper .523 Jay Blanchard


Kings Way


Kiwi at Webster Avenue


Lake Knowles


Lake Midget


Lake Wilbar


Lakeview .192 Lasbury/Maiden .216 Laughlin .085 Leith .643 Loch Lomond/St. Andrews


Morse Boulevard




Park Grove




Reading Way


Marvin Smiley


Sunset/Chestnut .104 Tyree Lane


Via Bella


Villa View


Worthington Court


TOTAL 30.890

Cemeteries acres Palm Cemetery


Pineywood Cemetery


TOTAL 24.130

56.33 acres

maintenance properties

Traffic Islands Aloma Avenue Aloma & Pennsylvania avenues Burning Tree Lane Chapman Avenue & Comstock Parkway Goodrich Avenue Median Grove & Dallas avenues Howell Branch Road Kahkwa Court Kiwi Circle Lakemont Avenue & Lake Howell Road Lee Road Loch Lomand & Perth Lane Morse Boulevard Medians Orange & Harmon avenues Osceola Court & Brewer Avenue Osceola Court Park & Palmer avenues Randall Circle Suffolk Road & Cavandish Island Via Tuscany & Cypress Lane Webster Avenue & Pennsylvania Traffic Island

acres .1460 .1780 .0513 .2540 .1020 .0550 .2640 .0620 .0210 .0460 1.1780 .3170 1.0450 .0130 .0450 .0690 .0310 .0540 .0580 .0040 .0180

TOTAL 4.0900

Parking Lots


Hannibal Square Piazza


Knowles Avenue Lot


Winter Park Train Station


TOTAL 2.483

Rights of Way acres Blake Avenue {between Fairbanks & New York avenues} .783 Cherokee Avenue .226 Edwin Boulevard .508 Elizabeth Drive .113 Fitzwalter Drive & Banchory Road .888 Galloway Drive .090 Glenridge Way & Lake Spier Frontage 3.937 Howell Branch Road 1.068 Leith Railroad .991 Pennsylvania Avenue .408 St. Andrews Boulevard .344 Temple Trail .383 Via Tuscany .301 Virginia Avenue & Laurel Road .919 TOTAL 11.160

City Facilities & Properties City Hall Fire Station 62 Fire Station 64 Hannibal Square Heritage Center Ninth Grade Center Retention Pond Pennsylvania Avenue/Fawcett Lot Progress Point Property Public Safety Facility Via Lombardy Exfiltration Lot Welcome Center Winter Park Public Library

acres 2.805 .935 .344 .177 1.662 .134 2.801 3.418 .232 .286 1.671

TOTAL 14.030


constant research is being done to keep the department top-notch

The Parks & Recreation Department strives to ensure efficiency, safety, professionalism and progress are ever-important in the management of all properties and activities. The use of advanced technology is paramount. Constant research is done to better the service levels of the department.

» GIS Mapping

| used for locating parks as well as

park amenities, such as park benches »R ecTrac Software | department-wide reservation system & financial processing; all departmental transactions accommodated by this system »M ainTrac Software | labor & equipment tracked for cost & pattern analysis. » I mageFlow Software | electronic records management; efficient document search & retrieval » L aserFiche | archival documentation available electronically & searchable »P ontem Software | cemetery management software that keeps all records & issues deeds. »W ebCemeteries | cemetery online burial records App for Android & Apple devices »P arksNet | innovative internal website focal point for staff communications; each computer start-up defaults to ParksNet; information including calendars, meetings, bulletins & more shared with entire department » T hor Guard Systems | lightning detection devices located at golf course, Martin Luther King, Jr. Park, Community Center Pool & two locations at Ward Park »M usco Systems | computerized & programmable athletic field lighting system; programmable from any computer or tablet; integrated with RecTrac » T oro OSMAC Systems | remotely-controlled irrigation systems in place on golf course & several parks properties »P rezi | innovative & unique presentation software »A dobe Creative Suite | graphics software enables staff to produce professional, high-quality park layouts, presentations & photographic simulations

»A nimoto

| animation software allows staff to

create exciting video presentations; viewable on Parks & Recreation Department web pages & monitors in Community Center »H ID security access | staff & customer access to rooms & amenities including Community Center fitness center & restricted areas at Civic Center »C onstantContact | mass email system for widespread information distribution » Facebook & Twitter | social media accounts for the Community Center, Golf Course & Farmers’ Market » F lag Football League Website | game scores and league & tournament statistics available for players, coaches & city staff » S olar Lighting | both large, lighted flagpoles are solar powered in cemeteries; resulted from innovation partnership with the Marine Corps League Smedley-Noble project. »P arkTalk | dedicated email address for customer contact, questions & concerns; emails routed to director & assistant directors »M arantz Digital | device utilized for mp3 recordings of all board meetings; facilitates easy sharing »M iFi Pods | portable Internet hubs accessed by staff & customers in areas without WiFi » NovusAgenda | used for paperless, cloud-based advisory board agendas »V ideo surveillance | 74 cameras located in six department venues; monitored 24 hours a day » S harepoint | department-wide sharing of commonly used documents such as policies, statistical data & calendars »C omputers & laptops | complete with appropriate software including Digital Persona fingerprint logon systems available for all staff; every staff member in department has an email address & access to a computer » Tablets & smart phones | mobile devices allows remote access; staff jobs do not end at 5 p.m. on weekdays

2016 feature

new golf course

Built in 1914, the historic course closed its doors on March 1, 2016, to undergo some much needed repairs. The Winter Park Golf Course re-opened to rave reviews on October 1, 2016, after a 1.2 million dollar renovation project. New fairways, rough and greens, combined with a state-of-the-art irrigation system and a redesign by Keith Rhebb and Riley Johns of Interactive Golf, brought this second oldest course in Orlando back to its glory days and shined up this central Florida gem. So much so that The Golf ChannelÂŽ and Golf AdvisorÂŽ, named it the 5th Best Short Course in the entire country! The course itself is unique in many ways. It is a nine hole walking course topping out at around 2500 yards from the tips. Although there are a few electric carts available for senior and disabled players, most players prefer to take a pull cart and stroll the fairways while enjoying the surroundings. It is the true definition of urban golf as road traffic and the occasional train are very common sights during your round but seem to blend seamlessly with the majestic oaks, two churches and cemetery that also envelop the property. You will actually cross the street five times during your nine hole trek. The golf shop has a wide variety of merchandise to choose from as well as plenty of snacks and beverages for you to enjoy during or after your round. The course is open every day except Christmas, and tee times can be made up to three days in advance for the general public. Members can make tee times up to seven days in advance. Rates range from $12 to $19 per round, annual memberships start at $900, and the course is available to rent for private events including Night Golf.


traditional & long-running special events have been enjoyed for generations

Many traditional and long-running special events truly define Winter Park as the best place to live, work and play. The Annual Easter Egg Hunt will celebrate its 63rd year! The Parks & Recreation Department fully funds and staffs this fun family tradition. In its 38th year, Santa Visits Winter Park Neighborhoods is also a tradition with families planning their holiday parties to coincide with St. Nick’s arrival on their street. There’s also the 58th Sidewalk Art Festival, 44th Autumn Art Festival, 16th Annual Dinner on the Avenue, and 12th Annual Russell Athletic Bowl® Parade of Bands.

annual events calendar

» Unity Heritage Festival » Great Duck Derby » St. Patrick’s Day Parade » Sidewalk Art Festival » Easter Egg Hunt » Spring Pops Concert » Dinner on the Avenue » Run for the Trees » Olde Fashioned

» Test the Waters

Fishing Tournament

» Veterans Day Celebration & Veterans Golf Outing

» “Winter in the Park”

Holiday Ice Skating Rink

» Holiday Pops Concert » Winter on the Avenue » Ye Olde Hometown Christmas Parade

4th of July Celebration

» Russell Athletic®

» Autumn Art Festival

Bowl Parade

details @


projects funded by city as well as individually by grants & donations

In addition to general funding of the department, specific capital projects are ranked, budgeted, and scheduled for improvements or additions to the parks system.

COMPLETED 2016 country club

Restored wood floors & joists.


ward park


golf course


Built two restrooms. Renovated greens & course.

COMING UP 2017 azalea lane

Refurbish playground.

$20,000 phelps park

Replace pavilion.

$72,000 pineywood cemetery

Renovate office & restrooms.

$45,000 ward park & cady way athletic fields and tennis center

Upgrade to automated lighting.


family fun team spirit

love of nature sense of community


joy of play

respect for environment

healthy activities

starts in PARKS community

24 large special events, celebrations, art festivals, holidays & concerts

life’s big moments

gorgeous greenspace

255 wedding receptions 298 weddings 497 birthday parties 20 rehearsal dinners 32 baby & wedding showers 138 memorial services

346.1 acres of park land 191 streetscape foliage pots 96 hanging baskets 57 brick planter gardens

activities for kids of all ages 2 spray plays & 1 pool swim lessons

all kinds of recreation

{infant to senior}

8 multipurpose athletic fields

open swim season water aerobics & swim parties

{biannual flag football league}

8 baseball & 3 softball fields 6 basketball courts 23 tennis courts

« lakefront activities »

fishing, boating, skiing, sailing, crew, paddle boarding, swimming & kayaking

{quality lifeguards, instructors & pool operators}

« exercise »

4 fitness trails fitness center memberships boot camp, dance & yoga healthy lifestyles classes {& much, much more}

« programming »

seniors : daily meet-ups & special events youth : summer camp, school break & holiday camps, before & after school care

vision city


ensuring achievement

be the best place to live, work, and play in florida for today’s residents and future generations

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