1 minute read

Mercury Lane – Adam Stilges (Project Engineer

CLG Agenda

5:00 – Networking – coffees to order and light snacks 5:30 – Brief welcome – Simon Mitchell, Community Manager 5:35 – Project presentation – Dan Trotman, Construction Manager 5:45 – Break out for table discussions 6:30 – End

Table discussions: There will be four tables set up each to address a different topic with subject matter experts on hand to answer questions and provide details on their work.

1. Beresford Square – Dan Trotman (Construction Manager), Michael Coup (Project Engineer Beresford Square) 2. Mercury Lane – Adam Stilges (Project Engineer) 3. Tunneling update – Cam Butcher (Construction Manager Mined Tunnels) 4. Development Response – Arash Barzin (Development Response Manager) What is Development Response? What business support is available? How do businesses access support?

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