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CRL Mana Whenua Partnership
The CRL Mana Whenua Forum provides a structure to realise the partnership between Iwi Mana Whenua and CRL Ltd.
CRL Ltd’s partnership with the eight Auckland Iwi on the CRL Mana Whenua Forum (Forum) continues to add integrity to the CRL project and benefit the project as a whole.
The Forum meets monthly and provides Māori mātauranga (knowledge) across relevant stages of the project. CRL Ltd’s relationship with Mana Whenua is demonstrated within areas of interest across five strategic pou.
These include the Mana Whenua narratives that lead the placemaking response for stations and their surrounds, artist approval, blessings and karakia, cultural value incorporation into the ISCA manual and input into the management plan process.
ISCA rating to align with Te Ao Māori
Through each step of the sustainability journey, Mana Whenua input has been sought. CRL Ltd worked closely with the Forum to ensure that ISCA (IS) rating tool’s sustainability criteria align with Te Ao Māori (the Māori world view).
This has resulted in a custom-made CRL IS manual, titled Mahi Rauora Aratohu.
This manual, which embeds cultural values across the IS framework, was mandated in the tender documents for the C3 contract and is being used by the Link Alliance to guide its approach to sustainability during design and construction.
Culture & Identity
Natural Environment
We are exercising our role as a Te Tiriti partner across Tāmaki Makaurau Our culture and identity is seen, heard, felt and celebrated across Tāmaki Makaurau
Te taiao, te wai and te hau in Tāmaki Makaurau are thriving and cared for Our whānau in Tāmaki Makaurau are happy, healthy, thriving, and achieving We are an economic force in Tāmaki Makaurau at the whānau, hapū and iwi levels
Karakia after Covid-19 lockdown ended
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei led karakia to restart works across the CRL sites in Lower Queen Street, mid-city Aotea Station, Mt Eden and Karangahape.
The blessing of sites by Mana Whenua prior to construction resuming was a key part of ensuring those sites were safe for workers to return.
Ngāti Maru
Paoa ki uta, Paoa ki tai, Paoa ki tua For the first time, a New Zealand project won an accolade at the world’s biggest international architecture festival, WAFX. CRL received the 2019 World Architecture Festival WAFX prize for Cultural Identity through the designs created by Jasmax and Grimshaw in partnership with Mana Whenua. CRL was also a finalist in the World Architecture Festival Awards in the Mana Whenua have gifted narratives for the design of stations and their immediate surrounds. The overall theme for the CRL project’s design concept is the Māori creation story. This is expressed through four key elements incorporated into each station design – sky element, earth element, threshold element which represents the stations' atua (deity) and the fourth element which separates sky and earth.
The Forum agreed on seven Te Aranga principles which have been incorporated into the design framework.
The need for relevant Mana Whenua groupings to have individual and collective formal relationships with key stakeholders
Names and naming as a means of reconnecting Mana Whenua narratives to the place
The acknowledgement of wider Mana Whenua cultural landmarks
Bringing landscape elements, such as water, trees, birds, and insects, back into urban areas
Mauri toi
Re-inscribing Mana Whenua narratives into built architecture, landscape architecture and urban design
Ahi kā
Exploring opportunities to facilitate a meaningful living presence
Award winning station design
for Mana Whenua Future Infrastructure Category.
Kaitiaki for Te Ākitai Waiohua, Adrian Pettit, congratulated all involved for crystallising design that was not only indigenous and contemporary but is wholly reflective of Tāmaki Makaurau's unique point of difference; namely, Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau.
Mt Eden’s new bridges
The CRL Mana Whenua Forum has gifted a cultural narrative for the four rail bridges to be built in Mt Eden. The narrative is based on the volcanic atua Matāoho, who resided in the crater of Maungwhau (Mt Eden) and is associated with many of the volcanic features of Tāmaki Makaurau.
Te mahi tahi a CRL ki te mana whenua
Ko te Ohu Mana Whenua a CRL ka whakatinana i te hiahia kia noho tahi ngā iwi o te mana whenua ki a CRL.
E whanake tonu ana ngā mahi a CRL nā te mahi tahi ki ngā iwi e waru e whakakanohihia ana i te CRL Mana Whenua Forum.
Ka hui a CRL i ia marama ki te whāngaia te mātauranga Māori ki tēnei kaupapa. Ko kapi mai ana i roto i ēnei hui ko te whakatō i ngā pūrākau a te Mana Whenua ki roto i ngā mahi whakahou i ngā teihana tereina hei wāhi pāhekoheko; ko te whakatau i ngā ringatoi; ko te tuku i ngā takutaku; ko te raranga i ngā pūmanawa ahurea ki roto i te puka aratohu; ka mutu, ko te arahi i te tukanga mahere whakahaere. E rima ngā pou rautaki o te noho tahi a CRL ki te Mana Whenua.
Te Hononga a ngā Paearu ISCA ki Te Ao Māori
I ia wāhanga o te ora tūāoma toitūtanga nei, kua whai wāhi mai te Mana Whenua ki te whakatō whakaaro. I noho tahi a CRL me te Ohu Mana Whenua kia hono ai ngā paearu toitū ki ngā whakaaro o Te Ao Māori. Ko te hua i puta, ko te puka aratohu motuhake a CRL, e kīia nei ko Mahi Rauora Aratohu.
Ka whakatō te puka aratohu i ngā pūmanawa o te Māori, ā, he mea hangā te puka ki ngā whakaritenga i puta i te kirimana C3, otirā, e whai ana a Link Alliance i ngā tohutohu a te puka kia toitū ā rātou mahi whakaahua, hanganga hoki.
Culture & Identity
Natural Environment
E whakamana ana mātou i tā mātou haepapa hei hoa Tiriti ki Tāmaki Makarau whānui Ka kite, ka rongo hoki i tā mātou ahurea tuakiri ki a Tāmaki Makaurau whānui
E manaaki ana i te taiao kia ora ai te wai me te hau i Tāmaki Makaurau He whānau harikoa, he whānau tōnui, he whānau ora ngā whānau o Tāmaki Makaurau
WHAI RAWA Economic
He kaiwhāngai i te ōhanga ki ngā whānau, ngā hapū, ngā iwi hoki
Ngā Karakia Whai Muri i te Rāhui Mate Karauna
Nā Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei ngā takutaku whakawātea i whakahaere kia timata anō ai ngā mahi ki ngā tari CRL i te tāmoremoretanga o te tiriti o Queen, i te teihana o Aotea, i te teihana o Maungawhau, o Karangahape hoki.
He mahi whakahirahira te tuku a Te Mana Whenua i ngā karakia ki ngā wāhi nei e wātea ai ngā kaimahi ki te hoki atu ki te mahi.
Ngāti Maru
Paoa ki uta, Paoa ki tai, Paoa ki tua
Te Toa Hoahoa ā-Teihana
Koinei te wā tuatahi kua whakawhiwhia a Aotearoa ki tētahi tohu whakahirahira i te hui nui taioreore o te ao mō ngā mahi hoahoanga, o WAFX. I riro i a CRL te taonga mō te tuakiri ahurei o te Ahurei Hoahoa ā-Ao mō ngā mahi i whakairohia e Jasmax rātou ko Grimshaw, ko te Mana Whenua hoki.
I eke hoki a CRL ki ngā whiringa whāiti o Te Ahurei Hoahoa ā-Ao mō te wāhanga Angaanga Anamata (Future
I tuku te Mana Whenua i ētahi kōrero hei tūāpapa mō ngā mahi whakaahua i ngā teihana tereina me o rātou wāhi katoa. Ko te kaupapa matua o ngā mahi whakaahua ko te ōrokohanganga o te ao ki tā te Māori titiro. Ko te whakatinanatanga mai o tēnei ka kitea i ngā wāhanga e whā o te āhua o te teihana – ko ngā wāhanga ka tohu i te rangi, i te whenua, i te atua o taua teihana, ka mutu, ka tohu i te wehenga o Rangi rāua ko Papa.
I whakaaehia e te Ohu Mana Whenua ngā mātāpono e whitu e kīia nei ko Te Aranga hei arahi i te tauira whakaahua.
Me whai piringa ōkawa ngā rōpū Mana Whenua, te tangata rānei ki te hunga whaipānga
Ko te mahi tapa ingoa e hono ana i ngā pūrākau a te Mana Whenua ki te wāhi
Te whakamana i ngā tohu whenua o te mana whenua
Whakahokia ngā āhuatnga o te wai, o ngā rākau, o ngā ngārara hoki ki ngā tāone
Mauri toi
Whakairohia ngā pūrākau a te Mana Whenua ki te hoahoanga o ngā whare me ngā māra i ngā tāone
Ahi kā
E kimi ana i ētahi kōwhiringa kia mana ai te noho tahi ki te Mana Whenua
Infrastructure) i kōkirihia i te marama o Hakihea, 2019.
I whakanuia e te kaitiaki mō Te Ākitai Waiohua, e Adrian Pettit, te hunga i whakatinana i te hoahoa – kia iwi taketake te hanga, kia kite i ngā āhuatanga o nāianei, kia whakaatu hoki i te motuhaketanga o ngā mahi; te noho tahi ki Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau.
Ngā Piriti Hou o Maungawhau
Kua tākohatia e te Ohu Mana Whenua o CRL tētahi kōrero mō ngā piriti e whā ka hangaia ki Maungawhau. E hāngai ana te kōrero pūrākau ki te atua, ki a Matāoho, i noho ki te rua o Maungawhau, te atua e hono ana i ngā rangitoto o Tāmaki Makaurau whānui.
Financial Statements, Notes and Governance and Remuneration Disclosures
Corporate Directory
Statement of Responsibility
Statement of Financial Performance
Statement of Financial Position
Statement of Changes in Equity
Statement of Cash Flows
Notes to the Financial Statements
Governance and Remuneration Disclosures
Audit Report 41