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Statement of Performance

Workers in the Karangahape Station mined tunnel caverns

This section describes the 2020-2021 progress made towards achieving the identified performance measures as outlined in the Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE).

CRL Ltd has one output class and six output areas. The results reported within this section should be read in conjunction with the results reported against the Statement of Intent (SOI) on pages 13-18*. CRL Ltd’s performance against some Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), largely in regard to Project Delivery, have been impacted by Covid-19 Government-imposed restrictions during Alert Level 3 (12 August 2020, 14 and 28 February 2021) and Alert Level 2 (30 August and 23 September 2020, 17 February and 7 March 2021). New health and safety protocols, such as physical distancing, were in place during Alert Levels 3 and 2 which impacted the speed of construction on CRL’s sites.

Note 1.17 (v) in the Financial Statements provides a more fulsome description of the financial impact of Covid-19 on CRL Ltd.

Funding Envelope KPI 2021

Actual 2021

Achieve fiscal efficiency Meet delivery targets within approved Appropriation Achieved. Remained within the funding budget for the project

Timely financial reporting of project costs on a cost to complete basis

Operate CRL Ltd’s corporate functions within the approved budget Achieved

Achieved. These costs are monitored monthly

*Because the SPE and SOI were prepared at different times, some of the targets set out in the document do not align.

Health and Safety KPI 2021

Build an underground rail link that is safe for constructors, operators, maintainers and users

An externally validated maturity assessment of the CRL Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) using the Risk Management Maturity Model (RM3) will achieve Level 3 (standardised) by June 2021

Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) at or below seven injuries per million hours worked

Staff wellbeing survey completed and action plan in place

Publish annual safety assurance summary report by June 2021 to assure safety for operations, maintenance and users

Actual 2021

Achieved. An independent assessment of the Health and Safety maturity across CRL has achieved Level 3, ‘Standardised’. See page 25 for further detail

Achieved. Project TRFIR rate was 3.8 injuries per million hours worked. Increased health and safety monitoring and support have been put in place


Achieved. Published June 2021

Sustainability and Social Outcomes KPI 2021

Actual 2021

Achieve sustainability excellence including social outcomes

Achieve C1 and C2 'Excellent' Infrastructure Sustainability (IS) 'as-built' rating Achieved C2 certified with 'Excellent' rating. C1 final rating 'in progress' now expected early next year

95 per cent of construction demolition waste diverted from landfill* Achieved. Over 99 per cent construction and demolition waste (including spoil) has been diverted from landfill for C1 and C2 over the last year

C1 and C2: 10 per cent reduction in embodied carbon of construction material Achieved. 24 per cent reduction in embodied carbon of construction materials for C1 and C2

C3: 15 per cent reduction in embodied carbon of construction material Achieved. 22.9 per cent reduction in embodied carbon of concrete compared to the base case

Deliver the Link Alliance Progressive Employment Programme Achieved. The Link Alliance Progressive Employment Programme started in July 2020 with six rangitahi (young people). Graduation was held in November 2020

Six Link Alliance construction contracts to be awarded to Māori and/or Pasifika small and medium sized businesses Achieved. The Link Alliance has awarded 16 contracts to Māori and Pasifika small and medium size businesses

*Other contracts such as C8 Ōtāhuhu were monitored but excluded from this reporting due to materiality.

Deliver a safe, operable and quality underground rail link in a timely manner

Complete C8 Ōtāhuhu Station by October 2020

Project Alliance Agreement (PAA) Variation Agreement approved for inclusion of C5/C7 contracts by December 2020 Achieved. Completion* of station works was reached on 22 September 2020. The related track works were completed in October 2020

Achieved. The PAA Variation Agreement was signed 20 October 2020

Complete C2 by February 2021 Achieved. Completion* is for C2 separable portions (SPs), SP1A tunnel box, SP1 cut & cover tunnel works and SP4 Lower Queen Street Public Realm

Complete C5 Western Line Enabling Works by October 2020

TBM drive commences at Mt Eden by June 2021 Achieved. Completion* was reached on 25 July 2020

Achieved. Commenced on 27 May 2021

*Completion means that practical completion (PC) has been achieved. PC means the contract works are substantially complete and the asset involved is available for use. For contracts with KiwiRail as contractor, Completion refers to that works are “fit for service”.

Oversite Development KPI 2021

Realisation of development potential in and around CRL project sites

CRL Ltd to contribute to the planning and successful transition to a new entity to implement the agreed value creation and capture strategy – timeframe to be decided by the Sponsors Achieved. Working collaboratively with the Eke Panuku and Kāinga Ora-led development

Actual 2021

Community & Stakeholder Engagement KPI 2021

Actual 2021

Deliver a high level of communications and engagement

Efficiently respond to and process applications for access to the Albert Street Business Hardship Programme (BHP) Achieved. All applications for the BHP processed and businesses advised of outcome. The BHP ceased with completion of the C2 works (October 2020)

Increased public participation through events (target 8) and site tours (target 25)

Build positive profile of project with videos (target 10), social media (target at least 5 posts a week), proactive media releases (target 25) and community newsletter (target 12)

Responsiveness (target 2 working days response to public enquiries) Achieved. Notwithstanding Covid-19, 13 events and 120 site tours were held

Achieved. In excess of 5 social media posts per week, 116 videos, 41 media releases and 12 community newsletters over the year

Achieved. All enquiries acknowledged within two working days*

Aotea Station, beneath Wellesley Street West

Output Class Cost of Service Statement – City Rail Link Development $(000)


Total revenue

Total expenses

Net surplus/(deficit)

Actual 2021 Budget 2021 Actual 2020

3,098 653 1,954

83,001 55,305 114,956

(79,903) (54,652) (113,002)

*Variance of Actual deficit to Budget FY21 was driven by timing of asset transfers.

Auckland City Rail Link Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure

The Crown is a 51 per cent shareholder of CRL Ltd and funds CRL Ltd on 50:50 basis with Auckland Council. The Crown and Auckland Council fund CRL Ltd by subscribing to equity in the company. During 2020-21, the Crown contributed $395 million against the revised appropriation of $410 million. This appropriation is to achieve construction and operational readiness of the CRL project. An explanation of the variances from budget can be found in note 16 of the Financial Statements within this Annual Report.

Assessment of Performance

City Rail Link Ltd Actual 2021

Deliver the CRL project by 2024 Progressing activities described on pages 16 - 21 against Statement of Intent (SOI) targets (taken from schedule 5 of the Project Delivery Agreement (PDA)) Project delivery target met

Target 2021

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