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Objectives of the City Rail Link project
In conjunction with the Statement of Intent, the SPE describes key focus areas in 2022/2023 to help the Project achieve key performance targets. These targets support the objectives of the Project and CRL Ltd. CRL Ltd will report on its performance in implementing these activities in its 2022/2023 Annual Report.
Contract Contractor
C3 Link Alliance (Vinci, Downer, Soletanche Bachy, WSP, Aecom, Tonkin+Taylor, CRL Ltd)
C5 Link Alliance (awarded as part of expanded C3 contract)
C7 Link Alliance (awarded as part of expanded C3 contract)
C8 Newmarket Junction (KiwiRail)
C9 Britomart East (KiwiRail and Martinus)
Tunnels from just south of Wyndham Street to the North Auckland Line (NAL) at Mt Eden, building two new underground stations and the redevelopment of the one at CRL’s Mt Eden site
Connection of tunnels into existing North Auckland Line live rail corridor environment
Rail systems, integration testing and commissioning from Waitematā Station (Britomart) to Maungawhau Station (Mt Eden)
New crossover and associated signaling equipment at Newmarket
Remodelling of Britomart East junction to increase trains per hour capacity including structural alterations to achieve this
CRL Ltd will work with the Ministry of Transport to meet the Governments expectations around national security risks and interests in its procurement framework and processes.
CRL Ltd’s Reportable Outputs
This section describes CRL Ltd’s outputs for the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 which are reportable under section 149E(1)(a) of the Crown Entities Act 2004. Per the appropriation CRL Ltd’s reportable output is to “Deliver the Auckland City Rail Link project by 2024”. Per section 149E(1)(c) of the Crown Entities Act 2004, CRL Ltd does not propose to supply any class of outputs in the 2023 financial year that is a non-reportable class of outputs.
The expected revenue and expense for each reportable output for the financial year 2023 is as follows:
Deliver the City Rail Link Project Revenue ($’000) Expenditure ($’000)
Deliver the Auckland City Rail Link project by 2024* 2,434 127,878 Administer the Targeted Hardship Fund (THF) $6,000,000 revenue and expenditure. THF cashflow nets off to nil in the CRL Ltd Financial Statements.
*Subject to determination of Covid-19 impact
The performance of the output will be measured through the Output Measures noted below. CRL Ltd’s Output Classes for the fiscal year 2023 relate to Health and Safety, Project Delivery, Funding Envelope, Sustainability and Social Outcomes, Community and Stakeholder Engagement.
Oversite Development: whilst there is no specific target for 2022/23, development work continues, led by Kāinga Ora and Eke Panuku Development Auckland (and supported by CRL Ltd) on this important value creation and capture opportunity for Auckland and as a financial contributor to CRL Ltd.