Four Elements For A Life In Recovery In Sober Living In New York City
Four Elements For A Life In Recovery In Sober Living In N ew York City - Before you can begin developing basic life skills in recovery, it’s important that your environment and lifestyle supports your sobriety as well. A common denominator of emotional relapse is poor self-care. A high-quality transitional housing program will help clients recognize the importance of self-care as well as what it looks like on a daily basis. Residents should learn and practice the basics of self-care practices within the boundaries of their sober living program.
This includes getting adequate sleep, eating nutritious foods, and using coping strategies to combat depression, anxiety, and other negative emotions and thoughts. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines four major dimensions that support a life in recovery. These are: Health – Individuals should be making informed, healthy decisions that support a life in recovery. This includes abstaining from all drug and alcohol use, maintaining a nutritious diet and exercise routine, and properly managing emotional issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Home – All people in recovery should have a safe, stable place to live. This location should be a place where every individual feels secure in sharing and living out their beliefs, is supported, and can live comfortably at all times.
Purpose – It is important for individuals in recovery to partake in meaningful activities on a daily basis. Often times these include volunteering, going to work, or attending a creative class or group activity. Having the independence and resources to be an active and participating member of society is essential to purposeful and meaningful living. Community – Social support is key to maintaining a life of sobriety and all individuals in recovery should develop and maintain healthy relationships that provide support, love, and friendship. One study published in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment found that many individuals in recovery from addiction reported the following things to be of the utmost priority to them and their recovery:
Sobriety Employment Relationships Education Life fulfillment and achievement Family reunification Emotional health Housing Helping others Resolving legal issues Not surprisingly, many of the basic life skills for recovering addicts that are emphasized in sober living programs are essenti al to obtaining all of the things listed above. If you or loved one have struggled with sobriety and have completed a 28 day drug rehab program and need help staying sober in New York City, please call City Recovery, we are here to answer any of your questions and concerns and to help point you in the right direction for whatever you may need in New York City.  Sober Living is a big commitment but it may be the best decision you can make to prolong your recovery.
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