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Gallery Exhibits

Capital University Schumacher Gallery: The American President: Photographs from the Archives of the Associated Press through Dec. 7. www.capital.edu

Frank Museum of Art, Otterbein University: Paper and Porcelain: Japanese Prints and Chinese Ceramics through Dec. 7. www.otterbein.edu

Fisher Gallery, Otterbein University Roush Hall: Tales of Slavery and Deliverance by Stewart Goldman through Dec. 7. www.otterbein.edu

Miller Gallery, Otterbein University Art and Communication Building: Lifting Off the Grid by Donald Austin through Dec. 7. www.otterbein.edu

The Ohio State University Faculty Club: Joseph Russell Taylor – Watercolors, featuring original works not seen by the public since 1932, through Dec. 14. www. ohio-statefacultyclub.com

Dublin Arts Council: The Soul of Objects: Ohio Wesleyan metalsmiths through Dec. 21. www.dublinarts.org

Jung Association Gallery: Visions of a Wayward Wanderer, a multimedia exhibit by Steve Erwin, through Dec. 22. www. jungcentralohio.org

Ohio Craft Museum: Gifts of the Craftsmen – the 13th annual holiday exhibition and sale, featuring jewelry, pottery, art glass, baskets and clothing by more than 60 artists – through Dec. 23. www.ohio craft.org

Decorative Arts Center of Ohio: Outcault/ Stahler: Editorial Cartoonists a Century Apart through Dec. 30. www.decartsohio.org

Hawk Galleries: William Morris: Works from the Archives through Dec. 30. www. hawkgalleries.com

Wexner Center for the Arts: Photography by Annie Leibovitz, featuring work from Leibovitz’s Master Set, through Dec. 30. www.wexarts.org

Brandt-Roberts Galleries: Holiday Small Treasures, featuring items by local and national gallery artists, through Dec. 31. www. brandtrobertsgalleries.com

Lindsay Gallery: Ohio Self Taught, a group exhibit of self-taught artists from Ohio, through Dec. 31. www.lindsaygallery.com

Muse Gallery: New to the Gallery/Director’s Choice through Dec. 31. www.amuse gallery.com

Studios on High Gallery: Be Original ... Give Original Art!, featuring unique gift options made in various media, through Dec. 31. www.studiosonhigh.com

High Road Gallery: Nifty Gifts for Under Fifty, a sale of handmade items from Ohio artists, Dec. 2-8. www.highroadgallery.com

Gallery 831: Stitched and Stretched, ceramics by John Bryan Community Pottery members

Hammond Harkins

Opening Friday, November 30, 2012 from 5 until 8 PM and quilts by Prayers and Squares members, Dec. 4-31 www.clayspace831.com

Hayley Gallery: Works by Ryan Orewiler from Dec. 8-Feb. 8. www.hayleygallery.com

Keny Galleries: Light and Geometry: The Landscape and Architecture by Linda Carey and Nuances of Light: Recent Interiors and Landscapes by Neil Riley from Dec. 14-Jan. 11. www.kenygalleries.com

Art Access Gallery: New work by Joe Lombardo and Richard Clem through Jan. 9. www.artaccessgallery.com

Canzani Center Gallery, Columbus College of Art and Design: The Sunday Paintings by Byron Kim through Jan. 10. The Radiant Future and Mr. Gay in the U.S.A. by Donald Moffett through Jan. 11. Simulacrum, featuring the work of 15 different artists, through Jan. 11. www.ccad.edu

Hammond Harkins Galleries: Small and Wonderful, an annual exhibit of works by gallery artists, through Jan. 13. www.hammondharkins.com

Ohio Art Council’s Riffe Gallery: Watercolor Ohio 2012, the Ohio Watercolor Society’s 35th annual juried exhibition, through Jan. 13. www.riffegallery.org

Columbus Museum of Art: Marvelous Menagerie: An Ancient Roman Mosaic from Lod, Israel through Jan. 13. Think Outside the Brick: The Creative Art of LEGO through Jan. 27. The Essential Elijah Pierce, an indepth look at the Columbus folk artist’s collection, through Feb. 16. Songs for the New Millennium, 1812-2012: Works by Aminah Robinson Celebrating 200 Columbus through spring 2013. Making Faces, a family-friendly, hands-on exhibit exploring portraits from the museum’s collection, through spring 2013. www.columbusmuseum.org


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