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Art in the Open
COSI is home to more than just science
By Megan Roth
Photos courtesy of COSI and Sophia Tobias
WHEN YOU THINK of COSI, you probably think of science before you think of art. However, a number of public art installations grace the outside of the science museum. Those pieces, along with its location on the Scioto River, led our readers to deem it the best public art display in our Best of the ‘Bus poll.
The most prominent art displays at COSI are the Spectrum Tree and Dinosaur Sculpture Garden.
The Spectrum Tree, sculpted by William Wainwright, has been on COSI’s grounds since 1991. Wainwright created the piece to celebrate Isaac Newton’s discovery that sunlight is composed of the whole range of colors our eyes can detect.
The Dinosaur Sculpture Garden pieces come from Dan McCauley, whose work often uses metal from discarded objects. The sculptures take inspiration from his childhood fascination with di-
Opposite: The Spectrum Tree diffracts light, causing the individual colors to spread out.
Left: The curves of the COSI building.
Above: The Tyrannosaurus Rex.
nosaurs and his continued passion for metal-working.
It’s not just the installations – the building itself has artistic value. Designed by Japanese architect Arata Isozaki in 1999 to repurpose the Central High School building, COSI is strategically constructed with different elevations to give guests the best views of downtown Columbus and the green spaces adjacent to it. Isozaki also wanted to incorporate curves into the structure to mimic the landscape of the area.
While the outside can be quite captivating, don’t forget about what’s inside the building. COSI has a planetarium and dinosaur gallery and has hosted exhibits on superheroes, history, energy, space and more. CS
Megan Roth is an assistant editor at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at mroth@cityscenemediagroup.com.
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