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Gallery Exhibits

Blockfort Gallery & Studios: BHoles. An artist-created miniature golf course. Guests are invited to play through 18 holes of wacky and weird fun. Course runs May 6-8 and 13-15. Small Worlds. An exhibition featuring the work of table top miniature painters, many of whom are also gamers. Opening reception June 9, 6-8 p.m. June 1-25. www. blockfortcolumbus.com

Brandt-Roberts Galleries:

BRG Summer Series I: Jane Carney & Fernando Pezzino. BRG artist Jane Carney, based in Chicago, and invited artist Fernando Pezzino, based in Providence, Rhode Island, will exhibit together. Their unique apJane Carney | Brandt-Roberts Galleries proaches to process, color, and mark-making allow Art Access Gallery: Remembering Haiti. their work to resonate together. May 7-29. Paul-Henri Bourguignon’s Haitian in- www.brandtrobertsgalleries.com spired art. Opening reception Friday, May 6 from 5-7 p.m. May 1-June 26. www. Columbus Museum of Art: Roy Lichtenartaccessgallery.com stein: History in the Making, 1948–1960. The first major museum exhibition to inAll People Arts: Pots and Prints. A show- vestigate the early work of one of the most case of art made in traditional print- and/ celebrated American artists of the 20th or ceramic-based media from artists work- century, including his formative years in ing on the Southside and within the Columbus. Through June 5. www.columbus greater Columbus area. Opening recep- museum.org tion Saturday, May 7. May 4-July 21. Walt Neil Mural Restoration at Ganthers Place. David Myers Art Studio & Gallery: The The Walt Neil mural, located on the side Joye of Spring. The eighth annual “Joye of of Ganthers Place building, will be com- Spring” show is inspired by Joye Tilton’s pletely restored and celebrated. June 12- love of spring. She worked with Myers 25. www.allpeoplearts.org from the age of 81-93. Opening reception May 27, 6-9 p.m. May 2-June 3. The Art of Intuition. The featured works are intuitive, expressive and abstract pieces. Opening reception June 24, 6-9 p.m. June 17-Sept. 9. www.facebook.com/Art intheHeartofUptown

Decorative Arts Center of Ohio: Chronicles: The Great Depression and the Pandemic. Highlighting Depression-era photographers from the Works Progress Administration’s Farm Security Administration program as well as contemporary photographers react-

Through July 13. www. localohioart.com

Hopkins Hall Gallery:

Extinction | Imagination. This exhibition will serve as a culmination event and showcase of the works produced by the artists who received the 2021-2022 Global Arts and Humanities Discovery Theme Graduate Research Grants: Lydia Cornett (Art), Kashif Dennis (WGSS), Aaron Peters (Art), Brett Taylor (Art), and Mollie Wolf (Dance). May 2-20. www.uas.osu.edu/hhg

Jenn Stewart | Hayley Gallery

ing to the current COVID-19 pandemic. May 21-Aug. 28. www.decartsohio.org

Dublin Arts Council: Collage: The Art of Recycling. Columbus-based artist N. Penney Denning composes collages from recycled images that have had a previous life in old and new photographs, magazines and printed materials that arrive at her doorstep. By appointment through June 2. Art Quilt Alliance: Thread of a Poem. Thread of a Poem is a group exhibition by the 35-member Art Quilt Alliance, featuring non-traditional quilts embracing literal and abstract translations of poetry. By appointment June 14-July 21. www. dublinarts.org

Mac Worthington Studio, Gallery &

Sculpture Park: Art Isn’t Just For Walls. 100 inspired, large-scale outdoor sculptures exhibited on the sculpture park estate. May 1-31, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. The Art of Radical Abstraction. Gallery paintings featuring fine art abstracts by Mac Worthington. June 1-30. www.macworthington.com

Marcia Evans Gallery: Fashion is Art. A collaboration of all galleries in the Short North Arts District during the May Gallery Hop. Showcasing fashion designer Ryan Orewiler and fine artist Veena

Elizabeth McLeod | David Myers Art Studio & Gallery

Elijah Pierce Gallery: Daughter of the Thread. A solo exhibition of new works by the 2021 Aminah Robinson Fellowship recipient, Wendy Kendrick. Through May 22. www.kingartscomplex .com/elijah-pierce-gallery

Glass Axis Galley: Form, Space & Light. Featuring the glass art of Jon Rees. His career as an architectural designer led him to sculpturally explore the essence of architecture. Through May 21. Rob Stern Gallery Exhibition. Featuring the sculpted glass artwork of Rob Stern. His aesthetic resides at the crossroads where humans and nature intersect. Artist talk and glassblowing demo on June 2, 6-8 p.m. June 2-July 30. www.glassaxis.org

Hayley Gallery: Carolyn Heffelfinger & Jenn Stewart – A Sense of Place. Opening reception Saturday, May 14 from 5-8 p.m. Through June 10. Elizabeth Chapman – Full Color. Opening reception June 11, 5-8 p.m.





APRIL 30 – JULY 8, 2022

ALL EVENTS TAKE PLACE ONLINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Register for events online at riffegallery.eventbrite.com


Vern Riffe Center for Government & the Arts 77 S. High St., First Floor Lobby Visit riffegallery.org 614-644-9624

HOURS Tue. – Fri. Noon – 5 p.m. Gallery will be closed: May 30, June 20, and July 4. Hours subject to change based on CDC and state guidelines.

Bansal. May 7-30. David Underwood. A solo exhibition of recent mixed media, image and text artworks. June 4-28. www. marciaevansgallery.com

McConnell Arts Center: Celeste MalvarStewart: Artificial Horizon. Using deconstructed waste material, natural dyestuff, wool and alpaca fibers, Malvar-Stewart explores the connection between the aviation instrument, artificial horizon and our own personal horizons. Opening reception May 19, 6 p.m. May 19-July 7. www. mcconnellarts.org

OAC Riffe Gallery: Black Life as Subject Matter II. Black life in all its manifestations is, indeed, a worthy subject matter for creative expression by African American visual artists in search of truth and beauty. Curated by Willis “Bing” Davis. Produced and circulated by EbonNia Gallery. Through July 8. www.oac.ohio.gov/ Riffe-Gallery

Ohio Craft Museum: Best of 2022. Juried exhibition of work in clay, glass, metal, wood and fiber by Ohio Designer CraftsOhio Glass Museum: 200 Years of Libbey Glass. The exhibit highlights the expansive collections and innovations of Libbey, Inc., tracing back to 1818. Through Sept. 1. www.ohioglass museum.org

Open Door Art Studio & Gallery:

Love Is a Rainbow. Open Door artists are proud to present an exhibition celebrating love. Coinciding with Pride Month, shantay and stay for a collection of works that inclusively are loud and proud! Opening reception June 11, 5-7 p.m. June 11-July 1. www.opendoorcolumbus. org/open-door-art-studio

Urban Arts Space: Religious Soundscapes. Religious Soundscapes is an immersive audio installation presenting sounds from religious communities in the Midwest. It reflects seven years of research and production by the American Religious Sounds Project, a collaborative, inter-institutional initiative co-directed by Amy DeRogatis (Michigan State University) and Isaac Weiner (The Ohio State University). May 24July 16. www.uas.osu.edu

Dublin Arts Council

540 South Drexel Avenue, Bexley, Ohio 43209

Phone 614.338.8325 Fax 614.338.8329 www.artaccessgallery.com

Opening Reception Friday May 6, 5-7 Remembering Haiti, Paul-Henri Bourguignon’s Haitian Inspired Art May 1 through June 26, 2022 Wednesday through Friday 11–4 Saturday 11–3 Other times by appointment 614-338-8325 or Artaccessgallery.com or instagram artaccess1, facebook

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