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Gallery Exhibits
don, Stanka Kordic and Michael Mikula and each of their unique art forms. June 3-Aug. 27. www.decartsohio.org
Dublin Arts Council: The Fractals: Patterns in Nature. Work by Jonah Jacobs, Andrea Myers and Karen Snouffer, as well as several Dublin City Schools students. Through June 2. The Pandemic Portraits. Portraits captured by Nicholas Hill throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. June 13-July 21. www.dublinarts.org
934 Gallery: Artwork by Amber GM, Chelsea Flowers, Enas Satir and Paula Mans, featuring illustration, photography and sculpture. Opening May 5. Artwork by Gold Bristow and Molly MacDonald exploring gender and sexuality through illustration, textile arts and more. Opening June 2. www.934gallery.org
Art Access Gallery: Pedestrian Perspectives. Oil paintings by Rod Hayslip, through May 31. Fridays with Judy Friday. Abstract paintings by Judy Favret Friday. Opening June 2. www.artaccessgallery.com
The Arts Castle – Gallery 22: Delaware’s History Through Architecture. Images and artifacts that reflect the style of many of the historic buildings in Delaware. Through June 17. www.artscastle.org
Blockfort: Of Giants and Men 2. Work by Rob Mounier, Ross Hardy, Dane Khy and Andy Smith to showcase all their different styles. Itty Bitty Kitties. Work by Kaitlyn Burrows featuring her cat illustrations. Both open June 1. www.blockfortcolumbus.com
Brandt-Roberts Galleries: Inside, Outside. Work by Richard Lillash, Cody Heichel, Christopher Burk, Jane Carney, Teri
Dryden, Mark Bush, Jeffrey Hirst and visiting artist Alejandro Bolanos. May 6-31. www.brandtrobertsgalleries.com
Columbus Museum of Art: A Scratch on the Earth. The most comprehensive exhibition of Wendy Red Star’s work to date. always circled whirling. The first solo exhibition of abstract painter Lesley Vance. Both open through Sept. 3. PRESENT ’23. Second wave of gifts for the museum’s Scantland Collection. June 8-Oct. 8. www.columbusmuseum.org
Columbus College of Art & Design Beeler Gallery: Chroma 2023. Featuring the work of graduating CCAD students. May 12-Aug. 26. www.beelergallery.org
Cultural Arts Center: Work by Ukrainian artist Oleksii Koval. Through May 27. www.culturalartscenteronline.org
David Myers Gallery: The Art of Intuition VIII. Featuring the abstract art of David Myers and more than 20 other studio artists. May 1-July 26. www.davidmyersart.com
Decorative Arts Center of Ohio: Intrinsic Luminescence. Work by Judith Bran-
Fresh A.I.R. Gallery: Dragon by the Tail. Fantasy characters captured in paintings by Kim Keffer. Through May 19. RENEWAL: Works about Hope. Group exhibition by the gallery, hosted by the Greater Columbus Arts Council. May 3-July 28. www. southeasthc.org/services/freshairgallery
Glass Axis: Moving Forward. Glasswork from several artists will be the last show before the gallery moves to its new location. Through May 31. www.glassaxis.org
Hayley Gallery: Naturally Made. Paintings by Marti Higgins and David Lane. May 20June 21. Judith Vierow Memorial Show. Featuring work by folk artist Judith Vierow, who died in January 2022. June 17-July 11. www.localohioart.com

Kittie’s Highline Art Space: Contour in Flux. Oil paintings by abstract artist Brittni Hall. May 2-June 30. www.rebeccaink. com/highlinecoffeeartspace
Loann Crane Gallery at the Greater Columbus Arts Council: RENEWAL: Works about Hope. Group exhibition by Fresh A.I.R. Gallery. May 3-July 28. www. gcacgallery.org
Mac Worthington Studio, Gallery & Sculpture Park: Abstraction on Steroids. Forty-two original signature style abstract canvas paintings created by Mac Worthington. May 1-June 30. www.mac worthington.com
Marcia Evans Gallery: Oil paintings by Betsy DeFusco showcasing German Village. Opening May 6. www.marciaevans gallery.com
McConnell Arts Center: Grounded: The Essential Landscape. Landscape photos by Fredrik Marsh. Slice and Dice: My Earth Dissected. Work by Frauke Palmer captured in quilts. May 11-July 6. www.mc connellarts.org
Ohio Art Council’s Riffe Gallery: Interwoven: The Many Voices of Fiber. Work by Dionne Custer, Sandy Shelenberger, Leah Wong, Melissa Haviland,

The Many Voices Of Fiber

Clare Murray Adams and Deborah Silver. Through July 7. www.oac.ohio.gov/ Riffe-Gallery
ROY G BIV Gallery: Various artwork, such as floral fabric sculptures and collages, by Isabel Zeng, River Berry and Margaret Hull. May 12-June 2. Hannah Jordan, Emily Bartolone, Geren Heurtin and Jes- sica Boushie. Exploration of what it means to gain and lose bodily autonomy, either physically or artistically. June 9-July 7. www. roygbivgallery.org

Sarah .. Gormley Gallery: Paintings by Daniel Rona that ride the line of representation and abstraction. May 10-June 10. Paintings and prints by Susanne Dotson. June 13-July 15. www.sarahgormley gallery.com
Sean Christopher Gallery: Sixth Annual Old School Invitational. Fifty-year reunion exhibition honoring former art students from the then-incoming freshman class at Columbus College of Art and Design in 1973. May 6-June 3. Gallery closed June 4-30. www.seanchristophergallery.com
Sharon Weiss Gallery: Histories and Mysteries. Paintings by Anita Dawson featuring still-life objects. May 4-28. www.sharon weissgallery.com

SkyLab Gallery: Work by Kelley O’Brien
Through May 19. Work by Linsday Coffman. June 2-23. www.facebook.com/Sky labGallery/
Studios on High Gallery: Along the Way. Drawings, ceramics and digital art by Bill Meyer. May 6-June 1. Roots and Branches Nature-focused work by Jen McCracken. June 3-29. www.studiosonhigh.com
Upper Arlington Concourse Gallery: Undesign the Redline. Artwork by local artists portraying themes inspired by the effects of redlining in Columbus. June 1-July 7. upper arlingtonoh.gov/tag/concourse-gallery/
Wexner Center for the Arts: Meditation Ocean. An immersive installation of underwater meditation footage by Hope Ginsburg and several other partners. Through July 9. www.wexarts.org
For more listings visit www.cityscenecolumbus.com
Wendy Red Star: