2 minute read
Funding the Future
Chamber Foundation supports students’ academic ambitions
Since 2013, the Grove City Chamber Foundation has granted scholarships quarterly to hardworking and exemplary students.
From students to business owners to growing professionals, these scholarships have aided 241 recipients with over $156,000. Although these awards are available for a range of ventures – including post-secondary education, technical schooling, career certification and various education credentials – a qualified group of Grove City’s newest high school graduates made up a large sum of those awarded this spring.
A ceremony at Fryer Park was held in the spring, in which 21 students were awarded scholarships.
These students were hand-selected according to academic and need-based considerations. After the candidates filled out an application, the chair of the benefits committee redacted personal information from the submissions, and the committee voted on the candidates they felt were most deserving of these awards.
Recipients come from both public and parochial schools around the South-Western City School District, and with the help of this scholarship, they will attend a range of universities. From nursing to finance to the fine arts, the options are endless for this bright bunch.
One recipient, Shae Grimm, plans to use the scholarship to assist her pursuit of a career in occupational therapy. Grimm will attend The Ohio State University, where she will major in health sciences with the goal of entering the pre-occupational therapy program.
Grimm’s passion for occupational therapy arose after watching her grandfather face a long recovery resulting from multiple strokes and major surgeries. After witnessing his battle, she hopes to use her career to ensure others can maintain their health and independence.
In her years at Grove City High School, Grimm kept a busy schedule, balancing academics with varsity athletics and volunteering. Grimm gives credit to the Grove City community for her development thus far.
“I’ve been shown the power of community service from a very young age,” Grimm says. “My community has always upheld me to my goals.”
Grimm is eager to expand on her education this fall, but she acknowledges that with these ambitions comes a financial burden. This scholarship helps relieve some of the financial stress that falls on her family, allowing Grimm to study her way to a dream future.
Another recipient, Zachary Iles, will use the scholarship to help advance his education at the University of Cincinnati, where
On Thursday, April 27, recipients were celebrated with a ceremony at Fryer Park recognizing their achievements. The following students were granted scholarships:
Robert Biehl
Michael Boling
Melva Bonilla
Ryan Boyce
Sienna Brunicardi
Justin Combs
Lauren Davis
Annan Downing
Madison Gillon
Shae Grimm
Zachary Iles
Christian Isaacs
Valeria Jimenez
Annitra Kang
McKenzie Kennedy
Jillian Paskvan
Connor Rose
Katelyn Souslin
Charles Spence
Mason Stewart
Natalie Tolliver he plans to pursue a degree in electrical engineering.

Iles was heavily involved in his community throughout his high school years. When he wasn’t practicing for the Grove City High School marching band, he was leading his team to victory in the water as captain of the swim team. Iles also was involved in choir and was a member of the National Honor Society. He hopes to use the opportunities that this scholarship presents to expand on his passion for city involvement while pursuing professional desires.
“Obviously college is very expensive,” Iles says. “So any financial benefits that I can get (will) help keep me out of debt so that I can progress into the future and help give back to my community as soon as possible.”
Megan Brokamp is an editorial assistant at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at feedback@cityscenemediagroup.com.
Katie Giffin