NOV.-DEC. 2024
Online and office registration begins Monday, Oct. 21

NOV.-DEC. 2024
Online and office registration begins Monday, Oct. 21
The Source highlights Parks and Rec. programs, activities and amenities. See page 11 for a list of classes. For additional details, access the registration system at bit.ly/gcpReg or a pdf class outline online.
The CivicRec registration system and website allows people to find information and register online where they can sort classes by age, type of program and day of the week.
Online viewing allows users to personalize options to fit their families’ schedules and interests while accessing fresher, more accurate information.
Visit bit.ly/gcpReg or go to GroveCityOhio.gov and follow prompts from the Parks & Rec. page.
Questions? Staff are available to help! For preschool, youth and adult programs, call or visit the Kingston Center, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday. For programs and activities for ages 55+, call or visit the Evans Center, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday.
Walk-in registration and payment are available at both locations. Payment cannot be made by phone.
Kingston Center ........... 614-277-3050
3226 Kingston Ave.
General information and preschool, youth and adult class registration
Evans Center
4330 Dudley Ave. 55+ information and class registration; contact information for senior services
Gantz Farmhouse
2255 Home Road
Herb garden and Gardens at Gantz Farm Volunteer information
Weather Hot Line
Status updates on events, sports and programs (e.g., rain outs)
Grove City Parks and Recreation
City of Grove City
City Hall 614-277-3000
4035 Broadway Service 614-277-1100
3262 Ventura Blvd.
Public Safety/Police.... 614-277-1710
2255 Home Road
Classes and programs may be canceled due to adverse conditions (road and playing surface conditions, lack of utilities, etc.).
• For updates, call 614-277-3060, visit GroveCityOhio.gov or check Parks & Rec. Facebook and Instagram accounts.
• Later updates due to incoming weather/condition changes are made to the phone line
• Participation is always at the discretion of a minor participant’s parent/ guardian or the adult participant.
• Cancellations for evening activities are determined based on field conditions by 4 p.m. by Parks and Rec. personnel.
• Contests may be canceled later if incoming weather affects conditions. Call 614-277-3060 for updates.
• Do not use dirt or grass infields of closed fields as it may cause damage requiring repair and cause further cancellations.
Indoor Sports/Activities
• Weekday classes and programs are canceled when the South-Western City School District closes due to inclement weather.
• If conditions change, evening classes may be canceled at the discretion of Parks and Recreation personnel by 4 p.m.
• Weekend cancellations are made by 7 a.m., Saturday and 11 a.m., Sunday.
Children need spaces where they can feel free, safe and active while interacting with others. Grove City offers preschool programs that provide the foundations of group learning with a nature-based philosophy. Options vary from parent/adult-child activities to child-only classes.
P.A.R.K. serves elementary school students by providing activities that keep them engaged, but without the structure of school. Each day includes arts and crafts as well as small- and large-muscle play.
Preschool programs foster physical, mental and cultural development for children as young as 2. Participants build self-confidence, discover interests and develop age-appropriate skills while having fun.
Ages 3-5 build academic, social, creative, physical and emotional skills in a child-centered group setting. Children connect with the environment through nature-based classroom experiences and frequent Adventure Days. Registration opens in February for the following school year (September-May). For info, visit bit.ly/GCRecSchool or call 614-871-6330.
Ages 2-3 with an adult explore a classroom setting filled with play-based learning opportunities including planned activities and circle time with reading and movement for an hour on Friday mornings, September-May.
This childcare program offers a safe place for children in grades K-4 to stay physically, mentally and socially active before and after school when the SouthWestern City School District is in session. The summer program offers full-day childcare with activities and field trips including weekly trips to The Big Splash.
After-school P.A.R.K. operates Monday-Friday, 2:30-6 p.m., at Buckeye Woods, J.C. Sommer, Highland Park, Monterey and Richard Avenue elementary schools.
Before School operates Monday-Friday, 6-8 a.m., at Buckeye Woods, J.C. Sommer, Highland Park, Monterey and Richard Avenue elementary schools.
We’re Hiring!
Looking for a fun part-time job with no evening or weekend hours? Visit GroveCityOhio.gov for details.
Registration for these popular programs opens each May. Sites remain open for registration until full.
For full details on offerings and registration, visit bit.ly/gcpReg Register starting Mon., 10/21
Grove City offers various team sports for ages 5 through adult. Register online or in the Kingston Center during the assigned month. Spaces are limited; registration may close before the end of the month. Youth and adaptive program players register by individual and are assigned to a team. Adults register by team.
Co-rec. (minimum 3 females on court)
Play Sundays in the GCHS Rec. Center; start times 1-5 p.m. Games: 8 plus playoffs. Season starts Jan. 12.
Co-rec. teams play at competitive (spiking) and recreational (no spiking) levels. Register by team for $300 during December (leagues may fill early).
Grove City Parks & Rec. partners with Bally Sports to offer beginner team sports experiences for ages 3-4 in T-ball, soccer and basketball. Visit bit.ly/BallySportsGC for more information and to register.
• Little Ballers Basketball ($85 per player) Ages: 4-5
Hayes Intermediate School Tue., 11/5-12/10; 6:15-7:15 p.m. or 7:15-8:15 p.m.
A fun and educational first basketball experience that teaches game fundamentals in an encouraging atmosphere offering developmentally appropriate instruction and modified, recreational game play.
Don’t miss your chance to participate!
Team sports involve scheduling fields and officials, and ordering uniforms for youth leagues, so registration happens well ahead of the season.
Youth Sports Registration
• Little League (Ages: 5-17): February
• Fall Baseball (Ages: 5-17): June
• Volleyball (Grades: 3-12): August
• Basketball (Grades: K-12): October
Adult Sports Registration
• Spring/Summer Softball: March
• Spring Cornhole: March
• Summer Cornhole: May
• Fall Cornhole: July
• Fall Softball: July
• Volleyball: December
Adaptive Sports Registration
• Spring Buddy Ball (Ages: 4+, 16+): February-March
• Fall Adult Buddy Ball (Ages: 16+): Mid-July-August
See page 11 for the list of Parks & Rec. classes for November and December.
Keeping your mind and body active is important for health for all ages. Whether you are into self-guided activities like utilizing bike paths or enjoy group classes, Grove City Parks & Rec. has something for you!
These activities are great ways to develop listening skills, balance, core strength and coordination, providing a great foundation for future athletic endeavors. View options for increasing age and competency levels on page 11.
• Gymnastic Age: 3
Tue., 11/12 to 12/17; 5-5:30 p.m.
Thu., 11/14 to 12/19; 5-5:30 p.m.
• Gymnastic Age: 4
Tue., 11/12 to 12/17; 5:30-6 p.m.
Thu., 11/14 to 12/19; 5:30-6 p.m.
• Gymnastics Ages: 5-6
Tue., 11/12 to 12/17; 6-6:30 p.m.
Thu., 11/14 to 12/19; 6-6:30 p.m.
• Gymnastics Ages: 7-8
Tue., 11/12 to 12/17; 6:30-7 p.m.
Thu., 11/14 to 12/19; 6:30-7 p.m.
Preschoolers build communication and social skills while also learning the fundamentals of sports through encouragement and instruction.
• Jump Bunch Ages: 1½-2½
Wed., 11/6 to 12/11; 6-6:30 p.m.
• Jump Bunch Ages: 2-3
Wed., 11/6 to 12/11; 6:30-7 p.m.
• Sporties for Shorties Ages: 3-5
Wed., 11/6 to 12/11; 7-7:45 p.m.
• Karate Peewee Beginner Ages: 4-7
Mon., 11/4 to 12/16; 5-5:30 p.m. Wed., 11/6 to 12/18; 5-5:30 p.m.
• Karate Peewee Advanced Ages: 4-7
Mon., 11/4 to 12/16; 5:30-6 p.m. Wed., 11/6 to 12/18; 5:30-6 p.m.
• Karate Beginner Ages: 8/up Mon., 11/4 to 12/16; 6-7 p.m. Wed., 11/6 to 12/18; 6-7 p.m.
• Karate Advanced Ages: 8/up Mon., 11/4 to 12/16; 7-8 p.m. Wed., 11/6 to 12/18; 7-8 p.m.
Melt away tension and stress with yoga postures with breathing techniques and deep relaxation.
• Yoga Tue., 11/5 to 11/26; 6-7 p.m.
• Senior Yoga Thu., 11/7 to 11/21; 11 a.m.-Noon Poses are designed with seniors’ special needs in mind.
Music lifts the spirit and supports cognitive, social, physical and musical development.
• First Steps in Music Ages: 3-5 Tue., 11/5 to 11/19; 6:15-7 p.m. Tue., 12/3 to 12/10; 6:15-7 p.m.
A certified Feierabend Music instructor leads movement, dance and music through developmentally appropriate activities.
• KinderMusik Ages: 1-4 with Adult Thu., 11/7 to 11/21; 9:30-10 a.m. Thu., 12/5 to 12/12; 9:30-10 a.m. Groove City Kids Music’s Stephanie Dille leads interactive musical experiences with instruments, singing and dancing.
• Ukulele Lessons Ages: 6/up Sat.-Sun., 11/2 to 11/3; 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Pluck and strum your way into the ukulele by learning the basics of playing from expert instructors.
Stay moving, make friends and enjoy music with dancing.
• Square Dance: Mainstream Ages: 16/up Mon., 11/25 to 2/3; 7-9 p.m.
A Grove City Western Squares caller teaches mainstream calls, building on skills learned in the basic classes.
Combining creativity with nature is just one way the Gardens at Gantz Farm staff and volunteers share their knowledge. Join an upcoming class to create beautiful, useful items or learn a new approach to gardening.
• Advent Calendar Tree
Ages: 6-9
Wed., 11/20; 6:30-7:30 p.m. New!
Create a tree using greenery and a tomato cage, then hang 24 advent surprises on it.
• Cookie Decorating Party Ages: 6-9
Wed., 12/18; 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Decorate pre-baked Christmas cookies to take home!
• Gifts from the Herbal Pantry Sat., 11/16; 1-2:30 p.m.
Herbal vinegars, sauces, honey, salts and jams make thoughtful homemade gifts.
• Holiday Candies
Tue., 11/19; 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Prepare Christmas candies like Grandma used to make!
• Herb Butter Mix Thu., 11/21; 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Prepare a garlic herb butter from the recipe used at the old Jai Lai Restaurant in Columbus.
• Herbal Liqueurs and Libations Ages: 21/up Sat., 11/2; 1-2:30 p.m.
Brew up elderberry liqueur, ginger lemon syrup and a cherry basil shrub.
• Herbal Christmas Decorations Wed., 12/11; 6:30-8 p.m.
Make a variety of beautiful and natural Christmas decorations.
• Evergreen Kissing Ball Sat., 12/14; 1-2:30 p.m.
Make a lovely globe from pine, holly and berries.
Evans Angels Project Heart Strings
Fri., 11/1: Lists are available at the Evans Center front desk Mon., 12/9: Deadline to drop off unwrapped gifts
Celebrate the true meaning of the holiday season! Purchase gifts from a suggested list for seniors who may be forgotten or alone or make a monetary donation.
Suggested donation amount is $20. All ages welcome to participate!
Holiday Fun
Celebrate the holidays by making crafts to enliven your home.
• Turkey Time Ages: 5-12
Wed., 11/13; 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Prepare for Thanksgiving with beautiful crafts to adorn your table and home!
• Christmas Perler Beads Ages: 5-12
Wed., 11/27; 3-4 p.m.
Craft a unique, festive Perler bead masterpiece then place it in a snow globe for an enchanting display.
• Crafting with Mrs. Claus Ages: 3/up with Adult and up to 3 other family members
Wed., 12/11; 6:30-8 p.m.
Visit with Mrs. Claus, make photoframe ornaments and a tray for Santa’s cookies, and write letters to Santa.
For full details on offerings and registration, visit bit.ly/gcpReg Register starting Mon., 10/21
See page 11 for the list of Parks & Rec. classes for November and December.
Grove City is full of creativity! Much like physical activity improves health, making things with your hands and performing, especially in a group, offers personal benefits that extend beyond the final product.
Share playful learning activities (creative, active and social) in a classroom setting: paint, build with blocks, draw, sing and dance. Everyone should dress for play and exploration.
• All my Family Ages: 2-3 with Adult Thu., 11/7-11/14; 6-7 p.m. Use art and play to represent your family.
• Twas the Night Ages: 2-3 with adult Thu., 12/5-12/12; 6-7 p.m. Explore the holiday and its traditions through hands-on activities.
Program Age Groups
õ Adaptive
õ Preschool (1-4)
õ Youth (5-17)
Adult (18+) õ 55+/Senior
• American Sign Language for Beginners Ages: 7-12 Tue., 11/5 to 12/3; 6-7 p.m. Get introduced to ASL culture and language, building vocabulary by practicing during fun activities.
• Big Art Ages: 6-10
Thu., 11/7 to 11/21; 6-6:45 p.m. Follow age-appropriate instruction to learn several styles and techniques to create art in a variety of media using quality materials.
• Acting Class with Showcase Ages: 7-16
Thu., 11/7 to 12/19; 6-7:30 p.m. Bring to life age-appropriate scenes from TV, movies and plays as a group, enhancing memory, selfconfidence and stage presence.
Kids enjoy enriching crafts and fun games during longer programs, allowing parents to work or catch up on errands.
• Parents’ Day Out! Ages: 5-10 Sat., 11/16; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Kids make holiday crafts, listen to music and play games with P.A.R.K. staff while their parents prepare for the holidays. Bring a packed lunch. Snacks provided.
• Winter PlayZone! School’s Out Camp Ages: 5-12 Fri., 12/27; 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon., 12/30; 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. When school is out, join P.A.R.K. leaders for fitness, group games and winter art activities.
• Preteen/Teen Holiday Party Ages: 12-15 Sun., 12/22; 7:30-10 p.m. Join Parks & Rec. for an evening of holiday games, music and competitions with young teens in mind. Wear an ugly holiday sweater, festive shirt or pajamas. Pizza and snacks provided. Day-of registration ($5) available.
The Evans Center offers older residents of Grove City a variety of opportunities to stay active physically, mentally and socially. Offerings include parties, trips to restaurants and cultural sites, and classes that teach skills for navigating the challenges that come with aging.
On-site Fun
• Christmas Celebration $ Wed., 12/11; 1-3 p.m.
Attend a warm, joyful celebration filled with goodwill, cheer, delicious food and lively music.
• Members Gala: Senior Prom Wed., 11/13; 4-6 p.m.
Be part of the excitement, creating memories to treasure: dance, eat, crown a prom king and queen, and capture the moment at a photo station. Registration opens Oct. 28.
• Holiday Games $ Fri., 12/20; 1-3 p.m.
Enjoy games, prizes, a delightful cocoa bar and scrumptious cookies.
• Movie Fun: Sweet November Fri., 11/8; 1-3 p.m. (2001; PG-13) After a chance meeting at the BMV, a couple decides on a one-month trial relationship with no strings.
Dining Trips ¤ $ ⬩
Lunch Bunch: 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
• Der Dutchman: Tue., 11/26
• O’Charley’s: Thu., 12/19
Supper Club: 4-8 p.m.
• Bonefish Grill: Mon., 11/4
• Ann & Tony’s: Wed., 11/20
The Showstoppers, the Evans Center’s in-house acting group, entertains all ages with original or adapted dramatic productions each June and December.
• A Heehaw Holiday Hoedown Tue., 12/3, Wed., 12/4 and Thu., 12/5 at 1 p.m. • Wed., 12/4 at 7 p.m.
A unique mix of Christmas-themed songs, singalongs, skits, jokes and hillbilly comedy presented in variety-show style ushers in the festive spirit. Packed with humor and “Hee Haw” extras, this production promises to be a down-home country Christmas extravaganza.
Off-site Day Trips ¤
Travel by minibus to off-site tours, shopping or entertainment followed by a meal (on your own). Be prepared for walking.
• Veterans Day Outing ¤$⬩ Thu., 11/7; 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
View thousands of artifacts at the Central Ohio Military Museum honoring armed forces veterans. Veterans are free.
• Wilson Football Factory ¤$⬩ Tue., 11/12; 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Tour the Ada, Ohio, factory where official NFL game balls are produced.
• Century Village Tour ¤$⬩ Mon., 12/2; 1:45-4 p.m.
Step back in time at Grove City’s historic park.
• Christmas Shopping & Lunch¤$⬩ Mon., 12/9; 11:15 a.m.-4 p.m.
Enjoy festive wonders at the Country Christmas Barn during a private tour and unique shopping experience.
• LaComedia: Holiday Inn¤$⬩ Thu., 12/12; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
A man who left show business for farm life unites with a talented teacher to turn the farmhouse into a inn hosting dazzling performances.
• Clifton Mill¤$⬩ Mon., 12/16; 2:30-9 p.m.
Millions of sparkling lights set to music create a whimsical winter wonderland.
• Veteran Benefits
Thu., 11/14; 1-2 p.m.
Discuss VA aid and benefits available to veterans and their spouses with an elder law specialist.
• Off-site Presentation for Veterans Mon., 11/18; Noon-1 p.m. Worthington Moose Lodge #1427
Join us for a speaker and a delicious lunch. Open to veterans and spouses.
• Q&A with a Physical Therapist Mon., 11/18; 1-2 p.m.
Gain essential knowledge on fall prevention and take a complimentary balance assessment.
• Winter Preparedness Fri., 11/22; 11 a.m.-Noon
Discover must-have items for your home, and how to prepare your residence for bad weather and complete crucial health-related tasks.
• Grove City History Wed., 11/20; 11 a.m.-Noon
Learn amazing facts about Grove City history from James Hale of the Southwest Franklin County Historical Society including how the city got its name.
Through Seniors and Law
Enforcement Together, the Grove City Division of Police serves older citizens by providing resources, raising awareness, sharing crime prevention tips, and giving opportunities to report concerns and ask questions. Facilitator: Teri Ruslander.
• Elder Financial Exploitation Thu., 11/14; 10-11 a.m.
Discuss what financial exploitation is, why seniors are targeted and how they can protect themselves.
• Holiday Shopping Safety Tips Thu., 12/12; 10-11 a.m.
Learn tips for experiencing the holidays safely, including shopping online and in person, decorating your home and long-distance traveling.
Be a part of something special with an annual membership to the Evans Center! For a $15 annual fee (covers January-December), enjoy:
• Early access to register for 55+ classes (Friday before opens to the general public).
• Full access to the Fitness Room (a $120 per year value!)
• Discounted fee for select classes.
• Invitation to a members-only gala.
For more information, stop in the Evans Center or call 614-277-1060.
MONDAY 9 a.m. Senior Exercise $ 10 a.m. Indoor Cornhole 12:30 p.m. Bridge 1 p.m. Chair Volleyball 6:30 p.m. Parkinson’s Care Giver Support Group (1st Mon.) 7 p.m. Western Squares $
a.m. Senior Exercise$
a.m. Loss Support (2nd Wed.)
10 a.m. Crafts, Creativity & Conversations (4th Wed.)
11:30 a.m. LifeCare Alliance Lunch$ Noon Center Updates Q&A (1st Wed.)
Noon6 p.m. Red Cross Blood Drive (1st & 3rd Fri.)
12:30 p.m. Bridge
$ Associated Fee
¤ Minibus transportation; must be able to get on/off without staff assistance ⬩ Member discount
For full details on offerings and registration, visit bit.ly/gcpReg Register starting Mon., 10/21
The City of Grove City strives to add to, improve and maintain parks and recreation facilities throughout the city, including expansion of the multi-use path system linking recreational, residential and commercial areas of Grove City.
Current Projects
Gantz Park
• Construction of RecSchool preschool programming building
Grant-Sawyer Homestead
• Historical restoration of the carriage house
Henceroth Park
• Trail improvements
Recently Completed
Gantz Park
• Reconstruction of tennis courts including new foundation and groundwork
The Park at Beulah
• Installation of entry arches
Upcoming Projects
The Big Splash
• Improvement to pool shell and filtration system
• Update to bathrooms and mechanical/pump house
Windsor Park
• Expansion of lighted, paved parking lot
• Replacement of baseball scoreboards and dugouts
• Installation of batting cage and basketball courts
Fryer Park
• Installation of turf on West Pod Fields
• Ball field improvements including new dugouts, shade structures and fencing, and enhanced grading and drainage
• Updates to Century Village Garden
Grove City Parks and Recreation reflects Grove City’s commitment to and appreciation of the many sacrifices made by those who have served in the military.
The department fosters the City’s designation as a Purple Heart City by maintaining spaces in the parks to honor veterans, those lost or injured in service and their families.
Whether making a special trip on Veterans Day or Memorial Day, participating in a Purple Heart Ceremony or just pausing while enjoying other amenities, these monuments provide opportunities to reflect in appreciation.
Henceroth Park
View several monuments including a battle cross, statue and flag pole. Experience the Purple Heart Memorial Walk which features trees dedicated to soldiers injured or killed in action along a heart-shaped path.
Gold Star Families Memorial Park
Located in the Town Center, this park focuses attention on the families left behind when a son or daughter is lost in service.
Veterans Memorial Monument
Atop a granite obelisk situated amid flags in front of City Hall, a flame burns in honor of the many who have served.
Visit GroveCityOhio.gov for a list of all monuments in Grove City.
RecSchool Preschool
Ages: 3-5
Ages: 2-3 with an Adult
Learning Together: All My Family
Ages: 2-3 with Adult Thu., 11/7 to 11/14; 6-7 p.m.
Learning Together: Twas the Night
Ages: 2-3 with Adult Thu., 12/5 to 12/12; 6-7 p.m.
Grades: K-4
Sites: Buckeye Woods, J.C. Sommer, Highland Park, Monterey and Richard Avenue elementary schools.
• After-school P.A.R.K.
School year: Mon.-Fri., 2:30-6 p.m.
• Before School P.A.R.K.
School year: Mon.-Fri., 6-8 a.m.
Winter PlayZone! School’s Out Camp Ages: 5-12
Fri., 12/27; 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Mon., 12/30; 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Turkey Time
Ages: 5-12
Wed., 11/13; 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Advent Calendar Tree
Ages: 6-9
Wed., 11/20; 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Christmas Perler Beads
Ages: 5-12
Wed., 11/27; 3-4 p.m.
Crafting with Mrs. Claus Ages: 3/up with Family
Wed., 12/13; 6:30-8 p.m.
Cookie Decorating Party
Ages: 6-9
Wed., 12/18; 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Sporties for Shorties
Ages: 3-5
Wed., 11/6 to 12/11; 7-7:45 p.m.
No class: 11/27
Jump Bunch
Ages: 1½-2½
Wed., 11/6 to 12/11; 6-6:30 p.m. No class: 11/27
Ages: 2-3
Wed., 11/6 to 12/11; 6:30-7 p.m. No class: 11/27
Bally Sports: Little Ballers Basketball Ages: 4-5
Tue., 11/5 to 12/10; 6:15-7:15 p.m. or 7:15-8:15 p.m.
Parents’ Day Out!
Ages: 5-10
Sat., 11/16; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Big Art
Ages: 6-10
Thu., 11/7 to 11/21; 6-6:45 p.m.
Acting Class with Showcase Ages: 7-16
Thu., 11/7 to 12/19; 6-7:30 p.m. No class: 11/28
Ages: 5-6
Tue., 11/12 to 12/17; 6-6:30 p.m. No class: 11/26
Thu., 11/14 to 12/19; 6-6:30 p.m. No class: 11/28
Ages: 7-8
Tue., 11/12 to 12/17; 6:30-7 p.m. No class: 11/26
Thu., 11/14 to 12/19; 6:30-7 p.m. No class: 11/28
Karate Peewee Beginner Ages: 4-7
Mon., 11/4 to 12/16; 5-5:30 p.m. No class: 11/11
Wed., 11/6 to 12/18; 5-5:30 p.m. No class: 11/27
First Steps in Music
Ages: 3-5
Tue., 11/5 to 11/19; 6:15-7 p.m. Tue., 12/3 to 12/10; 6:15-7 p.m.
Ages: 1-4 with Adult Thu., 11/7 to 11/21; 9:30-10 a.m. Thu., 12/5 to 12/12; 9:30-10 a.m.
Ages: 3
Tue., 11/12 to 12/17; 5-5:30 p.m. No class: 11/26
Thu., 11/14 to 12/19; 5-5:30 p.m. No class: 11/28
Ages: 4
Tue., 11/12 to 12/17; 5:30-6 p.m. No class: 11/26
Thu., 11/14 to 12/19; 5:30-6 p.m. No class: 11/28
Karate Peewee Advanced Ages: 4-7
Mon., 11/4 to 12/16; 5:30-6 p.m. No class: 11/11
Wed., 11/6 to 12/18; 5:30-6 p.m. No class: 11/27
Karate Beginner Ages: 8/up
Mon., 11/4 to 12/16; 6-7 p.m. No class: 11/11
Wed., 11/6 to 12/18; 6-7 p.m. No class: 11/27
Karate Advanced Ages: 8/up
Mon., 11/4 to 12/16; 7-8 p.m. No class: 11/27
Wed., 11/6 to 12/18; 7-8 p.m. No class: 11/27
Ukulele Classes Ages: 6/up
Sat.-Sun., 11/2 to 11/3; 3:30-4:30 p.m.
American Sign Language Ages: 7-12
Tue., 11/5 to 12/3; 6-7 p.m.
Preteen/Teen Holiday Party Ages: 12-15
Sun., 12/22; 7:30-10 p.m.
(18+ unless otherwise indicated)
Adult Volleyball Register by team during December Co-rec. (min. 3 women on court)
Games start Jan. 12; Sundays 1-5 p.m.
Herbal Liqueurs and Libations
Ages: 21/up
Sat., 11/2; 1-2:30 p.m.
Holiday Candies
Tue., 11/19; 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Herb Butter Mix Thu., 11/21; 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Herbal Christmas Decorations Wed., 12/11; 6:30-8 p.m.
Evergreen Kissing Ball Sat., 12/14; 1-2:30 p.m.
Gifts from the Herbal Pantry Sat., 11/16; 1-2:30 p.m.
Tue., 11/5 to 11/26; 6-7 p.m.
Square Dance: Mainstream Ages: 16/up
Mon., 11/25 to 2/3; 7-9 p.m. No class: 12/23
55+ (55+ unless otherwise indicated)
Fun, Games & Entertainment
Showstoppers: A Heehaw Holiday Hoedown Ages: All Tue.-Thu., 12/3-12/5; 1 p.m.
Wed., 12/4; 7 p.m.
Christmas Celebration $ Wed., 12/11; 1-3 p.m.
Holiday Games $ Fri., 12/20; 1-3 p.m.
Members Gala ƒ Wed., 11/13; 4-6 p.m.
Movie Fun: Sweet November ƒ Fri., 11/8; 1-3 p.m.
Grove City History ƒ Wed., 11/20; 11 a.m.-Noon Bingo ƒ
Thu., 11/7 to 11/21; 12:30-2:30 p.m.
Euchre ƒ Thu., 1-3 p.m.
LifeCare Alliance Lunch Program $ Ages: 60/up
Tue., Wed. & Thu., 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Suggested donation: $1.50
Center Updates with Q & A ƒ Wed., 11/6; Noon-1 p.m.
Seniors and Law Enforcement
• Elder Financial Exploitation ƒ Thu., 11/14; 10-11 a.m.
• Holiday Shopping Safety Tips ƒ Thu., 11/14; 10-11 a.m.
Lunch & Learn: Veteran’s Benefits ƒ Thu., 11/14; 1-2 p.m.
Lunch & Learn: Q&A with a Physical Therapist ƒ Mon., 11/18; 1-2 p.m.
Lunch & Learn: Winter Preparedness ƒ Fri., 11/22; 11 a.m.-Noon
Presentation for Veterans (Off-site) Mon., 11/18; Noon-1 p.m.
Tech for Seniors ƒ 10-11 a.m. weekdays by appointment
Fitness Room $
Weekdays; 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Chair Volleyball ƒ
Mon., Wed., 11/4 to 11/27; 1-2 p.m.
No class: 11/11, 11/13
Mon., Wed., 12/9 to 12/30; 1-2 p.m. No class: 12/2, 12/4, 12/25
Fitness Room $ Weekdays; 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Tai Chi $
Tue., 11/5 to 11/26; 10-11 a.m.
Senior Yoga $
Thu., 11/7 to 11/21; 11 a.m.-Noon
Senior Exercise $
Mon., Wed., 11/4 to 11/27; 9-10 a.m.
No class: 11/11, 11/13
Mon., Wed., 12/2 to 12/30; 9-10 a.m.
No class: 12/4, 12/11, 12/25
Support Groups
Life After Loss Support ƒ Ages: 18/up
Wed., 11/13; 10-11 a.m.
Wed., 12/11; 10-11 a.m.
Karate Beginner Ages: 8/up
Mon., 11/4 to 12/16; 6-7 p.m.
No class: 11/11
Wed., 11/6 to 12/18; 6-7 p.m.
No class: 11/27
Karate Advanced Ages: 8/up
Mon., 11/4 to 12/16; 7-8 p.m. No class: 11/27
Wed., 11/6 to 12/18; 7-8 p.m.
No class: 11/27
Alzheimer’s Support ƒ Ages: 18/up Tue., 11/19; 7 p.m. Tue., 12/17; 7 p.m.
Parkinson’s Disease Care Givers ƒ Mon., 11/4; 6:30-7:30 p.m. Mon., 12/2; 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Lunch Bunch: Der Dutchman $⬩ Tue., 11/26; 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Lunch Bunch: O’Charley’s $⬩ Thu., 12/19; 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Supper Club: Bonefish Grill $⬩ Mon., 11/4; 4-8 p.m.
Supper Club: Ann & Tony’s $⬩ Wed., 11/20; 4-8 p.m.
Veterans Day Outing: Central Ohio Military Meeting $⬩���� Thu., 11/7; 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Wilson Football Factory (Ada) $⬩���� Tue., 11/12; 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Century Village Tour $⬩���� Mon., 12/2; 1:45-4 p.m.
Christmas Shopping & Lunch $⬩���� Mon., 12/9; 11:15 a.m.-4 p.m.
LaComedia: Holiday Inn $⬩���� Thu., 12/12; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Clifton Mill $⬩���� Mon., 12/16; 2:30-9 p.m.
ƒ = Free Registration (other fees may apply)
$ = Registration Fee
⬩ = Member Discount
���� = Includes Walking
Murfin Memorial Field
" The Big Splash/Evans 2831 Southwest Blvd. # Blodwen 2352 Blodwen Circle $ Breck Community 3005 Demorest Rd. % Concord Lakes 3606 Lake Mead Dr.
Cread Lawless 3401 Kingston Ave.
Creekside 2410 Holton Rd.
Fryer 3899 Orders Rd.
Gantz 2255 Home Rd.
Henceroth 2075 Mallow Lane
Hennigans Grove 5804 Paul Talbott Circle
Holton Run
Demorest Dr.
Hoover Crossing 2880 Wynridge Dr./ Murfin Trail
Haughn Rd.
Indian Trails
Buckeye Pkwy.
Keller Farms 1904 Michelle Ct.
Meadowgrove 5601 Spring Hill Rd.
The Park at Beulah 3700 Glacial Lane
Pinnacle Links North 1243 Pinnacle Club Dr.
Pinnacle Links South 5014 Callum Way
Scioto Meadows 432 Scioto Meadows Blvd.
Sesquicentennial 3247 Park St.
Skate 3728 Hoover Road
Swearingen 2601 Columbus Street
Town Center Park 3359 Park Street
Walden Bluff Walden Bluff Ct.
Westgrove 3580 Magnolia St.
Windsor 4330 Dudley Ave./ 4408 Broadway/ Dreamfield: 3400 Ventura Blvd. B Century Village 4185 Orders Rd.
C Eagle Pavilion 3670 Discovery Dr. D Evans Center 4330 Dudley Ave. E Gantz Farmhouse & Gardens 2255 Home Rd. F George Edge Music Broadway at Park St.
G Grant-Sawyer Home 4126 Haughn Road
H Grove City Gold Star Families Memorial 3964 Columbus St. I Grove City Visitors Center & Museum
3378 Park St.
J Kingston Center 3226 Kingston Ave.
Windsor and Gantz parks feature shelters large enough for gatherings available to the public year-round, dawn to dusk, and are open for walk-up usage if not already reserved. Reservations are available for May 1 through Sept. 30. All other shelters and gazebos are accessible on a first-come basis and are not available for reservation by the public. The Eagle Pavilion in Fryer Park has separate policies from open shelters including no walk-up usage.
For more information, call 614-277-3050 or visit GroveCityOhio.gov.
Size 1,800 square feet
Picnic Tables 12 (2 ADA)
Rental Times & Fees
9 a.m.-3 p.m. or 4-9 p.m.: $75 ($125 NR)
Full Day (9 a.m.-9 p.m.): $125 ($200 NR)
Size 850 square feet
Picnic Tables 6
Rental Times & Fees
9 a.m.-3 p.m. or 4-9 p.m.: $50 ($75 NR)
Full Day (9 a.m.-9 p.m.): $90 ($125 NR)
Parks with Walk-up Shelters
• Blodwen
• Cread Lawless
• Creekside
• Fryer
Size 1,500 square feet
Picnic Tables 13 (2 ADA)
Rental Times & Fees
9 a.m.-3 p.m. or 4-9 p.m.: $75 ($125 NR)
Full Day (9 a.m.-9 p.m.): $125 ($200 NR)
GAZEBO Size 500 square feet Picnic Tables 0
9 a.m.-3 p.m. or 4-9 p.m.: $50 ($75 NR) Full Day (9 a.m.-9 p.m.): $90 ($125 NR)
• Indian Trails
• Keller Farms
• Meadowgrove
• The Park at Beulah
• Scioto Meadows
• Swearingen
• Westgrove
• Windsor
Size 1,500 square feet
Picnic Tables 8 (8 ADA)
Rental Times & Fees
9 a.m.-3 p.m. or 4-9 p.m.: $75 ($125 NR)
Day (9 a.m.-9 p.m.): $125 ($200 NR)
Outdoor Shelter Reminders
• Reservations are available for May 1-Sept. 30.
• Refunds only granted 30 or more days before reservation date.
• Water fountains/flushing toilets are turned off seasonally to protect pipes (approximately Oct. 1-May 1).
• Restrooms are open to all park users.
• Reservations have priority. Police will assist if walk-up occupants refuse to leave. Call the non-emergency police number at 614-277-1710.
• Shelters are cleaned early each morning. Be prepared in case conditions are affected by others' use, weather or animals.
• Be courteous! Leave shelters in same or better condition.
• Place all refuse in proper containers.
• Prohibited actions include smoking/vaping of tobacco or marijuana, alcohol use/impairment and possession of weapons.
• All park laws apply; see Grove City Code Chapter 903.
Credit card only
Drop Box, 3226 Kingston Ave. (Rear)
Check or money order
• Due to security concerns, payments are not accepted by phone
• Online using a credit card (VISA, MasterCard or Discover Card).
Kingston Center, 3226 Kingston Ave. 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday
Credit card, cash, money order, check Ages 1-54
Evans Center, 4330 Dudley Ave.
8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday
Credit card, cash, money order, check Ages 55+
• In person via credit card, cash, money order or check made payable to the City of Grove City.
• Drop box (parking-lot side of the Kingston Center) by check or money order.
Most activities list two fees with a lower rate for residents. Grove City Parks and Rec. facilities and offerings are funded through property and income taxes; in recognition of this, residents receive a discount.
• A resident is someone whose home address lies within the corporation limits of Grove City or unincorporated Jackson Township
• Please note: this does not include all of ZIP code 43123; the U.S. Postal Service uses ZIP codes to designate the office that delivers mail to an address.
• Verify your rate level at Property.FranklinCountyAuditor.com. Search for your address. Eligible addresses feature a parcel ID that starts with 040 or 160.
• The Fair Share Policy extends eligibility for lower rates to non-residents who pay income tax to the City of Grove City. Proof of employment (e.g., current pay stub showing tax payment) must be confirmed annually
• No further confirmation regarding registration is made unless there is a change to the time or location. Participants are responsible for being present at the time and location listed.
• View your household’s schedule: log in and select the account tab (top left) to view upcoming classes.
Cancellation by Participant
• Registered participants may cancel before the program starts or materials are ordered. Requests must be in writing (hard copy or email).
• For a full refund for team sports, a request must be made before uniforms are ordered. Decisions on refunds are at the discretion of department personnel.
• Refunds are by check mailed to household or reversal of a credit card charge.
Class/Event Cancellation by Department
• Activities are subject to change or cancellation based on participation, instructor availability, weather or building conditions, and public safety concerns. Staff will notify registered participants of changes to classes.
• For day-of updates team sports, call 614-277-3060, monitor social media and visit GroveCityOhio.gov.
• Every attempt is made to print accurate, complete information. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the publication and the timeline for printing, the guide may include incorrect or incomplete information.
• We apologize for any errors or omissions and encourage you to visit the website and review online offerings for the most up-to-date information.
The City of Grove City reserves the right to photograph or otherwise record activities, participants, spectators and park visitors. Images may be used in social media, website, catalogs, brochures, magazines, ads or other print or electronic communications or promotions.
Looking for your photo?
Did you see someone taking photos and want to view them?
• Check EQ@GroveCityParks and EQ@GroveCityOhio.
• Browse the Discover Grove City magazine.
• Visit GroveCityOhio.gov.
Grove City Parks and Rec. is committed to serving the whole community regardless of age, sex, race, color, national origin or religion
Our goal is to include individuals with special needs in existing programs based on need and ability. Individuals or groups serving special populations are welcome to contact the department to make proper arrangements.
The City of Grove City does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to programs or activities. An ADA Coordinator is designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in the Department of Justice regulations implementing Subtitle A of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.), prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability by public agencies. Call 614-277-3050 for information.
Please have leaves raked for pickup by 7 a.m., Monday of your designated week.
• Leaf collection for each area begins Mondays and may take the entire week to complete.
• Help keep leaves out of the street gutter, away from storm drains, ravines and streams.
• Rake leaves to the grassy area between the street and sidewalk or to the edge of your lawn for streets without sidewalks. Leaves will not permanently damage the lawn.
• Relocate parked vehicles from the street, 7 a.m.-4 p.m., during your collection week.
• Leaves in bags cannot be collected.
• Leaves are accepted year-round when placed in yard waste bags/containers as part of regular trash pickup by Local Waste Services.
• A greener alternative is to mulch leaves with a mower to provide a natural fertilizer.
For more information, view the FAQs at bit.ly/gcLeafCollection or contact the Grove City Service Department at 614-277-1100.
The Public Service Department applies anti-icing and deicing materials and removes snow from city streets. Following are some reminders as we head into the winter season.
• Snow accumulation under two inches is not typically plowed.
• Streets are prioritized based upon traffic impact and location.
◦ Main arteries are cleared and maintained first including Broadway, Stringtown Road, Hoover Road and Kingston Avenue.
◦ Once arteries are cleared, less traveled and secondary streets are plowed.
◦ Neighborhood side streets and cul-de-sacs are plowed last.
• Property owners are responsible for clearing their sidewalks, driveways and parking lots. Please make it safer for pedestrians such as school children and postal carriers to use your sidewalk.
When weather conditions are deemed hazardous, the Grove City mayor will issue a snow emergency/parking ban for the city. This declaration is enacted to facilitate the clearing of snow and ice from main thoroughfares.
During this ban, parking is prohibited on all posted “Snow Emergency Routes.”
• Parked vehicles are to be removed as soon as possible, but no later than 8 a.m., for the declared day.
• Any remaining vehicles parked on emergency routes after this time may be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense.
• Snow emergency routes include portions of the following: Broadway, Kingston Avenue, Parlin Drive, Southwest Boulevard, Richard Avenue, Haughn Road, and McDowell Road.
• Residents with access to off-street parking should avoid parking on city streets to allow plows to clear streets.
• Citizens are urged to use caution when traveling and should venture out only if absolutely necessary.
The local snow emergency is separate from the snow level emergency declared by the Franklin County Sheriff. A county sheriff may order the closing of state and municipal roads if travel is deemed a danger to public safety. Visit sheriff.franklincountyohio.gov for snow level emergency declarations.
Small actions by citizens can speed up the street-clearing process, helping you and your neighbors to experience cleared streets sooner.
• When snow or ice is in the forecast, park in a driveway or on a less busy street. Plows are more effective when not maneuvering around cars.
• The more traffic there is, the longer it takes to clear roads. Only drive when necessary while plows are out.
• Move to right if possible to give plows plenty of room.
• Be patient with yourself and other drivers.
• While shoveling sidewalks, take time to clear ice and debris from nearby storm drains. This can prevent ponding and sheets of ice forming on the roadway when runoff cannot drain away.
• Although frustrating, plowed snow is pushed off the road and may end up at the end of your driveway.
Hours: 7 a.m.-4 p.m.
When out shopping, keep valuables with you. If you must leave purchases in your vehicle, hide them from sight by placing items in the trunk or covering them with a blanket.
• Be cautious when choosing websites to purchase from. Only order from secure sites (displaying a small lock icon in the search bar).
• Use strong passwords for all online accounts. If you feel a password may be compromised, change it immediately.
• Keep a watchful eye on all bank/ credit card statements.
Expecting a Delivery?
• Don’t use public Wi-Fi to shop.
• Don’t click on risky links or random pop-up ads.
• Be cautious about saving your credit card information to websites.
• Watch out for internet scams including text messages or emails from unknown senders. The post office won’t text unless you provide them the tracking number first.
Make sure your packages get in YOUR hands and not those of porch pirates!
• Track packages. Real-time alerts can help you arrange package pickup soon after delivery.
• Use a package locker service or buy one for your home.
• Pick a hiding place. If your package is out of sight, then you are less likely to have it stolen.
• Have items delivered when you’re home or to a trusted friend who will be home. Some retailers offer “ship to store” as well.
• Add security measures to your home like motion-censored lighting and visible camera that can help deter thieves.
The Grove City Division of Police can provide a home check to give residents increased peace of mind while out of town.
While you’re gone, officers check your home, as time permits, and will notify you if something is disturbed.
Complete the form online bit.ly/GCPDHouseCheck
As the holiday season approaches, many travel to visit with loved ones. Follow the below safety tips to arrive at your destination safely.
• Plan ahead. Give yourself plenty of time to reach your destination. This will reduce stress if you experience any travel delays or difficulties.
• Check the forecast for hazardous weather conditions like ice, sleet, snow and rain. Check for updates again closer to travel time.
• Drive sober and never under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
• Ensure everyone in your vehicle is wearing a seat belt correctly.
• Slow down, especially in hazardous road conditions.
• Don’t drive distracted. Put the phone away.
• Prepare a vehicle emergency kit with a flashlight, blanket, small shovel and first aid kit.
OH 43123
• Emergency: 911
• Non-emergency: 614-277-1710
• Public Records: 614-277-1714
• Mayor’s Court: 614-277-1715