1 minute read
Arts council show features young talent
Alvin Anand, who won for his oil and pastel piece Ring of Fire, was surprised when he found out he won. “I didn’t think I would win; I wasn’t prepared for it,” he says. He still has his prizewinning painting hanging up at home, and continues to enjoy art, especially drawing. He hopes to re-enter the contest this year.
Kicking off the 2012 exhibition is a reception 6-8 p.m. Aug. 14 at the Dublin Arts Council Gallery. Beverages and snacks will be provided, and it will be “a wonderful opportunity for students and their families to visit Dublin Arts Council and view their artwork displayed in the gallery,” says Guion. Visitors can also see the four Best of Show pieces at the reception.
Hillary Doyle is a contributing writer. Feedback welcome at laurand@pub groupltd.com.