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Partnerships lead to cleaner air and healthier residents

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The City of Dublin is partnering with two innovative companies focused on the health and well-being of the community.

EcoChem Alternative Fuels, a tenant of the Dublin Entrepreneurial Center, has produced a high-performance clean diesel fuel designed to reduce pollution and improve fuel economy. Dublin City Council approved an agreement to fuel the City’s fleet of diesel engines with the HPCD. In addition, the fuel is being used by Dublin City Schools and the Washington Township Fire Department.

“Our fuel will deliver a significant increase in the overall engine performance and fuel efficiency while reducing harmful emissions emitted from these vehicles with absolutely no change in equipment or fuel storage and dispensing,” said Joshua Koch, CEO of EcoChem Alternative Fuels. “We are grateful for the cooperation and support we have received from the City of Dublin and the faith the community has in our fuel and our business.”

One of the city’s newest companies, has built a patent-pending, technologically advanced medical station that enables physicians to deliver services to patients in neighborhood locations like pharmacies or work sites.

The Care4 Station allows doctors to hold real-time video consultations from the convenience of their office or home. The station includes a stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, thermometer and other medical devices to aid the physician in making a diagnosis. HealthSpot has plans to roll out Care4 Stations throughout the community and expects its combination of convenience and affordable healthcare will be well-received around the country.

In addition, HealthSpot is one of the community partners collaborating on the Healthy Dublin initiative. Healthy Dublin is a community-based health and wellness program designed to improve the overall health and well-being of those who live and work in Dublin by encouraging healthier lifestyles.

Dublin celebrated for international partnership

Recently, The Hon. Kuninori Matsuda, the Consul General of Japan, hosted an event in Dublin – “Arigato (thank you), Ohio” to show appreciation for the state of Ohio’s relief efforts in the aftermath of last spring’s tsunami and earthquake in Japan. Dublin and the Columbus region enjoy a great international partnership with the Japanese business community. According to a recent report from Columbus 2020, the region is home to 83 Japanese companies.

DRAFT – Sidebar II to Main Story – with photo from 10-26 Japanese reception

Recently, The Hon. Kuninori Matsuda, the Consul General in Detroit, hosted an event in Dublin – “Arigato (thank you), Ohio” to show appreciation for the state of Ohio’s relief efforts in the aftermath of last spring’s tsunami and earthquake in Japan. Dublin and

This large representation is primarily the result of Dublin’s corporate neighbor, Honda of America in Marysville, and its many suppliers in the area. The State of Ohio reports that Japan has 559 business establishments in the state employing 51,747 Ohioans.

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