• Best city to live in Ohio (according to 24/7 Wall St.)
• One of “America’s Best 50 Cities to Live” (according to USA Today)
• Tree City USA Community with 25,000 street trees
• Population estimate ........ 11,389*
• Square miles .............. 20.69 (approximately 13,244 acres)
• Number of homes ......... 3,743
• Residential units per acre .... 0.28 (by far the lowest of comparable central Ohio cities)
• Lane miles of roadway ...... 329
• Water/sewer line miles ...... 278
• Miles of leisure trail ........ 55+
• Median household income ... $200,001*
• High school grad .......... 98%*
• College grad .............. 78.3%*
• Business Park ............. 9,000+ acres
26 million square feet of commercial space
24,000+ employees $28 billion in private investment
*Source: ESRI COVER: Hinson Amphitheater, photo by James DeCamp PhotographyJanuary 2022 started off with a bang when Intel announced its intention to invest more than $20 billion in the New Albany International Business Park (more information is available at newalbanysiliconheartland.com). This project is being celebrated throughout Ohio because Intel is creating an entirely new business sector for our state. Intel has also committed more than $50 million in state education grants to help prepare Ohio’s first generation of workers for the state’s emerging semiconductor industry. Intel’s announcement was followed by other companies that committed to either build or expand operations in New Albany, including:
• AmplifyBio, a biotechnology company focusing on cell and gene therapy products, is investing $150 million and creating 130 jobs;
• Amazon.com, which opened its $250 million fulfillment center this past summer, creating 1,000 jobs;
• Pharmavite, a popular vitamin brand, chose New Albany among more than 70 sites across the country to invest $200 million and create 225 jobs; and
• Meta and Google continue to expand their data center operations, and multiple other data center builders announced projects here in New Albany.
These projects followed the big news in 2021 that Amgen was building its $375 million facility, creating 400 jobs. That project is still on schedule to open in 2023. Van Trust is also developing eight different projects in our business park, representing more than $350 million in investment.
The New Albany International Business Park now represents more than $28 billion in private investment, 26 million square feet of commercial space and 24,000 employees. These jobs generate local income tax revenues that pay for approximately 97% of municipal services like police protection, road maintenance and leisure trails, without increasing the tax burden on our residents.
Our newest community treasure, the Hinson Amphitheater, played host to its first full season of events in 2022, from local concerts and movies to nationally known acts sponsored by the New Albany Community Foundation coming to entertain our community.
Saperstein Associates conducted our resident survey this summer. Feedback showed that nearly 90% of respondents believe that New Albany is headed in the right direction and the city also received high marks for police protection, snow removal, trash collection, maintaining architectural standards, managing growth, keeping residents apprised of important issues and developing park lands and leisure trails. More information is available on page 16 and at newalbanyohio.org/survey.
Speaking of park development, your City Council’s commitment to new parks and playgrounds is paying off. The Sumption Park, James River and Byington playgrounds are complete, the North of Woods playground should be close to completion by the time you read this report, and the Lambton and Planter’s Grove playgrounds are scheduled for completion by summer 2023. Taylor Farm Park saw lots of upgrades throughout 2022 and is expected to be open in spring 2023; construction should begin on our Veterans Memorial in late 2023, and we replaced about 3.5 miles of our 55+ mile leisure trail network.
The City of New Albany, through the recommendation of the Sustainability Advisory Board, implemented a food composting program with three drop-off locations throughout town, that is now used by more than 10% of the community,
resulting in more than 29,000 pounds of food being diverted from the landfill. (For more information about this service, please visit newalbanyohio.org/waste-and-recycling.)
New Albany also hosted an electronic waste drive, which generated four box truck and trailer loads worth of electronic waste to be recycled. In addition, 2022 saw the launch of our pumpkin composting efforts that led to 8.15 tons of pumpkins being collected and diverted from the landfill. In October, New Albany achieved a silver-tiered certification from the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission’s Sustainable2050 program.
One last note of interest: The New AlbanyPlain Local School District is now funding
an additional school resource officer (SRO) to supplement the two SRO positions on campus that have been funded by the city for many years. This brings the total number of SROs on campus to three. City Council appreciates this important partnership with school leadership. Our most important community asset is our students, and we value our strong working relationship with our school district to help create a safe learning environment in which our children can thrive.
We are grateful for your support and for all the collaborative efforts and partnerships that help make our community so special.
voicemail: 614-939-4019
Sloan and his wife Jennifer have been New Albany residents since 2002 and are the proud parents of three boys. The Spalding family is very active in New Albany High School sports, charity walks and runs, community events, the New Albany Symphony and Pelotonia. Sloan was elected mayor in 2015 and 2019 after having been elected twice to City Council. Prior to being elected to Council, Sloan served New Albany on the Personnel Appeals Board, Planning Commission, and was the Chair of the 2009 Charter Review Commission. Prior to moving to Ohio, Sloan was commissioned as an Officer in the United States Army and served in the Utah Army National Guard.
voicemail: 614-939-4021
Marlene and her late husband Jim, who passed away in 2022, moved to New Albany in 2004. Their three daughters are all graduates of New Albany High School. Marlene served on the New Albany Board of Zoning Appeals from 2010-2014 and on the Steering Committee to the Western Licking County Accord from 2015-2017. In 2014, she was the first woman appointed to the New Albany Planning Commission, where she served until becoming a member of City Council in 2016. She is a graduate of the New Albany Citizen Police Academy and of the first class of Leadership New Albany, coordinated by the New Albany Chamber of Commerce. As a member of City Council, Marlene has served as liaison to the Board of Zoning Appeals and to the
New Albany-Plain Local School District. She is currently the Council liaison to the Inclusion, Diversity & Equity Action (IDEA) Implementation Panel and to the New Albany Planning Commission. She is a member of the Hotel/Motel Bed Tax Grant Committee and also serves on the Healthy New Albany Steering Committee and the New Albany Bridges Steering Committee.
voicemail: 614-939-4022
Mike has lived in New Albany since 1993 and is the parent of two adult children. He has served on City Council since 2017 and is currently Council liaison to Plain Township. Prior to that, Mike served on several city boards and commissions, including the Economic Development Commission, Zoning Appeals Board, Architectural Review Board, Planning
Commission, and the steering committee for the Western Licking County Accord. In addition, Mike has served on the boards of the New Albany Chamber of Commerce and Healthy New Albany.
voicemail: 614-939-4023
Chip and his wife Teresa are proud New Albany residents. He has lived in New Albany since 2001 and has two daughters. Chip has served on City Council since 2006. During his tenure, he has been Council liaison to the New Albany-Plain Local School District, Board of Zoning Appeals, Charter Review Commission, Parks and Trails Advisory Board, and the Hotel/Motel Bed Tax Grant Committee.
Prior to his City Council tenure, he was on the New Albany Community Events Board and the Architectural Review Board.
voicemail: 614-939-4025
Kasey and his wife Rebecca have lived in New Albany since 2004. Their son Kameron attends Loyola University Chicago, and their son Kaden attends New Albany High School. Kasey has been a City Council member since 2018 and currently serves as Council liaison to Public Utilities, New Albany-Plain Local Schools and the Sustainability Advisory Board. He also chairs the Administration Standing Committee, which includes overseeing boards and commissions. Prior to serving on City Council, Kasey was a member of the Rocky Fork Blacklick Accord, Parks and Trails Steering Committee, Board of Zoning Appeals and Planning Commission. He is also co-founder of the Thanks for Giving 4-Miler, an annual Thanksgiving Day event based in New Albany that raises funds for the Mid-Ohio Foodbank, LifeCare Alliance, and the New Albany Community Foundation.
voicemail: 614-939-4024
Matt and his wife Vickey have been New Albany residents since 2000, and their son and two daughters all graduated from New Albany High School. Matt served on the Board of Zoning Appeals from 20042016 and as its chair for two years. Matt was appointed to City Council in 2016 to replace Sloan Spalding when he became mayor. Matt was re-elected by New Albany residents in 2017 and again in 2021. As a
member of City Council, Matt has served as the Council liaison to the Architectural Review Board, Planning Commission and Charter Review Commission. He currently serves as Chair of City Council’s Hotel/Motel Bed Tax Grant Committee. Additionally, he serves as the Council liaison to Board of Zoning and Appeals, Council Representative to New Albany Parks & Recreation, and Council Member to the Community Improvement Corporation and Service and Public Facilities Committee
voicemail: 614-939-4020
Andrea Wiltrout was elected in November 2021 and began her City Council term in January 2022. She is committed to ensuring that New Albany remains the best place to raise a family. She is focused on developing amenities and programs that will connect the community, and she will work hard to ensure that the voices of all residents of New Albany are heard and celebrated. Before being elected to City Council, she served on the New Albany Board of Zoning Appeals and the New Albany Planning Commission. In addition to serving on City Council, she currently serves on the boards of the New Albany Women’s Network and the New Albany-Plain Local School District Parent Teacher Organization for the Primary School.
More descriptive bio information about each City Council member is available online at newalbanyohio.org/ city-council-mayor
New Albany utilizes the Council-Manager form of government, which combines the political leadership of elected officials with the managerial expertise of an appointed, professional city manager who serves as New Albany’s CEO.
City Council is the legislative branch of government consisting of seven members, one of whom is the mayor. City Council and mayoral elections are held in November of odd-numbered years and
are non-partisan. City Council members are elected by residents to four-year terms. The mayor, in addition to the powers, rights and duties of a City Council member, presides over meetings and acts as a primary spokesperson for the city. The mayor has no veto powers. The current mayor is Sloan Spalding.
City Council has been granted certain powers by the Ohio Constitution, the laws of the State of Ohio and the New Albany Charter. These powers are exercised through the adoption of ordinances and resolutions. Among other things, the New Albany Charter gives City Council the authority to create and abolish departments, commissions, boards and committees, audit accounts and records, conduct inquiries and investigations, levy taxes, enforce laws and regulations, adopt a budget, appropriate funds, adopt building and zoning regulations, and hire a city manager.
The city manager serves as the community’s CEO and is appointed by City Council to:
• Provide organizational leadership;
• Manage municipal operations;
• Coordinate and direct the budget process;
• Oversee implementation of City Council enacted policies and adopted budgets;
• Ensure effective delivery of services to New Albany residents and businesses;
• Advise City Council members on policy matters and keep them apprised of municipal operations;
• Direct department heads and consultants; and
• Implement all fiscal, planning and infrastructure programs.
The current city manager is Joseph F. Stefanov. He has served in this capacity since 2000 and is the longest serving city manager in New Albany’s history.
Residents approved New Albany’s first charter in 1992, giving the then-village greater local control and flexibility than Ohio’s statutory provisions. The charter is reviewed every ten years and any proposed revisions must be approved by the New Albany electorate before they can be enacted. The last charter was approved by residents in 2019.
City boards and commissions play an important role in our local government by evaluating matters of interest and making recommendations to City Council. All board and commission meetings are open to the public. For information about becoming a candidate for a city board or commission, please contact Clerk of Council Jennifer Mason at jmason@ newalbanyohio.org.
Meets the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m
Duties: Review plans, drawings, and signage applications. Issue Certificates of
Appropriateness for any major or minor environmental or zoning changes. (See NA Code 1157.07.) Hear appeals of staff decisions or interpretations made under New Albany Code section 1157.
Qualifications: Candidate preferably has background in architecture, landscape architecture, city planning, interior design, industrial design, engineering, or other allied design professions.
Meets the fourth Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
Duties: Hear and decide appeals regarding legislation and administrative
determinations related to zoning and land use. Also shall hear variances from zoning area regulations and general development standards. Subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, compel discovery as needed.
Qualifications: Preferred background in design, architecture, landscaping, construction, engineering, city planning or other applicable field.
Meets as necessary
Duties: Advise City Council and staff on issues related to the restoration of the New Albany Cemetery.
Qualifications: No specific qualifications necessary.
Meets as necessary
Duties: Trustees adopt by-laws and govern the CIC, handle CIC employee matters, handle CIC financial matters, act as agent of New Albany in certain matters.
Qualifications: Prefer experienced business background.
Meets as necessary
Duties: To address issues of inclusion, diversity and equity in a manner which helps create a better understanding and acceptance of the diverse beliefs and cultures as one community.
Qualifications: No specific qualifications necessary.
Meets as necessary
Duties: Hear tax appeals, issue resolutions/ declarations.
Qualifications: Background in tax law and finance preferred.
Appointed by City of New Albany, Plain Township, McCoy Center, New Albany Community Foundation, New Albany-Plain Local Schools
Meets the second Thursday of each odd month at 8:00 a.m.
Duties: Foster an appreciation of the arts and culture by providing lifelong learning opportunities through education, exposure and participation.
Qualifications: No specific qualifications necessary.
Appointed by City of New Albany, New Albany-Plain Local Schools, and Plain Township
Meets the first Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
Duties: Oversee fiscal operations of the Joint Parks District, approve budgets.
Qualifications: No specific qualifications necessary. Preferred background in finance, business, law, or active user of the parks.
Meets the first Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
Duties: Advisory capacity only, make recommendations regarding parks and trails to council and administration.
Qualifications: Preferred background in natural resources, parks, city planning, or an active user of parks and trails.
Meets as necessary
Duties: Shall hear appeals from administrative determinations made pursuant to Administrative Code.
Qualifications: HR, business, or law background preferred.
Meets the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
Duties: Hear applications for land use, zoning classifications, recommend legislative actions, review legislation, rules, and regulations regarding city planning, land use, and zoning.
Qualifications: Preferred background in design, architecture, landscaping, city planning, etc.
Appointed by City of Columbus, City of New Albany, Plain Township
Meets the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
Duties: Evaluate applications for rezoning and make recommendations to the
planning body of the impacted jurisdiction (Columbus, New Albany, Plain Township) in the RFBA area.
Qualifications: No specific qualifications necessary. Preferred background in design, architecture, landscaping, city planning, etc.
Meets 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
Duties: Advise City Council on matters relating to sustainability, promote and communicate sustainability principles
broadly among the community and stakeholders, advise and assist City Council and city manager in efforts to make city operations more sustainable.
Qualifications: No specific qualifications necessary. Experience in sustainability industries, environmental programs, energy conservation, and/or passion for sustainability a plus.
• City Council meetings: typically first and third Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. at Village Hall (99 W. Main Street); meetings are open to the public.
• Participation must take place in person. However, New Albany residents interested in viewing meetings of our City Council can stream them online at newalbanyohio. org/city-council-mayor. Contact information for City Council can also be found on that page.
• City board and commission meetings: please see page 10 for a meeting schedule.
• For information about becoming a candidate for a city board or commission, please contact Clerk of Council Jennifer Mason at jmason@ newalbanyohio.org.
City website: newalbanyohio.org
The City of New Albany now offers a streaming service for constituents to either watch live or archived City Council meetings, as well as meetings of city boards and commissions. Even better, the technology being utilized now has functionality that allows those watching archived meetings to fast forward quickly and easily to whatever item interests them.
Transparency in governmental operations and the ability to easily obtain public information are fundamental hallmarks of good government. Particularly after COVID, when people couldn’t attend public meetings in person, it became even more important for governmental entities to provide alternative ways to have access to elected leaders’ decisions. We chose Swagit for this service because:
• Their service offers a remote camera operator;
• Their services provide for agenda integration of specific items so that viewers can skip forward to their desired item of interest; and
• Sister communities who had already tried the services provided enthusiastic recommendations of the product.
Swagit’s webcasting feature is compatible with multiple platforms, including Apple, Android, and other popular devices. Live or archived recordings can be easily accessed on the City of New Albany website at newalbanyohio.org/streamingmeetings. The screen the viewer will see when they watch meetings will intermittently display the agenda item being discussed and the City Council, board or staff member who is speaking. As mentioned, viewers watching archived meetings can click on a hyperlinked agenda item to go straight to a specific item of interest.
City Council and staff are excited to share this info with you, showing our commitment to government transparency while simultaneously improving the quality of our meeting productions.
Innovate New Albany website (a community resource for entrepreneurs): InnovateNewAlbany.org Community Calendar on newalbanyohio.org (sponsored and maintained by the New Albany Chamber of Commerce) Alexa/Google Voice-Activated FAQsWith the completion of the first phase of Rose Run Park and the Charleen & Charles Hinson Amphitheater along with the continued growth of restaurants and retail at Market Square, New Albany is turning
its focus to the next phase of development – the connection of Market Square to the historic Village Center.
Since 1998 when our first strategic plan was enacted, New Albany has been committed to developing a dynamic Village Center that incorporates our community pillars – lifelong learning, arts and culture, health and wellness, and sustainability.
We got here because of the businesses that took a chance on us and believed in our future, from Elliott Cooper, Eye Designs and Learning Express (which celebrated 20 years at Market Square this year) to Hayley Gallery, Rusty Bucket and more. We owe a debt of gratitude to residents who saw the potential for a city like no other. And, we have been fortunate to collaborate with partners who have a vested interest in our community, including the New Albany Plain-Local Schools, New Albany Community Foundation, Healthy New Albany, Plain Township and The New Albany Company.
When it came to establishing Market Square, the Columbus Metropolitan Library New Albany Branch became the cornerstone. Land donated by The New Albany Company facilitated the development of The Heit Center for
Healthy New Albany which, along with the luxury apartments, fueled retail, restaurant and office growth along Market and Main streets. The result has been more foot traffic to support local businesses. In total, our $30 million investment in infrastructure helped spur more than $100 million in private development.
City Council also invested in upgrades throughout the Village Center, including burying utility lines, rebuilding roads and adding sidewalks and street trees to pave the way for continued growth. As we enter this new phase, we are eliminating barriers and building stronger physical connections between Market Square and the historic Village Center.
In 2022, City Council earmarked $2.5 million for design and construction documents for the extension of Rose Run Park to the east of Market Square. This work addresses engineering, storm water management, stream restoration and structural elements. When completed,
this new civic asset will feature a Veterans Memorial and parking facility.
As far back as 2000, the vision for a vibrant Village Center with a robust mix of retail, restaurants and cultural arts district connected by a green corridor encompassing parks and leisure trails was aspirational. With every piece of the puzzle, from the library, Raines Crossing and the Heit Center to the McCoy Community Center for the Performing Arts and Hinson Amphitheater, we are turning that vision into reality. We are creating the energy, synergy and connections that will draw more people to our Village Center, spur more private development and bring us together as a community while setting us apart from the rest.
In celebration of Earth Month in April 2022, New Albany announced its new municipal food waste composting dropoff program. The idea is simple. By composting food waste in your home, you help divert waste from the landfill and simultaneously reduce carbon emissions that harm the environment. Plus, these waste materials ultimately get turned into compost that is used to help yards and new plants grow organically.
Taking direction from the City’s Sustainability Advisory Board and City Council, New Albany implemented this program in conjunction with GoZERO.
Fruits, vegetables, grains, pasta, baked goods, beans, coffee grounds, eggs, eggshells, dairy, cooked meat, raw meat, bones, seafood, shellfish, wood, other plant and animal based material, soiled non-coated paper/ fiber products, and “BPI certified compostable” plastic products (i.e. trash can liners/bags, forks, spoons, knives, cups, bowls, plates, straws, and other service ware) are accepted. NOTE: If in doubt, don’t include it without first getting approval.
Rocks, stone, glass, all plastics which are not “BPI certified compostable” (i.e. bags, forks, spoons, knives, cups, bowls, plates, straws, and other service ware), metal, steel, tin, aluminum, electronics, Styrofoam, personal health care products,
pharmaceuticals, non-compostable packaging, and coated paper/fiber products. If there is any doubt about what items can be included in composting, contact GoZERO at service@gozero.org or (844) 467-0874 for more information.
Individuals are encouraged to use compostable liners to ease the process of emptying contents into compost carts. Individual buckets can be emptied any time at one of the following three local drop-off sites:
• The Public Service building (7800 Bevelhymer Road) to the north;
• Village Hall (99 W. Main Street) in the center of town; and
• The Temple Beth Shalom/All Saints Episcopal Church parking lot (5101 Johnstown Road) to the south.
• Implementing food compost program
• Requiring more than 20% of land use as dedicated parkland or open space for all new subdivisions
• Offering incentives for commercial facilities constructed according to green building standards
• Using old asphalt as berm on roadways
• Using bioswales and filtration ponds to clean stormwater before its release to streams
• Adding electric vehicles to the city fleet
• Monthly street sweeping that prevents pollutants from entering waterways
• Snow removal that utilizes natural beet juice to melt snow while reducing the need for chemical melting compounds
• A green street policy in historic Village Center providing sustainable stormwater management for Third Street and the Second Street and Miller Avenue extensions
• Converting collected leaves to topsoil as part of the leaf collection program
• Converting branches and trunks to mulch as part of the tree pruning program
• Converting lights at Village Hall, the public service facility, street lights and traffic signals to LED
• Installing solar panels at the public service department to cut public service facility electricity costs in half and remove 112 metric tons of carbon dioxide from the air
• Growing leisure trail network to 55+ miles
• Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission silver-certified Sustainable2050 member.
The 2022 Resident Survey included questions about city services, quality of life, traffic, growth, and overall satisfaction with living in New Albany.
For the third time in five years, the City of New Albany retained central Ohio research firm Saperstein Associates to conduct a resident survey. As seen below, the make-up of the survey participants is very similar to our U.S. Census Data.
Most residents are satisfied with New Albany’s services and amenities – including development of public park lands – as well as the performance of city officials.
Eight out of ten residents are pleased with how city officials are managing commercial growth and development, while nine out of ten continue to believe that New Albany is heading in the right direction.
Interest persists in expanding the options available in Market Square and Village Center, especially those involving restaurants and boutiques. Though many younger, newer residents would accept more residential density in exchange for these amenities, many older, more tenured residents would object.
For a small minority of residents, traffic in Market Square and Village Center is a major problem before and after school. Most residents, however, consider traffic at these times either a minor problem or not a problem at all. In addition, few residents consider traffic a problem, during nonschool hours, throughout the entire New Albany community.
Stress and mental health issues resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic persist among both adults and children.
Efforts to become a more diverse and inclusive community have been modestly successful.
• 88% consider New Albany an excellent or very good place to live
• 89% believe New Albany is heading in the right direction City
• 97% satisfied with snow removal on main roads
• 89% satisfied with snow removal in neighborhoods
• 80% with an opinion are satisfied with leaf collection services
• 94% satisfied with trash, recycling and waste collection
• 94% satisfied with police services
• 95% with an opinion are satisfied with police outreach programs
parks and trails)
• 90% satisfied with development of public park lands
• 88% satisfied with maintaining appropriate architectural standards for new construction
• 85% satisfied with developing and connecting leisure trails
• 83% satisfied with planning for the future
• 81% satisfied with recruitment of business to expand the tax base
• More than half of residents now follow the City of New Albany on at least one social media platform, and social media is the favored form of communication. Also popular: Connects e-newsletter (subscribe at newalbanyohio.org/ subscribe); website, and direct mail.
• 82% satisfied with keeping residents informed of important issues involving the city
To review Saperstein’s Community Attitudes Survey full resident survey presentation to City Council, visit newalbanyohio.org/survey and click on the report tab that is part of the first paragraph.
20.69 Total Square Miles (approximately 13,244 acres)
• 55.73% Commercial
• While best known for its miles of iconic white horse fence and Georgian architecture, New Albany is home to the New Albany International Business Park, one of the largest planned commercial office parks in Ohio. Located within 500 miles of half the U.S. and Canadian population, the park has four interchanges along SR 161 and represents more than $28 billion in private investment, 24,000+ employees, and nearly 26 million square feet of commercial space.
• 25.34% Residential
• 3,743 total households
• 0.28 units per acre, the lowest residential density (by far) of all comparable central Ohio cities
• 10.39% Right-of-Way/Civic, Institutional, Governmental
• 8.55% Parks/Open Space
• Counting Rocky Fork Metro Park, nearly 15% of land (more than 2,000 acres) in or abutting New Albany is green space or open space
• Tree City USA community since 2009, maintaining 25,000 street trees
• 55+ miles of leisure trails connecting all facets of New Albany
• Park or open space is within ¼ mile of most neighborhoods
Commercial Residential
The intrinsic relationship between strategic planning and economic development is essential to New Albany’s recent success in attracting industry leaders in information technology, personal care and beauty, health and life sciences and high-tech manufacturing while achieving robust growth among existing businesses.
Since the city’s first strategic plan was adopted in 1998, New Albany has collaborated with residents and businesses in our strategic plan updates to create an enviable work-life balance while guiding commercial development that generates income to support ever-expanding amenities, services and infrastructure.
This planning process articulates our community’s shared vision for the future. Our economic development team translates that vision into tangible, proactive goals that ensure all development – residential and commercial – aligns with our aspirations, contributes to our quality of life, supports the long-
term growth of our community and enhances our regional competitiveness.
Our success is also the result of an economic development team that strives to create a business climate that is friendly, supportive and inclusive, from the smallest merchant to the largest corporation. We work with employers to identify and implement strategies that can improve their ability to retain and grow their workforces. Attracting new businesses and encouraging business expansion increases our tax base, provides sustainable revenue and improves our overall quality of life. Today, income taxes, much of which come from the 24,000 jobs created at the New Albany International Business Park, generate approximately 82% of the city’s general fund revenues.
Growth does not come without challenges, but strategic planning enables New Albany to adopt a forward-thinking approach to shaping the built environment, from creating community gathering spots to building the infrastructure to successfully
accommodate future expansion without compromising our quality of life.
Planning has also allowed us to achieve the tremendous alignment and consensus between the City of New Albany, the New Albany-Plain Local Schools, Plain Township, The New Albany Company, the New Albany Chamber of Commerce and the New Albany Community Foundation that has enabled us to accomplish so much in a relatively short period of time.
The 205-acre New Albany-Plain Local Schools’ campus, with its own nature preserve, and the increasing number of shops and restaurants at Market Square, are evidence of the commitment to our long-range plan to create an active, pedestrian-friendly community. The planning directives that our community collectively wrote led to the recent opening of Rose Run Park with the Raines Crossing pedestrian bridge and promenade connecting our schools and cultural arts district, including the McCoy Center and
the new Hinson Amphitheater, to our Market Square area shops and restaurants. Now, thanks to the increasing amount of private investment in our business park, we have more resources to extend Rose Run Park to the east with a Veterans Memorial and create two new destination parks.
As we continue to experience substantial growth in our business park, residents and businesses alike can be confident that future development will protect public and private investment for the long term.
Congratulations to New Albany City Manager Joseph Stefanov for receiving the William H. Anderson Excellence in Public Service Award from the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC)! The award, which Joe received at the annual MORPC State of the Region event in March 2022, recognizes a current or past board member who exemplifies outstanding leadership, a vision for the community and the region, and commitment to MORPC.
• Managed 37 hiring processes, resulting in 28 new full-time employees and 3 seasonal employees.
• Created 13 new positions to support new program areas and city services.
• Coordinated virtual learning to support job-related and compliance training as well as wellness programming.
• Coordinated logistical support for 14 special events.
• Completed Byington, North of Woods and James River playground renovations.
• Continued coordinating construction on the first phase of Taylor Farm Park.
• Managed Senior Connections, which included 202 members in 2022 (37% increase over 2021).
• Created/distributed 53 CONNECTS e-newsletters (subscribe at newalbanyohio.org/subscribe).
• Produced 72 videos highlighting city services, programming, staff, residents and businesses that make New Albany such a special community.
• Won six awards for communications efforts, including three national awards.
• Social media
• 3,435,654 impressions (average of 9,412 daily impressions)
• 209,333 engagements (average of 574 daily engagements)
• Followed by more than 28,000 accounts across all platforms
• Acres zoned: 2,478.82
• Total Permits Issued: 971
• Total Inspections: 8,054
• Average time for building permit review: residential – 6.6 days; commercial – 18.1 days
• Total residential units: 3,743
• Intel announced a $20 billion investment for the construction of two state-of-the-art semiconductor manufacturing facilities. The investment will result in the creation of 3,000 direct jobs and 7,000 construction jobs. This project is the largest private sector economic development investment in Ohio history.
• Pharmavite LLC and AmplifyBio bring a combined total of $380 million in new investment to the New Albany International Business Park Health & Life Sciences cluster. Pharmavite’s investment will result in a new 225,000 square foot facility with 225 new jobs. AmplifyBio committed to the construction of over 354,000 square feet and the creation of 132 new jobs.
• Three prominent developers announced the development of over 3 million square feet of speculative industrial space. It is expected that nearly 2 million square feet will be allocated to Intel suppliers.
• Commercial square footage under construction: 3,819,185
• Planning and design projects:
• PTAB Leisure Trail Prioritization Report
• Solar Panel Best Practices
• Engage New Albany Strategic Plan Amendment – Hamlet Focus Area
• Engage New Albany Strategic Plan Addendum – Northeast New Albany
• Capital improvement projects:
• Linear feet of sanitary sewer installed: 15,000
• Linear feet of water line installed: 7,000
• Lane miles of roadway constructed: nearly 8.5
• Lane miles of roadway in design: nearly 35
• The City of New Albany created a micro-site for Intel project updates: NewAlbanySiliconHeartland.com
• Officers dedicated to the school learning campus throughout the school year: 3 beginning with the 2022-2023 school year
• Times distracted driving simulator used at high school: 170
• DARE graduates: 400
• Number of ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) active shooter response courses taught: 9
• Unwanted medications collected through Drug Drop Box (open 24/7 at NAPD): 85.6 lbs.
• RAD (Rape Aggression Defense) classes for females aged 18 and older: 2 with 16 participants total
• Safety Town registrants: 402
• Training hours: 2,896
• Vacation house checks performed: 1,437
• Text-to-911: 3
• K-9 deployments: 193
If you are driving a vehicle and see an emergency vehicle approaching you while you are in or near a roundabout, please drive fully through the roundabout before moving over to the berm to allow the emergency vehicle to pass you. Plain Township fire crews have sometimes witnessed people stop in the roundabout, which makes it impossible for their large trucks to cleanly get through the roundabout at a time when seconds count the most. If you remember to drive through the roundabout, it would greatly help our first responders as they attempt to reach your neighbor in a time of need.
Some people just have a way about them; putting others first and doing good in the world with no reward except that it’s the right thing to do.
Gwen Mouat, a 16-year-old New Albany student, is one of those people. Gwen was born with a condition called propionic acidemia, an inherited disorder that affects the body’s ability to process certain parts of proteins and lipids. She gets her nutrients through a gastrostomy feeding tube. But what most differentiates Gwen from others isn’t her condition, it’s her heart.
In 2021, she created a holiday toy drive as her “wish” through A Special Wish Foundation. The nonprofit organization is dedicated to granting the wishes of children under the age of 21 who have been diagnosed with a life-threatening disorder. Through these efforts, Gwen collected three carloads of toys for children who wouldn’t otherwise have had a present to open during the holidays.
Gwen followed up her 2021 holiday toy drive by asking the New Albany Police Department to be part of her 2022 holiday drive. Thanks to the wonderful generosity of the New Albany community, Gwen and NAPD together collected more than 700 gifts the for 2022 holiday season. Our thanks to Gwen for helping to make this drive so successful…it is one more shining example that Community Connects Us here in New Albany!
Given recent school tragedies nationwide, and even guns physically being brought to the school learning campus last year, student safety is likely on many parents’ minds. New Albany Police Chief Greg Jones, a 33-year officer with the New Albany Police Department who has served as chief for the last nine years, sat down to answer questions related to safety concerns on the New Albany-Plain Local Schools campus earlier in 2022.
Talk about the partnerships the New Albany Police Department has with the New Albany-Plain Local Schools.
Chief Jones: Having two school resource officers (SROs) on campus almost every
day throughout the school year has been foundational to our student safety efforts on the school learning campus, and the NAPLS school board recently voted to pay for a third SRO. Our school leaders are to be commended for staying committed to having SROs on campus at a time when some school districts didn’t. Our City Council also deserves a lot of credit for continuing to fund 100% of the costs of the original two officers on campus. With 6,000 people on campus during the school year, we look at the school campus as a small city in and of itself. Our school resource officers enhance the overall safety around the entire school campus while providing opportunities for students and
staff to have positive experiences that can lead to long-lasting relationships with the officers. Something bad could still occur, but having our SROs on campus ensures that if something does happen, the NAPD response will be immediate. To that point, if there is a gunman on school campus (or a gun brought by a student to campus), can you describe what the police response would be like?
Chief Jones: The three police officers on campus would respond immediately on a moment’s notice, and they would receive back-up very quickly from other NAPD officers on duty. NAPD headquarters is less than a mile from any part of the school
campus, and between that proximity and mutual aid of other agencies, the back-up response would occur very fast. And this is a critical component…it’s something we train for every year, not just as a department, but holistically with the schools and the Plain Township Fire Department, as well.
Tell us more about that training for a worst-case scenario between NAPD, the schools and Plain Township Fire.
Chief Jones: While I won’t get into any details of our planning or training, the community’s first responders partner with the schools and each other to be as ready as we can be for such a scenario. We train
for a different active shooter simulation every year, not just as a department but together with fire and school staff, including teachers. The New AlbanyPlain Local School District is one of the few districts statewide that trains with an actual simulation annually. Additionally, our schools have a 172-page Emergency Operations Plan, of which the Franklin County Emergency Management & Homeland Security (FCEMHS) recently conducted a three-day audit, and FCEMHS provides bus driver training to the district. Plain Township Fire provides classroom tourniquet kits to the district and first-aid training to all New AlbanyPlain Local School staff members and they have already strategically placed citizen aid kits in select buildings and high traffic areas on campus in the event of a real threat.
What are some things residents can do to promote safety?
Chief Jones: Safety starts at home, and if guns are in a home, it is imperative that the adults keep those guns in a safe place that cannot be accessed by children. Lock boxes or locking gun cabinets are a good first step, and weapons training among the adults in the home is also very important. Parents also shouldn’t be afraid to have tough conversations with other parents to understand if guns are in the home when it comes to things like sleepovers. Finally, whether on campus or at home, our students and school staff have taken strong ownership of the “see something, say something” school policy. These are all critical components that we must take ownership of to facilitate as safe an environment as possible.
• Basic infrastructure maintained:
• 25,000 street trees
• 4,968 catch basins
• 2,177 sanitary sewer manholes
• 1,583 streetlights
• 1,463 fire hydrants
• 329 lane miles of roadway
• 278 miles of water, storm sewer and sanitary sewer lines
• 22 bridges
• 25 traffic signals
• Collected >1 million pounds of leaves
• Managed collection of >10 million pounds of trash, recycling and yard waste
In 2000, when Mark Nemec was hired to serve as New Albany’s first public service director, New Albany’s population was around 3,300, the Public Service Department consisted of three employees and had an annual department budget of about $320,000. When Mark retired in 2022, New Albany’s population was more than 11,000, he oversaw 32 staff members and the public service budget was $4.8 million.
In addition to his daily departmental responsibilities, Mark was an innovator. He implemented many green initiatives to lower New Albany’s operational costs and simultaneously improve the local environment, including the use of bio-diesel fuel in heavy trucks, experimentation with electric fleet vehicles, conversion of traffic signals and street lights to LED fixtures, and the utilization of recycled asphalt products for road resurfacing projects.
A year prior to his retirement, Mark coordinated the installation of a solar panel system on the public service department roof. This $230,000 project is now fully operational, and the solar panels are expected to produce slightly more than half of all public service department power needs for decades to come. The alternative energy produced by the solar panels is projected to remove 112 metric tons of carbon dioxide from the air every year – the equivalent of planting 2,800 new trees in our community. And speaking of trees, as a result of Mark’s initiatives over the
years, New Albany has been designated a Tree City USA community each year since 2009, with our staff maintaining 25,000 street trees today. Mark always carried out his daily duties with integrity and attention to detail that benefitted New Albany’s entire senior leadership team. He was the consummate team player and servant leader, always ready to lend a hand, and we thank him for his service.
329 lane miles of roadway (94 in 2000)
278 miles of water, sanitary sewer lines and storm sewers (106 in 2000)
22 signalized intersections (7 in 2000)
55 miles of leisure trail (10 in 2000)
23 bridges (11 in 2000)
New Albany Finance Department functions include overseeing fiscal operations, debt issuance, providing an accurate accounting of receipts and disbursements, managing financial investments and coordinating the annual audit. New Albany’s general obligation rating from Moody’s Investors Service is Aaa and from Standard & Poor’s is AAA, the highest ratings possible by those agencies. New Albany is one of only seven Ohio cities - approximately 3.6% of those currently rated in the state - to obtain this “double triple” rating.
In 2022, local income taxes accounted for 82% of all City of New Albany general fund revenues. In Ohio, income taxes are typically
paid to the community where people work. Most New Albany residents pay no income tax to New Albany because they are provided a 100% credit for income taxes they pay to the communities in which they are employed. This is why it is so critical to create jobs inside New Albany borders. New Albany levies a 2% local income tax on gross wages, salaries and other personal services compensation. This tax is also levied on net profits of corporations and smaller businesses based here.
Property taxes, which are based on the local tax rate (in mills) and the taxable value of the property, are critical to schools, townships and county-wide service
• New Albany’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, the highest form of governmental accounting recognition from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).
New Albany’s 2022 budget also received GFOA’s Distinguished Budget Award.
• New Albany received the 2022 cashvest® 90+ Award, which is the benchmark and banner for public entities that are earning and saving at the highest levels on taxpayers’ resources.
• Finance staff also received the Ohio Auditor of State Award with Distinction for financial reporting.
• New Albany’s bond rating: Moody’s – Aaa; Standard & Poor’s – AAA
• 82% of all general fund revenues were derived from income taxes. Most residents do not pay New Albany income taxes because of the City’s 100% income tax credit for income taxes paid by residents to other communities.
• Property taxes constituted 5% of general fund revenues for city services.
Source: City of New Albany
Source: City of New Albany
• 5% Property Taxes & HSRB
• 82% Income Taxes
• 1% Hotel Taxes
• 1% Other Intergovernmental
• 4% Fines, Licenses & Permits
• 2% Interest Income
• 3% Other Revenues
• 2% Transfers & Advances
agencies. In 2021, the Franklin County Auditor determined annual property taxes for City of New Albany households to be $2,607.04 per $100,000 fair market value based upon the mills for Tax District 222 –City of New Albany, Franklin County, New Albany-Plain Local Schools, Plain
• 22% Police
• 13% Community Development
• 16% Public Service
• 1% City Council
• 13% City Manager, Mayor’s Court, IT
• 1% City Attorney & Legal Services
• 5% Finance
• 3% General Administration
• 6% Land & Building Maintenance
• 7% Debt Service
• 13% Transfers & Advances
Township Fire. (This millage rate does not include the 2.90 mills paid by most New Albany residents to the New Albany Community Authority for debt on the New Albany High School building, Fodor Road improvements, and fire station improvements and equipment.)
Thanks to all the residents who were such wonderful New Albany brand ambassadors in 2022! We greatly appreciate how you show off your local pics and use #NewAlbanyOhio while doing it.