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No Vice Here
The Heart of the District Volunteers make a big impact on schools
Pickerington schools are ranked among the highest performing districts in Ohio. Even with COVID-19 concerns, student have and will participate in study abroad experiences, use new technology and compete athletically at high levels. The students are familiar with STEM activities and have taken advanced placement courses and college credit plus. The district currently serves more than 10,000 students – and that number keeps growing. School volunteers are an essential part of student success, and as the district-wide student body grows, so does the need for more volunteers.
“We could not do what we do as a school if we didn’t have all of our volunteers,” says Kristi Motsch, Toll Gate Elementary principal. “They are a valuable part of our school community.”
From booster clubs, holiday parties and author visits to field trips, fund raising and book fairs, there are numerous ways to get involved and give back.
Pickerington Elementary Principal Melissa Moriarty agrees that the volunteers make a positive impact on the district.
“Our students are able to do more at school because of volunteers,” she says. Moriarty gives a few examples of ways volunteers give back: • PTO organizes and staffs the family Welcome Back Party • Help raise funds for an assembly to kick off the new school year • Participate in raising funds for STEAM Day • Organizes and run the book fairs • Help raise funds for author or illustrator visit each year • Organizes and staffs the Boys and Girls Fun Nights • Secure funds for the Super Games Day and provide additional volunteers • Help raise funds for field trips and provides volunteers It’s not just raising funds and organizing events, though. Volunteers also help in classrooms and see learning firsthand.
“Volunteers are able to work with groups of students on specific academic needs, which allows (them) to become familiar with what students are learning and how they are able to apply the knowledge they have learned,” says Diley Middle School Principal Dr. Heather Hedgepeth. The volunteering options with the local school district are vast; you might have the chance to help serve frozen treats to students. Volunteers can even help in the classroom. Pickerington School District Fast facts about the schools
Violet Township and the City of Pickerington have been dedicated to education since 1785, with the first plot of land set aside for a school. They’ve been growing ever since. • 14 modern school facilities • 32 percent of students identify as gifted • 47 languages are spoken by students in the district • 50 sports teams compete in regional, district and state tournaments • 96.7 percent graduation rate • 550 students involved in a high school music ensemble • 679 teachers in the district • 10,600 students in the district

Volunteers help with classroom activities and events.

A University of California, Los Angeles study found that student success increases when there are more volunteers present in schools. Seeing adults engaged in their learning make the students take school more seriously and help cultivate a more positive attitude toward learning. More students end up staying in school, graduating and going to college.
There are so many ways to get involved in your child’s learning, and you don’t have to be a stay-at-home parent to give back. There are plenty of weekend and after-school opportunities, too. Above all, it’s important for kids to see the community getting involved in their success and growth.
Getting involved in the schools also means seeing the way a school functions and where help is needed.
“Volunteers are able to tell the school’s story to others because they have actually witnessed it for themselves,” says Hedgepeth.
How to Get involved
Pickerington Central High School works with more than 200 volunteers, proving there is space for everyone. Get involved with the arts or athletics, an initiative or response team. Any position you can imagine, there is an opportunity.
Interested volunteers must fill out an application beforehand. Student safety is of paramount importance, and the schools are vigilant about making sure each person stepping through the door is meant to be there. You can find the volunteer form online at www.pickerington. k12.oh.us, along with the latest information on COVID-19 concerns and how it’s impacting the schools.
As the old adage goes: it takes a village to raise a child. Join the village.
Sarah Robinson is a contributing writer. Feedback welcome at feedback@ cityscenemediagroup.com
The Gift That Gives Back A peek into studies on the health benefits of volunteering Looking at a number of health studies, here are some of the selfreported benefits of volunteering: • Greater satisfaction with life • Increased happiness • Lower levels of depression • Reduced stress • Greater sense of value and purpose • Increased self esteem Many studies also conclude that these factors, especially reduced stress levels, lead to greater overall health and potentially longer lives. So, next time you see an opportunity to get involved, it may just add to your lifespan!
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