2 minute read
Common Questions the Road Department Encounters
Greg Butcher, PE, Violet Township Engineer
The Violet Township Road Department is asked many questions over the course of a day, week or month. I am taking this opportunity to address some of the most common or frequently asked questions.
How do I know when road work is being performed on my street or close to my neighborhood?
When major road work (i.e., paving, culvert replacement) is planned and expected to result in road closures or significant traffic delays, Violet Township posts information on its website, www.violet.oh.us. The township also posts information regarding major road work by other agencies as we are notified. First responders and emergency services are kept informed of the roads impacted by road work.
How many miles of roadway does Violet Township maintain?
Violet Township maintains 105 center line miles of roadways. Keep in mind, each of these miles has at least two lanes, and some have three or more.
Can stop signs be installed for speed control in residential neighborhoods?
The Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) states, “Stop signs should not be used for speed control.” Research has verified multi-way stops do not control or reduce speeds on residential streets. Additionally, the research found stop compliance is poor at multi-way stop signs, and unwarranted multi-way stops increase speed some distance from intersections.
When I approach an intersection with traffic signals that are not working because of a power failure, what am I supposed to do?
In Ohio, motorists approaching a malfunctioning traffic signal will follow the rules for a four-way stop sign.
I sometimes see motorists passing a school bus that is stopped on a four-lane road. Is this legal?
In Ohio, motorists approaching a stopped school bus from the opposite direction on a roadway divided into four or more lanes are not required to stop. The bus operator is prohibited from discharging children who would have to cross a four-lane road.
My road doesn’t seem to be cleared of snow like other roads in my area. Why?
Violet Township clears all roads under its jurisdiction. Violet Township performs snow and ice removal on major roads – those that connect with county- or state-maintained roads – first. After major roads are cleared, snow and ice removal operations move to subdivisions.
Does Violet Township remove dead animals?
Violet Township will remove animals that have been killed by passing vehicles and are in the Violet Township public right-ofway. Dead pets or vermin on private property are the responsibility of the property owner.
Do I need a permit to work with the Violet Township public road right-of-way?
Yes, under most circumstances, a permit to work with the Violet Township right-of-way is required. The permit application can be found on the Township website, www.violet.oh.us.
Where are my downspouts located and where do they discharge or outlet?
Downspouts typically are directed to the street. In a curband-gutter subdivision, they are generally placed in an opening through the curb. In an open ditch subdivision, downspouts normally empty into the road ditch. If a ditch has filled in with grass clippings, silt, etc. over the years, the downspout may become buried, restricting the flow and potentially causing water to back up toward and sometimes into the house.